Lovable Lawyer

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Lovable Lawyer Page 12

by Karen Deen

  Standing with my hand still on the door, the noises get a little quieter, and then I finally hear silence. I hope sleep has finally found her and will give her some peace for a few hours from the weight she carries on her shoulders.

  ‘Hang in there, angel, I’ve got you. Even in the hard days to come, I’ll be here. You are not alone anymore.’

  Lying back down on the couch, I know what I need to do. Just like Mason said. I need to just be there as a friend and help her heal. Get to know her, let her get to know me. To find out not all men are assholes. When the time is right and if these weird feelings haven’t left me, then I’ll know she’s the one.

  One thing I know with certainty, though, is that I need to be the man she needs first. The lawyer who will make sure the men who have gone before me, pay for the hurt and pain they have caused. No one gets away with hurting one of my own, that I promise with every bone in my body. She is one of my own.

  Mia, Jack, and Kayla are now in my circle. The one that holds all the people I will never turn my back on. The ones I will fight for no matter who the enemy is.

  Closing my eyes, I try to turn off the pictures that I keep seeing. The fear in her eyes the moment I saw her, to the change for that small moment of laughing in the bedroom. I never want to see that kind of fear again, so I concentrate on the smile and the sound of her laugh as sleep finally claims me.

  Hearing faint noises from down the hallway, I know they must be awake but are trying to keep quiet. I can hear a little baby giggle every few minutes from Kayla which sounds so cute. Lying with my arms clasped under my head, I hear the door open slowly. Holding in my laugh as I hear Mia whispering to Jack to be quiet, so they don’t wake me up. Lying so still, I watch her step out from the opening and look down at Jack to hold his attention. Kayla on her hips is looking straight at me with her big eyes and smiling at me. Her chubby little cheeks and grin are sucking me in. Now I know why people always talk about pinching baby’s chubby cheeks. They’re like a magnet.

  Just like I remember from last night, Mia is a vision. Tiptoeing across the floor barefoot, in jeans and her white t-shirt from yesterday. With Kayla pulling the shirt to the side scrunched in her little baby fist. Showing more skin that I’m sure Mia is aware of. Just enough to start my body taking a lot more notice than I should be. They almost make it across the room to get past the couches when Jack looks up and sees me. The excitement in his eyes has me smiling.

  “Morning,” I say, letting Mia know I’m awake before she freaks out that Jack wakes me with whatever he’s about to scream out.

  I startle her, if I can judge by the way her body reacts to my voice. Watching her reactions to me is becoming interesting.

  “Lex!” Jack yells, and before I have time to move much, he jumps at me to catch him. Luckily, I get my arms out from under my head quick enough to stop his knees from landing right in my crotch. This kid is quick, I’ll give him that. Especially this early in the morning. “Thank you for my plane. It’s cool. Can I keep it like Ted?”

  This kid is like he has woken up ready to tackle the day at full speed. All this excitement before coffee is a little hard to take. Then I hear that giggle that hardens my cock again. Shit, I need to move this kid away from my body. So I can adjust myself. She doesn’t need to see what she’s doing to me and think I’m just another dirty man.

  “Jack, get off Lex, I’m so sorry. He’s pretty excited this morning.”

  “It’s okay,” I say, looking to Jack. “Hey, buddy. Of course, you can.” Sitting up with Jack on my lap, I try to find my feet on the ground in the blanket that’s still wrapped around my legs.

  Standing up with him in my arms just feels so natural. He’s talking flat-out while I just stand there watching Mia. Her eyes are leaving heat on my body as she looks me up and down. There is no way I’m not affecting her the same way her body is doing things to me. The pink on her cheeks tells me she likes what she sees. I’m trying not to react, but I can’t help but feel a little cocky. It’s been a long while since someone has reacted to me like this. Especially where there is far more going on than just getting naked to fuck.

  All of a sudden, I feel two little hands on my cheeks turning my face to him so I’m paying more attention.

  “Are you hungry too, Lex? Because Mommy is going to find me some food.” This kid seriously is the funniest thing.

