Blood Moon

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Blood Moon Page 12

by McKayla Schutt

  “Oh, I like this idea.” Maria pitched in. “You look good bald, but some hair might help attract the right girl.” Maria bit into her food. Derrick eyed his friend, Aiden’s mouth gaped open for a second before he snapped it shut.

  “If you shave it before you imprint, you’ll have to buy all these weekly dinners for a month.”

  “Sounds steep.” He paused and scratched under his chin. “What do I get?”

  “What do you want?”

  “I want free dinners then.” Aiden folded his arms in front of his chest.

  “Free? Well I think it’s fair.” Alia rose and eyebrow and met Maria’s gaze who nodded quickly.

  “Fine. Deal.” Aiden shook Alia’s hand and Olsen gripped the table for a second before relaxing.

  “Wonderful.” Alia clapped her hands together and rubbed Olsen’s arm. Derrick wondered if Aiden would last more than a month with how fast wolves grow hair. From a young age, Aiden had been the only bald kid and werewolf he knew. This should be interesting.

  “All right, I realize we aren’t allowed to be talking about pack stuff, but Alia you mentioned someone will be coming next month. Who is it again?” Maria took a bite of her pizza.

  “Not sure yet, but it’s like an ambassador. They will come to make sure we are participating during the Summer Solstice ritual and let us copy one of their spell books so we have some background.”

  “Remind me of it again? My damn pregnancy brain is getting the best of me.” Only yesterday Maria had said she was searching for her phone and it happened to be in her back pocket the whole time.

  “It’s all good.” Alia laughed. “Summer Solstice is a night where our magic is strongest. Years and years ago, witches made a pact to keep magical beings hidden if they protected us from the slaughter. Dragons made a pact with witches for protection. We chant for a few hours during the night and they are able to fly around without anyone noticing, unless you have powers yourself. I’ve heard rumors of dragons not shifting on this night and they ended up destroying their houses. The dragons are too strong to be kept inside a human for too long.”

  “Is it a draining event?” Maria grabbed another slice of pizza.

  “No. But I do remember seeing a dragon fly over Chicago during the chant. Aunt Jina needed to get a few things and we were caught in the storm that hit. We did our chant and not even an hour later a huge dragon flew over the city.”

  “Damn. It would be cool to meet a dragon.” Maria smiled. Derrick growled at the idea of a dragon being close to his mate.

  “What’s wrong, Derrick?” Maria asked with one of her eyebrows raised.

  “We will not be meeting any dragons. They can be very temperamental.”

  “Like werewolves don’t have a temper at all.” Maria smirked.

  “Derrick, you’re in the clear unless you go to Canada. Most of them are going extinct in this half of the world. I don’t know about the other side though.” Alia turned to her mate and rubbed his leg.

  “Who’s ready for a game?” Aiden asked.

  “I need more water.” Maria slid out of her chair and into the kitchen. Her breathing turned into pants after a second making him worry.

  “Maria?” Derrick marched up behind her. His mate leaned against the fridge with her face against her arms.

  “Can you rub my back?” she asked through gritted teeth. His fingers glided over her lower back hitting her favorite spots. Her breathing stabilized for a second then she cried in pain. Derrick’s hands stopped moving on her back. Fuck did I push too hard.

  An odd scent hit his nose and he scanned the floor to see a small puddle. Derrick looked at his mate again wondering if the fridge had sprung a leak, then another scream left her lips.

  “Fuck, that hurts!” Maria screamed.

  “Your water broke honey.” Alia ran to her side. Water broke? The words clicked as Derrick realized his little mate was in labor.


  OH, THAT ONE FUCKING hurt! Maria ground her teeth as Derrick picked her up and carried her into the bathroom. She had been planning for this kid for months. Everything came down to her shifting in time in the bath tub. Alia ran behind Derrick timing the contractions. Olsen and Aiden thankfully stayed downstairs to calm Aura who woke up when Maria started screaming.

  Another wave of pain filled Maria’s abdomen, her muscles tightened and she gasped for breath. She was so glad Derrick had changed her into a werewolf because she didn’t want to die during child birth.

