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The Great Human Potential

Page 12

by Wendy Kennedy,Tom Kenyon

  The greatest knowledge we possess is communicated primarily through sound vibration, and this channel has been trained for a very long time in many lifetimes to undertake this task. His voice is uniquely suited to carry the vibrational signatures of our sound codes.

  A channel who connects into a vibratory field of information gains access to the fields of information that match his or her own highest vibratory rate. The nature of the channel and his or her miasmas — meaning his or her mental, emotional and spiritual distortions — invariably affect the quality of information received.

  The antenna, to use a technological metaphor, is indispensible for the reception of frequency-based information. But if the antenna is cluttered or distorted, the reception will be affected.

  Thus, it is up to the individual person reading channelled information to determine its quality and accuracy.

  Do not passively read channelled information. Be proactive and reason it out.

  Incarnations and Emanations

  Hathors do not, have not, and probably never will take full physical embodiment. We will, from time to time, send an emanation into the lower worlds of matter through a human embodiment, but we never fully incarnate physically in matter.

  A person who possesses a Hathor emanation might experience him or herself as a fully embodied Hathor. This is because the locus of self-identity has shifted to the emanation and for a moment, self-identity is focused on the Hathor aspect. The emanation temporarily eclipses the rest of human perception in the mind of the individual. But this is a temporary energetic.

  The individual must eventually return to his/her self-perception as an embodied being with human attributes.

  Thus a person may feel like he or she is a Hathor but this is only because he or she possesses a Hathor emanation. It is like a piece of granite, with a speck of gold, thinking itself to be all gold. But a shifting of attention into its true identity will reveal that it is a mixture of gold and granite.

  From time to time a psychic may sense a Hathor emanation in an individual human. This impression is filtered through the consciousness of the psychic, and if the psychic is unfamiliar with the nature of spiritual emanations, he or she may think that the totality of the individual is a Hathor.

  The psychic then “sees” that this person is a Hathor.

  But this would not be an accurate perception. The distortion would be due to the fact that a Hathor emanation has a very strong energy signature and the psychic would have misinterpreted that signature.

  A similar situation also occurs when individuals feel that they are incarnations of a goddess or a god. Rarely, if ever, is this the case. An individual can have an emanation of a deity as part of his or her energetic composition, but this is not the totality of the individual.

  In a profoundly altered state of consciousness the locus of self-identity can shift from being a human to the emanation of the goddess or god. But this is a temporary shift of identity.

  In most instances emanations of Hathors descend into embodiment prior to conception. In more rare instances it will occur when the child is in utero. In the most rare instance, an emanation can be “brought in” through personal volition. The decision of how and when a Hathor emanation appears is highly relative, and it is a very complex phenomenon.

  Some beings with Hathor emanations will live their entire lives unaware of them. Others will know that they carry something different and resonate to the information that we bring forward. Some individuals will begin to express these emanations in their lives through their actions and ways of thinking and viewing. A few emanations will express themselves outwardly as channels for our information and/or as healers.

  From our perspective one is not more valuable because one possesses a Hathor emanation. It is simply that these emanations invariably affect perception and open doorways that others may not even know exist.

  As we view it, Hathor emanations descend into embodiment for various reasons. This applies not just to Hathor emanations but to many emanations from spiritual beings as well.

  Emanations of a deity or a higher dimensional being often descend into the worlds of matter to experience constraint within time and space. The pressure of living in such a reality is both a great difficulty and a profound opportunity for spiritual advancement and learning.

  Mastering time and space by freeing one’s self from these constraints leads to the unfolding of greater spiritual abilities. And in order to do so, you have to de-hypnotize yourself from the Maya or illusion of your world. This perceptual feat brings with it tremendous increases in the ability of consciousness to both transcend and transform situations.

  As we view it, this is the signature of spiritual mastery — the ability to transcend and transform situations you encounter. This is why most emanations descend into the worlds of matter.

  A few emanations descend into the worlds of matter to impart new understandings. They may take the form of teachers and/or healers. But even if they have descended for the purpose of teaching and healing, they too must deal with the constraints of time and space.

  In some cases, spiritual emanations can have a negative effect due to the arising of egoic projections and their delusional nature.

  What we mean by this is that spiritual emanations exist within, and are a part of, the human being. Unlike the human being, however, spiritual emanations have a potency that transcends time and space and have a larger than life feeling about them.

  If the individual is psychologically unbalanced then egoic projection can occur. One imagines that one is the spiritual being in an attempt to escape the imprisonment of psychological dysfunction.

  Such persons will defend their self-identification with the emanation, and disregard other aspects of their being that are not the emanation — especially the shadow zones of their personalities (i.e., un-owned and unaccepted parts of themselves). Depending upon the nature of their egoic delusions and psychological imbalances, these types of people can easily become spiritual tyrants.

