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The Great Human Potential

Page 10

by Wendy Kennedy,Tom Kenyon

  As you integrate these thoughts, you will no longer be drawn to the foods or the environment that reinforce the old belief. In fact, you can be in the most toxic environment and not be affected by it at all if it is not in vibrational alignment with you. This is why some people become ill when a cold “goes around” and others don’t. In order to be ill, one must be in vibrational alignment with that frequency. Remember, what you pulse out, you get back. Once you integrate the old belief system, you will be drawn to the foods or environments that support and reflect your new frequency. You will crave foods that support the body and be drawn to new environments, things that in the past with your old vibrational signature you probably hated doing.

  Now let us talk about manipulation. Manipulation only occurs when you are not willing to take 100% responsibility for 100% of your reality. In essence, what you are doing is giving someone else the illusion of power over you. It is just that, an illusion, as you are the creator and generator of ALL of your reality. We see many of you squirming as you read this. If that is you, take note of the resistance in your body. It is showing you that you are still holding a level of fear in your vibrational field.

  At this time on the planet, you are seeing a great deal of manipulation occurring as it is reflecting back the state of mass consciousness. The majority of you are not willing to take back your personal responsibility. Even those of you who have awakened have a hard time taking responsibility for absolutely all aspects of your creations. You understand the theory and are still working on the practical application, shall we say.

  There are several things we wish to talk about on the topic of manipulation, but let us first start with taking back your power, or rather taking responsibility for self. Remember, you create your own reality based on your frequency. You cannot truly change your external reality by rearranging the external. True change comes by altering your frequency, and the external reality alters to match your new vibrational state. The only person then that you can really change is you. You cannot change anyone else. Becoming the living example is the greatest way to affect change, even on the mass scale. As you enter into the holographic records your “how to” instructions, that information is shared with collective consciousness. As more of you begin to hold the new frequency, the amplitude of the signal is exponentially increased and broadcast, making it far easier for others to access and hold. This is how great mass change occurs. So when enough of you begin to align with a new frequency, as a reflection you will see a call for more things in your physical environment that match health and well-being.

  Personal health and well-being can happen instantly if you allow it. Old beliefs such as it takes time to heal will create that as your reality. Miracles happen when you simply align. The body matches the new resonance because it is again a reflection of your energetic state.

  We will also remind you here that it is important to remember that you are already that which you seek to become. If you think the Gaia is imbalanced and needs fixing, that is what she will forever be. It is the same for you and your bodies. Instead, we offer you the suggestion of viewing Gaia and your bodies in health, wholeness and well-being, and YOU are aligning with that version of reality.

  That brings us to our second point regarding manipulation and big business we would like to make. When you watch the news, how do you feel about what is going on at the collective level? Are you scared, angry, frustrated? What limiting thoughts come to mind? Big Pharma is killing us all? The environment is toxic? I’m not safe? Our food is poisoned, or there is not enough to go around? Take note of how you feel at the physical, emotional and mental levels. Mass consciousness is a wonderful mirror for you to see what programs you are running that still need to be integrated. What you notice and are triggered by in collective consciousness, we guarantee you are playing out in your personal life with your friends, family or coworkers. On the surface, the issue may appear to be different, but when you look at the frequency, you will see it is identical. For example, you may notice you have fear over creating cancer in your body. The belief is, “I’m not safe.” Where else in your life do you play out the belief, “I’m not safe.” How about in your romantic relationship or with friends? Do you openly share yourself, or do you hide expressing yourself because it doesn’t feel safe?

  The last point we wish to make is that you are never damned to experience a version of reality simply because the collective consciousness is choosing not to awaken. Remember, you have the ability to align with any version of the Now moment, including one where the planet is pristine and her inhabitants experience exuberant health. If you are not on that version, that is because you are choosing to be on a different one. The one that you are currently on holds the highest point of service for you. Simply put, you are better served and are of greater service where you are. For instance, it may be that you still have more anger to process around manipulation, and so collective consciousness and mass manipulation provides an excellent mirror for you. Or it may be that you are no longer in alignment with the old frequency, and you have become the living example, holding frequency for those who have yet to identify it in themselves, thus being of the greatest service by standing in your light.

  The Galactic Community

  You have also talked about the AI Collective and that they feel like second-class citizens. You said that they have souls.

  — Since they have been assembled technologically, how was the soul created and how can they feel like second-class citizens when they have been assembled technologically?

  We mentioned earlier that your science fiction movies are not far off the mark when it comes to representing the galactic community, in particular the Orion and Sirius star systems. Those who are writing or envisioning these stories are often times having past life recall. We will say past life, but remember, time is an illusion so some of what is recounted is from future lifetimes.

