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The Storm Legacy : They let her go, now she's back and ready to turn their lives upside down.

Page 12

by K. L Hart

  the week flew by in Monaco and it's out last night here and the King and Queen are throwing us a grand ball. “your dress is here” Princess Bella yells as she bangs on my suite door “quick Kassi, you have to try it on!” I Open the door and the excited eight-year-old grabs my hand and makes me run to the Queen dressing room. “whoa, Princess, I haven't ordered a dress” I say as we enter the room. “no but mummy did, she said you will be the Princess for tonight” She squeaks. “Come in girls, and let’s open this dress,” The Queen says as she points to a huge white box with a pink bow on it that's sitting on top of the glass table. “Is it really for me?” I ask as Iwalk towards the box. “yes, dear, go on, open it”. I rip through the packaging like a woman possessed and pull out the dress carefully. “oh my god” Imutter as I Look at the huge dress. “put it on” Princess Bella demands. I walk around the room divider to put the dress on. “oh my, you look exquisite” Queen Eleanor says as walk back into the main bit of the room. “thankyou, Your Majesty, you shouldn’t have” I say. “nonsense, if anyone deserves a dress like that, it is you” she replies as she pulls me to the mirror. I stare at myself in the beautiful dress, Its an Ivory Empire gown with an off the shoulder corset, it flares out on the waist and must come out at least 15 CM all around. the dress has some beautiful white lace detail and has crystals all over it. there is a slight train too.”I Don’t know what to say, I think Imay have to get married in this” I whisper. “a princess always looks like she would on her wedding day, that is the rule” Princess Bella says and the Queen Laughs “now, shall we get this off, order some champagne and get our hair and makeup done by the team that will arrive in ten minutes” the Queen says “as if I Could refuse” I say excitedly.

  Three hours later and we are all ready “look at these Shoes Princess” I say as Ilift my dress up they are tall ivory heels covered in diamonds “please tell me they are not real diamonds” I ask “cinderella had glass and you shall have diamonds” the queen answers a warm smile on her face. “can we show her the Tiara now?” the princess asks as she jumps up and down in her baby blue gown. “sure” the queen takes a wooden box from the dressing table and pulls a tiara out. “I had this made for you, turn and face the mirror” she demands and Icomply. the queen places the large silver tiara on my head, “Perfect fit” she says as she steps back to examine it. The Tiara is covered in Rubies and diamonds and the point in the middle is quite high. there are intricate details on the whole thing and is absolutely beautiful. “there a real princess” Queen Elenor says. There is a knock on the door and Arthur Enters, It Is Time for your arrival Your majesty” he states and the Queen nods “let’s go and dance the night away” she winks at me. we follow Arthur to the other end of the castle until we reach some huge double doors. when they open someone speaks loudly “Please be upstanding for Her Royal Highness Queen Elenor of Monaco and Princess Bella of Monaco”. he says and the Queen whispers before she slowly walks down the stairs into the ball with her daughter “wait to be introduced”. When the applause has stopped and they have reached the bottom of the stairs the man loudly speaks again “and it is the royal families great honour to Introduce to you, Princess Kassidie” I step out through the doors and descend slowly down the stairs, the crowd are all bowing and curtseying. when I Reach the bottom the Royal family bow their heads to me and I bow back. I spot Ash, Kade, Ethan and Brix at the other end of the ballroom, staring at me with their mouths wide open. I roll my eyes at them, “May I have this dance” Asks the King as he takes my hand “sure” I answer. we start dancing the waltz along to the music “your boys are mesmerised by you” he says smiling and I chuckle “they look like goldfish” I say “they look like smart young men that know when they see someone to admire” The King says and my cheeks turn red. we twirl around the dancefloor and Iwonder if this is what it feels like to have a loving father and my smile falls from my face. “why do you seem sad, Kassi?” the King asks. “I just realised this must be what if feels like to have a proper dad” Iwhisper. “oh” he pauses as he thinks, “As King, I declare that such a talented, amazing and strong young woman should never be without a loving father figure. I am here if you need comfort, a place to run too or someone to dance with. You are always welcome here and my family all love you” he says matter of factly, a tear rolls down my cheek and Istop dancing and wrap the king up in a hug. After a few seconds, the king chuckles “now now, we are here to have fun, once the old fuddy duddys leave in roughly half an hour the disco starts” Istep out of his embrace “disco?” I ask “yes ever since Bella was old enough to talk she demanded these balls become more fun, and that's what we did, the band leaves and the Disk Jockey comes and plays some god awful music, but I Think you younger ones will enjoy it”. I laugh “Now I Must go and dance with my wife,” he says as he leaves to go to his wife. Igo to one of the waiters and grab myself a glass of champagne, as I sip my drink an arm snakes around my waist. “you look beautiful” Ash whispers in my ear. “thankyou” Ismile. “I take it, you boys have closed your mouths, finally” I say and he chuckles “we were a bit thrown when you were introduced as a princess and then walked out looking like that” he chuckles. “it’s just a dress” I Roll my eyes, “it’s not the dress, Angel, It’s you” Iturn to face him “what do you mean?” I ask “you radiate, warmth, love and happiness, you are a true Princess, you have a way of lighting up the room when you walk into it, everyone stops and listens when you talk, you take people’s breath away when you smile” Iblush at his words “I'm no more special than any other girl” I say “that’s what makes you so special, you would never think your better than someone else, you will put someone else in the spotlight if that's what they wanted”. he says and Ilean up to kiss him sweetly. “may I Have this dance,” Ash asks as the band starts to play a slow classical song. Inod, Ash leads me to the dancefloor. we dance slowly and as close as we can get to each other with my huge dress in the way. “Isaw you hugging the King” he says “jealous” Itease “I'm happy for you, the royal family have taken you under their wing, they love you, it’s nice to see you have some normal people outside our craziness” he says sincerely “yeah, they are nice and the king told me if Iever needed a father figure, he would be there for me” I say and Ash nods. “how is it that you can fit in anywhere you go? you are loved by us, a London gang and the Moroccan royal family” he says smiling “maybe I'm just a lovable person” I chuckle “I Never believed in world peace, but I think if it was to happen, you would be the person to do it” he laughs shaking his head. “let’s get another drink” I say as the song ends, we walk hand in hand to the other guys. “Princess Babydoll, it has a nice ring to it” Brix jokes “you look amazing,” Kade says as he hugs me “I may look good, but Ihave no idea how I'm meant to sit down” Ilaugh and they guys join me. “Kassi!” Princess Bella shouts as she runs to me. “Hey, Princess, you having fun?” I ask “not yet but we all will be soon,” she says “you never told me he was your boyfriend” she accuses as she points to Ash. “maybe I'm not,” ash says smirking. “I saw you dancing, I'm Eight not stupid, your in love” she teases “Well smarty pants, you are right we, he is m boyfriend” I say smiling down at her. “can Ibe your bridesmaid at your wedding” she asks “if we get married, you will definitely be my bridesmaid.” I say and she squeals. Brix snickers and I look at him confused, he points to Ash and when I See his face I Giggle, he stares at Bella and all the colour has drained from his face, if I Didn't know him better I Would say he looked scared. “Ash? are you ok?” I Try to sound serious he coughs and slaps on a fake grin “yeah fine, I’m just going to grab another drink!” and with that he turns and leaves and we all burst into laughter. “the poor guy, talking about getting married and you have a dress on that could pass as a wedding dress” Ethan laughs “should I Bring up babies in the next conversation?” I joke and the boys are now in a fit of hysterics.

