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Love Refined: An Unexpected Series Christmas Short (The Unexpected Series)

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by S. E. Roberts

  Love Refined

  An Unexpected Series Christmas Short

  S.E. Roberts

  Love Refined

  An Unexpected Series Christmas Short

  Copyright © 2020 by S.E. Roberts

  All rights reserved.

  Cover by: Elisa Leigh at Forever Love Covers and Design

  Formatted by: Jessica Ames

  Edited by: Kim Deister at The Story Tender

  Edited by: Trenda London at It’s Your Story Content Editing

  Proofread by: Marla Esposito at Proofing with Style

  This is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Other names, characters, places and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblances to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except for the brief quotations in a book review.

  Dedicated to all my amazing Rockin’ Romancers. I couldn’t do any of this without your love and support!



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Did you enjoy Love Refined?

  Also by S.E. Roberts

  About the Author


  There are certain things in life that are easily forgiven. You know, things like, buying the same cashmere sweater as your best friend in high school or crushing on the same guy as said best friend. But then there are things in life people do that they shouldn’t expect mercy for. I, Monica Phearson, did one of those things. Although, to say I regret it completely would be saying I regret the best thing in my life, my daughter, but I hate myself for hurting one of the best guys I’ve ever known.

  He gave me the world, but after only a year of being together I got scared and confused and instead of confronting him, I was a coward. Not only did I hurt Ryke by cheating on him, but also his now fiancée, Claire. Trevor, Claire’s ex-husband and also the father of my child, is now sitting behind bars after nearly killing her.

  No, I didn’t realize how dangerous the man was while I was with him, but I still feel like it was my fault. I’ve apologized profusely to both of them and they have both been gracious in hearing me out, but there’s no way I could ever forgive myself. Sure, I’ve slept with several men, but I’ll never let myself get close to any of them again.

  I walk into the old brick building where I’ve been coming every Wednesday for the last three months. My therapist, Heidi, recommended this group and I honestly started coming just to get her off my back. For one, I hate talking to complete strangers about my problems, but also my mom complains every time I ask her to help with Kayla. I know I’ve screwed up a lot in life, but I don’t feel that my daughter should suffer because of my mistakes.

  Once I’m in the dark, wood-paneled room, I search for the first available seat. I’m running late tonight so, of course, the only open chair is next to Oliver, a sexy British guy, not too much older than me. His muscular arms, handsome face, and dark hair make him every twenty-something girl’s wet dream. We’ve only said “hi” in passing, but he seems nice enough. When I first started, he didn’t talk much during our sessions, but last month we learned that he just got out of a messy divorce. Thankfully there weren’t any children involved, but they had been together for six years, married three. Tonight, he’s in dark, worn, fitted jeans and a long-sleeved light blue shirt. He looks ridiculously sexy to be coming to a group counseling session. Sitting next to me in my black yoga pants and a shirt that reads But First Coffee, he looks like a god.

  I make my way to my seat and quickly check my phone to make sure it’s on silent. Then I swipe some lip balm on my lips before shoving my purse under the chair.

  Once I’m staring straight ahead at our leader, Camille, I notice out of the corner of my eye that Oliver has his head turned, looking at me. If he’s trying to not be obvious, he’s doing a piss-poor job of it.

  I slowly turn toward him.

  “Hi, Oliver,” is all I say, sounding like a complete idiot.

  “Hey, Monica. How are you tonight?” he asks in his sinfully delicious British accent.

  “Fine.” I slowly turn back toward the center of the circle where Camille is trying to get everyone’s attention.

  I feel Oliver nudge my shoulder. “You don’t look fine.” When I look at him again, he’s wearing a smirk on his face that has my panties nearly melting inside my yoga pants. Keep it together, Monica. This is not happening.

  I sigh. “You’re right. I really don’t want to be here tonight. I want to go home and watch Grey’s Anatomy and eat mint chip ice cream, but my therapist would have a fit if she found out I bailed.”

  In the next second, he’s out of his seat, making his way toward Camille. What the hell is he doing? He bends down to her level and whispers something into her ear. She looks over at me with concern on her face. I have no freaking clue what he just said to her.

  He stands back up and then walks toward me and reaches his hand out to me.

  “Um … what?” I ask. Again, feeling like a moron because I don’t know how to act around this guy. It’s odd because this is the most interaction we’ve ever had. Now he’s acting like we’re old pals.

  “I need to get you home so you can rest, love.” He winks at me and once again I have to will myself to calm down because this guy has me close to coming undone, around a bunch of strangers.

  I mindlessly reach out for his hand and let him lift me from my seat. I quietly follow him out of the building, giving Camille a small smile and wave as we leave.

  “Did you just lie to get me out of group tonight?” I ask with a chuckle once we reach the parking lot.

  “You looked like you didn’t feel well.” He smiles at me.