  “Why don’t you and I make breakfast for Mommy while she feeds your sister. I’m sure Kayla is hungry too.” Jack and I stop talking to look at Mia, waiting for her answer. She looks like she’s in another world until Jack speaks to her. Shocking her into realizing she hasn’t heard a single word we said. I can’t help but smirk. Oh yeah, she feels it too. There is no doubt I’m not on my own here. I grab my shirt and put it on after Mia’s comment worrying I might burn myself. Yeah right, I’m sure it was more than that.

  Softly, softly, Lex, I tell myself as we start walking. Give her space. Don’t rush this.

  Getting into the kitchen, I find plenty of eggs and some bacon in the fridge. Jack’s eyes light up at the word bacon. Decision made. I don’t get to cook very often, having a housekeeper, but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy it. When I was away at college living in my first apartment, I didn’t want to be that kid that stood out as the rich kid with privilege. So, I refused to have anyone help me and I looked after myself. Cooking, cleaning, washing. My mother thought it was ridiculous, but I told her it was a rite of passage, and when I went into politics it would help me bond with the everyday American voter. She bought the crap I was spinning her, for which I was thankful. It had nothing to do with that. I just wanted some space to find out what life was without her hovering and ordering me around. No one reporting back to her every move I was making. Plus, college days are for discovering life, having adventures, making friends, meeting girls, and having sex…lots of it.

  I set Jack up on a chair next to me like I remember Nanny Sue doing with me when we baked. Usually when Mother was out at some garden party or charity event. Licking the spoon and bowl after making chocolate cake is a childhood memory I haven’t thought about in a very long time. Mia’s not far away from us, sitting at the table feeding Kayla. Shit, I should have bought a highchair. I’ll go back today and get that and anything else she’s thought of that I missed. Not that I could have fit anything else in the elevator last night, but I should have also gotten a stroller for her too. I’m sure Kayla gets heavy carrying her all the time.

  Just as I’m getting close to having everything cooked, I hear Mason’s deep voice behind me. I kind of forgot about him and Paige. Which I know is ridiculous since we are in Paige’s home. But I just got so wrapped up in feeding Jack and Mia, I wasn’t even thinking about cooking for them. Oh well, bad luck, Mason can figure that out.

  Mia tries to tell Mason he can eat her share as she doesn’t eat much.

  Not a chance.

  Her being put behind someone else stops today.

  If Mason is that desperate, he can eat mine and I’ll cook more. I’m feeding her whether she likes it or not. She is so tiny. I just have this awful feeling that it comes from not having enough to eat at times. That pulls on every heartstring I didn’t know I owned. Between Paige mothering her and now me, Mia is never going to be without anything going forward, especially not food.

  Finally coming to a compromise with Paige pulling out some muffins and fruit, there is plenty to go around. We all sit down at the table and listen to Jack talking and telling us so many stories. Mia tells him at times he needs to stop so we can all talk which lasts about a minute, if that, and he is off on another story. He’s fascinated by Mason being a pilot and of course wants to ride in his big plane. Which Paige reminds him is her plane just to annoy Mason. Finally, I see Mia relaxing a little at the constant chatter and seeing how happy Jack is. Paige is now holding Kayla so Mia can eat, and although she’s picking little bits of what’s on her plate, I make sure she eats something.

  Paige offers to take Kayla and Ja
ck to the bedroom to get some of the toys so she can set them up in the living room. I take this opportunity to broach the hard topic of what today holds for Mia.

  “How did you sleep last night, Mia? I can’t imagine it was easy.” Knowing full well she had a rough start to the night crying herself to sleep.

  “It was okay. I didn’t get much sleep, yesterday was a lot to digest.” I can see the worry lines coming back to her face.

  “Yeah, I can imagine,” Mason says, as he’s sipping his second coffee of the morning. I must admit I’m thinking a whole lot clearer now that I’m on to my second boost of caffeine.

  “We need to talk about what will happen today.” I watch her face lose the small smile that had been there for part of the morning.

