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The Storm Legacy : They let her go, now she's back and ready to turn their lives upside down.

Page 6

by K. L Hart

  The morning flies by and before I know it lunch has arrived. I find Charlie outside the cafeteria and we go and grab our lunch, we sit at our table and the boys join us five minutes later. We spend fifteen minutes all talking and having a good catch up. “Ethan told me all about your talents”. Charlie said “what talents?” I asked, “you know the rapping and singing” Ethan chimed in. I Laugh “oh, them” I laugh “it's nothing really” I add. “oh look, the Whore and the spare are friends how cute”. A voice behind me drawls, I turn to find Zoe with a small group of her minions standing with her hands on her hips grinning at me like she’s won a trophy. I lean against the table and laugh “is that the best insult you can come up with” I laugh harder “your daddy must be so pissed that he’s spending ten’s of thousands on your education, for you to be so stupid”. Brix tries and fails to hold back his laugh. “can you even count to ten?” Charlie asks in a demeaning tone. Zoe’s face turns thunderous, she walks past me grabs my drink off the table and throws it in Charlie's face. I get up and spin Zoe to face me, I grab her throat and squeeze “go near Charlie again and I will fucking kill you!” I roar in her face, fear is evident in her eyes even though her face doesn’t show it. “leave now!” I shout as I let her go. She stomps her foot and huffs as she turns and walks out of the cafeteria. “you were right when you said she was a bad-ass now” Charlie says to Ethan and he shrugs “are you ok” I ask Charlie. “yeah fine it's only water it will dry!” she says dismissing the whole thing. “you want to come to hang at mine after school?” I ask her “sure, I heard the Buckley house is all yours now” she exclaims, I nod and smile, “I’ll meet you there at six, I'm sleeping over by the way” she says as she gets up, I laugh “ok” I say. “going to clean up before class, see you later” she says as she saunters off.

  For most of the evening, we sit in my kitchen stuffing our faces with Chinese takeaway just chatting and catching up, I can’t talk Storm business with Charlie as she’s not an heir but I can tell her about other things like Ash. “Wait, he kissed you,” she says spurting her drink out. “yeah” I say “don’t sound so shocked” I laugh. “sorry but its Ash, he does one night stands and Zoe when he can’t be bothered to find someone else” she states. “really?” I say a bit shocked “none of them have had girlfriends, a quickie in a hotel room, yes but no long term fuck buddies nothing” she replies. “oh” I say “be careful with Ash, Kassi, I don’t think he’ll hurt you but he is not exactly boyfriend material!” she says softly. “I'll be careful, I promise!” I say back, we hug for a minute. “shall we go watch a film in bed?” I ask her and she nods her head. When we are halfway through the second twilight film a text pop’s up on my phone.

  Ash: Don’t make plans for tomorrow night.

  Me: why

  Ash: I want you to myself for a few hours

  Me: what are we going to do

  Ash: I’m taking you into new york, we are going to grab some dinner then head to the clubs.

  Me: ill find my fake ID then

  Ash: you won’t need it, we own them.

  Me: us or storm

  Ash: storm but it will all be ours in two years.

  Me: I suppose

  Ash: pack an overnight bag

  Me: ok

  Ash: we leave straight after school so ill pick you up in the morning.

  Me: ok Ash, i'll see you tomorrow.

  I pause the film “hey, it's the good part” charlie moans, “you have to help me, I need to pack a bag”. “why?” She asks confused. “Ash is taking me to New York after school were going clubbing and staying over,” I tell her. “ok Closet now” she demands and I laugh.

  An hour later we have chosen the dress and packed everything I need. “wait you can't wear those” she says pointing to my underwear, in a split second she has rifled through my drawer and found a sexy lingerie set. “there’s no point taking them, I do not plan on having sex with Ash tomorrow” I remark “Why not?” she asks “because I’m a virgin” I say shyly. “No fucking way!” she blurts “well then when’s better than tomorrow night to pop your cherry, and with the hottest guy to exist as well” she says excitedly, I frown “girl, It’s just sex, you can’t wait until Mr right because you will never find him, if your comfortable then go for it.” she says smiling. “ok, put them in the bag but I’m not promising anything”. I shake my head. We get back into bed and I fire out a text to Ash.

