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Daoist Identity

Page 44

by Livia Kohn

  Jinjing, 245

  Lao Dan, 98

  Jinshu, 35, 45

  Lao people, 27, 31

  Jishan li, 157

  Laojun yinsong jiejing, 40–41

  Jishan xiantan, 204

  Laos, 33

  Jiu Tangshu, 99

  Laozi: emigration of, 31; revelation by,

  Jiuku zhenfu, 263

  24; versus village cults, 149; worship

  Johnson, Mark, 216–217

  of, 193

  journey: as metaphor, 217–218; post-

  Laozi: in Han, 82; and literati Daoists,

  mortem, 66–69, 71–72. See also

  7, 8; meditation in, 100; in Ming,


  14–15, 127–146

  judgment: and afterlife, 59–60; and

  Laozi yi, 127–146

  metaphors, 217; powers of, 142;

  “Late Spring Sketch,” 108, 114

  and sins, 53, 54

  laws, and traditions, 85

  Jueqi, 30

  lecture sessions, 187, 189

  Jueyuan bentan, 175

  ledgers, of sins, 52–53

  Jueyuan tan, 173, 183

  LeFevre, André, 216

  Jung, C. G., 165

  Legalists, 83, 88

  Jupo jingshe, 200

  Leibniz, Wilhelm, 1

  letters, 290

  kalpas, 177, 187, 264

  Li Bo, 108, 111, 116 –117

  Kant, Immanuel, 1

  Li Hu, 26

  kaozheng xue, 138

  Li Ling, 93

  karma, 265, 288, 290; abrogation of,

  Li Mingche, 192

  225; in China, 218; destruction

  Li Qingfu, 161

  of, 227, 230; road of, 226

  Li Qingqiu, 190

  Kawai Kozo, 43

  Li Shangyin, 119

  Ke Yanggui, 192

  Li Si, 98

  Kierkegaard, Soren, 1

  Li Te, 29

  King Mu, 188

  Li Wenyuan, 182

  kingdom, Daoist, 29

  Li Xiong, 29

  kings, humane, 217

  Li Yi, 102, 119

  kitchen feasts, 157

  Li Ying, 106

  Kleeman, Terry, 11, 181, 293

  Li Zhaoji, 195

  knife, as hand sign, 243

  Li Zhi, 145

  knots, untying of, 269–270

  Li Zhongsheng Tang, 195

  knowledge: and action, 140; pure, 135,

  Li Zi’an, 113


  Li Zongjian, 198

  Kobayashi Yoshihiro, 154

  Liang Qian, 144



  Liang Ren’an, 201

  Liu Zongyuan, 145, 156–157, 159

  liangzhi, 135–136, 140, 142

  Liu Zongyuan quanji, 156, 161

  Liaoning, 23

  Liu Zongzhou, 56, 144

  libationer. See jijiu

  Liujia feishen shu, 253

  Liezi, 100, 145

  living, rites for, 275

  light, 224

  Lixu, 35

  Liji, 63

  lixue, 127

  Lin Lingzhen, 268

  local elite, 187, 191, 194, 199, 200–201,

  Lin Wenjun, 138

  203–204, 206

  Lin Ziyao, 239

  Locke, Herbert, 1

  lineages: and aristocracy, 10; conscious-

  lodges, 193

  ness of, 160; creation of, 168, 178,

  long life, talisman of, 263

  181; in Daoism, 9–10; duality in,

  long night, 265. See also hell

  169–170; in early Daoism, 81–101;

  Long Yu, 122

  establishment of, 156; formation,

  Longghu shan bichuan shoujue, 252

  165–184; and identity, 180; legiti-

  Longhan, 264

  macy of, 166; legitimation through,

  Longmen lineage, 16, 171, 175–180,

  205; membership in, 89; in modern

  182, 189, 204–205

  cults, 205; names of, 88–89, 170;

  Longnü si, 187

  nine, 90; orthodoxy, 175; and ritual,

  Longqiao hermitage, 176–177

  257; rural, 157; scroll of, 179; in

  Lord Lao, 30. See also Laozi

  Song, 149–164; succession of, 179;

