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The Storm Legacy : They let her go, now she's back and ready to turn their lives upside down.

Page 4

by K. L Hart

  The lights are turned up and the room is now brightly lit the mirror is now visible and I wave to it. The well-concealed door opens and two men bring in a guy tied to a chair and leave him in the middle of the room "ahh your leverage". I say towards the mirror. I go and grab one of the guns and check the safety's off, the two men leave and close the door so it's just me and the hostage. "so what did you do to end up here". I say circling him. He says nothing I pull his head up by his hair and he winces "tell me and I won't torture you before killing you" I growl. "I Embezzled money from Dominic Blacks company" he shivers with fear tears now streaming down his face. "tut-tut, did you not know he was part of Storm Corp" he nodded his head "well then you are just plain stupid arent you" he nods again. "you realise stealing from one steals from them all, and I'm to inherit all they have so you have now stolen from me" his eyes go wide "I Don't like being stolen from" I say circling him again my finger tracing his back and shoulders as I do. "I'm sorry, i'll give it all back" he cries, I laugh, "you think we need you to give it back, dude seriously, do you have a family?" "just a daughter, please don't hurt her". He's crying like a toddler now which pisses me off "I'm not going to hurt her, I am going to kill you and I will send her to the best school, she will be trained to grow up not depending useless, spineless arseholes like you" he sighs in relief "thankyou". "because of your greed you have let your daughter down and that is unforgivable" he hangs his head in shame. "look at me" I bark as he lifts his eyes to mine I take aim and shoot, a hole appears in the middle of his forehead and blood spills out of it as his head drops and his body loses all life. I turn and walk to the mirror I stop in front of it and smile. After a moment or two the concealed door opens, the board and their heirs walk into the room. Everyone except Buckley looks like they can't shake the shock of me passing the test, Jesus christ these morons need to enter the 21st century already. "Buckley get his daughter and enrol her in JFA she is to have the training to learn to fight too, make her sign an NDA and tell her her sperm donor has gone away for a while and has organised all of this, she will need to move into JFA's dorms"I bark at him making it clear I have the authority right now "certainly, Kassidy" he smiles. "impressive for a mere female" Huntingdon says "hmmm" Reyes added "you can leave now, we are finished for today" Reyes snaps. I salute at them sarcastically and turn to the main exit the boys as expected fall in line behind me.

  “damn babydoll, you are a fucking assassin," Brix says as he high-fives me when we reach the cars. "I told you I didn't need you to protect me" I shrug. "gimmie my bag" I say to Ethan, he throws it to me and I grab a wet wipe and bend down to wipe the blood off my heel. "you had two guns and a knife why did you kill him with your shoe" Kade asks, "because they said I wouldn't be able to fight in my heels so I thought id show them exactly what I can do with them, apart from making my legs look longer of course" Kade, Brix and Ethan laugh. "so who's ready for a party" Brix exclaims. "hell yes, lets go" I say. I jump into Ash's car and so does Ash, he just stares into my eyes for a minute "what" I snap "you were amazing back there" he says quietly, is that admiration in his eyes, no cant be. I shrug "put your crappy music on," he says chucking and starts the engine I immediately resume my playlist and start singing when Wish you well by Sigala blasts through the speakers. Ash shakes his head and chuckles "definitely crazy".