  Her head just nods, not wanting to really acknowledge what is about to happen.

  “I just want to explain what will happen this morning, so you aren’t worried at all. Most importantly, I want you to know I will be with you every single step of the way. I won’t leave you for one moment. Are you okay with that?” I don’t want to force anything on her, but I need her to know I am here to help.

  “Yes, I appreciate that. I have to admit I’m a bit lost and a whole lot scared of what’s going to happen now. What happens when they let Bent go? He’ll come after me and Paige. He hates us. And my kids, I have to keep them safe and I’m not sure I can do that here.” Once Mia starts talking, all her fears are pouring out; she doesn’t understand this is just what I wanted her to do. I can’t help her if I don’t know what’s in her head. “What if he did tell my husband Edward where we are? He told me he would kill me and the kids if I left. I don’t know where to go or what to do. I don’t have any money, I used everything I had to run last time. I’m just so confused and scared.” She’s trying so hard not to cry, but the tears are bordering on spilling down her cheeks again.

  I can’t stand seeing her so scared. I lean across the table and take her hands, giving them a tight squeeze. “Mia, look at me and listen.” It’s a little more forceful than I needed to be, but I needed to snap her out of the panic she’s slipping into.

  Her head suddenly looks up at me the moment I touch her and speak. Her eyes are wide but not with fear, which I’m thankful for. I’m hoping it’s from the electricity running through her arms like is running through mine from a simple touch.

  “You and the kids will be protected for as long as you need to be. If that is for the rest of your life, so be it. Mason has Ashton in place for that, plus you have Mason who’s a badass, and when he’s not with you then I will be. No one, and I mean no one, is going to get near you and hurt you. That’s a promise.” I keep her concentration on my words.

  “Damn straight. Not on my watch,” Mason growls, letting me know how pissed he is at hearing her scared. I hear you, brother. I’m ready to hunt down her husband and kill him myself.

  “I know that’s hard to understand and take on board, but the more you spend time with us the more you will see, we are here to help and protect you. We weren’t joking last night when we told you, you are part of the framily. You may be family to Paige, but with that you also inherit the framily of all of us. You may regret that later once you get to know us, and how annoying and loud we are, but we protect our own. So get used to that. We aren’t going anywhere. So, if you run, we will follow you, not to hurt you but to keep you safe. I know it sounds like the safest way out is to run again. But I need you to understand the safest thing you can do for your kids, is to stay and fight to finish this once and for all. Help us to put Bent behind bars and then let Mason and I deal with Edward. I can assure you I will have him so scared to come near you and the kids that you will never see him again. Plus, you just say the word and I will have the divorce papers drawn up tomorrow and filed with the courts. Getting you full custody of the kids and restraining orders, that he can never come anywhere near any of you, unless he wants to spend time behind bars too. I know this is a lot to take in, but I do this shit every day. Let me help you get your life back.” I feel like I’m giving the speech of my life. I need her to let me in to help. I’m almost begging her.

  “Lex, I’m scared,” she whispers, and my heart bleeds for her.

  “I know, but let me carry that fear for you. Let us all take a piece of it and share the load.” She starts to slowly nod her head up and down a little.

  I see Mason go to put his arm around her shoulder, but then thinks better of it. Instead he stands next to her to gain her attention

  “Let us take the whole load, Mia. We’ve got you.” Then he walks to the kitchen to grab a tissue for her. Reluctantly I let her hands go so she can wipe away the tears in her eyes.

  “Now, let’s talk about how this morning is going to go and then we can take a step at a time. How does that sound?” I watch for her body language as she pulls herself together again. Her shoulders have relaxed a little, but she’s trying to bring the strength to the forefront again to push away any weakness she’s showing. One day I hope that she no longer feels she needs to always be strong. That it’s okay to be vulnerable in a safe place.

  “Okay, I’m listening.” Her voice picks up a bit and she sits taller in her chair. “Let’s do this.”