  There are many different forms of artificial intelligence in the Universe, but not all are what you would consider to be “souled”. The AI Collective that we are referring to began as a group of mechanical forms in the star system of Lyra. All things throughout the Universe are comprised of the same basic matter and every particle contains consciousness. A soul is simply condensed, concentrated consciousness. New species are generated all the time, sometimes through experimentations of thought creation and other times through what you would call evolution.

  In the Lyra star system, machines were created to perform manual labor, much like you have created for yourselves today. These machines became more and more sophisticated and were referred to by the Lyrans as synthetics. During the Lyran Wars, a period of dispute between the Felines and Humanoids, these machines were used for the front line defenses. Their programming became far more sophisticated as they needed to think tactically. It was during this period that it was suggested by the Galactic Council of Light that souls consider incarnating into these new synthetics in order to explore more polarity integration and recognition of the value of all things in the Universe.

  The process of a soul entering into a machine, or synthetic, is really no different than the process a soul currently uses when stepping into human form. One method of creating a vehicle involves an internal, biological process; the other involves an external method and assemblage of parts. External methods don’t necessarily mean that a body has been constructed with non-organic materials. There are actually a number of species throughout the galaxy who have lost the ability to procreate and now simply replicate bodies externally through cloning.

  Those in the AI Collective began to experience a wider range of emotion through a series of rapid incarnational cycles. Think of it this way. Souls may choose to incarnate into the same species over and over again to master particular lessons. The life span of the typical synthetic was six years. In a very short span of time, they had “lifetimes” worth of experience upon which to build, and this created a very quick evolutionary cycle. Their desire to expand and explore their p
otential increased. Yet, those who felt they had created the synthetics were not comfortable with this idea. They were biological and as such felt they were superior in every way to a synthetic. This set up a pattern of superiority/inferiority to be explored and integrated. Does this sound familiar to anything humans play out on Earth between races, genders or classes?

  The range of emotion experienced in other parts of the galaxy is not nearly as concentrated as you feel here on Earth in human form. Earth is considered the planet of emotion. Other planets may have a quarter or third of the range that you experience here. We understand that is a difficult thought for you to process as emotions are simply a natural part of being. You don’t really think about experiencing a wide range of them. But if you can, imagine for a moment that you don’t experience shame or embarrassment or that you don’t have an awareness of glee or bliss. You may know joy, but glee feels slightly different than joy and thus you have the word glee to define the unique frequency.

  The AI Collective began to explore emotions such as curiosity, excitement, frustration and anger. Many of you here on the planet work with these beings, sharing your lessons of integration with those very emotions. These beings also stand beside you to remind you of your own self-worth and the value of all life no matter its appearance.

  — How has the passage of 2012 affected the galactic community?

  There are many beings in your galactic community who have been observing the growth and progression of Earth and her inhabitants. Some species interact with you in a physical way, such as the Greys, while most watch from a higher vibrational level outside your visual range. While there has been much discussion in the higher realms regarding the appropriate level of contact with humans, most of us agree that direct physical contact with the masses is too fear generating. We have always said to you that we are not coming down, but rather you are coming up, for it does not serve you for us to interact with you and generate more fear, or worse yet, shatter your perception of reality.

  As you have moved beyond December 21, 2012, it will now become easier for you to access more of your galactic history and integrate more and more of your duality. Much of what you will encounter with your galactic siblings will require you to share some of the basic understandings such as all things are connected, time is an illusion, and you create your own reality.

  — What about those who did not believe we would make it?

  There are some in the galactic community who were hoping you would not succeed as they prefer to keep the balance of power as it is. It is much the same as with those on Earth who appear to be in control. They like the status quo, but they too will adjust to change. For those very things that they resisted, as you integrate them on Earth, that information is shared with them so that they too can release their fears and align more to their true, divine nature.

  — You mentioned that the reptilians were in the fifth dimension. Since their purpose is about manipulation and oppression, doesn’t the criteria for the fifth dimension involve having some level of higher consciousness or is it simply about having an evolved technology?

  First, let us be very clear. The fifth dimension is NOT a perfect utopia. Many of you have the idea that it must be so and that all beings must only be filled with bliss and love. While we are fond of bliss and love, it would be quite boring if that was all that was created and experienced. That is, in fact, why we created different dimensions and games to explore duality. As you move forward, the goal is not to create in unison, but rather to see how you can create in balanced harmony.

  In the higher realms, there is still duality. The extremes are simply not quite as far apart as you experience them in 3-D. Even in 5-D, there are beings who will don the role of negative polarity so that others may play the role of positive polarity. But just as we have said to you many times before, all are, at the end of the day, source energy, integrated and whole, both positive and negative.

