Daoist Identity

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Daoist Identity Page 43

by Livia Kohn

  Daoism, 137–138, 145; in modern

  list of, 188

  cults, 187; offerings in, 279, 281–282,

  Daoxue keyi, 292

  284; and popular religion, 162; and

  Daoxue zhuan, 287

  religious identity, 7; ritual of, 256

  Daozang jiyao, 166, 172–174, 176, 178, 183

  Confucius, 84–87, 91, 130; in Ming

  Daozang xubian, 166

  Daoism, 138; and souls, 69

  Dark Warrior, 188

  consecration, 221–222, 225

  Datang liudian, 235

  conversion, 217

  dates, 287; as offering, 284

  corpse, preparation of, 64–66

  Davis, Edward, 15

  cosmogony, 132–134

  Daxue, 216–217

  cosmology, 17, 60

  Daxue yanyi lunduan, 145

  crucible, 228

  Daxue yi, 145

  Csikszentmihàlyi, Mark, 13–14

  de. See virtue

  Cuanyu lieyu aotuo shenyu, 239

  dead: liberation of, 59; offerings for,

  culture: encounters of, 218; and

  290; rituals for, 58–77, 255–273;

  identity, 6

  tablets for, 156

  death: avoidance of, 74; as punishment,

  Dacheng, 29


  Dadao jia lingjie, 30, 37

  DeGroot, J.J.M., 219

  Dadong zhenjing, 34

  demon soldiers. See guizu

  Dai Zhen, 145

  demons: control of, 247–248; killing of,

  Daizong (Tang emperor), 216–217

  243; offerings for, 276, 282; rites for,

  Daluo tian, 120

  27. See also exorcism



  Deng Yougong, 237

  duck, blood of, 284

  Dengxi, 98

  Duren jing, 267

  descent, of gods, 196

  Duren shangjing dafa, 247–248, 268

  desires, 52, 288

  Dushi lunduan, 145

  destiny: control over, 256; ruler of,

  “Dwelling in the Mountains,” 110–111

  188; of world, 264

  devotion, 288

  “Early Autumn,” 118

  dharani, 228, 231, 239–240. See also

  Earth: Department of, 271; Door of,


  243, 245; god of, 261–262, 265; and

  dharma, 216–217, 223, 225, 231

  hand signs, 252; officials of, 69; qi

  Dharmadhatu, 223

  of, 51; realm of, 263; spirits, of, 52

  Di people, 31

  eccentricity, in poetry, 115, 116, 118

  Dianlue, 39

  egui. See hungry ghosts

  differentiation, 3

  Eight Immortals, 196

  Dingguang fo, 158, 163

  elite, local, 151–153

  Dipimkara, 158

  elixir, concoction of, 285

  Dipper: in hand signs, 236, 239–240,

  energy. See qi

  242–244, 249–250, 252; invocation

  enlightenment: essence of, 224; proof

  of, 249; Mother of, 192

  of, 175; seed of, 222–224

  disasters: avoidance of, 193; and

  Envoy. See Tiandi shizhe jie

  morality books, 187, 200–201

  equivalence, 221; in translation theory,

  discipline, religious, 106


  diseases, dispelling of, 267. See also

  Erikson, Erik, 1–2


  Ernst, C.W., 230

  divination, 93, 156; and Daoism, 82; and

  eroticism, 104, 115, 116–117, 121–122,

  Ming Daoism, 128; in temples, 155


  Divine Empyrean, 237

  Esposito, Monica, 165, 166, 172, 182

  Division of Lamps, 259

  essence. See jing

  Diyi kaihua tan, 173, 183

  ethnicity, 11; in China, 7; and identity,

  Dizang, 224

  6, 23–38; in modern Asia, 32–33;

  documents: burning of, 260; contents

  understanding of, 34–35

  of, 261; editing process of, 266;

  exorcism, 61, 62–64, 71–73, 241–242;

  envelopes of, 261; notes on, 260;