  Lord of Ghosts, 27, 35

  and texts, 13; transmission in, 84

  lotus blossom, 224

  ling, 231, 246

  Lu, 85

  Lingbao: brilliance of, 226; and Bud-

  Lü Chuikuan, 258

  dhism, 7; Daoists of, 292; and death,

  Lü Dongbin. See Lüzu

  67; and hand signs, 238; and mudras,

  Lu Jiuyuan, 146

  17; relief through, 227; revelations

  Lu Wenchao, 98

  of, 65; ritual of, 69, 219–220, 263,

  Lu Xiujing, 40, 284

  271, 274; scriptures of, 231

  Lu Yinfang, 205

  Lingbao dalie neizhi xinchi jiyao, 220

  luanji, 155

  Lingbao duren dafa, 293

  Luci gang, 114

  Lingbao lingjiao jidu jinshu, 220

  Lujiang, 287

  Lingbao liuding bifa, 292

  Lunheng, 49, 74, 99

  Lingbao wufu xu, 285, 293

  Lunyu, 84–86, 128, 142

  Lingji gong, 15, 150–151, 155, 158–159,

  Luo Qinshun, 140


  Luofo shan, 189–191, 193–194, 206

  Lingji xinggong, 161

  Luofu zhinan, 191

  Lingji zongmiao, 156

  Luoshen fu, 123

  Lingjiao jidu jinshu, 286

  Luoshu, 92

  Lingjue, 30

  Luotian jiao, 158

  lingwei, 185

  Luqiao, 102

  litanies, precious, 259, 267–268, 271

  Lüshi chunqiu, 48, 49, 85, 97–98

  literati Daoists, 14–15, 191, 194

  Lüzu: legends of, 194; in modern

  Liu Du’an, 170

  Daoism, 185–209; names of,

  Liu Jia, 99

  173–174; and Qing lineages, 16,

  Liu Kezhuang, 162


  Liu Shouyuan, 174

  Lüzu quanshu, 165, 167–169, 171

  Liu Tishu, 167

  Lüzu quanshu zongzheng, 166

  Liu Xiang, 74, 94

  Lüzu shi xiantian xuwu taiyi jinhua

  Liu Yuzhen, 169

  zongzhi, 166, 182

  Liu Zhiwan, 258

  Lüzu yaoqian, 199

  Liu Zhongyu, 239–240

  Lüzu zhenjing, 197



  Mabuchi Masaya, 14

  milk, as offering, 285–286; taboo of,

  Macao, 203, 207


  magic, 26; of blood, 284–286; and

  Milky Way, 106, 117

  Daoism, 149

  millenarianism, 26

  Magong, 187

  Min County, 149–164

  maid, murder of, 102, 105, 124

  Min Yide, 15–16, 166, 175–180, 183

  Man people, 23, 31; types of, 35

  Minbei, 151, 159

  mandala: eight-sided, 231; Vajradhatu,

  mind: examination of, 246; in Ming


  Daoism, 127–146; and phenomena,

  mandates: in ritual, 257; twelve, 268–

  134, 140; and qi, 50–52; substance of,

  269; to underworld, 259–262, 271–

  136, 140, 142–143; transcendence of,

  272; of yin and yang, 270

  135–136, 140–141

  mantras: in fang yankou, 10, 221–222,

  Mindu ji, 154, 161

  224; and hand signs, 239–240; in

  ming (school), 45, 55

  pudu, 219–220; in ritu
al, 228–229

  Ming dynasty: hand signs in, 17, 235–

  Maojun, 169

  255; Laozi in, 14, 127–146; offerings

  Maoshan, 155

  in, 285; order in, 158; pharmacies

  mapping, in religions, 217–218

  in, 195; ritual in, 257, 261, 268–272;

  markets, for religions, 219

  Taiping jing in, 42

  Maruyama Hiroshi, 17–18, 34

  Mingru xue’an, 128, 129, 140–142

  material culture, and Daoism, 14,

  mingtang, 246


  mingwang, 216–217

  Mawangdui, 81, 99–100

  Mingzhen ke, 268

  Mazu, 145, 160

  Minnan, 151

  McRae, John, 34

  Minzhong lixue yuanyuan kao, 159

  meat: dried, 285; as offering, 277–278,

  mirror, in translation, 216–218

  280–284, 291

  Mitamura Keiko, 17

  medicine: and cults, 205–206; and

  Mo Chou, 112

  Daoism, 82; and Ming Daoism, 128;

  Mo people, 31

  and modern cults, 189, 201–203

  models, 89

  medicines: and modern cults, 194–196;