  We head straight to the bar and get a round of beers for the boys and a BacardIbreezer for me plus five shots of tequila. "to Kassidie and her return" Ethan toasted "the kick-ass boss bitch more like" Brix added we all laughed and tossed back the tequila. You don't know me by Jax jones plays through the speakers and I squeal "come on, lets dance" the boys groan as I drag Kade and Brix to the middle of the dancefloor. We all start dancing and before long all three of us are busting some serious moves and laughing, I beckon for Ash and Ethan to join us they smile and shake their heads, I make an L with my fingers and put it to my forehead "losers". Brix laughs "you will never get Ash to dance, he's too cool and collected for that". He says "oh well his loss". I laugh "sure is Kassi" Brix chuckles. After three or four songs we head back to the other two and get some more drinks. "having fun Kass" Ethan asks, "yeah so much" I laugh he kisses me on the forehead "good you deserve it". A blonde girl bashes my shoulder as she walks past "whore" she mutters. "what did you just call me" I grimace. She turns and looks me up and down. "a whore, I mean look at you all over four boys at once in a cheap-ass dress". "do you know who the fuck I am, bitch?" I bite out, a crowd starts gathering around us. "yeah I do some low life, that managed to muscle into storm corp" I laugh in her face. "Zoe, I suggest you fuck off right now" Ash Says through gritted teeth. "you wasn't saying that a few nights ago, baby" she pouts, I roll my eyes. "get lost Zoe, before we make you" Brix says as he leans into her face with fury written all over his face. "fine but watch your back bitch" she says looking around Brix to me I flip my finger at her and she stomps off. I order five more shots of tequila "don't worry Kassidie, she's a pathetic girl with a jealousy disorder" Kade whispers in my ear "I don't care, she can say what she wants, I'm a big girl I can take it" I smile at him "yeah and her" Ethan adds, I nod and pass them all a shot.

  "I'm drunk" I slur as Kade helps me into the taxi, he laughs ", I can normally drink like the best of them but now I can barely talk. I rest my head on Kade's shoulder and fall asleep. I'm woken up by strong arms picking me up and carrying me out of the taxi, "where are we" I slur barely able to open my eyes. "my house" Ash says, shock runs through me "I Thought you were Kade" I say relaxing back into Ash's chest. "I Offered to keep an eye on you tonight," Ash says, "I Don't need looking after Ash" I grumble "we don't want you choking on your own vomit in the middle of the night, do we". I shake my head and give up the tiniest bit of fight I had. Before long Ash places me on top of his bed and takes my dress off he then puts one of his T-shirts on me "thanks" I grumble. He tucks me into the covers and before sleep takes over I feel the bed dip and Ash pulling me closer to him.

  I open my eyes and the sunlight hurts my eyes I groan and sit up my hands covering my face, it takes five minutes before my eyes adjust to the brightness attacking my face I swing my legs over the side of the bed and realise I'm not in my room, panic takes over for a second and then I remember Ash carrying me to his house and putting me to bed. On the bedside table is two pain killers and a glass of water I pop the tablets in my mouth and down the water in seconds. I look around and spot the en-suite bathroom, Ash is nowhere to be seen so I decided to grab a quick shower. I get out clean and smelling of Ash's shower gel which sends shivers up and down my spine when I inhale it. I find some of Ash's sweats and a t-shirt I put them on and head out of the room to find him. As I approach his kitchen I can hear a girl giggling and hot burning anger rises through my body, I plaster my mask of indifference on and stroll into the kitchen and grab myself a coffee. "what the fuck is she doing here?" Zoe growls. Before Ash can speak I answer her "oh me, don't let me interrupt, I just need a coffee before I head home, you know how it is long night and all". I send a wink and a smile to Ash and Zoe looks like she's going to explode. With that I turn to leave "i'll drop your cup back off later baby" I say to ash looking over my shoulder "have fun with the help won't you". I don't even stay long enough to see her reaction and head for the main door, I can hear Zoe screeching but can't make out her words. I grab the keys for the BugattIand head out to drive home, I would walk but I don't know what happened to my shoes.

  I've been home for ten minutes and just about to grab some cereal when my phone rings on the counter, I smile when I see its Ash. "hello" I say sweetly "done already" I laugh, "where the fuck is my car, Kassidie?" he shouts down the phone. "aww don't be mad Ash, I couldn't find my shoes so I borrowed your car, I'm at home if you want to come and get it". He hangs up without saying a word. Twenty minutes later my front door bangs open and Ash stalks into the kitchen, "keys" he growls I not to the counter. "did Zoe go home?" I say feigning an apologetic look, inside I'm enjoying this very much. "yes she did". "sorry dude,
didn't mean to cock block you". I say innocently. He sends me a pointed look and I smile. He shakes his head and walks out. I grab my phone and fire out a text.

  Me: Ash is pissy at me.

  Brix: why what have you done now?

  Me: I may have just cockblocked him with Zoe.

