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The Great Human Potential

Page 7

by Wendy Kennedy,Tom Kenyon

  That’s just a taste of what is going on with your diet. As you change and begin to grow spiritually, most of you will not be drawn to the animal products quite as much, as their frequency is a bit lower than that of plants. When it comes to animals, the manner in which they lived and perished is locked into the frequency of their molecules. You are absorbing and “accessing”, if you will, its life experience. It is one of your few intimate connections to Earth and her rhythm of life. If you are eating animals that have been tormented or their death was quite traumatic, their frequency is far lower than an animal that has had a happy lifetime.

  We’ve gone a bit around here in a circle and this is, in part, how we like to work with you. We don’t want you to be thinking in too linear a fashion. We want to start to get you thinking multidimensionally. So we hope we haven’t lost you here, dears.

  The last thing we want to discuss is how to work with food if it has been genetically modified or you are not certain of its origin. You can alter the frequency of the food by sending it energy, love and good vibrations. This releases the negative emotional component that is locked into the physical cells so as not to be taken into the body upon consumption. This is the notion of blessing your food. By giving thanks for it, by giving it energy, by giving it positive feelings of love and gratitude, you can alter the structure of the cellular resonance. This is one practice you can follow for both food and water to lighten the vibrational load on the body.

  How to Best Deal with News,

  Wars, Death and Destruction

  The news

  We would say that it is important to have awareness of your environment, but more importantly what you perceive in your environment shows you where your personal vibration is. As you become aware of what is going on collectively, it is a reflection of what is going on with you at the microcosmic level. Remember, you operate under the Laws of Attraction and Reflection. If something is not in alignment with you in any way, shape or form, you will probably never hear about it. And if you do, it will not have any effect on you.

  The important piece to take away when watching or reading the news is an awareness of your judgments. Where are your thoughts, feelings and emotions when it comes to the story? If you are feeling angry, frustrated or even apathetic, it is an opportunity for you to do some inner work, to let go of any fears or lower vibrational thoughts that you are carrying.

  Let us give you an example. Perhaps you heard in the news a story about bankers, and even though you are not directly involved in the situation, you feel yourself become activated and angry. You feel that you don’t have any control or power over what is going on. We would say, “Where else do you feel powerless? Where is this scenario being played out in your life? Where in your life do you feel like a victim?”

  We guarantee you that you are playing this game in multiple areas of your own life. Your reaction to the story is an indicator that the programs are there. Now because of the reflection, you have an opportunity to identify the frequency and integrate it. Look carefully at how that belief or thought serves you. When you recognize the pattern, you can then shift it. Maybe at another time in your life, this thought or pattern did serve you and kept you safe, but it may not serve you any longer. If this is the case, are you willing to let it go? An awareness such as this is the difference between being in the driver’s seat vibrationally or being on automatic pilot.

  When you see the service of any thought, pattern or belief, you move out of the victim/perpetrator mentality and move into the co-creator level of awareness. When you do this, you let go of any attachment or judgment. It immediately happens. It is only in the mindset of the victim/ perpetrator that judgment can exist. At the co-creator level, all are acceptable experiences. They aren’t good or bad. There is not one that is better to have over another. As co-creators, you all sought out and experienced these varied frequencies and roles.

  The news is also an opportunity to identify where the collective consciousness is vibrating. Again, you are not bound to play out the frequencies of collective consciousness. You can hold your own unique frequency. But if you feel charged in anyway, it means that you still have work to do. You are not a victim!

  Remember, when you shift your frequency, you holographically transmit the information on how it was done to the collective consciousness. Others may then access this information if they so choose. You give people who are struggling assistance and reassurance that it can be done by simply being the living example.

  One of the major issues that you may see in the news revolves around the idea of competition. The third-dimensional perspective says it is either this or it is that. It is one or the other. One country wins a war; the other loses. You either have prosperity or lack, with nothing in between. These stories keep you in separation. What we encourage you to understand is that it is not about “either/or”, but rather “and”. The Universe is infinitely abundant, so there truly is no limitation or lack except that which is self-imposed. You can have your own beliefs without the need for others to conform. All can succeed and flourish.

  When you move into higher frequencies of awareness, you see that everyone has the possibility to thrive. There are no victims. Many of you get frustrated when you hear us say this. You say, “Why would anybody choose poverty, war or famine? How could they choose this particular version of reality?” The reason is simple; they wanted to explore a frequency. Honor them for their choice as a divine being of light. Hold for them the wisdom that they may choose to see themselves from a higher perspective. You can send them energy encoded with the knowledge that they can choose to increase their frequency and experience more love.