  Chapter Thirteen

  “Angel, your phones been buzzing non-stop since you got in the shower,” Ash says as I
walk out of my en-suite. “It’s probably Bella,” I say as I grab my phone and sit on the edge of my bed

  Princess Bella: if Iconvince, father to buy me a plane can I visit you all the time?

  I roll my eyes and smile as I move onto the next text

  Princess Bella: I’m not allowed to go back to school, do you go to school? if so can Ilive with you and go to school with you.

  Princess Bella: I’ve asked mummy to adopt you so you can be my sister! can you send me your birth certificate?

  Princess Bella: answer your texts, I miss you

  Me: Bella I have been gone for two weeks and we speak on the phone every day. if you get bought a plane you can visit. I have already been adopted once I Don't think Iwant to do it again, ill be your best friend instead. you cannot live with me as I am not old enough to look after you, I was homeschooled for years you will be fine.

  Princess Bella: ok, best friends will have to do. Mummy said to tell you that she has sent you something and to expect it to arrive tomorrow.

  Me: ok, tell her I said thank you, and I Have to go now so ill ring you later.

  “I think I'm stuck with her for life, she asked her parents to adopt me!” I say. “she loves you and I Can't blame her either,” Ash says as he massages my shoulders. “I have been wanting to talk to you about something,” he says “ok” Ireply “do you mind me staying here all the time?”. he asks “no, Ilike you being here, I think Iwould miss you if you went home”. “so how would you feel if I asked you if I Could officially move in,” he says. “well you can if you want but I am not making room in my closet for your stuff, you will have to use the guest room closet”. I say matter of factly “I would never ask you to make room for my clothes in your overly filled closet” he chuckles. “I will make you a deal, I move in and I’ll put my stuff in the guest room if you promise to kiss me every morning and cuddle me every night,” he says, I turn to face him “Deal”. “I’ll get my things packed up today and moved over tonight” he states. “you need some help?” I ask. “why not” he chuckles and he kisses me deeply.