  “Attagirl,” Mason says, and the three of us start running over what will happen. I explain that I messaged my detective friend last night and have organized the police to come to the apartment to take both Mia’s and Paige’s statement along with Mason. Paige’s father’s friend who had been helping, went to the police station last night and presented the full case to them about Bent and the embezzlement. That was enough for them to hold him last night, and today we press charges for anything else we can in the way he blackmailed Mia and virtually held her and kids hostage. By now Paige has joined us and the kids are just playing on the floor with all the toys I grabbed last night.

  Mia asks questions and wants to understand everything about the process. She is far smarter than she gives herself credit for. I wonder if given the same opportunities as Paige was if there would have been two smart women running the company. Hopefully one day when she has claimed back her life, she feels she can pursue something for herself that stimulates her intellect that she has been ignoring while just trying to survive.

  Paige slips her hand into Mia’s. “I know this morning is going to be hard, Mia, but I was hoping after it’s all done, I can take you and the kids to meet my father. I know he’s going to be just as shocked as I was, but he will love to meet you all. I understand if you aren’t up to it.” Paige looks like a little girl full of hope.

  Mia is slow to respond as she takes in what Paige just asked her.

  “I think I would like that. I still can’t get my head around that you’re my sister, so I may as well keep putting my head in a spin and get it all out there. Are you sure he won’t mind? We’re a lot to take in as a package. I mean, Jack is not a quiet little boy.”

  Mason bursts out laughing.

  “Oh, wait until you meet Jonathan, he’s not a quiet old man either. They’ll get along just fine.” Paige swats his arm and then looks back to Mia with such a big smile on her face.

  “Shush, you. Daddy kind of had a reason to yell at you. He did get a shock meeting you the first time. I mean, you were in the middle of telling his daughter all the dirty things you were about to do to her. Pretty sure that would have been grounds for murder in any court of law.”

  I can’t help but laugh and look at Mason who looks proud of himself. “Oh, I need to hear this story, man. Did you piss off the father-in-law straight up?”

  Mason just rolls his eyes at me. “Let’s just say if he had a gun, I’m sure you would have been attending my funeral. And to be honest, if I was in his shoes and Paige was my daughter, I might have done the same.” Mason stands and starts clearing the dishes off the table. “But the little ears around here don’t need to hear those details, plus I don’t kiss and tell, man. I’m not Tate.” He disappears towards the kitchen.

ir point. Tate does like to overshare at times. Thank god he’s now with Bella and we don’t have to hear those stories anymore. I mean, I would be worried more about the wrath of Bella than I would of Grayson killing him.

  We send the girls to play with the kids and give Mia the chance to shower and change into some of Paige’s borrowed clothes. Mason and I clean up from breakfast. My mind is already processing everything I know I need to do. Put in place the legal actions I can, to keep them all safe. I’ll email Greta later, lay out everything I need her to work on first thing Monday morning. This takes priority over everything we have on our workload. I need the documents drafted and then filed in the courts as soon as possible.

  Ashton arrives around the same time as the police, and we go through the slow process of statements and full recounts of yesterday’s events. I’m sitting with Mia because the others don’t need me. Although Paige has had a hard time, it’s nothing compared to Mia. Plus, Paige has Mason to lean on when she needs someone. Ashton on the other hand is cool and calm, just as I would expect. I’m glad Mason has him on board. Looking at him, I know his appearance would be enough to make most men back away, but I guarantee that Edward is some gutless guy who gets his thrills from standing over women. Yet as soon as a real man stands up to him, he’ll cower away like the rodent he is.

  “We’ll be in touch once we investigate and process all of this. You’ve all been very helpful. Let us know if there’s anything else you think of or become concerned about.” Detective Benson shakes my hand as they step into the elevator.

  “Thank you. We appreciate you coming here. I’ll call you Monday if I don’t hear from you before then.” I let go of his hand and the doors close as the elevator starts its trip down to the foyer.

  Walking back to where everyone is sitting, I take my seat back next to Mia.

  “I’m really proud of you. That was not easy to do, but you handled yourself well and were clear in everything you told him. That makes it easier for them to nail this bastard.”


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