  “Breathe babe. You can do this.” Derrick kissed her head. There was a sound of running water and Derrick set Maria down on the bed before he helped her get undressed.

  “Before you shift, I need to check to make sure you aren't too far along.” Alia moved between Maria’s legs with determination. Derrick focused on Maria, he whispered sweet words to her. Their son kicked at her side making her wince.

  “You’re good but you need to do it now because I can touch his head.” Alia ran to the bathroom and washed her hands again.

  “Call my mother,” Maria said between contractions. Derrick nodded and grabbed his phone. Maria rolled to her side and focused on letting her werewolf out.

  “Aiden is going to get her right now.” Derrick rubbed her back. Maria inhaled deeply and fur covered her body. Another contraction hit before she fully shifted and she went back into her human form. Maria screamed in pain.

  “They are getting closer together,” Alia slid to Derrick’s side and kneeled next to her. “Maria, if you don’t shift before the next contraction you won’t be able to.” Alia pushed Maria’s hair back.

  “Ok.” Maria couldn’t afford to deliver her son in her human form. Alia’s story about delivering scared the hell out of Maria. She gritted her teeth and focused on her wolf again.

  “A minute and a half.” Alia warned. Maria closed her eyes and thought about her happy place where she held her son and the pain in her body wasn’t there. A wave of heat covered her flesh followed by the fur. Her bones moved in place. Maria opened her eyes, her wolf howled in pain. I did it.

  With a sigh of relief Derrick kissed her snout. Waves of pain filled her abdomen and back as another contraction hit. Each one stronger and longer than the one before. She wondered if her body could really deliver the little one.

  “Do you want the tub still?” Derrick asked. Maria whimpered as the contraction eased. She shook her head. Her whole body ached and nothing brought her peace to help ease the tension. Wave after wave of contractions had her panting.

  “Where is she?” Maria heard her mother ask. A few seconds later the door opened and closed. Elene ran to Maria’s side and pulled her into a short hug. A few weeks ago, when Maria shifted in front of her mother, she had been speechless but now her mother seemed at peace.

  “I’m here sweetie.” Elene kissed her and turned to Alia. “How far apart?”

  “A minute, give or take. Once she shifted they slowed, but they are picking up again.” Alia grabbed a few more towels from the bathroom.

  “It’s almost over.” Elene smiled. “Derrick, do you have scissors for the cord? Or a knife?”

  “I will go grab a pair.” Derrick left the room and quickly returned. Maria closed her eyes as everyone stirred around the room.

  Pain. All Maria thought about was the pain and she wished it would all end.

  “It’s time to push honey.” Elene rubbed Maria’s side and she listened to her mother. Derrick grabbed her paw.

  “You can do this. I love you so much,” Derrick said. Maria licked his face and started to push.

  She didn’t think the ache could have been worse and yet the pain grew stronger. A howl sounded in the room. Maria didn’t realize she made the sound for a moment. Two things happened in quick succession; Maria wasn’t sure which happened first. A small cry sounded and agony ended.

  Elene handed Derrick a bundle of towels wrapped around their little boy. Her mother’s voice whispered to her son and the urge to hold her little one consumed her thoughts.r />
  “Maria, I know you want to hold your little guy but I need you to wait to shift.” Alia’s stern voice met Maria’s ears making her whimper in displeasure.

  “Is something wrong?” Elene asked.

  “We were lucky, the baby didn’t shift so there is less for her to heal. Her wolf side can handle the damage but if she shifts to her human form before she’s ready, she might rip open the wounds more.” Alia placed a hand on Maria’s hip. A small whimper left Maria’s lips.

  “Here is our little man.” Derrick kneeled next to Maria. He pulled back the towel, blue eyes looked right at her. Her son stretched his hands out, his short black hair bunched a bit and cried out. I need to hold him. I need to comfort him. Her eyes moved down to Alia still cleaning up.

  “Almost honey. The bleeding has slowed a lot. Just give it another minute,” Alia pleaded with her. Every fiber wanted to shift and grab her baby. She closed her eyes and started counting to sixty. Her son’s cries grew louder.

