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The Storm Legacy : They let her go, now she's back and ready to turn their lives upside down.

Page 14

by K. L Hart

  I mingle in the crowd for a while, shaking hands and meeting lots of people including other artists, movie producers, and executives of various companies. I try to find Ash but I Can't see him anywhere. I spot Kade sulking in the corner and I roll my eyes as I sit next to him, “what’s wrong?” I ask. “ nothing” he snaps. "Look I don’t know what your problem is but I think you should get over it! I don’t see why I should have to put up with this from you" I say. "why do you even care Kassie, you only speak to me when you have to! you always prefer the others to me and I'm meant to be your twin" he says sadly. "that’s not true and you know it" I snap. "Yes, it is true! you would rather hang out with us or Brix or Charlie" He says. "I hang out with Ash because he’s my boyfriend, Brix makes me laugh and has time for me and Charlie is the only girlfriend I’ve got, I don’t hang around with you as much because you’ve never offered you never seem to wanna be around me and when I do see or speak to you, you’re either angry or brooding. I don’t think I’ve seen you happy since I’ve been home, why is that? do you not want me here?" I retort "of course I want you here, but are you just going to up and leave again when going gets tough and we have to make decisions we don’t want to do because of our parents" he says "do not hold me leaving against me, you and the others did nothing to make me wanna stay, I was eight years old" I snap. "I know we handled it badly but you didn’t have to leave you could of message me, or rang me, or contacted me in any way, somehow let me know that you were okay! half of my soul was missing because you went" he looks down into his Glass. "that is not my fault either get over it or don’t, but you will lose me for good if you keep acting this way! what have you got to be sad about anyway, you’re the one that they wanted not me, you’re not the one that got thrown away and adopted out" I stand up and leave before he has a chance to reply I look for Ash in the crowd and still cannot see him, a bad feeling forms in my belly. I spot Charlie and head to her. "have you seen Ash?" I ask. "no, I haven’t seen him since before your performance. everything okay?" she asks "yeah just an argument with Kade" I reply as I get my phone out of my Clutch and text Ash

  Me: where are you?

  "Do you think everything is okay with Ash, it’s not like him to just disappear especially When you’re about." Charlie says, "I honestly don’t know" I reply

  Me: where are you? Have you seen ash?

  Brix: I’m at the bar with Ethan and no not for a while

  Me: ok, if you see him tell him I’m looking for him.

  "Brix hasn’t seen him either," I say to Charlie, "he’ll turn up He’s probably speaking to his dad about Storm business." She reassures me, "yeah I suppose, I have just got a bit of a bad feeling." I say. I spent the next hour mingling, having my photo taken with various different people and interviewed by magazines. I start heading to the bar to grab another drink when my phone vibrates in my hand.

  Huntingdon: come to my office on the top floor now! Urgent business.

  I head straight to the door and notice Kade Ethan and Brix heading the same way from different parts of the room, we all meet just before the door. "wonder what this could be about?" Ethan says "Ash has got to be involved, he’s not been here all night and now we get this message" I reply. we all get into the lift and I press the Button which will get us to the top floor "I really do have a bad feeling guys" I say "don’t panic Kassie, let’s just find out what is going on first." Brix replies. We all get out of the elevator and turn left, we step straight into the huge office of Mr Huntington. He’s pacing behind his desk and ash isn’t here. panic floods me and I can’t seem to talk, Luckily Ethan speaks for me "where is Ash? he asks. "you may want to sit down for what I’ve got to tell you." Huntington replies "just tell us where Ash is and what’s going on!" Brix snaps. "Ash has been taken, here is the video footage of him being kidnapped in the parking garage just after the event started," he says more calmly than he should. He spins his laptop to face us. we all watch the In horror as we see Ash in the parking garage from the entrance of the building and a Blacked out van with no number plates stops beside him. Three men in black outfits and balaclavas jump out of the van and one taser ash then grab him as he falls and throws him into the back of the van before jumping in themselves and the van speeding out of the parking garage. "Who the fuck are these people? why do They want Ash?" Ethan asked angrily, shock and rage fill my veins. "we don’t know who they are, but they don’t want ash they want Kasi! they have sent their demand through to me for Kassie to go alone to this address. They will let Ash go if she gives herself up." He passes the address to me and I memorise it instantly. "Where is this?" I ask, my voice almost robotic. "it’s an old abandoned warehouse on the edge of Jefferson". Huntington replies. "fuck this Kassi, you can’t do this!" Kade pleads and turns to Huntingdon "you can’t make her do this!" Kade adds in a panic. "I’m not going to make her do anything, we need to make a plan." Huntingdon says "we have until tomorrow morning at 6 am, that gives us roughly 9 1/2 hours to figure out what to do" he adds. We spend the next hour trying to think of a plan and it’s not going well. "look guys I need to get changed, I'm going to go downstairs find Charlie, go get changed and come back up". I say They all nod distractedly and I leave the room, I Get into the elevator and my plan starts whirring around my head. The only way to get ash back is to hand myself over, I have the address and I type it into my phone, it’s not far 20 minutes drive maximum. I run past the main entrance to the party and go straight backstage to my dressing room, I quickly change into my jeans and a tank top and sneakers. I sneak past security to the fire exit I walk around the building and find a taxIwaiting outside the front, I get in and give him the address telling him to park about half a mile before he gets there. I contemplate on what I’m gonna do when I arrive at the warehouse on the journey I have no weapons as I know that they will be taken off of me straight away when I get there. The boys will save me if I can’t get out on my own but they need ash. More than they need me so I have to do this. I’ll give the taxIdriver his money as I get out of the car I grab my phone out of my back pocket as I start to walk the half-mile towards the warehouse send a text to Ethan Kade and Brix

  Me: sorry guys but I’m going to get him. Wait for him on the dirt road he’ll be out soon. If I can’t get out leave me until you have a decent plan you need him, you don’t need me to see you all soon.