  “That’s the last box,” Ash says as he enters our house. “thank fuck for that” Brix adds “we would never offered to help if we knew you had so much crap,” Ethan says. “stop moaning” Chuckle “you want me to order Chinese for dinner?” I ask. “hell yes” Brix exclaims. “come on let's go sit in the kitchen,” I say heading towards it. The boys all sit around the dining table while I Get them all a beer and sort out plates and cutlery for dinner. “so have you told your dad you have moved out?” Kade asks Ash. “yeah I rang him earlier, he is ok as long as I'm in the compound and can be reached by storm” Ash answers. “what does he think about you being in a relationship with Kassi?” Ethan asks. “to be honest ever since she kicked ass at the test he secretly likes Kass, he said it is beneficial for storm to have a power couple leading the company” Ash answers and I roll my eyes. “oh and he is coming here tomorrow at 9am he has something to discuss with you,” Ash says to me. “what could he possibly have to talk to me about” I ask annoyance clear in my voice. “I don’t know, but my dad may be an asshole like the rest of our parents but he is the most open-minded one too, plus he is always looking to piss your and kades father off, maybe he’s enlisting you to help him,” Ash says. “well, in that case, he can come round now!” I say and all the boys laugh.

  “Ash, get up! your dad’s going to be here in ten minutes” I shout as I hit him with a pillow. “mmmm” Ash grumbles. “I need coffee, you best be downstairs before he arrives or I will stab you” I shout. Ten minutes later and Ash has still not appeared and his dad is currently parking his car in my drive “for fuck sake, Iam going to kill him” I say to myself. I open my front door and greet Mr Huntingdon. I lead him to the kitchen and offer him a coffee, which he takes. we sit down at the dining table “where is my son?” Huntingdon booms. “He refuses to get up” Ishrug. “well it was you I Wanted to talk too anyway,” he says and I Admit I'm interested in what he needs to say. “Kassidie, you don't know this but I Have been keeping tabs on you ever since you went away with Buxley, I Have had updates on you and your training. you see I Didn't agree with what happened to you that day but none of us could stop it,” he says. I look at him confused. “everyone in that meeting saw a crying eight-year-old girl, powerless and useless, I saw a defiant little girl, willing to fight for what she wanted,, a girl surrounded by boys and men that tried to force her to be weak. I saw how the boys were affected after you had gone and knew that you were the true leader of your generation of heirs, not Ash, I knew the bond you five had would make or break you all. I knew that given the choice you would be strong and independent” he says. “so you were rooting for me this whole time?” I ask confused. “you can say that I saw your potential and you have exceeded it at every turn” he says sincerely, “erm thanks I Suppose” I say still not sure what to think about this. “look Kassidie, Ihave seen how you entranced a gang in London and the royal family in Monaco, you are a force to be reckoned with and if I'm honest it’s pissing Reyes off, i, of course, am enjoying seeing him regret what he did to you” he states. “he deserves it” Iadd. “I Have a small proposition for you! I'm opening a record label and Ialready have a large modelling agency” he says “why, do you really need any more businesses?” I ask. “no, but Ilike to have new challenges” he chuckles “I want you to come on board and be one of my first artist’s, you are very talented, Ash has shown me the videos of some performances and Iam very impressed. As you may have heard Storm are straying away from what's left of the more shall we say, unethical work you have been used to in the past, and moving on to more legit services like your mission in Monaco. now I Believe you being in the spotlight will only better the company's image and make it more yours and the boys style for when you take over.” he looks genuine. “but how will me being “well known” Iair quote “help with rescues and missions”, “you will be the new face of storm corporations, you will be known for your talents as well as your generosity, you will help make storm a company I Know you and the boys will be proud to overtake, storm has been kept out of the public eye for the most part and people are very suspicious about our activities, we want that to change. you will still go on missions, we will ensure you will be able to carry out your responsibilities as you do now. this is your decision, you can have the boys as involved as you like or not at all. but Kassi, you deserve this, this is for you it just a bonus it helps your company for when you take it over” he says. “I mean I Never thought about another career option, this sounds like a dream come true if I'm honest,” I say sounding shocked, “I Will have to discuss this with the others, we are a team and we should decide together,” I say. Huntingdon smiles warmly “and that right there is why your generation will surpass ours, you have an unbreakable bond that makes you family, you five will do amazing things and I'm glad you all didn't turn out as bitter and twisted as us,” he says. I smile “maybe it’s because you didn’t have a girl to put you in your place” I raise an eyebrow and he laughs, actually laughs. “I think your right”. I smile at him “I must go now, tell my son to get his lazy ass out of bed, oh and tell I am glad he has you, he deserves happiness, just don't tell him I said that wouldn’t want him thinking Iam going soft” he winks as he gets up. I walk him out of the kitchen and to the front door. “I’ll let you know my decision soon,” I say as he walks out of my front door, he nods and smiles.


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