  Mohism, 95; hierarchy of, 98

  peddlers of, 194–196; revelation of,

  Mohists, 83, 88, 98

  195–196, 204

  Mol, Hans, 2–6

  meditation, 45, 106, 199

  Moling, 176

  melancholy, 105, 108–109, 110, 113,

  monasteries, 152; in Guangdong, 191

  117, 121, 124

  money: incense,190; for lost souls, 259;

  memorial, 259–260, 290

  as offering, 278, 288–289; for spirits,

  Mencius, 81, 117, 132, 135


  Meng Jingyi, 64–65, 66, 74

  Monkey God, 193

  Meng Ke, 98

  moon, in ritual, 224

  Meng Sheng, 98

  morality: Confucian, 117; and death, 61;

  Meng Xi, 95

  and ethnicity, 31, 37; and healing,

  Meng Zhizhou, 64

  46, 52; and health, 41; and Heaven,

  mengbu, 155

  44–45; and mind, 135; in Ming

  merit, officers of, 265

  dynasty, 141–142; and ritual, 10;

  metaphor: of guest in ritual, 222; and

  root of, 130

  religion, 11, 14, 17, 214–218, 221,

  morality books, 16, 189; and eschatol-

  228–229; studies of, 231

  ogy, 187; in modern Daoism, 186–

  methods, and lineages, 88–89, 91–92,

  187; and pharmacies, 196; and

  98; in Han, 87

  sickness, 202–203

  Miedu wulian shengshi miaojing shenjing,

  Mori Ogai, 125

  67, 69, 238

  Mori Yuria, 15–16



  Mother Goddess, 189

  Earth, 69; as gods, 288; imperial,

  mountain, entering of, 245

  218; and local elite, 154; metropoli-

  Mouzi lihuo lun, 42

  tan, 158; names of, 267; needing

  Mozi, 41, 84–87, 91

  paper, 290; offerings for, 282; at

  mudra: in Daoism, 10, 17, 235–255; as

  Qing court, 172; receiving money,

  Daoist term, 247; in fang yankou, 224;

  269; as spirit masters, 172; of under-

  in pudu, 219–220; as seal, 239, 252

  world, 259, 261–262, 265

  muquan, 59

  Ofuchi Ninji, 41–42, 44, 258–260, 270,

  music, 109


  myths, and identity, 5–6

  “On a Pavilion Hidden in the Mist,” 110

  Opium War, 200

  Nah mouh louh, 193–194, 207

  oratory, 41–42, 45, 53

  Nanchang, 168

  order, through ritual, 256

  Nanhai, 195, 197–198

  orders: of execution, 266; to other-

  Nanhai County, 186

  world, 257

  Nanhai xianzhi, 192, 198–199

  ordination, in Qing, 179; rituals of, 229

  Nanjing, 176

  organizations, today, 185–186

  Nankang, 162

  organs, 12

  Nanshi, 74

  Orthodox Unity. See Celestial Masters

  nature, Daoist, 106

  Orzech, Charles, 16, 236

  Needham, Joseph, 61

  Ouyang Xiu, 145

  Neo-Confucianism: Daoist assimilations

  of, 32; and Daoist rites, 65; and Ming

  painting, 157

  Daoism, 127–146; and rural order,

  Pan Jingguan, 171


  Pan Lang, 120

  neolithic, 23

  Pan Yi’an, 169–170, 172–173

  New Testament, of Dao, 61

  Pan Yue, 120

  Ni Heng, 121

  Pang, Duane, 219–220

  Nickerson, Peter, 12–13

  Pangu shan, 162

  Nida, Eugene, 216, 230

  Panhu, 33

  nightmares, banishing of, 246

  paper, as offering, 278, 290

  Nine Ministers, 25

  paradigms, in early Daoism, 58–77

  Nine Obscurities, 265

  paradise, 121–122

  “Nineteen Songs from a Nomad Flute,”

  Pardon, Writ of, 259, 261, 263–267,



  Ning Quanzhen, 266

  “Passing Ezhou,” 111–112

  Nirvana, 228

  Patriarch Lü. See Lüzu

  niwan, 228

  Payne, Richard, 221

  No exorcism, 62–64

  peace, offering for, 275

  nonbeing, 132, 134, 177

  Pearl River, 186, 189, 192–193, 194,

  noon sacrifice, 276


  Northern Emperor, 252

  Pei Songzhi, 39

  Nüqing, edicts of, 66

  Peng Meng, 98

  Nüqing guilü, 27

  penitence, 47, 53

  People’s Temple, 5

  objectivation: in Daoism, 8–9; and

  petitions: for dead, 61, 65, 66–67; and

  identity, 3–4

  healing, 39–40; in ritual, 257, 290

  offerings: consumption of, 284–285; in

  pharmacies, 195–196

  fang yankou, 224; and healing, 40;