  Oliver ended up inviting me to a coffeehouse down the street from the counseling center. It quickly became our routine over the next few weeks after our group sessions. I got to where I was finally able to open up about what I had done to Ryke. I was scared to reveal the truth about myself, especially in front of him, but he needed to know what I was capable of if he was going to spend more time with me.

  I tried to push him away several times, but he wasn’t having it. He told me that he knew I was sorry for what I had done and that I didn’t deserve to be unhappy for the rest of my life because of one mistake. I didn’t agree, but I desperately wanted to see what could happen with us.


  “Babe, are you sure your parents are all right with me and Kayla tagging along?” I take a deep breath and then turn toward my handsome boyfriend. Although, it’s too late now to second-guess my decision to come to London with him because our plane just landed at Heathrow, my sleeping daughter sitting between Oliver and I. Seeing him with Kayla always makes my heart melt.

  “Yes, love. They are going to adore you both.” He leans over Kayla and pecks me on the lips. I’m not sure how I got so lucky to have someone like him in my life. It’s hard to believe that we’ve been together for almost a year. I never thought it would be possible to find love, especially from someone as amazing as Oliver Donovan.

  “Okay.” I turn to look out the window. “I just don’t want them to feel like I’m trying to steal their baby. I definitely don’t want to come between a momma and her little cub.”

  Oliver c
huckles. “Mum is protective of her,” he does air quotes, “‘cub’, but I promise, she’ll love you.”

  The flight attendant announces that we can unbuckle our seatbelts, so everyone around us hurriedly stands from their seats and reaches for their suitcases above their heads. I know we’ll most likely be stuck here for a while, so I stay seated next to my sleeping baby. But the longer I sit here, the more I think about how nervous I am about meeting Oliver’s family. I feel fidgety, not able to sit still in my seat. For the last hour, I’ve been picking at nonexistent fuzz on my sweater. I’m sure I’m close to wearing a hole into it. If they don’t like us, will that be the end of me and Oliver? I know it’s silly, but I also know how wealthy his family is. He doesn’t act like he comes from money, but his dad is the owner of six different hotels in the UK. I’ve asked Oliver why he chose not to join the family business and from what he’s told me, he just didn’t want to be a part of old money. I can definitely respect that. He wanted to earn his own way through life, not rely on his father’s name.

  Finally, after what feels like hours, the three of us are able to exit the plane. Oliver effortlessly lifts a still sleeping Kayla from her seat and then pulls one of our suitcases down from above his head. I try to calm the inappropriate thoughts that rapidly come to mind whenever he helps with my daughter.

  I double-check to make sure we didn’t leave anything behind because, after the long as hell flight, it would be easy to forget something.

  We patiently wait at baggage claim for the rest of our luggage. We’ll be in London through New Year’s, so I wanted to make sure Kayla had plenty of things for our stay. Oliver made fun of me saying that his parents own a washer and dryer, but I never go anywhere without being over prepared.

  Oliver spots our suitcases. “Here, I’ll take her.” I grab Kayla out of his arms and he takes my lips in his. I love that he doesn’t mind showing affection when we’re out. He’s always either kissing me, holding my hand, or swatting my ass. Yes, Oliver Donovan is a complete gentleman, but he’s still a man.

  He hands me my suitcase and then takes Kayla back into his arms. I know that to any stranger it would look like he’s her father because of the way he acts with her. She’s asked me a couple times if she can call him “Daddy” and I’ve told her we would have to ask him about that. I, of course, never have because I don’t want him to feel uncomfortable or obligated if that’s not what he wants. I don’t ever want him to feel like I’m only keeping him around to help with my daughter. That’s the furthest thing from the truth.

  It’s only about ten degrees cooler here today than it is back home, but over the next few days we’re supposed to see snow. I’m in jeans and a form-fitting sweater, but I have Kayla bundled in her little down coat. Which she will most likely never wear again after this trip. Yes, I was born and raised in the desert, but I still get hot all the time. Therefore, I don’t overdress my child in the winter, unlike other parents in Arizona.

  We walk outside to meet his father’s driver who is standing by the door of a limo. I feel like someone has punched me in the stomach. I know I sound dramatic, but this is a harsh reminder that our worlds are completely and utterly different. Where I’m constantly scraping the bottom of the barrel to get by each month, Oliver has never gone without anything. Not only is his family well-off, but being the owner of a high-end construction company in Phoenix has left him wanting for nothing. He started the company with the help of his ex-father-in-law, but when his divorce was finalized, it was signed completely over to him.

  Oliver embraces the man in a half hug, careful not to smash my daughter.

  “Did you all have a good trip?” the man asks us. He appears to be in his fifties and is a few inches shorter than Oliver but built solid as a rock like him.

  I’m unsure what to say, so I answer with only a nod. I hope I’m not coming across as being rude, but I don’t know how to address people of such high stature.