  I send another text this time to ash.

  Me: I know you’re going to be mad that I’ve put myself in danger for you but the guys need you and I know this time you Won’t leave me. make a decent plan don’t rush I’ll be fine, I love you.

  My phone starts ringing and I know it’s the guys. I turn my phone off and hide it in my bra hoping no one finds it.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I Soon see light coming from the front of the warehouse And realise how close I am, as I walk further down the dirt road I can see the big metal doors guarded by two security guards with guns. I suck in a breath and hold my head high as I start towards them with my hands up “I heard someone wanted to see me?” I said to the security men and “who are you” the one on the left asks. “Kassidie Reyes Buckley. I mean I was invited here the least you could do is know who I am” I snarl. The man on the right radio’s through on his walkie-talkie to announce my arrival. I Assume a response came through on their earpieces as they open the door and let me through. More guards are standing inside the door and they pat me down for weapons luckily missing my phone by an inch. One man grabs my arm and pulls me to walk with him down the hall and into A small dark dingy room which has a bed, a toilet and a sink in. “Lovely” I drawl. “I need to speak with Ash? I demand. The men leave the room and lock the door and leaving me on my own in this Prison cell, I pace the 10 steps of the room multiple times, it must be a good half an hour before the door swings open. “Kassie?” Ash growls as he is pushed into the room, the door shutting behind him. Ash’s face is swollen and bruised and bloody, I hardly recognised him “what have they done to you” I gasp my hands softly caressing his
face. “Angel, I’m okay but you shouldn’t have come! whatever they’re going to do to you is much worse with what they’ve done to me” he says as he pulled me into his embrace. “we need to get out of here together now” he pulls back and cups my face. “It’s impossible” I sigh “you go, leave me here, you and the boys will find me” I continue. “I am not leaving you here, I don’t know who these people are and what they want but you are not safe". he growls in fury. “Trust me, Ash we will get through this but you need to go and be with the others” my hands snake around him and I rest my head on his chest. “ If they move you, we have no way of finding you” he whispers into my hair. “I know,” I say. I pull him down so my mouth is next to his ear and whisper, making sure that no one else can hear “I have my phone if we move I will turn it on and you can track my location. Ash buries his head in my neck and holds me tight “I can’t live without you angel, I can’t just leave you here” The emotion in his voice evident and my resolve wavers. “They will make you go, they want me the only way we are going to find out who they are and what they want is for you to go and me to stay,” I say tears threatening to break free. Ash Kisses me slow and deep, when he pulled back there are tears in his eyes and I'm reconsidering breaking free right now. Just then the door swings open and two guards come in and grab Ash, they Start to drag him out of the room but Ash fights back making the guards struggle. “Angel I love you, I will get you I promise, I will find out who these fuckers are and kill every single one of them” I can hear Ash shout long after the door is shut behind him and locked again.

  Chapter Seventeen.


  “Why haven’t you found anything yet” I boom as I swiped the contents of the kitchen table on the floor “Ash we are trying, these guys have covered their tracks very well,” Brix says as he raps on his laptop furiously. “has she turned her phone on?” I growl, “We haven’t picked up a signal yet, maybe she is waiting until they’ve stopped so she conserves the battery,” Ethan says. “We have to do better than this we need to find her now! God knows what they’re doing to her, Three days ago the moved her!” I punch the wall in frustration. “All of Storm is working on this, she is priority one, we will get her” Brix states. I storm out of the kitchen and go to our bedroom, as soon as the door shuts behind me I slide to the floor and bury my head in my hands, I’ve lost the love of my life and there is nothing I can do to get her back. I’ve lost kassidie for the second time, I have failed her and now I have got to live with that, I will not stop looking for her. I sit there for a good ten minutes just thinking about KassIand how perfect she is and how I have failed her again, when a knock on the bedroom door has me jumping up and sorting myself out. “what” Iboom, “it’s me, I just want to say, I know you love my sister and we will find her, we won't give up this time” Kade says through the door, I hear him sigh and walk off when I Don't reply. I pull my phone out and send a text to Kassi

  Me: Stay strong baby, we will find you! I love you!

  Chapter Eighteen


  I wake with a jolt as ice cold water is thrown over my body “wake up, Bitch” The man in front of me demands. I slowly open my one good eye, the other so swollen it is fused shut. I look at the man in front of me and he has the one who has been torturing me for months, beating me day in and day out, I am currently tied to a chair, rope cutting into my ankles and wrists. “I have been told to up your torment,” he says a sadistic grin creeps on his face. “I have been told I am allowed to finally break you, obviously beating you doesn’t work you have been here for four months and no reaction! so what else can Ido?” he asks, he stalks closer and he rips my top straight off my body. My eyes go wide as panic rises inside of me. He takes his penknife from his pocket and cuts of the rope around my ankles, he lifts me off the chair my hands still bound behind my back, I try to fight him but I have been weakened I am bruised and beaten so badly I can hardly move. He hooks the rope holding my wrists to a metal hook hanging down from a metal chain from the ceiling, pain courses through my shoulder blades as he lets me go as my arms bend up and back. The man circles around me taking in my body as his eyes devour me. His scar that runs down the left side of his face more prominent when he shoots me an evil smirk. He yanks my pants and underwear off and I close my eyes, there is no way out I just have to survive this and not break l. I will bend but I will not break. When he thrusts inside me tears fall down my cheeks. The pain is nothing like I have ever felt before and my heart has just splintered into tiny little pieces. All I can think of is Ash and how I've let him down.




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