  “It’s ok, mommy is just healing up then she is all yours little man.” Derrick kissed his son.

  “Honey, you are doing well.” Elene kissed Maria’s head. Sixty. Maria opened her eyes and hoped she could finally hold her little boy.

  “Elene, would you like to hold your grandson?”

  “With pleasure.” Elene took him.

  “You can shift, but take it easy. Derrick will move you to the other side while I clean up here,” Alia said. Maria focused on shifting. Her hair receded and the heat left her body. She still rested on her side, completely naked and uncomfortable. Her body ached like a truck had hit her. Derrick lifted her with ease.

  “I have you.” The heat from Derrick slowed Maria’s shivers. Alia whispered a few things and a new blanket covered the bed. Derrick gently placed her on the bed and kissed her. Elene placed the little boy in Maria’s arms. Everything settled into place with her little one in her arms.

  “Welcome to the world, Baven.” Maria whispered as she kissed the top of Baven’s head.

  “Beautiful name.” Elene smiled. Maria scanned the room. She had everything she needed. A strong mate beside her, a mother who cared for her, a friend to talk to and an adorable baby in her arms.

  “I love you.” Maria looked up at her mate.

  “I love you both.”

  Her world had changed so much and she had a new adventure every day with her mate. Life was perfect with Derrick and Baven near. All of the witchy stuff would be resolved and whatever came after, she and Derrick would figure it out.

  Extras from Summer Solstice



  WITCHY BALLS, I CAN’T keep my mouth shut sometimes!

  “What did you say?” Magnis leaned toward Carmen with a raised brow. Carmen swallowed hard trying to keep her composure. The menacing alpha dragon wasn’t someone you messed with and hearing his name a moment ago made Carmen second guess every word.

  “I said you can take your comment and shove it up your ass. I’m not a slut like some of the other witches.” Carmen still remembered the last girl talking about her ‘adventures’ with the alpha. Gag me please, I have way more respect for myself than to be some alpha’s whore for a week.

  “You’re a bit of a wild fire, aren’t you?” His green eyes sparkled with delight. His long blond hair waved in the wind, which might have made him attractive to others but not Carmen.

  “Yeah, and I’m not some piece of ass you can pick up on your way to see the elders.” Carmen balled up her hands to keep herself from using magic on the alpha dragon. He had the physical edge on her but wouldn't if she started using magic on him.

  “Maybe I’ll have to congratulate the elders on their member’s fire and determination to show up the alpha dragon.”

  “You do that. The witches aren’t a fan of you using the young females as your personal whore house.” Carmen ground her teeth together.

  “Not a whore house miss. Just a lovely group of willing females. You could always try a round.” He winked, making Carmen’s skin crawl.

  “I’d rather set fire to your flesh than sleep with you.” Carmen glared at him. In a flash Magnis wrapped his hand around Carmen’s throat making her gasp. His eyes flashed to a deep red.

  “Try it little witch and you might not live to see tomorrow.” He growled around his growing teeth. Oh, hell fire!

  I REALLY HATE BEING stuck in this coven. I wish I had a freakin’ way out.

  Carmen pulled at her white shirt and then her black robe, her nerves completely shot as she crossed the threshold. The fear of being in trouble for back chatting the dragon, made her hands tremble as she looked around the room. Almost every witch wore the same attire, white shirt, black slacks, and their black robe. Traditions stood above anything else. Maybe the meeting has nothing to do with me, we do have the Summer Solstice coming up. Her inner voice tried to be reasonable, but Carmen couldn't stop her hands from moving. Her mother, Kira, placed her hand on Carmen's shoulder.

  "Stop fidgeting, you don't need to worry," Kira whispered in Carmen's ear.

  "Are you a hundred percent certain? The last time you were wrong Kerine took my magic away for a week." Carmen rubbed her arm where they injected the potion to make her magical abilities vanish for weeks at a time. The last incident was a complete misunderstanding, but the elders still blamed her for it. You're the freakin’ scape goat, just get used to it. Carmen snarled at the thought before she managed to stop herself. Her mother gave her a look of worry but Carmen shook her head.

