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The Storm Legacy : They let her go, now she's back and ready to turn their lives upside down.

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by K. L Hart

  The Storm Legacy

  Book 1



  "Kassidie, Kaden" Rose, our nanny called as she entered our bedroom "wake up little ones you have to go on a trip with your daddy today" I leapt out of bed in excitement running to Kaden's bed jumping on him to wake him up "come on Kade, hurry up or daddy won't take us" "ok, ok calm down Kassi, I'm up" I ran to Rose and squealed with pure elation. I looked up and she was smiling down at me her long blonde hair tied into a neat bun, her blue eyes shining with love as she put out her hands for each of us to hold "come on you two, time to get ready".

  Once we were properly dressed and had eaten our breakfast Kade and me waited by the front door in the huge foyer for our father. “why are you not excited” I asked Kade who is looking miserable “daddy never takes us anywhere” I say trying not to jump up and down. Kade sighs and grabs my hands as he turns to me "KassIlisten, don't get your hopes up too high, father only cares about his business, I doubt this trip is to spend time with us". As I went to argue with Kade when daddy walked into the foyer his booming voice shouting down the phone "get it sorted I do not have time to deal with this matter this morning, I have an important meeting involving the heirs." "what are heirs" I whispered, Kade shrugged his shoulders and turned back to look at daddy who was now standing in front of us. "daddy!" I ran to him and hugged his leg. "Kassidie" he scolded while pushing me back to my brother "Kaden, Kassidie you shall be on your best behaviour today we have a very important meeting to attend." we both nodded. Daddy turned and walked out of the huge front door and down to the waiting chauffeur-driven car, we followed and got in the back seat with daddy.

  Daddy didn't speak to us the whole way to where we were going, eventually we pulled up to what looked like an abandoned one-story warehouse. There were no houses nearby and the warehouse even had its own dirt road. "daddy is this where you work?" I asked a little confused. Daddy laughed out "silly girl" and got out of the car. Kade took my hand and pulled me out of the car with him and we followed daddy inside the dirty looking building. Once inside the two men that stood by the door wearing all black shut and bolted the door. We followed daddy through the foyer where I took the chance to study him, his short jet black hair was like mine and Kades and he was very tall. He has dark eyes where we have blue like mommy's he always wears a suit and looks like a king. I love my daddy but he never has time for us as he works a lot I was so excited to spend the day with him today but he seems like he is uninterested that we are here, this upset me but I don't show it as daddy gets mad if I cry. We followed daddy down a corridor and stopped outside the last door on the right, daddy turned to face us and pointed us both with a stern look. "This is serious business, you two need to listen very carefully to what is said in this meeting, you must only speak when spoken too, I'm trusting you not to make fools of yourselves." we nodded "good" daddy says as he opens the door and walks into the room.

  I am stunned to see a huge wooden meeting table in the centre of the room, I look around and I see there are no windows and the only door is the one we came through. The walls a bare and a beige colour the only thing that stands out is the table and the bar at the other end of the room. Daddy nods toward the two empty chairs that are directly opposite him and we sit. Daddy turns to a man on his left and starts speaking to him in whispered tones. There are five men sat at the table on one side and on our side there is me, Kade and three other boys which Kade and Ihave known our whole lives as we live in the same gated community which daddy calls the compound. I have never met the men though. Us children had only met each other's mommy's as our daddies were always at work, maybe that's who they were. I turned to my left and smiled at Ash, he didn't smile back or even look at me he just stared blankly ahead at the wall behind the men. "Ash what's happening" I asked, he completely ignored me I frowned and turned to my right, Kade sat next to me, next to him was Brix and next to him was Ethan they were all staring at the wall same as Ash, what's happening did I miss the instructions for this meeting. I looked at the men in front of me and they all looked stern and emotionless, all in suits and neat hair. They all looked like they were in their forties like daddy. The one on the far left of me looked sad though he is the one with no child opposite him.