  Me: bag packed and ready to go.

  Ash: good now go to sleep Angel don’t want you to be too tired for tomorrow.

  Me: what are you expecting to happen Ash.

  Ash: honestly, I expect nothing from you, but I wouldn’t say no.

  Me: I don’t know if I can do anything with you Ash, I’ve never even thought about stuff like that until I came back.

  Ash: look, I will never push you, but I will be the first person to touch you, I will be the man who you give your virginity too. I have dreamt of nothing else since I saw you in your bright pink fucking car, I’ve never wanted someone as badly as I want you, I would wait for eternity just for a kiss from you Angel. Don’t think about it, if anything happens it happens if not it's ok.

  Me: can you come and meet me at my gate now.

  Ash: Sure, is everything ok.

  Me: yes everything's ok just get here.

  I look over and Charlie’s asleep, I sneak out of bed and put on my robe, I slip on my sneakers and tiptoe out of the bedroom. I speed walk through the house and down the driveway, I open the gate and wait just outside of them for Ash. After a few minutes, he arrives “you sure your ok?” Ash asks worriedly, “yes, I just needed to do this,” I say as fist my hands in his shirt to pull him down, I kiss him hard, Ash lifts me in his arms, I wrap my legs around his waist as he walks through the gate. My back scrapes the wall he has me against, no one can see us from where we are located and the wind has my hair flying around us. He pulls away and we are both panting hard. “baby, if we keep going I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.” he breathes, Charlie’s words come back to me and my resolve strengthens, I want this and I want him. “don’t then” I say he leans in and gives me bruising kiss he starts walking us back to my house “what if Charlie hears” I say “I don’t care who hears baby, but we are not having sex tonight you are not ready for that” he says, disappointment fills me, “why are we going back to the house then” I ask “because I want to kiss you some more plus there is other stuff we can do” he says as he winks at me. “oh, well you can put me down I can walk”. I say, he laughs and puts me down, he entwines his fingers through mine and we hurriedly walk back to the house. When we reach the front door Ash stops and turns to me “are you sure about this Kass” he asks I nod and he quickly picks me up again kissing me with force. Ash places me on the kitchen counter and doesn’t even break our kiss, my hands start wandering up his shirt and through his hair, all reservations I had about him have well and truly disappeared. His hand is cupping the back of my head pressing me closer to him, and I love it, I never imagined kissing someone could feel like this, my body is on fire with his touch. He runs his hands up my thighs so slowly its almost torture, he dips one hand into my sleep short and moves my panties out of the way, he strokes his finger slowly up and down the inside of my slit, he pulls away from our kiss and growls “shit, Kass, your so fucking wet for me”. I blush hard, he continues stroking up and down and then starts circling that my sensitive nub, electricity zooms up my body and I gasp into his mouth. He pushes a finger into my tight pussy and I moan, “so god damn tight” he mutters into my mouth. His fingers move in and out of me and then he adds another, I’m unashamedly writhing against his hand now, moaning loudly. “shit, Ash, I think I’m going to come” I rasp, he pulls me in for another bruising kiss as my orgasm rips through me, I shake and tremble in his arms as I come down from the explosive high, Ash removes his hand but Kisses and holds me until I have ridden out the after waves of my orgasm. He breaks the kiss and stares down at me with lust-filled eyes “your so hot when yo
u come, Angel” he rasps, I blush again and break our eye contact. Ash grips my chin lifting my gaze back to him “don’t ever look away from me, baby” I nod. “I don’t want to leave” he whispers. “I don’t want you too either but you have too”. I reply “fucking Charlie” he mutters. After another make-out session, he finally tells me to get my ass to bed and leaves. Just as I get into bed a text pings through on my phone

  Ash: dream of me

  Me: only if you dream about me

  Ash: I Always do.

  I smile as drift into a deep sleep.