  My phone rings "what happened? tell me everything" Brix exclaims down the phone, I laugh and explain every detail. "no fucking way, so she thinks you slept with him. That's genius. '' He says after a laughing fit. "dude, she came to that conclusion all on her own" I chuckle. "you should have seen his face when he came to get his car" I say, "I can imagine, no one is allowed to touch that car" I laugh again. My phone beeped with a text from Kade.

  Kade: Mother has been told you are back and wants to see you in an hour.

  Me: wonderful news. tell the bitch I'll be there.

  "gotta go, Brix, I have to deal with my mother in an hour" I snarl "ok, babydoll, you know where I am if you need me". "thanks Brix". I hang up and go and get ready. I'm standing in front of the huge metal gates to my childhood home with kade, I'm wearing jeans stilettos of course and a girly crop top my hair is up in a sleek ponytail and makeup has diminished any signs of a hangover. "you ready for this" Kade asks, "I Have to be" I sigh. "she's not who you remember Kass, she's more like dad than we realised" he states. "won't be hard to hate the bitch then". We walk down the expansive driveway and head in the house, "she's waiting in the living area" kade tells me. "taking a deep breath I stride through the foyer and through the door into where mother awaits. "mother" I greet "Kassidie" she says as if she's talking to some fucking acquaintance at a party. "she eventually looks up at me and stands, she's as pretty as I remember blonde hair in a neat bun, face has some natural makeup applied, making her blue eyes brighter. She walks towards me "now you have returned I would like to lay down some rules" I scoff at her words "I Don't want you in this house again after this visit, you are not a child I wanted and luckily for you, I gave you away and you, still became an heir. I have never cared for you and I do not want you coming here crying for your mother." she states like she's reading out a fucking dinner menu. "Oh and I would like for you to leave Kaden be, he shouldn't be seen with a throwaway, it's not good for his reputation". Before I knew it rage had enveloped me and I slapped her around the face, she stumbled back as she grabbed her face. "you can tell me not to come here and not have anything to do with you and your husband, because honestly there's nothing I like more than to never see your faces again, but you will not keep Kaden away from me, do you understand!" I shout at her, shock evident on her face she nods, quickly composing herself she sits back on the sofa "we have an understanding, then you can leave now". I growl as I turn and storm out of the house, Kade runs after me as I'm sprinting down the driveway. "hold up Kass" I stop and let him catch up "come on let's hang at my house" I say. "are you ok". "fine" I snap. "just forget about them Kassi, they aren't worth it" I nod in agreement and link my arm in his as we continue heading to my house.

  Chapter four.

  I woke up Sunday morning to the sound of my phone beeping. I pick it up an encrypted message is flashing on the screen

  Anonymous: your presence is required for an assignment, a jet will be waiting in Jefferson falls airfield you must be on it by 12pm.

  I grumble as I get out of bed, looking at the clock, I can see its already nine. I get up and grab a coffee bringing it back to my room I sit on my bed while I drink it. I grab my phone and shoot out a text to Brix.

  Me: are you heading out today too?

  Brix: yup, we will all meet at the gates at 11.30.

  Me: cool, see you then.

  Dressing in my mission gear which consists of a bulletproof vest, black jeans, black tank top and hoodie. I attach my gun holder to my thigh and waist put two of my guns in them and load up a knife on my calf. I put on some black stilettos and grab my holdall and head towards the door. I meet the guys at the gate in my baby give them a nod and head out to the airfield. We all pull up by the jet and get out and get on the plane is a medium-sized private jet, two tables are located on each side of the plane each has four leather chairs surrounding them. There is a wooden bar near the front and a bathroom at the back, we all put our luggage in the overhead storage and get comfortable. I'm sat on the right-hand side with Ash next to me and Brix opposite, Kade and Ethan sit at the other table opposite each other. A man exits the cockpit and hands us all a large manilla envelope "I'm your pilot for today, buckle in we will take off in five minutes, do not get out of chairs until I tell you its ok to walk around". "no worries, we know the drill" Brix says. The pilot smiles and heads back into the cockpit. We all open our envelopes and there is a small pile of paper in each. There is a photo of a man and woman, another of an office building and blueprints to the building. a Letter is last in the pile.

  Mission: Retrieve Classified Storm Corp Files.