  I jumped when daddy's voice boomed in the room "Storm Corporations Heir meeting has now commenced. Firstly we are going to have some introductions. I am John Reyes I am the father of Kaden Reyes and Kassidie Reyes.” The man to his left then started his introduction “I am Richard Windsor, I am the father of Brickstone Windsor" next man stated, "Iam Dominic Black, I am the father of Ethan Black". Then the man to daddy's right said "I am Anthony Huntingdon, I am the father of Asher Huntingdon. The last man looked up at us with a hard look on his face "I am William Buckley and I do not have an heir" he looked back and stared at the empty seat across from him while my daddy carried on the meeting. "together we make the entirety of the board of Storm corporations, we own seventy-five per cent of the money in the world, you five are our successors and will inherit our dynasty, because of that you have been born with certain responsibilities. You are all to be trained and tutored how we see fit, you must be intelligent as you will be running the biggest company to ever exist, you will need to be excellent at combat and weaponry as you will be targeted by people who want what we have, you will need to have skills in technology, languages and illegal activities. You will need the correct etiquette and manners. You will attend Jefferson Falls Academy when you turn fourteen until then you will be spending nine hours every day with our trainers and tutors. You will not complain and you will not fall behind. You must be able to survive at all costs". We all nod at daddy but I'm confused by all of this information, the boys will help me understand when were home. "Kassidie, your situation is slightly more complicated than that of the male heirs. You see to remain on the board and have a vote you must produce an heir before the eldest heir turns nine years old and as you know Asher turned Nine last week. Willam Buckley has not got an heir so we should now be taking his shares away and putting them out to the public to buy. We do not want to do that as we are the five original families and out ancestors built this company over 80 years ago, we do not want a strange family joining our company so to rectify this situation I am giving you to him, the paperwork was completed a few months back he has adopted you. "what!" I cry out "daddy I don't" daddy slams his hand on the table and I am silenced instantly. "you will not argue with this Kassidie. You are the first-ever female heir and I'm not happy about that either but this is the only solution to our little problem and you will comply". I look to Ash, Brix and Ethan, their eyes are glued on the wall behind my dad and they don't look mad or upset about this news. I look at my brother and he is doing the same. Are they really not going to say anything. Tears start to stream down my face as I silently cry. "this is why I'm so happy to give the girl away" daddy said to Mr Huntingdon and they both laughed. " useless creatures are females only good for one thing" Mr Huntingdon replies laughing even harder. "I Doubt the girl will even make it through training" Mr Windsor adds. Daddy looks from me to the boys "you boys will have to protect her at all costs you make sure she lives we cannot be an heir short again". The boys all nod. "This meeting is over, Buckley you can take her now". Daddy says as he turns and stars talking to Mr Huntingdon."Kade don't let him take me" I whisper, Kade ignores me I turn to Ash "please Ash help me" Ash ignores me too. My heart feels like it's being ripped out of my chest the boys were my family we
spent everyday together since we could walk. "come on girl, I have places to be" Mr Buckley growled as he approached my seat. I get up and reluctantly follow him out of the room I look back to see no one has moved the boys still staring at the wall and the men all having conversations. No one will help me I'm all alone.