  The school day goes by quickly, Ash has been affectionate towards me all day, he put his arm around me at lunchtime the others gave us some weird looks but no one asked any questions thank fuck, he held my hand as we walked to his car at the end of school and apart from changing gear he had his hand entwined in mine for the whole journey to New York. I’m sat in the penthouse suite of the Vasillia hotel doing my make-up while Ash showers. When I’m finished I check myself in the full-length mirror, the silver strappy dress is super low cut and is backless, it comes to just under my butt and shows off all my curves in the right places, I have glittery silver eight-inch stilettos on and a silver clutch. My hair is down and dead straight. I have silver and black cut crease eyeshadow making my eyes sparkle and nude matte lipstick. I have a chunky white gold necklace on with matching earrings and bracelet. Ash envelopes me in his arms behind me and we stare at each other through the mirror, “you look fucking amazing Angel” he whispers, I blush, “thanks” I say. He spins me around in his arms and kisses me tenderly “you ready to go?” he asks when he pulls away. I nod. I look at him when we are in the elevator and my god is this man sexy as hell, he’s wearing dark blue jeans, white Adidas sneakers and a white muscle fit top, paired with a black jacket. We sit at our table at La Breterm and make our orders to the waiter “I’ll have the steak” Ash says “can I get the Chicken salad, please” I ask, he nods “drinks?” the waiter asks “a bottle of your finest champagne” Ash says. The waiter nods and leaves. “you really do look fucking gorgeous, Kassi.” Ash says eye’s filled with lust. “thank-you” I reply. The waiter returns with our champagne and pours us a glass each before leaving it in the ice bucket. I take a sip “OMG this stuff is amazing” I state taking another sip “only the best for you, Angel” Ash chuckles. “why do you keep calling me that” I ask. “because you are an Angel, you have brought all of us back the light in our fucked up world, only an Angel could kill seven people and then sing and dance in the car like she was the happiest girl alive, you get our world and you don’t let the darkness of our jobs affect you at all, I admire you more and more everyday Kassi, you are the strongest, feistiest and sweetest person I know”. He says lovingly as he holds my hand across the table. “Ash, an Angel doesn’t kill people and feel no remorse that makes me kind of evil, to be honest”. I say “baby, you're our Angel, you do what you have to do and you don’t let that make you someone else, you take everything that’s thrown at you in your stride. Plus you are a top-notch killer, you should be proud of that” he says. “I am Ash, we live totally different lives than ninety per cent of the people on this planet, I was born into this life and I will never be ashamed of it, I will never lay down and give up I will always fight, whether it’s to prove I can do it, or to save myself and the people I love” I state. “you belong with us, you belong to fight with us side by side, you are not our equal Kassi, you exceed every single one of us, we are not worthy of you” He says. A tear falls down my cheek and Ash swipes it away with his thumb. “thank-you Ash”. I whisper “don’t ever thank me for telling you the truth” Ash states. I lean over the table and give him a sweet kiss, soon after dinner arrives and we dig in. When we have both finished the food and the champagne Ash pays the bill and we leave “so, where’s this club” I ask rubbing my hands together “excited Angel,” Ash says holding back his laugh “I'm excited to see you dance, I have been told that you never dance” I say “only for you baby” Ash says as we get in the Taxi.

  Storm-side Club is huge, we are in the VIP area which is basically a large balcony that looks down to the main club, there must be thousands of people here getting all sweaty on the dance floor. We are on our third bottle of champagne and I have a slight buzz. “we have been here a whole hour, we need to go downstairs to dance now” I demand as I drag Ash down the stairs to the dance-floor. I push past people to get to the middle and start moving my hips throwing my hands in the air as sweet lovin by Sigala comes on. Ash starts to move as well and I’m surprised when I see he can actually dance. I start grinding my back against his front and we dance together for at least five songs before Ash points upstairs and makes a drinking action with his hand. When we finish the fourth bottle of champagne Ash grabs my face and kisses me deeply, I pull away from him and I whisper in his ear “let's get out of here”, “hell to the fucking yes” he replies.