  Ascension is not a requirement. If others do not wish to awaken, it does not tie you into that reality. You experience that reality because that is YOUR choice. When you decide to move out of the mode of victim/perpetrator, you can create a life of joy, abundance and expansion no matter what the collective may be choosing.

  Wars, death and destruction

  We often hear you ask, “Why is there so much war and death in the world? Why aren’t people doing more to stop it?” Again, you are playing in a game of descension and reascension, and the illusion of separation.

  Know that much of what is going on in the news is being manufactured. You are being told versions of the stories that often do not include the whole truth. Remember, we told you earlier that truth is always colored by perspective. This is an opportunity to use your discernment. So ask yourselves, “Is this truth in alignment with me?”. If the answer is no, then you can start to verbalize that — not for the purpose of confrontation, but rather as a way of expressing your desire to create reality with a higher vibration. You don’t have to fight your governments. You just have to say I want peace. If you hold focus and take action, that is in alignment with that higher desire, and that desire will be reflected in your reality. Anything you wish to fight against or to eradicate is, in fact, something you are judging. You will continue to receive that which you judge as your reflection so that it may be brought to your awareness and integrated.

  The reason why on the surface so many of you “appear” to be callous and not get involved in changing the state of the world is in part because you have shut down your heart centers. This is usually due to a tremendous lack of self-love, fear of hurt, blame or shame. Because that part of you is closed off, it is very difficult for you to have compassion.

  Now, concerning death, know that everyone who has gone through a death cycle has done so willingly. There is not a single person on the planet who has died that did not do everything they wanted to do in this life as it was. We guarantee you, if there was anything else that they wanted to do, they would have done it.

  How an individual goes through the death cycle, how they die, determines not only the vibrational experience for themselves, but also sets up an experience for those around them. Let us give you an example. A 90-year-old man passes in his sleep. You all may say, “Ah, he lived a long, full life.
Good for him.” But if an individual dies at the age of 20, you may say, “Ah, he was much too young! It should never have happened.” The perceptions and judgments surrounding the manner and age of death can create vastly different experiences for those remaining on Earth. If a loved one is murdered, that can set up programs of revenge or fear of safety. Suicides can trigger feelings of abandonment or guilt. Even in death, you co-create with others.

  We always say, “Drama happens when you aren’t paying attention TO GET your attention.” When many die through a war or mass disaster, it can be perceived as a tragedy, but also as a gift bestowed upon the collective. Those who die choose to depart in such a manner and in such numbers not only for their own personal experience, but also to awaken the collective consciousness to an issue. It is an opportunity to choose a new vibration, release fears and attachments, and to move into a higher frequency. It is an opportunity that, unfortunately, most of you don’t take. The general tendency for most is to blame. If you can observe the situation as a service, it automatically puts you in your heart center and allows you to process similar frequencies in your own field. We encourage you to look at some of the current wars or disasters. Ask yourself:

  What is the event really about?

  Is it about competition and control? Safety? Security? Lack? Trust?

  Where do I play out these issues in my own life?

  Start clearing at the personal level. Remember, what you see reflected in the collective is there within you. Personal integration helps to create global change as you are no longer perpetuating that scenario.

  Currently, the collective creates wars and conflicts by trying to obtain what others have because they fear there is not enough to go around. They believe in lack rather than infinite abundance. As you increase your collective frequency, you will begin to move into a state where everyone’s needs are met. In fact, your focus will no longer be on your personal needs but rather on how you can best be of service. From this space of infinite abundance, you trust that all your needs will be met without ever truly focusing directly on them. We know you find this difficult to even fathom at this time because you are not operating in an unconditional way on the planet. As we told you, we are here to give you another perspective on how to dissolve the illusion.

  We offer you this simple affirmation: I stand in peace in the midst of chaos. No matter what is going on with the collective, you can generate your own unique experience. In times of war, you can create great peace in your personal life. In times of financial upset, you can create limitless abundance. You can experience love, wealth, connection, passion and excitement all on your own. As you hold these frequencies, you become a way-shower for others who may not be able to find them for themselves.

  As you radiate tremendous amounts of love and joy around you, there will be those willing to increase their frequencies to join you. But again, remember, they don’t have to. The idea that all should want to increase their frequency goes back to judgment and the idea of competition. You may hold a fearful belief that those who do increase their frequency are better than those who don’t or that somehow you are not able to live a life of joy and love because others are unwilling to do so themselves. Not at all.

  Be the living example.

  The Love of your Life… is You.