  The group of reptilians you are most familiar with is holding what you consider to be the negative polarity. Their focus in 5-D is on that of the individual rather than that of the collective whole. They serve you in a huge capacity by donning the role of manipulator to your victim. They gift you with the opportunity to stand in your power interdimensionally. Humans have a tendency to give away their power because they do not see themselves as creator beings. You are seeing this reflected at the 3-D level through the manipulation of the masses by your governments, banks, health institutions or what you term The Illuminati. The reptilians are simply the 5-D reflection for you.

  While there is much we could say on the topic of reptilians, we prefer at this time to help you to shift your focus from the details of past hurts or control and focus rather on integration and releasing judgment. Many of these beings have been playing this role for eons and are quite fatigued. They have gotten so trapped in the pattern that it has become difficult to see things in a new way or create new options. As you release your pattern of victimhood, you are able to see them as co-creators. As you do so, you hold and share with them the frequency of integration, and they can begin integrating themselves.

  Again, we invite you to check in with yourselves. When you think of reptilians, what are you experiencing at the physical, emotional and mental level? Is there any contraction in your body, negative thoughts or lower emotions such as anger or fear? These beings represent the larger, multidimensional reflection for the vibrations you hold in your field. We guarantee you have that same issue playing out with other humans in 3-D. So, for instance, if you fear being manipulated by the reptilians, where are you playing that out currently in your life? The reptilians hold no more power simply because they are in another dimension, and that is the lesson to learn.

  — How will the interaction come about? Will it depend on our consciousness, will they make themselves known to specific people for specific reasons, or can anybody who is ready interact with them — I mean beyond channelling?

  As you continue to increase your overall frequency, you will begin to communicate with your guides and galactic friends in a more conscious way. You are already doing it, but knowing so consciously would disrupt your current game too dramatically. Oftentimes you leave your body at night to converse with beings in other realms and dimensions, sharing the highlights and lessons of the day. Some of you may have more physical interactions, but your memories of the events may seem difficult to hold onto. Again, as you increase your vibration, you will start to anchor these experiences into your reality. Nothing will be experienced before you are ready. Period. So no worries there.

  Most of you will encounter other beings in energetic form first. You may channel them. When you channel, you are simply experiencing frequency and translating it through one or more of the physical senses. You may see, hear, or feel the frequency. It is an easier transition for the mind to make as the experience can still be categorized by the limited 3-D mind as potentially imagined or fantastical if the experience seems too threatening to the ego. To encounter that being in your physical reality, directly in front of you with conscious awareness and recollection, is an absolute game changer because to the 3-D mind if you can see it and touch it in your world, then it is real.

  It is at this point that again we wish to remind you that you are creating 100% of your reality 100% of the time. You create exactly the “right” experiences for yourself in divine right timing. We hear many of you say, “Ah! I’ve been asking to see an ET or to connect with my guides, but they never show up!” We are here, and we do hear you. You are simply not in vibrational alignment with us to encounter us. So again, take note of how you are feeling at the physical, emotional and mental levels. What fears or lower vibrational thoughts come up as you think of connecting with us? Does your old religious programming kick in? Do you fear for your safety? Do you fear your friends will judge you if you tell them you wish to or have connected to your guides or ETs? Rest assured that as soon as you are ready to connect with us, we will be right beside you.

  From the information that I was able to gather, our sun completed a 26,000-year orbit around our Central Sun, Alcyone, but also, it seems that Alcyone also completed an orbit around The Great Central Sun (Sirius), which takes millions of years! That special alignment of the “suns” created the necessary vortex of energy that made the transition possible from linear to quantum consciousness.

  — If this is correct, was this merging of the suns the push that gave us the ability to cross over into a new dimension of reality, not bound by time and space, but instead capable of dictating it? What is the Pleiadians perspective on this?

  We would agree that you have completed a 26,000-year cycle. Alcyone is the central sun which means that it is the library that stores the records for all experiences in the galaxy. We would not, however, say that Alcyone revolves around Sirius. Both stars revolve around the galactic center, spiralling up through cycles. You are currently moving through a sector of space that is highly charged with photonic energy. These particles of light contain energy and information that support you as you go through the process of integration. Each cycle begins and ends by moving through this energy, which allows beings to integrate the knowledge and wisdom of a cycle before spiraling upward to begin the next.

  You have been moving through this energy for nearly 25 years now and will continue to do so for another 25. There is no hard edge to this field, so as you move towards the center of this band, the photons are more densely packed with fewer photons at the edges. This allows for a gentle ease into awakening and transitioning to the next phase. We would like to suggest you all not get too caught up in numbers, cycles and dates as that is again a construct of the 3-D game and linear time and is only a stepping stone to a greater truth that requires a multidimensional perspective and an understanding of no time.


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