  We enter the penthouse suite and attack each other, in a frenzy of kissing I manage to get his jacket and top off, he leads me to the bedroom, he takes my dress off and rakes his gaze across every inch of my body, glad I wore Charlie's choice of underwear now. “so fucking beautiful” he mutters as he pulls me into another frenzied kiss, he pushes me on the bed and takes his sneakers off, while I kick my stilettos somewhere. He leans down to kiss me this time with a bit more control, I start undoing his jeans and he pulls away “are you sure about this Kass?” he asks “yes I want you” I reply, I have no questions in my head about doing this with him, I have let all my worries go and I’m all in for tonight. “lay down, Angel” he breathes. I slide up the bed and lay down, I watch him take his jeans off and he then crawls up the bed so he is on top of me his weight supported by his elbows either side of me. “we can stop at any time, ok?” he reassures me I nod. He kisses me passionately and my hands run through his hair and down his back, I feel every muscle and my body ignites. His kisses move down my body, he frees my left breast from the lacy bra and kisses and sucks it and I start to moan. He then moves down to my thighs kissing a licking every inch of me as he goes. He rips my panties off and kisses my throbbing pussy, I gasp and my back bucks. He licks and sucks me and I am moaning and writhing as he holds me down with a hand on my stomach. Ash pushes two fingers inside me and I cry out his name, as he pushes in and out of me a few times I orgasm and he lays over me again, kissing me as I ride it out. Ash gets off the bed and takes his boxers off, my eyes bulge at the sight of his long and thick erection, shit that’s gonna hurt I think. Ash grabs a condom out of his jeans pocket and tears it open with his teeth, he rolls it on his penis in a flash, he lays over me again “last chance to back out baby” he says searching my eye’s, “no I want to” I reply he kisses me as he spreads my legs and positions himself. He slowly enters me and I gasp with the pain, he stills to let me adjust for a second and then carries on until he is all the way in, my walls adjust quickly and the pain disappears “you ok?” he asks staring lovingly in my eyes “yeah I'm good” I rasp. He starts to move in me slowly at first but when I start rocking my hips to match his rhythm he thrusts harder, I moan unashamedly as my orgasm hits with full force “oh god” I cry. Ash flips us over and he swings his legs over the bed and sits up he kisses my neck as he guides me up and down his length, I'm moaning even more as he is deeper inside me because of the new position. I start to move on my own and ride him. “fuck Kass” he groans biting my shoulder. My head falls back as his thrusts meet my movements we are frantically moving together now and it's fucking amazing, we are both moaning as we kiss. My orgasm hits even harder than the last one and I scream his name. Ash Thrusts two more time before grunting my name and biting my shoulder as he comes. Our breathing is erratic for a few minutes as we just sit there, I lift my head so I can look in his eyes “you ok? Kass, did I hurt you” Ash says full of worry. “I'm more than ok, stop worrying,” I say as I cup his cheek and smile. He gets up and carries me to the bathroom kissing my neck and shoulder sweetly as he does he eases out of me as he puts me d
own and turns the shower on, my legs feel like jelly and I lean against the wall to stop me from falling over. “get in” he demands and I do as I’m told. Ash gets in with me and we wash each other I giggle when he tickles my side with the sponge and the whole thing is so intimate my heart physically swells. We get out dry and get dressed for bed, I put on his t-shirt and he wears sweats. I snuggle into his chest as he wraps his arms tightly around me “night Angel” he says giving me one more kiss before sleep takes over my body.

  Chapter six.

  the past week has been like a fairy tale, I’m in my own little Ash bubble that I don’t ever want to pop. Since we got back from New York last Saturday Ash has stayed at my house every night, people are calling me his girlfriend at school even though we haven’t spoken about what our relationship is I feel it’s serious and people can tell by looking at us. We have spent every minute together and to say we can’t keep our hands off each other is an understatement. I won’t ever get my fill of him and the thought makes me smile. Ash walks into my room and sits next to me on the bed he hands me my coffee and I take a sip “mmm” I groan he laughs “close your eyes and hold out your hands Angel” he says, I immediately do as I’m told and he places a box of some sort in my hands “open” he says as I do I gasp at the large jewellery box in my hands “Ash, you shouldn’t have” I whisper “I Wanted to treat my girl” he shrugs “go on then open it” he cajoles. Inside the box is the most gorgeous necklace with the word Angel connecting the two chains, small diamonds are encrusted in the letters and a tear falls from my eye. “may I” Ash asks and I give him the necklace, turn and hold up my hair so he can place it around my neck. “perfect” he says as I face him again “thank-you Ash its beautiful” I whisper as I lean in to kiss him, for the next hour we have slow and passionate sex, I would say it was making love but that’s too much for me to handle right now.


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