  You need to get into that building unnoticed and get into the office that is on the 6th floor, you will need to hack into the system and delete the files on storm Corp. Hidden in the safe is a Flash drive which you need to bring back to HQ. Supplies are waiting in the Chicago safe house where you will be staying for this mission. You have three days.

  "Easy enough," I say to Brix who is getting his laptop out. "yeah sounds easy but there's always something they don't tell us". He groans. "I'll do some research while were flying and then we can make a plan" we all nod in agreement. I put my headphones in and listen to a random playlist. Ash nudges me after ten minutes I take my headphone out "we can walk about now, you want a drink?" "yeah get me a soda please?" I answer him, he gets up and I put my headphones in, listening to some UK grime I start bopping my head. Ash puts my soda in front of me and takes my headphone and puts it in his ear. We sit for a while both of us listening to Stormzy, his arm is resting next to mine almost touching and butterflies start flying around my stomach. Why does he have this effect on me, he never used to when we're kids. I choose to ignore my feelings and close my eyes concentrating on the rapping in my ear. My phone buzzes in my hand and I look down, an iMessage flashes on the screen.

  Ash: What is this shit we are listening too.

  Me: UK grime, it's good

  Ash: yeah right

  Me: just listen to it you may end up loving it.

  Ash: ok, why do you like music so much.

  Me: it's all I had to cheer me up when I was on the island. Plus when I excelled in my training I was allowed to choose two fun subjects, I chose dance and music.

  Ash: Wow, are you any good at either of them.

  Me: of course, I'm good at everything, I am a grade 8 ballerina, I can tap dance, street dance and a bit of contemporary. I can read music, play the piano and drums, also I'm a very good singer.

  Ash: you’ll have to show me all of that sometime.

  Me: I doubt it will interest you, doesn't Zoe have any hidden talents you prefer.

  I know I'm being bitchy and I have no right to be, I need to figure out my feelings towards Ash, ignoring them is not working.

  Ash: not really, are you jealous Kass.

  Me: No I'm not jealous.

  Liar, my inner self screams

  Ash: we shall see.

  Me: what does that mean.

  Ash: maybe i'll put all my charm on you, let's see if you can resist me.

  Oh god, that tingly feeling is back.

  Me: oh I will.

  Ash: if I kissed you right now, you would love it.

  Now I'm daydreaming about him kissing me, fuck sake Kassi, pull it together.

  Me: doubt it.

  Ash: I don't believe you I can see it in your face, your flushed.

  Me: I'm not, now fuck off and listen to the music.

  Ash: uhuh, this is your warning I will kiss you sooner or later.

  I give him a pointed look then ignore his message. Do I want him to kiss me? Yes but why?. Thinking about Ash is giving me a headache so I close my eyes and fall asleep listening to Dizzee Rascal. Ash w
akes me up some time later to go over the plan with the others. "ok, so I have found out that the couple in the photo is Mr & Mrs Victor Barnes, he is running for senator and has managed to get some files that can help him blackmail storm corp to back his campaign." "stupid prick" Kaden says " there is a ball tomorrow night being held in the same building as his office on the ground floor, I have secured all of us tickets, we need to get in and get to the sixth floor with no one realising we have left the ball. "both victor and his wife will be there, once we are upstairs the lock to his office will need to be picked, seems an easy enough lock, then I can hack into computer while one of you cracks the safe that's hidden behind a picture". "ok so a good plan". Ash says. "I Can crack the safe" I add, remembering they don't know half the stuff I can do. "you can?" kade asks shock evident again. "can you lot stop being so shocked that I can do things". "sorry" Kade mumbles. "so KassIand Brix are going up to the office," Ash says "i'll come with you and i'll be backup if you need it" he adds "Kade and Ethan, you can stay in the ball and cover for us if anyone asks questions." "yes, boss" they both answer in unison. "earpieces and cameras should be with our supplies at the safe house so we will all be in constant contact". Ash informs us. "we all need to go shopping when we land, can't turn up to a ball looking like this" I exclaim. "please tell me you are not going to spend hours trying on gowns?". Brix asks. "maybe and you all have to sit there and watch me while I do". I say and they all groan at once. My phone buzzes on the table and Igrab it


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