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The Thabberwucky

Page 3

by Manny Xavier

the Thabberwucky on his own ever since. But today, Billy was back in town to see his grandmother. And Max could not wait to see him again.

  Max made his way down Dorsett Street. It was three blocks to Buckner Avenue and then one left turn to head one block to Falsetto Court – Billy’s grandmother lived on Falsetto. Max was glad that Billy was staying there for his weekend visit. Billy’s Aunt’s house was on the other side of town. If Billy had been sent there Max would not have been able to see him.

  The problem was that Max’s parents were not at all keen on the idea of Max seeing Billy again. They blamed Billy for putting the whole Thabberwucky thing in Max’s head. And of course, they could not believe in the Thabberwucky.

  Now that Max understood that it made it easier to deal with no one else being able to help him. That is no one else – but Billy. And Max was very excited to see Billy. Especially since Billy had indicated in the phone call announcing he would be coming back to town that he had found something remarkable, a way to defeat the Thabberwucky, forever.

  Max made the last turn onto Falsetto Court. He could see the house now. 1132 Falsetto Court. It was an older home but well maintained. Billy’s grandmother always had the prettiest garden. It was all in hibernation now – but Max could see the roses and petunias in his mind – all the pinks, reds and violets all aglow in the sun, He imagined the sweet smell that they had in the summer. And as Max made his way to the front door, the thought of seeing Billy again filled him with great joy.

  Max rang the bell. Waited a few seconds, and then rang it again. He was anxious and could not wait. He heard footsteps coming toward the door in a hurry. That must be Billy he thought with excitement. The door flew open and a familiar smiling face filled the doorway.

  “MAX!” Billy shouted. “I can’t believe it’s you!”

  “Billy, it is good to see your face again,” Max, replied with joy. “How have you been? What’s new? How’s the new school? And how are you?”

  Billy paused a moment. He knew what Max meant but was not ready to deal with the burden of it right away. He wanted to enjoy just being friends again. Like it used to be before the Thabberwucky had ever entered their lives.

  Max realized why Billy was silent. He changed the conversation. “Hey, Billy! Let’s go throw some football outside!”

  Billy responded by throwing on his boots, coat and scarf and heading for the door.

  “Not too long, William,” his grandmother yelled from the kitchen. “It is awfully cold out there. And lunch will be ready in about two hours.”

  “Yes Gran-gran,” Billy replied. “We won’t stay out long. I promise.”

  With that Billy and Max made their way out the door and up to the north end of Dorsett Street to McKenzie Park. It was their favorite hangout. Open fields with little or no trees. It was a great place to play ball and just enjoy being outside. It was even large enough to fly a kite, though you had to be mindful of the electrical wires bordering the roadway.

  Billy and Max spent nearly an hour throwing the football without ever saying a word. They did not need to talk. Each enjoyed the other’s company.

  As they did so, Max began to feel as if it were just like in the old days. As he allowed himself to do so, he noticed a large shadow of a tree stretching from the road toward their direction. It brought Max’s thoughts back to an inevitable issue. The Thabberwucky was still a reality. Max decided he would wait for Billy to bring it up first, no matter how long it took.

  After the hour had passed, Billy and Max made there way back to Billy’s grandmother’s house. They still had not said a word about the Thabberwucky. Billy had described his new school and home. He had said what he liked, disliked and could do without, like all the “head doctor appointments.” But he did not mention the Thabberwucky even once. That is, until they were almost to his grandmother’s home.

  “So you must be busting to ask me what I meant on the phone?” Billy inquired.

  “On the phone?” Max asked innocently. “About what?”

  “Okay, okay” Billy responded. “I said I had a foolproof method for defeating you know who. I know you remember hearing that!”

  “Yeah” Max stated. “I am busting to hear about how it can be done. But I didn’t want you to think that is the only reason I came to see you. I really have missed you and I wanted to spend time together, you know the way it used to be?”

  “Yeah, me too” Billy agreed. “And I think I have just the thing for getting us back there. It will take some planning, and some luck, but I think we can get him out of our lives forever.”

