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Billionaire's Secret (Carver Family)

Page 22

by Lyz Kelley

  Her heart overflowed with more joy than she believed possible. “You didn’t need to buy this building.”

  “What wedding gift do you buy a woman who doesn’t want jewelry or clothing or trips?”

  “This is a wedding gift?”

  He moved closer to take her hand. “Your kindness is one reason I fell in love with you.” His eyes softened. “I never imagined this day, because I didn’t think it would ever come. Not for me. I didn’t believe I could find someone who loved me, and only me.”

  She swiped at a tear. “Oh, Weston. Don’t say that. You are a wonderful man.”

  “And you are so beautiful, on so many levels. I love your ability to love, no matter the circumstance. You are so kind, and spiritual, and perfect. I couldn’t imagine spending my life with anyone until I met you. But you folded into my life so easily. My favorite spot is being inside your hugging arms. I smile because you are in my life.”

  She reached to touch his lips. He nibbled on the tips and then took a half step back.

  “Your love is priceless, Courtney Kramer.”

  In his hand sat a small black leather box. Nestled in a white silk pillow sat an eternity band of engraved oak leaves.

  “You don’t enjoy wearing the other ring to work, so I had this one designed for you. You can wear either or both, your choice. Courtney Ann Kramer, will you do me the honor of marrying me today?”

  “Oh, Weston.” Tears trickled down her face. “I love you so much.” She gazed out across the garden. “I can’t believe you did all this for me.” She touched his cheek. “Thank you for showing me there are men in the world who are kind and loving. With you, I have no fear. I don’t feel caged. For once I feel free. And this,” she waved her hand toward the garden on the expansive rooftop. “We can feed so many. Thank you.”

  She slid her arms around his neck, indulging herself in a deep, savoring breath of his unique scent. Wanting him to feel and know how much she loved him, she kissed him, first exploring softly, then deeper, igniting their mutual passion, intent on showing him how much he meant to her.

  He cupped her butt and pulled her closer.

  She didn’t have a clue who pulled back for air first, but she didn’t need air. All she needed was him.

  “Courtney?” He nibbled at her bottom lip.

  “Yes, Weston. I say yes. I will marry you, today, tomorrow, any day. I trust you. I love you.”

  She held out her hand for him to slide on the ring he’d designed. A ring she would wear every day. He always listened and provided. God, she loved this man.

  “You sure you trust me?” he asked.

  Without question, but he needed to hear her say the words. “Yes, Weston, I trust you, and I love you.”

  “Come with me.” Courtney walked with him to the edge of the building and looked down at the street. “Ohhh myyy.”

  Below, a swarm of people were spread along the sidewalk. “Is that my dad? How cool! I see my brothers.” Her excitement expanded. A large limo pulled over to the curb and a distinguished man and woman got out of the back. “Are those your parents?”

  “They flew in from Paris this morning. I guess they didn’t want to miss our wedding.”

  “They approve of this?”

  “Oh, course they do. How could they not? You make me happy and fit in with our crazy family. Although my mother did say if you keep giving her cookies, she won’t be able to like you anymore. She’s gained three pounds.” He winked.

  She fanned her face. “This is way too much.”

  “In this moment, I want you to fully comprehend how many lives you have blessed. With the help of Linda, Valerie, Haley and Mike, we tracked down all but three of the women who’ve come through your shelter. If you’ve ever wondered whether you make a difference, I want you to see and know without a doubt that you have lived and will continue to live a very special life.”

  Weston slid an arm around her waist. Shouts from below made her hold her breath. When she finally heard the question, she waved.

  “I said, hell yeeessss!!! Let’s do this. Come on up.” She beckoned for everyone below to join them, then rested her head on his shoulder while the crowd cheered.

  Excitement buzzed in her soul, and she couldn’t wait to find out what would happen next, because Weston Carver was no ordinary man.

  He was a billionaire, and her everyday hero.

  I’m so glad you could join Weston and Courtney on their journey to their happily ever after.

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  To Brian and Courtney Kramer

  May your human spirit and wisdom lead us all into the light.

  Author Notes

  Dear Readers,

  I believe in the “state of grace.” What do I mean by that?

  When I’ve been in need, if I listen quietly and am watchful, I receive what helps.

  Sometimes the aid doesn’t come in the form I expect. In truth, it often doesn’t. However, I have learned to accept the gifts for what they are.

  My journey as a writer, in some ways, is similar.

  I listen to my heart, then pick a social theme that resonates with me, then lean into the topic.

  I research.

  I learn.

  I process.

  Often, there are two different perspectives I want to present. When this happens, I use my characters to plead both sides, then try to move toward a single point where both people hear the other’s point of view.

  It’s not easy to balance two points of view. I don’t always get it right, but I try.

  I hope you enjoy Courtney and Weston’s journey towards that single point where understanding and love can exist.

  Wishing you all the best life has to offer.


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  Lyz Kelley












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  Thank you for reading: Billionaire’s Secret

  Award-winning author Lyz Kelley mixes a little bit of heart, healing, humanity, happiness, hope, and honor in all her books that are written especially for you.

  She’s a total disaster in the kitchen, a compulsive neat freak, a tea snob, and adores writing about and falling in love with everyday heroes.

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  You can also find Lyz on Facebook and Instagram for news, contests, giveaways, and more exciting stuff!

  If you want to interact with Lyz, connect with her in her Facebook reader group, Everyday Heroes Unite.


  Billionaire’s Secret Copyright © 2019 Belvitri, LLC

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places or incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to the actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental. For questions and comments about the quality of this book please contact us at Lyz Kelley’s contact page.

  Cover Art: Covers by Megan Parker




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