  This can be very confusing for those who interact with such persons. This is because spiritual emanations have power and magnetism. When this presents itself to others it brings with it a type of charisma or enchantment. Many a student has become enchanted by a teacher and failed, as a result of the enchantment, to recognize the teacher’s personal psychological imbalances.

  In one moment the student could experience upliftment by being in the presence of this emanation, and in the next moment, like a psychological kaleidoscope, the wheel turns, and the student is confronted by a toxic, unbalanced and potentially dangerous person.

  We are communicating this information because more spiritual emanations are entering this world. This is part of the upliftment of humanity. A spiritual emanation, whether it be a Hathor or another, can be a deeply enriching experience for the individual that possesses the emanation.

  As in all things with life, balance is the crucial element.

  If you possess a spiritual emanation it is even more important that you know yourself. And by that we mean psychologically as well as spiritually.

  The psychology of the individual is rarely as elevated as the spiritual emanation. Thus, such an individual would be well advised to allow the emanation to elevate his/her psychology, to allow energetic flows from the emanation to enter the inner sanctum of his/her mind and heart, and to allow the luminous nature of the emanation to enlighten his/her mind. Furthermore, it would be wise to allow the spiritual emanation to bring light to the darkness of his/her own unconsciousness mind as well.

  One way to view emanations is through the lens of physics. While emanations have a spiritual context, the phenomenon has to do with physics and energy.

  All things that exist are in a state of vibration. The rate of vibration depends on what level of energy that is expressed. Spiritual emanations vibrate at a very fast rate. But let us look at this from a more mundane perspective.

  When you turn on a light bulb you are releasing emana
tions of light (photons) into the space around you. The filament of the light bulb is activated through the inflow of electrical energy. This causes the filament to glow unless it is some other form of light bulb. This glow is a release of photon energy, which you recognize as light.

  Through the agency of light you can see things that you cannot see if it is dark. The human range of vision captures a small sliver of the electromagnetic spectrum. This peculiar range of energy is recognized or interpreted by your optic nerves as light. This physical light is an emanation caused by the electrical excitation of the filament.

  Now if we take this principal into the more subtle realms of matter, we can discuss this using an ancient concept from the yogas of India, called Shakti. Anything that vibrates has Shakti. All atoms vibrate with Shakti.

  While you are not consciously aware of it unless you are in a very expanded state of consciousness, every atom and cell of your body is scintillating and vibrating with Shakti. As you enter more deeply into the sub-stratum of matter, into the world of sub-atomic particles and subtler still into what we call pure consciousness, the Shakti becomes very subtle and potent. This is the realm of spiritual Shatki or spiritual emanations.

  The more subtle the emanation, the more powerful its potential effects.

  Let us return to a comment we made earlier. It is possible for an individual to possess an emanation without consciously knowing it.

  Emanations have an effect on the environment. This is true — even if the emanations are not recognized by those who possess them.

  Certain types of emanations will attract others. They will be drawn to the person inexplicably but this type of attraction is not based on the personality of the individual. It is a result of the attractor force created by the emanation.

  The Transformation of Self-limiting

  Thought Forms and Beliefs

  Due to the Solstice/Galactic Alignment that took place on Dec. 21st 2012, you are now experiencing an increased influx of catalytic evolutionary energies. This state of affairs is potentially elevating as well as disruptive due to the increased polarization of humanity.

  We shall focus our comments on the elevating aspect of these new energies.

  As a result of the increase in spiritual light that is entering your solar system, your higher dimensional aspects are, in many ways, now more accessible.

  In truth, these dimensions have always been accessible to you for they are a part of your nature, but with the passing of the galactic alignment some of the veils have been and will continue to be, lifted.

  Your experience of this will differ from others, based upon your ability to sense subtle energies. But the shift has occurred, and it will affect the course of human history at its roots.

  How this will be played out in your collective timeline is yet to be seen. What we wish to address here are methods and approaches you can use to positively affect your timeline and your personal evolution through the transformation of self-limiting thought forms and beliefs.

  Philosophical Considerations

  From our perspective you have been encumbered by many of your religious and spiritual philosophies. While these considerations may seem abstract, in point of fact, these thought forms affect perception, and by their very nature they limit your experience in the worlds of matter.

  Many, but not all of your religious and spiritual traditions, look askance at the world of matter. They say that heaven, paradise or some such version of perfected existence, lies outside of your experience as an embodied human being.

  Indeed, some of them consider your physicality to be an error or a “sin,” and you are tainted by the mere fact that you have a body. While you may have distanced yourself intellectually from such beliefs, these thought forms move through the underworld of your culture. They affect how the bulk of humanity views itself.