  and hand signs, 238, 246, 249; in

  in rituals, 256–273; types of, 257

  modern Daoism, 193

  Donghua dijun, 205

  Donghua pai, 271

  fa, 152

  Dongji jiulong fuming, 263

  family shrine, 160

  Dongjing hui, 34

  Fan Ao, 173

  Doumu, 192

  Fan Ben, 29

  dragon cards, as offerings, 278–279, 289

  Fan Changsheng, 29

  dragons: as hand sign, 239; as messen-

  Fan Li, 93

  gers, 289; as offerings, 289; talisman

  fang. See methods

  of, 271; talisman order of, 263

  Fang Ce, 155

  drugs. See medicines

  Fang Ciweng, 161

  drunkenness, and poetry, 113, 115–116,

  Fang Dacong, 153–154, 161–162


  Fang family, 149–164

  Du Collection, 259–260, 261, 263, 264–

  Fang Fengwu, 161

  265, 267, 269, 270

  Fang Hong, 153

  Du Fu, 108, 111

  Fang Huan, 161

  Du Lüzu sanni yishi shuoshu guankui, 180

  Fang Ji, 155

  Du Yangdong, 191

  Fang Jue, 153, 155

  Du Yongchang, 258–259

  Fang Lue, 163

  Duan Chengshi, 63

  Fang village, 197



  Fang Wen, 161

  funerary rites, 291–292

  Fang Wenzhao, 161

  Fuxing, 203

  Fang Xian, 161

  Fuyou [dijun]. See Lüzu

  Fang Xun, 161

  Fuyou dijun jueshi jing, 196

  fang yankou, 16, 213–234; description

  Fuyou shangdi tianxian jinhua zongzhi, 165

  of, 221–225

  Fuzhou, 151

  Fang Zhao, 163

  Fang Zhong, 161

  Gai Gong, 95

  Fang Zhuangyou, 161

  games, and spirit-writing, 196–197

  fangliang (demon), 62

  ganlu. See sweet dew

  Fangshan, 155, 159

  Ganquan wenji, 143

  Fangshan pai, 154

  Gansu, 29

  fangshi, 17, 244; and hand signs, 237

  Gaogong daoshi, 257, 259

  fangxiang, 62–64, 69, 71, 74

  Gaotang fu, 107

  Fangzhai cungao, 138

  Gaoxiong, 258, 261

  Fanyu, 202

  gati, six, 221, 225, 230–231, 265

  Fanyu xian xuzhi, 202

  Ge Chaofu, 231

  Fayuan zhulin, 284

  Ge Hong, 40, 71, 244; and mudras, 17

  fendeng, 259

  Ge Xuan, 65

  Feng Yan, 93

  Gelao people, 27, 35

  Fengdu, 226–227, 265

  genealogies, in Song, 154

  Fengsu tongyi, 63

  generals, celestial, 261

  Fengxue jiaozi shu, 253

  Gennep, Arnold van, 70

  Festival: Cold Food, 117; of Hungry

  geomancy, 157

  Ghosts, 199; Mid-Autumn, 196–197

  gewu, 136

  festivals, 158, 162, 185; annual, 199;

  geyi, 214, 230

  and local temples, 158

  ginger, as offering, 277

  fire: as passions, 224; phase of, 51;

  “Given to a Neighbor Girl,” 105

  in ritual, 222–223

, as offerings, 276, 278, 280–282

  fisherman, 111

  goddess, Daoist, 107, 189

  five directions, 278

  gods: and ghosts, 160; local, 153

  Five Emperors, 290, 293

  “Going Along the Yangzi River,” 114

  Five Marchmounts, 59–60

  gold, as offering, 278, 283, 289

  Five Pecks of Rice, 100

  Gongde wenxian, 258

  five phases, 51; hand signs for, 243

  Gongshan she, 186

  flow, going with, 114, 115, 124

  Gongyang yishi, 253

  flowers, 289; as offering, 275, 283, 291

  Gongyu shuyuan, 198

  “Following the Rhymes of My Western

  good works, 186–187, 189

  Neighbor,” 117

  goodness, 131–132, 135; basic, 140, 142;

  food: distribution of, 230; as offering,

  counterfeit, 138; and healing, 202;

  275; raw versus cooked, 280. See also

  practice of, 201; and righteousness,

  blood, sacrifices

  131; root of, 37; sprouts of, 135;