  “What do you mean, Billy?” asked Max. “ I mean, how do we defeat something that no else believes exist? Or that we can't catch, and if we could catch him, that we couldn't kill?”

  “Oh, we can catch him alright” Billy replied with a devilish smile. “We can catch him and we can destroy him too. I got some information from someone that my parents sent me to see for help. They wanted him to cure my mind. But they finally sent me to someone who knew what I was actually dealing with. And he knew because he faced one of his own when he was a kid. And you know what?”

  “What?” Max asked excitedly.

  “He caught it and he killed it” Billy replied nodding approvingly. “And he told me how he did it-so that I can do it myself. And he is even willing to help. But I need you to do so something for me, and it won’t be easy. Think you're up for it?”

  “Up for what?” Max asked with exuberance.

  “I need you to spend the night with me at my Gran-gran’s” Billy stated. “I know that you parents won’t be cool with it, but I’ve got a friend that can help with that. Think you can handle it? Catching and killing the Thabberwucky?”

  Max thought about the last year and how he had faced the lack of sleep, the feeling of being stuck in a prison that no one else can see, and no one could sympathize with. He remembered the torment Billy had faced. He remembered the terror that the Thabberwucky made him feel every day and night. And then Max remembered something else. He remembered that all of it made him made him very mad. Mad enough to face the demon head on, and with Billy by his side, it would not matter if he lost.

  “Count me in!” Max stated emphatically.

  “Great!” Billy replied. “We got a lot of work to do. But first let’s get some lunch. My Gran-gran is making pot pies for us and I’m starving!”

  “Lead the way,” Max stated and they both bolted for his grandmother’s front door.

  As the boys entered a most wonderful smell filled their noses. Max knew it immediately – POT PIE! He loved potpie and even more so on cold days like this. His mother made it every now and then, but he remembered that Billy’s grandmother made some of the best he had ever tasted. Both Billy and Max peeled off their coats, hats and boots with haste. Neither wanted to be the last to the table.

  Billy’s grandmother had already set the table. Plates with forks on the side were in place. Napkins had been neatly folded and placed next to each plate. The potpies were not on the table yet. Max knew how Billy’s grandmother liked to make an entrance once everyone was at the table.

  “Wash your hands before sitting at the table boys,” Billy’s grandmother ordered.

  This sent both of them racing to the washroom. They pushed and prodded each trying to be the first to get done. Finally, yielding as each took an end of the towel on the rack to dry their hands. Then with a burst of speed each raced to the kitchen, pausing at the door to walk into the kitchen, so as not to get scolded for running through the house.

  As they sat down, Max’s stomach began to growl. He could not wait to taste that heavenly mixture of chicken, gravy and warm vegetables. Sharing a day with Billy had been awesome in itself, but to share this, it was just like old times!.

  Billy’s grandmother entered with the potpies on a big tray. The steam was still rolling off them as she entered. She held the tray low so it passed at thei
r nose levels. Max knew this was for pure effect. His mouth watered as he looked upon the golden crust and the wonderful aroma passed into his nostrils. POT PIE- Max thought again, oh boy!

  Billy was as excited as Max. The day had meant a lot to him too. “Thanks Gran-gran” Billy said. “This is the best.”

  “Your both welcome” Gran-gran responded. “Now be careful! They are still hot. And don’t forget to say grace first.”

  “Yes, Ma’am” Billy and Max stated in unison.

  The lunch was delicious. Both Billy and Max ate every last crumb. When Gran-gran wasn’t looking they even licked the pie pans clean. It really was like old times all over again. For a moment both of them forgot all about the past year. Until Gran-gran reminded Billy that a visitor was coming this afternoon.

  “Billy, make sure to clean up after your through, dear” Gran-gran said. “Dr. Porter will be coming over at 3 O’clock today.”

  Billy paused for a moment, with a joyful look on his face, and then said, “Yes, Gran-gran. I will.”

  Billy then nodded toward his room and motioned for Max to follow. Max knew that no words were necessary. Billy had something to tell him and he need to talk to him right away.

  Billy and Max set their plates in the sink and headed up to Billy’s room. Max was amazed to see that it had not changed at all. His Gran-gran had left everything in place just the way it was

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