  He answers for both of us. “Yeah, we did. How are you, Edward?” Oliver smiles wide at the man and then turns toward me. “Monica, this is Edward Carlton. One of my oldest mates.” He pulls me closer to where they’re standing, “Edward, this is my girlfriend, Monica, and this here,” he rubs Kayla’s back, “is her beautiful daughter Kayla.”

  He grabs my hand with both of his strong ones. “It’s a pleasure, Ms. Monica.” I give him a big smile this time.

  We all file into the limo after Oliver and his friend put our suitcases in the trunk.

  “Where to? Your mother is having dinner tonight, but did you need to run by the penthouse first?” Edward asks as he pulls away from the airport. What the hell? Penthouse? Oliver never mentioned anything about a penthouse. Did he live there with his ex-wife?

  “I wasn’t sure if Freya would be out of the penthouse yet, but if she is, we’ll go there.”

  “Yeah, she’s living with her new boyfriend.” Edward raises his eyebrows at Oliver through the rearview mirror.

  He groans beside me but doesn’t say anything in response.

  “If you don’t mind, we’ll drop our bags off there and maybe rest a bit before heading over to see my parents and sisters. I think Monica will want some down time before being bombarded by all the women in my family.”

  Once again, I start breaking out in a sweat, this time all over. My head is pounding, a sure sign that I’m stressed out. I rub at my temples, trying to ease the pain, but it isn’t helping. Yes, I’m a nervous wreck about meeting all of his family this evening, but more so, I’m worried about what they’ll think of me. What am I supposed to tell them when they ask me what I do for a living? Does Oliver want me to lie? Because surely, he wouldn’t want his wealthy family knowing that his girlfriend works as a waitress at a little rundown diner barely making minimum wage. What did they think of me when he told them that I have a child? Not that I’m ashamed of my daughter, because I’m not, but will they think even less of me because of that small detail? Oliver is unaware of the panic attack I’m having in the seat beside him.

  Kayla’s head rests on my lap and I mindlessly play with her blonde curls. Feeling my daughter’s nearness temporarily settles my nerves. As Oliver and Edward catch up, I take in the view around me. I did my internship here before I had Kayla. This is where Ryke caught me cheating on him. At first, I was worried about coming back, not wanting to dredge up my past again, but I want to make new memories here.

  Several black cabs pass us on the busy street, along with the occasional giant red bus. I became very familiar with the transportation system while I was here six years ago. It’s hard to believe it’s already been that long. The insane Phoenix traffic is nothing compared to the chaos going on around us.

  A few minutes later we are pulling into a lengthy wrap around driveway that leads to a tall building. From here, I couldn’t even tell you how many apartments it holds. I would guess there are twenty floors, but the structure is so high up that, from the limo, I’m unable to see how far into the sky it goes.

  Oliver thanks Edward and then turns toward me.

  “Ready?” I’m sure he can tell I’m freaking out right now, but he isn’t saying anything about it yet.

  In the past, we have discussed the fact that his family comes from money and he’s never acted like it bothers him, but will he realize how different I am from them after we spend the next couple weeks here?


  We step off the elevator, which immediately leads to the penthouse’s main entrance. I was wrong. This massive building actually houses twenty-nine floors of apartments. My very wealthy boyfriend’s suite is the largest at the top.

  Kayla stirs in Oliver’s arms. He kisses the top of her head and starts to strip her out of her heavy coat.

  I’m busy looking around the incredible apartment, painted in neutral tones, and almost forget that I need to tend to my daughter.

  “Here, I’ll take care of her.”

  “I’ll get her. Why don’t you take a look around?” As much as I want to, I
have to ask the question I’m pretty sure I already know the answer to.

  I slowly turn back toward him, “Oliver, is this yours?” I ask on a whisper. I know he can hear the uncertainty in my voice.

  “Yes, love, it is.”

  I immediately feel my anger bubble to the surface.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you still owned an apartment? No, I’m sorry. Why didn’t you tell me that you still owned a freaking mansion here?” I wave my arm in the air. “Are you planning to move back?” I know that right now I’m acting extremely childish, but the thought of him ever leaving me and Kayla makes me sick to my stomach.

  He lays Kayla down on the leather couch. I have to say the man has good taste, assuming he had something to do with the interior of the place. He walks toward me, taking purposeful steps. He looks like he wants to devour me whole. If I weren’t so worked up right now, I’d probably let him.

  He finally reaches me and grabs my face in his hands. “I am not planning on moving back to London. If the opportunity ever arose, I’d make sure that you and Kayla could come with me first. I know that your life is in Phoenix and would never take that decision lightly.” I give him a weak smile. “I inherited this place from my grandfather, but Kendra didn’t want to live here. My sister Freya has been living here for the last couple years. Her and Mum must have decorated it for us.” I hadn’t missed the gorgeous tree covered in snowflake ornaments, the strands of lights that surrounded the fireplace, or the stockings hanging from the mantel.

  “Momma?” I turn at the sound of my sweet girl’s voice. Her pigtails laying lopsided on her head.


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