  When we get into Mr Buckley's car I cry for ten minutes before he turns to me and sighs "Kassidie, you need to calm down and stop crying now" his tone is soft and I'm surprised I breathe deeply and my cries soon turn to hiccups. "I'm not your enemy Kassidie I will help you be the best you can be, but you need to accept what is happening as we cannot change the board's decision. I have two choices for you that you need to listen to carefully and I need a decision before this car stops at its destination". I nod. " one, you can stay with me at my house it's on the compound where your house is and you will be free to visit your mother and brother when you have finished your training. But your training will be much different than the boys they will be able to defend themselves and be useful you will be trained to hide and be able to provide meals and supplies for the boys." "why can I not have the same training as them?" I ask " because Kassidie the rest of the board do not believe you are strong or smart enough to be on the same level as the boys because you are a girl, because of that you are already at a disadvantage". "so what can I do to be the same as them?" "you must leave, your second option is to be sent away tonight to be trained on your own, you will live alone except the tutors and trainers that will be flown in and stay until they have taught you their specialised subject, you will have the best education and I guarantee if you work hard you will not only be on the same footing as the boys you will be better." "but will I come back?" "you will when your training Is complete I estimate when you are nineteen". I gasp "eleven years" I whisper "wait what about my mommy and Kaden." surely they wouldn't agree to this, does my mother even know I've been given away? "your mother agreed for you to be given to me she signed the paperwork and as for your brother did he look like he cared you being taken by me earlier? Did he try to stop what happened or even argue to help you?" I wanted to cry again "no". "that's because no one cares about anyone but themselves in our families, and you need to do the same you must protect yourself and only depend on you." I sucked in a deep breath as I made my decision "I want to be strong, send me away!". Mr Buckley smiles "good girl, we will show them". He turned from me and looked out the window. My new life starts now I will forget my father, brother and mother and the other boys. They deserted me and I will not let anyone do this to me again.

  Chapter one.

  Today's the day I'm making my big return to Jefferson falls the little town 40 minutes outside of new york, the place I once called home. I left nine years ago when my father gave me away to a stranger because I'm a girl. William Buckley helped me though he sent me away when I asked and he hired the best tutors and trainers for me, I have spent every day for the last nine years training for every type of scenario, I could knock anyone out with one lethal hit, shoot a perfect headshot from any distance, I can speak six languages, I have been taught martial arts and combat, I can diffuse a bomb in under two minutes, I can break into a vault in under one minute. The things I can do will astound most people. I am one of five Storm Corp. Heirs and I am the only female heir ever, I was counted as useless before we were to start training together and that's why I agreed to be sent away, I will not anyone hurt me the way my family and friends did that morning.

  The other Heirs have also finished their training and have started completing assignments together. I have had assignments over the past year from Buckley and I have completed every task perfectly. So today two years before planned I am now back and starting Jefferson Falls Academy. I know that the other heirs and my parents do not know where I went and they never bothered to look for me so the shock when I rock up to school and park in my spot next to the boys, which has been empty since Buckley attended, will have their heads spinning. I smile because I cannot wait to make my entrance. Being alone for nine years except tutors and trainers has made me love any attention that comes my way, I know this and I own it.

  I make myself a coffee from the kitchen of my penthouse suite in the hotel on the outskirts of town, I have to leave in twenty minutes my recon work of the boys has shown me they arrive at school at eight thirty-five am and stand by their cars until eight fifty when they then head in to the school entrance, so I want to arrive at eight forty-five so I can make my grand entrance in front of everyone. I finish my coffee then walk into the bedroom where I slip on my 6-inch designer heels and look at myself in the full-length mirror. My heels have made me much taller than my average 5ft9 they have lengthened the appearance of my legs too which never hurts when playing with a bunch of guys heads at school, the uniform is much more flattering than I expected a checked black and blue mid-thigh pleated skirt with a matching fitted blazer and a white shirt that hugs my curves perfectly, showing off my breasts and tiny waist. My long, thick jet black hair is flowing down my back it is dead straight except a slight curl at the ends, my make-up is done to perfection and I look like I've just walked out of a photo-shoot. I grab my sunglasses and pop them on, grab my GuccIbag and my car keys and head into the lift which takes me to the lower ground garage.

  My baby is the first car I see as I step into the garage, Buckley surprised me with her two weeks ago for how I exceeded every expectation he had of me and for being able to come back two years early. He may not be my dad but he has been there for me over the nine years I have been in his care if I call he answers he doesn't judge me and never underestimates what I can accomplish. I step towards my chrome pink FerrarIF8 Tributo running my finger along her smooth lines and then jump in, I start her up with a roar and put my Spotify playlist on. I do not care if people think the music too is cheesy I love chart hits and dance songs, I can still be a badass while singing Jackie chan by Tiesto so that's what I do all the way to school.