  Former Heaven, 174, 176

  utmost, 136

  Foshan, 194–195

  government, and hand signs, 252

  Foshan yaoye zhi, 195

  grain: abstention from, 287; and elixir,

  Foshan zhongyi xiangzhi, 194

  285; ground, 287–290; as offering,

  freedom, and identity, 111, 116

  276, 283

  Freud, Sigmund, 1

  Granet, Marcel, 64, 100

  fruit, 290; of immortals, 287; as offering,

  grave-securing writs, 58–77

  275–276, 283, 286–288, 291

  Gray, Isabella, 192–193

  Fu Xi, 93, 130

  Gray, John Henry, 192–193

  Fujian, 149–164, 187, 271

  Great Clarity, 241–243

  Fukui Kojun, 41

  Great Master, 85, 98



  Great One. See Great Unity

  Hanshi waizhuan, 98

  Great Peace: confessions in, 39–57; ideal

  Hanshu, 14, 53, 88, 89, 94, 97, 98, 99

  of, 28, 31; and identity, 7–8, 11, 12

  Hanyang, 114

  Great Perfection, 29

  Hanzhong, 25–27, 29

  Great Ultimate, 132, 137

  Haoli, Elders of, 65, 67–68

  Great Unity, 132, 134, 170, 176, 177,

  Harada Masami, 26

  182, 245

  Harper, Donald, 26

  griffon mask, 63, 74

  Hayes, Glen, 231

  grottoes, 121–122

  He Baiyun, 198

  growth, 267

  He Jinmei, 261

  Gu hongmei ge, 168

  He Qizhong, 204–205, 208

  Gu shuyinlou cangshu, 166, 176–180, 182

  healing: in early Daoism, 39–57; and

  Guan Yin, 98

  hand signs, 238, 241, 249; and

  Guandi, 187, 193

  identity, 7, 12; and lineage forma-

  guanding, 221–222

  tion, 172; and modern cults, 189,

  Guangchengzi, 202, 208


  Guangdong, Daoism in, 185–209

  Heaven: anthropomorphic, 50; ascent

  Guangdong nianjian, 190–191, 193

  to, 264; compassion of, 52; and

  Guangdong tongzhi, 191

  consciousness, 49–51; and modern

  Guangji zhenjun, 175

  cults, 189, 194–196; as cranium, 228;

  Guansheng dijun mingsheng jing zhujie,

  and disease, 44; Gate of, 243, 245;


  God of, 281; gods of, 45; and heal-

  Guanyin, 160, 223, 231

  ing, 12, 54–55; light of, 176; lord of,

  guhun. See souls, orphaned

  52; music of, 176; offerings to, 39;

  guilt, 41, 43, 44–45, 54–55

  order from, 266–267; principle of,

  Guizhou, 33

  132, 140–142; punishments of, 47,

  guizu, 27, 39, 55

  55; and radiance, 51; rebirth in, 264;

  Gujilue, 191

  refuge in, 46; sublimation into, 272

  Guo Qingfan, 97

  Heavenly Sovereign, hand sign for,

  Guochao qixian leizheng chubian, 172


  Guodian, 81

  Heavenly Worthies, 225, 231, 241–243,

  Gushi shijiu shou, 118


  Hefu tongzi, 268

  Habsbawm, Eric, 91

  hell: busting of, 218, 220, 224–225; de-

  hair, in poetry, 115–116

  struction of, 263, 269; money for,

  Hall of Light, 246

  230; rescue from, 16. See also fang

  Han dynasty: healing in, 39–57; manu-


  scripts of, 81; mortuary rites in,

  hells, nine, 268–269

  13, 58–77; in poetry, 109, 118;

  Henan, 151

  taxonomies in, 81–101

  Henan Fangshi, 155

  Han Fei, 130

  Henry, A. M., 191

  Han River, 112, 114, 117

  Heqiao, 261

  Han Yu, 145, 157, 159

  herbs, and poetry, 108

  hand signs, 17, 220, 235–255; descrip-

  Herd Boy and Weaver Girl, 117–118

  tion of, 245; emergence of, 237; lists

  Hertz, Robert, 72

  of, 239, 242, 243; in motion, 247–

  Hetu, 92

  251; origins of, 244–247; pictures

  hexagrams, 156

  of, 240, 244, 248, 250; texts on, 236,

  Highest Clarity, 241–243

  237–238; words for, 235

  Highest Emperor, 286

  “Handing Over My Feelings,” 115

  Hinduism, 215

  hands, right versus left, 252

  Hmong people, 35

  Hanfeizi, 75, 86–88

  Hocart, A.M., 219

  Hangzhou, 23

  homa, 222–223, 228



  Hong Kong: Daoism in, 16, 185–209;

  process, 3, 8, 272; and religion, 1–11;

  jiao in, 220; spirit-writing in, 167

  through ritual, 256–257; theory of,

  Hong’en lingji zhenjun, 151

  1–6; and translation, 213–234; in

  Hong’en lingji zhenjun miaojing, 163

  Western thought, 1–2; word for, 1;