  If you consciously or unconsciously accept this thought form then you are bound by it, and there will be a tension between your transcendent aspects (i.e., your multidimensionality) and your embodied existence. This is an unfortunate situation from our perspective.

  We view consciousness as one continuum, from the highest vibratory levels where non-duality is the reigning principal, down through the realms of light into the realms of matter. There are vibratory boundaries, for sure, but the worlds of matter are just as “sacred” as the highest realms of light and pure consciousness.

  When you attain this realization you will have access to all dimensions of your being, which will increase your spiritual courage, capacity for deep insight, and creativity, as well as your healing/self-healing abilities.

  February 20, 2013

  Thoughts and observation from Tom

  After receiving this message, I asked my mentors to explain further their thoughts about the Solstice event of December 21, 2012.

  They are of the opinion that with this particular galactic alignment there was indeed a burst of intense spiritual light and evolutionary energies from the galactic center. But as they have always said, this alignment did not signal the end of the planet. It did, however, usher in a new wave of catalytic and evolutionary energies.

  I imagine there were quite a few people disappointed on the morning of December 22nd when nothing external particularly happened after all the hoopla and hype. But then human history is full of similar prophecies of doom that came to nothing. A quick Internet search of the phrase « the history of prophecies of doom » will bring up a veritable plethora of historic doomsdays that came and went.

  But if the Hathors are correct, while the physical planet did not end on the Solstice of 2012, it entered a new epoch.

  The Hathors are of the distinct opinion that humanity was infused with an increase of spiritual light as a result of this last galactic alignment. How that infusion of light will affect each individual will vary from person to person.

  Furthermore, the Hathors believe that this infusion of light is now working itself through our individual atomic structures — literally affecting the interactions of light and matter within us.

  I asked them to clarify this because it seemed a bit vague. What did they mean by interactions between matter and light?

  Their view of these interactions is based on the premise that matter and light are intimately related, and in some ways they are two sides of the same coin. This relationship between light and matter was expressed by Albert Einstein in his famous equation E=mc2. From this perspective our bodies, which are composed of matter, could theoretically transform into light under certain conditions — under extreme and unusual conditions I might add.

  But what I found truly intriguing about their answer was their take on the nature of light itself. For them physical light and spiritual light are also intimately related. The range of vibration that we call “light” (meaning the electromagnetic spectrum that we can see with our eyes) is only a small portion of the entire energy spectrum.

  According to the Hathors, spiritual light vibrates much faster than physical light (and faster than any category of energy in the electromagnetic spectrum as well). But due to their intimate relationship, spiritual light can step-down into physical light under certain conditions and vice versa.

  When I asked them to clarify their use of the term spiritual light further, they said that this type of light is an expression of consciousness and is normally encountered only during profoundly altered states of awareness — as in certain types of Samadhi (yogic trance) or during mystical contemplation. This is because spiritual light cannot be perceived with the physical senses but only through the agency of the deepest levels of consciousness itself.

  When the Hathors said, “powerful interactions between matter and light are occurring within us,“ they were referring to both physical and spiritual light.

  As in all things human, how each of us deals with this increased interaction between light and matter will be highly individualized. Some of us seem to be moving upward in consciousness, some of us seem to be treading water, and som
e of us seem to be losing our minds. Adding to the odd mix of irrationality, a disturbing number of us seem to be going berserk.

  As these oscillations of matter into light and light into matter increase, the Hathors are of the opinion that we will see both an acceleration of human irrationality and luminosity (meaning an increase in spiritual awareness). And the world will be caught between this “seesaw” of self-destruction and self-realization. For this, and many other reasons, they think it would be very helpful — if not mandatory — that we clear out old thought forms and beliefs.

  The Hathors view thought forms and beliefs as separate categories. Thought forms are concepts regarding reality, and when a culture accepts a thought form as true, it becomes a consensus reality — whether or not the thought form is accurate or not.

  When an individual incorporates a thought form into his or her personal view of reality, the thought form becomes a belief.

  The Sphere of All Possibilities

  In this message we will endeavor to share with you a method for manifesting outcomes in your 3-D reality as well as in other dimensions of your being. This method is based on a fundamental understanding regarding geometry and the nature of consciousness. There are many geometries available to be used as vehicles for manifestation. We wish to share one of the simplest and, ironically, most effective.

  The first thing to understand about manifesting is that for every act there is a counter-action. This is due to the nature of duality until you reach the higher dimensions of consciousness in which duality no longer exists. Since this method is for manifesting new realities in your 3-D life, duality is a factor.

  Another important aspect to understand is the admonition to do no harm. This principle is to protect you from negative consequences, and the simplest way to state this is that your creations should do no harm to yourself or to another.


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