  As I pull up to the school I can see people already staring as they don't recognise the car I go all the way to the front entrance where five spots are reserved for the heirs mine is empty as usual and all the boys are standing around talking amongst themselves while groups of girls try and inch closer to them, I roll my eyes at the thought. I park in my spot and exit the car bag and keys in hand. I notice everyone is staring now which makes me smile. Asher is stalking towards me so I turn my back on him and lean against the side of my car. He is soon towering over me with his impressive arms resting on my baby locking my head in between them, I slowly rake my gaze up his body he is tall, at least 6ft2, he has muscles everywhere that stretch's his shirt when he moves, his arms have got to have bulges the size of my head. His face is chiselled and his jaw is ticking with anger, his green eyes are stormy as he is staring into my glasses, he has light brown hair short back and sides and longer on top, perfectly groomed I notice. "can you not fucking read, new girl?" he nods to the reserved for Buckley sign on the parking spot I'm occupying. "yup I saw that." I say calm cool and collected. "are you fucking kidding me, you are not parking here I will smash your fucking car if you don't move it now." his anger is pouring from him and it's making me a little hot and sweaty. I smile sweetly "Ash, do you not recognise me" I feign shock horror while confusion flashes in his expression. I slowly take my sunglasses off and look straight into his eyes "give you a clue, I used to be called Kassidie Reyes". I spoke low so only he would hear. Ash schooled his features back into the mask we all were trained to wear blank and devoid of emotion. I tiptoe so I can whisper in his ear "say hIto the boys for me". I shoved his arm which he moved and sauntered into the school entrance not even glancing back.

  After getting my welcome pack, tablet and schedule from the admin office I headed towards the main corridor as I start to walk down it to my locker I realise I have a welcome party ready to greet me. Ash, Ethan, Brix and Kaden are all standing in front of me blocking my way with a crowd gathering behind them. Ash has his usual blank expression on, Ethan and Brix just look
stunned and strangely my twin is staring at his shoes. “what no balloons for my coming home?” I pout. Ash’s face softens slightly “Kassidie we need to talk, in private.” “not today Ash I am very busy” I smile again, Ash takes a step towards me and speaks low so the crowd doesn't hear "you will come with us and we will talk" I step towards him and pull him down so I can whisper in his ear "I do not have to do anything you say, I am not one of your bitches." I step back and look at all of the heir "you all need to move out of the way" A gasp erupts from the crowd behind them I roll my eyes. "KassIplease?" Kaden says still not looking at me the sad tone makes my heart squeeze, fuck it. "fine you can all take me for lunch, we can talk then". "fine Kassidie, but if your not at our cars at twelve I will come and get you". He growls, a slight smile tugging at his lips. My stomach does a little jump, what the fuck Kassidie one hot guy and you get all mushy, sort yourself out. I blow them a kiss as they move so I can get through "see you later boys" I smile and carry on towards my locker.

  When I get to my first class, English lit, I introduce myself to the teacher and take my seat smack bang in the middle of the class, I can feel the other students staring at me and whispers of "who is she", "she’s got the storm boys all twisted up", "is she the missing storm kid". I smile, loving the attention and speculation, a girl has got to have some mystery about her right. Just as expected Ethan, Kaden and Brix walk into class and sit at the back. I can feel their eyes boring into me the whole class, I have most classes with the boys except Dance and Music which are on Wednesdays and Thursdays so they are stuck with me all day today. By the time lunch rolls around the rumour mill is in full force. The staRES have got more intense as I walk towards the exit. I head over to where the boys are waiting "so where are you taking me?" I smile sweetly up at them. "get in and you'll find out" Ash says opening the door to his black Bugatti. "no thanks i'll just follow". I jump in my baby and roar up the engine, Ash jumps in the passenger seat before I can move. "buckle up hot stuff wouldn't want you to mark that pretty face". I pull out of the parking lot and follow Ethan's car to our lunch date.


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