  All of your relationships are founded on self-love, which is then reflected back to you through these relationships. We consider lack of self-love the number one issue on the planet at this time, closely followed by persecution in second. We really want to make this point clear: it is not about your relationships with others, but first and foremost the relationship you have with self that will allow you to access more love, joy, happiness, abundance, health and vitality. This is a major core issue for you, and we wish to assist you in shifting your perspective.

  There are many programs in mass consciousness that keep you locked into lack of self-love. We are going to talk about some of them here. The first one that we have quite a bit of trouble with because it sets you up for failure and separation is the idea of what you call soul mates and twin flames. We are not saying that they do not exist, but what we are saying is that it is an extremely rare occurrence in this particular lifetime. Even if you choose not to work with a soul mate or twin flame, it really doesn’t matter because the relationship with a twin flame or a soul mate is no different than any other relationship that you can create for yourself. It was a label that you put on relationships at a time when you did not have the potential to interact with as many people as you do today due to your ability to travel and connect via the Internet.

  The idea of a twin flame or soul mate sets you all up with the notion that there is only one person with whom you can experience love, and if you don’t meet this person you are missing out. This lifetime more than any other you are focused on integrating as many aspects of yourself as possible. One way to accomplish this is to work with those with whom you have unresolved issues in other lifetimes. The more relationships you have, the better your chances to integrate, some of which may be romantic relationships.

  Within a relationship, there are about 100 points of vibrational connection that you can establish. In most long-term relationships, about thirty of these points align. In most short-term relationships, you work with about 10. In this lifetime, you are able to work through these issues pretty quickly, whereas in other times in history, the pace of integration was much slower as the overall vibration was much lower. It took you much longer to identify the lower programs that were running. In the past, you may have chosen to only work on four or five big issues in a lifetime. Relationships tended to last a bit longer as it took you a while to see these issues, and you typically had a smaller pool of people to interact with to be reflections for you. Remember, at this time you have more universal support as you move through the photon band. These high vibrational particles assist you in the process of integration so you are able to work faster and with a greater range of frequencies.

  Today, because the pace is accelerated, you are trying to integrate as much as you possibly can. What you may find is that before you incarnated, you set up contracts for potential relationships. For instance, you had persons A, B and C lined up as possible romantic relationships. If A wasn’t ready, then you had B as a backup. If A and B weren’t available, you moved on to C and so on. You set up your contracts this way because timing is far more challenging in this lifetime. The potential for you to integrate is much greater and as you do so, the need to connect, or the attraction to connect with a specific individual, will shift.

  Most of you hold the belief that contracts are eternally binding and difficult to change. On the contrary, they are very malleable. You think of them as “heavy” and that if you don’t show up at a particular time or place, you are missing out on an opportunity. That comes from fear, lack, distrust and disconnection. You never, ever miss an opportunity. If you are pulsing out frequency, it will be reflected back to you. It is just a matter of whether you are open to perceive and receive it. The form could be slightly different to that of the opportunity you passed on initially, but the frequency that you want to experience will be identical to the original.

  This is very important because often times in relationships, you tend to focus on a particular person as opposed to staying open to form. When you are open to form, the person who is the best vibrational match for you can show up. Discomfort arises when you get stuck on, or attached to, a person who is not the highest vibrational match for you. Attachment will always create discomfort.

  Take a nice breath…

  Indeed, you have many individuals with whom you have contracted. Again, your desire to have a twin flame on this planet is a little damaging. Know that you can experience amazing, wondrous connections with absolutely everyone and everything when you start to run programs of self-love. The more you connect with source, the more love you have for yourself and all others.

  Many of you are afraid to connect with others because you
are afraid you will connect with their dysfunction. But as you start elevating your frequency and connecting more with source, you start to connect to your own divine self and, as a reflection, you will begin to connect to the divinity in others. As you do so, every relationship can start to feel like a loving relationship. It doesn’t have to be difficult. It doesn’t have to be a struggle. The difficulties and struggles come from fear programs, and these are all illusionary. The more you stay present, the more you can identify those programs and decide in the moment not to judge. You will be able to change what you are pulsing out and dramatically alter your relationships. In your love relationships, you all tend to go back to memories of the past, making assumptions that this moment will be identical to a previous one, thus repeating the same old patterns. You use your past experience as a point of reference rather than simply being present and allowing the moment to be new and unique. You say to yourself, “This is what happened to me in the past, and it is just going to happen to me again.” How many of you have had that thought?

  As you change the relationship that you have with yourself, your old programming, you will then change the relationships that you have with others. Others do not have to change their behavior in order for you to alter the dynamics of a relationship. This is true for all manner of relationships including a family member, a coworker, a lover, a friend, etc. Like attracts like.


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