  Hongjiao enshi, 174

  with world, 223. See also self

  Honolulu, 220

  immortals: commentary of, 180; descent

  Hou Hanshu, 39, 53, 55, 95

  of, 197; and food, 287; in poetry,

  Houcun xiansheng daquan ji, 161

  110, 116, 122; prefaces by, 172; pre-

  Houcun xiansheng quanji, 154, 158

  scriptions of, 195–196, 199; and

  Hua Zhushi, 129–130

  revelation, 166, 168; ritual transfor-

  huahu. See barbarians

  mation into, 222; in Song, 162; in

  Huainanzi, 56, 90–91

  Song-Ming, 151; types of, 74. See also

  Huajian shan, 200

  séance; spirit-writing

  Huang family, 259

  incense: as offering, 275, 283, 291;

  Huang Xuanxian, 205

  chamber for, 45

  Huang Zhonghuan, 169

  initiation, 220, 229

  Huang Zongxi, 128, 140

  ink, as offering, 278

  Huangdi, 13, 59, 74–75, 91–93, 95, 99,

  inner alchemy, and hand signs, 237

  100, 208

  inner nature, 132, 143. See also mind

  Huangdi sijing, 81

  inner organs, 51

angfu Mei, 103, 125

  inscriptions, 156

  Huangfu Mi, 69

  institutions: in Han, 95–96; and identity;

  Huangfu Peng, 238–239

  and lineages, 84

  Huangji hepi xianjing, 179

  integration, 3

  Huangjing hui, 34

  intention, 51, 53

  Huang-Lao, 13, 24, 81, 91–92, 94, 95, 99

  invocations, 222–224

  Huanglong guan, 190

  Islam, 215

  Huanglu dazhai yi, 288–290, 292–293

  Huanglu jiao, 158

  Jade Clarity, 226, 241–243, 252

  Huanglu zhaiyi, 292–293

  Jade Emperor, 163, 281; birthday of, 199

  Huangshi gong, 288

  jade yang, 228

  Huanzhu, 193

  Jakobson, Roman, 216, 231

  Huayangguo zhi, 26, 27

  James, William, 1

  Hubei, 112, 117

  Japan, 24, 33; invasion, 204

  Hui Shi, 98

  Ji tiannü shier xinü fa, 292

  Huijue, 182

  Ji Yugong, 125

  Huilan, 113

  Jia Yi, 98

  Huixing shantang, 202

  jiaci, 160

  Huiyuan, 214, 230

  Jiang Boqian, 85

  Huizong (Song emperor), 237–238

  Jiang Shuyu, 266

  hungry ghosts, 221, 225–228, 229–230,

  Jiang Yupu, 15–16, 165, 173; altar of,

  231; offerings for, 276, 280–281, 282

  174–175; followers of, 183

  Hymes, Robert, 152, 154

  Jiangsu, 16, 24

  Jiangxi, 152, 154, 162

  identity: and apocalypse, 187; and

  Jianzhi lue, 192

  coherence, 138; in Daoism, 7–11;

  jiao, 10, 18, 99, 158, 185; altar of, 283;

  definition of, 2; and economic

  definition of, 274–275; offerings in,

  reality, 283; and freedom, 111, 116;

  286; for peace, 257–258

  limitations of, 105, 107; through

  jiashou, 37

  lineage, 180; of Master Zhuang,

  Jidu dacheng jinshu, 270, 285

  171; Muslim, 215; perspectives

  Jidu jinshu, 268, 270

  of, 138–139; and popular religion,

  Jiebi, 98

  149–164; and prejudice, 214; as

  Jijiao fa, 292



  Jijie, 99

  Kong-Mo, 91

  jijiu, 27, 28, 55

  Kongzi. See Confucius

  Jilian keyi, 253

  Korea, 33

  Jin Yunzhong, 262, 286–287, 293

  Kou Qianzhi, 40

  jing, 44

  kuangzu, 63

  Jin’gai shan, 176–180, 181

  Kuhn, Dieter, 125

  Jin’gai xindeng, 180

  Kuhn, Thomas, 70, 73

  Jingming (school), 16, 166, 169–172,

  Kumarajiva, 214


  Kunlun shan, 121, 239

  Jingming yuanliu, 169–170

  Jingming zhongxiao dao, 169

  lads, 268–269. See also talisman lads

  Jingming zhongxiao lu, 169, 179

  Lagerwey, John, 219, 257, 266

  jingshi. See oratory

  Lakoff, George, 216–218

  Jinhua keyi, 182

  landowners, in Han, 86

  Jinhua Taiyi, 170

  Lan’gong, 169


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