  "If everyone could please take a seat. Today's meeting is about the new coven forming a few miles south of us. The UCA wants us to keep an eye on them to make sure they will be participating in the Summer Solstice ritual." Angel’s voice boomed through the hall. The older witch had more patience than Kerine by miles. Angel’s blue eyes were slightly hazy with age and her curly locks completely white.

  "They're witches. Why wouldn't they do it?" The notion that a coven wouldn't participate in one of the two mandatory annual rituals baffled Carmen.

  "I heard a rumor one didn't even know she was a witch until late last year." Kira shook her long blonde hair. They moved to a bench toward the back as most of the ones up front were taken or being held for the elders.

  "That's crazy." Carmen wondered what her life would be like if she hadn’t been born into this coven, if she hadn't known she had magical abilities. The idea both scared and excited her. Carmen was only twenty six but was already a very talented witch. Her mother brushed Carmen's blonde hair to the side. For the longest time, Kira vocalized her hatred for her daughter's choice in hair style. A woman should have long, soft hair especially in case it was needed for a spell. Only then did you cut it, but never as short as Carmen's pixie cut. She kept her bangs a bit longer than a regular pixie cut but Carmen liked it that way.

  "Let's begin everyone." Elder Angel waved her hand toward the door and it shut with a bang. Carmen picked at the hem of her shirt again but it brought her no comfort. The locked doors brought back bad memories.

  "I first want to apologize for the short notice of this meeting." Angel cleared her throat and scanned the room. At six foot, she was the tallest member of the coven. "Elder Kerine and I have been talking about the upcoming Summer Solstice. We want to make sure the new coven which has formed a few hours away is doing their duty to the UCA."

  Carmen trembled at the mention of the United Coven Alliance. They were in charge of every coven residing in the States, including some in Mexico and Canada. There weren't a bunch of rules beside common decency. If a coven started making human sacrifices they stepped in to correct the problem, mostly punishing the ones involved severely.

  "We need an ambassador, so to speak, to make sure they are following the simple rules and follow through with the Summer Solstice ritual." Angel paused like she expected someone to jump up at the opportunity. After a long minute, Elder Kerine stood up, her long grey hair swaying as she moved forward.

  "We need someone imme
diately." Kerine was the elder with a temper and didn't teach young witches any longer. After she had become an elder, she levitated a student in the air for interrupting her. Normally it wouldn't be so bad but the little girl had hung upside down above a burning fire pit.

  "I can go." A male near the front stood. She didn't know him because he was new to the coven. He was tall but super skinny, and happened to be very close to Kerine. Carmen wondered if there was a relationship between the two of them.

  "No. Sit down, Walter." Kerine narrowed her dark brown eyes on the male. He quickly sat. The room continued to stay silent and still. Carmen’s hand rose, surprising even herself. Her mother tried to pull her arm down but Kerine's gaze met hers.

  "I will go Elder." Carmen's heart raced in her chest as she stood, making it harder to breathe.

  "Come here, Carmen." Kerine's eyes zoned in on her and she motioned her forward.

  "What are you doing?" Kira hissed and grabbed her hand but she shook her mother off.

  "Don't be mad Mom." Carmen kissed her mother's head then moved toward the elders. The need to get out of this freakin’ coven motivated her to keep moving. Carmen tended to put herself in danger without meaning to. She wanted to prove she had talent like the elders but most of the time she ended up in trouble. Being a talented witch and always putting herself in danger wasn't the smartest thing to do.

  "Pack up and be ready to leave in one hour. Then go to Angel’s house for instructions." Kerine narrowed her eyes on Carmen. "If you mess this up," Kerine leaned closer and hissed into Carmen's ear, "I’ll take your powers away for two months." "Yes Elder." Carmen turned around and walked out of the room. Once she cleared the doors, she stopped and leaned her body against the nearest wall.

  "Holy shit," Carmen whispered. In an hour, she would be walking away from the only place she knew. Maybe the new coven will be a better fit?

  She rubbed her hands over her face and looked around to make sure no one watched her. She needed something new, but she had to go before she completely lost her nerve to leave everything familiar behind.


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