  Pidian liuzi shu, 145

  history of, 284–285; placement of,

  pigs, as offerings, 276, 278, 280–282

  289; in ritual, 18, 271, 274–294

  Piling, 167, 171–172, 178

  officials: celestial, 256, 266–267; of

  pillow books, 94, 109



  planchette, 155, 192–193, 196–197.

  qi: and consciousness, 50–51; in cosmos,

  See also séance; spirit-writing

  12, 44; and healing, 54; in Ming,

  plum trees, 122–123; blossoms of, 162

  136, 140–141; nurturing of, 110;

  pluralism, and identity, 6

  strength of, 285; yin, 246

  Po diyu zhenfu, 263

  Qi Ying, 199

  Po’anji, 144

  qi’an jiao, 257

  “Poem Following the Rhyme Words of

  Qianfu lun, 74

  Three Sisters,” 120

  Qianjin yifang, 245

  “Poem to the Refined Master,” 107

  Qiankun yizhang tu, 253

  poetry, 102–126; societies for, 198

  Qianzhen ke, 238

  Pool of Blood, 259

  qin. See zithers

  popular religion: beliefs of, 26; and

  Qin, 81, 85; conquest, 24<
br />
  Daoism, 58–77, 149–164; and Daoist

  Qin Guli, 98

  offerings, 18, 274–294; and modern

  Qing dynasty: Daoism in, 15–16, 154,

  cults, 16, 189; and modern Daoism,

  190–194; Daoist lineages in, 165–

  193–194; offerings in, 279, 281, 282–

  184; hand signs in, 235, 252

  283; ritual of, 256

  Qingbu, 151

  population, expansion of, 204

  Qingpu, 150–151

  possession, 156

  Qingshui zushi, 160

  precepts: and healing, 46; and lineage,

  Qingsong guan, 205

  179; nine, 272

  Qingyuan County, 200

  Precious Litany, 18

  Qiu Changchun, 167

  preta. See hungry ghosts

  Qiu Chuji, 169, 171, 205

  Priest of High Merit. See Gaogong

  Qiu Xigui, 97


  Qiuzu yulu, 171

  priests: as bureaucrats, 272; in her-

  Qu Yuan, 105, 112, 117

  mitages, 191; and offerings, 275;

  Quan Tangshi, 102–126

  redhead, 284; today, 33; urban,

  Quanshu zhengzong, 165, 172–174, 175,

  193–194. See also jijiu; officials


  primordial beginning, 264; Heavenly

  Quanzhen (school): in Guangdong,

  Worthy of, 268; talisman of, 263

  192; lineages in, 16, 167, 170–172,

  principle: and Dao, 136; of Dao, 132;

  175–181; and modern cults, 189–

  and mind, 143

  190, 204–207; and nationalism, 32;

  prison, in poetry, 111

  patriarchs of, 169–170, 189

  proto-Daoism, 61

  Quanzhou, 187

  pudu, 16–17, 213–234, 259, 265; de-

  Quduo, 241

  scription of, 225–228; similarities

  Queen Mother of the West, 121–122

  with fangyan kou, 219–220, 228–230

  puja, 222

  rainmaking, 48–49

  Puji tan, 195, 201

  Randeng, 158

  punishment: death as, 52; through

  rebirth, realms of, 221

  Heaven, 47, 55; for wrong offerings,

  Refined Master, 107, 108, 114


  registers: in Daoism, 218; of death, 65;

  Puquan she, 186

  descent of, 266; in Heaven, 264

  Pure Land, 177, 221

  religions: definition of, 35; encounter

  pure songs, 109, 118

  of, 219; interaction of, 213–215, 236;

  purgatory. See hell

  types of, 214–215

  purification: in alchemy, 285; and sins,

  Ren An, 95


  Renpu, 56

  purity: and offerings, 285–286; in ritual,

  renwang, 217

  280, 283

  Renwang huguo boruo bolomiduo jing, 213

  Purple-Robed Fangs, 153, 154, 159, 162

  Renwang jing, 217

  Putian, 154, 159, 162

  requiem. See rites, of merit



  “Return from Fishing,” 106

  Sanshui xiaolu, 125

  revelation: by immortal, 180; through

  Sanskrit: spells in, 239–240; terms

  Lüzu, 168, 174–175

  in Chinese, 215–216

  “Rhapsody on the Parrot,” 121


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