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A Billionaire for Christmas

Page 54

by Phillips, Carly

  As soon as I hear her boots hit the wooden deck, Drew nods his head. “I’ll tell you,” he says.

  “And I’ll listen,” I reply and then quickly turn around to face my love with a welcoming smile. My heart clenches thinking that one day, Drew may come to me and tell me she’s unhappy. I won’t let it happen.

  A gorgeous smile widens across her face as she comes closer, and I walk to meet her halfway. “Good morning,” I tell her and then press my lips against hers, wrapping my arms around her waist and pulling her into me, muffling her greeting. She moans softly as her lips mold to mine and I only break the kiss because I know Drew’s behind us.

  The blush creeps up to her cheeks as she bites her bottom lip and tucks her hair behind her ear shyly.

  It only makes me want her more.

  “Hi Drew,” Lila says sweetly although it only makes her cheeks redder, and she can’t look him in the eyes. She’s so innocent and pure, so easy for me to take for myself.

  A soft wind blows and I tuck a loose strand of hair back behind her ear and kiss her one last time before moving to the doors.

  “Let’s go in,” I tell her and then glance at Drew. His expression is one of contentment at least as he nods and says hello in return. “This house is filled with stories.”

  And I’ll tell her every one of them.

  One day she’ll understand.

  Until then, I know she has feelings for me. And what I feel for her is real.

  Everything else be damned.

  * * *

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  Santa Baby

  Blair Babylon

  Christmas Shopping for a Billionaire

  Julia Kent

  Bossy Bride

  JA Huss


  Willow Winters

  A Very Dare Christmas

  Carly Phillips

  Delight Me

  J. Kenner

  Sweet Liar

  Laurelin Paige

  Ian Dare misses the alone time and intense sex life he and his wife shared before their children were born. What’s an alpha man to do? He kidnaps Riley for an erotic weekend away before the Christmas rush overwhelms them both.

  Riley Dare adores her husband and his dominant and protective ways, and she’s excited to spend time with him minus distractions on a sexy retreat where anything goes … and spontaneity leads to future surprises.

  A complete stand-alone for people who haven’t yet read Dare to Love but a special treat for those who want to revisit their favorite couple.

  Copyright © Karen Drogin, CP Publishing 2019

  Working Edition

  Cover Photo: CJC Photography

  Cover Design: Shanoff Designs

  * * *

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form by any means without the prior written consent of the Publisher, excepting brief quotes used in reviews.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Chapter One

  A month before Christmas, Riley Dare strode through the mall, taking in the holiday décor. The mistletoe, thick tinsel wrapped around every post and railing, the candy canes hanging from the ceiling and the Santa Claus at the far corner, all reminded her it was Christmas time. Having grown up in Florida, she didn’t need snow or cold weather to tell her it was the holidays. She’d take her seventy degree Miami weather any time.

  She walked past Santa’s set up. The line for the jolly man stretched throughout the entire first floor filled with mothers and screaming kids. She was grateful she and Ian had brought their daughter, Rainey, and son, Jack, to meet Santa a few days ago, before the crazy lines began. Her four-year-old had taken one look at Saint Nick and screamed bloody murder. Needless to say, the photograph they’d taken hadn’t been the happy one they’d hoped for.

  Today, she was alone and on a mission to buy gifts. It might be early but she had good reason to get a head start. She didn’t have much family, just her stepmom, Melissa. But Ian… when she’d married him she’d married a large, extended family.

  Ian had four siblings – two brothers and two sisters – each of them married, two with kids. Ian also had two step brothers – one of which was married, and a step sister. And if that crazy amount of people wasn’t enough to keep up with and buy gifts for, his New York family was coming to town on Christmas day, including three cousins, all married, two of whom also had children.

  Was it any wonder she was laden with bags and gifts and utterly exhausted? But she loved everything about her life… except her daughter’s night terrors. Rainey woke them screaming most nights and though the pediatrician promised it would pass, waiting, worrying and suffering through the painful shrieks wasn’t easy and made her bleary eyed during the day. Not to mention her son wasn’t a great sleeper… and life wasn’t easy at the moment.

  She could have done her shopping online but there was nothing like seeing something in person, touching it, and knowing you were choosing the perfect gift for each person. Besides, her mother in law loved to spend time with Rainey and Jack, so she’d freed Riley up to shop.

  Oh! She’d forgotten her mother in law, Emma and her husband, Michael! Two more people to add to her list. She walked to the side of the aisle and dropped her bags close to the wall. She began to dig through her purse for her list. She hadn’t put it on her phone, preferring a handwritten page she could cross out and make changes on. She added the two names, shaking her head at her forgetfulness.

  Before she could gather her bags again, her cell rang. She pulled it out of her purse and saw Ian’s name on the screen. “Hi,” she said, more breathlessly than she’d like.

  “Hi, baby. How’s it going?”

  She laughed, a wry sound escaping her lips. “My shopping list is growing. Are you sure your family isn’t getting bigger as we speak because it sure feels like it is.”

  He laughed. “I told you to let my assistant handle the gifts.”

  “And I told you that’s rude,” she chided.

  “So? I don’t like how exhausted you sound.”

  She smiled at his protective tone of voice. Over the years, he hadn’t mellowed and she understood the way he expressed his love. Ian could be… overbearing but he adored his family and felt it was his job to care for them all.

  And she wanted to be the one who took care of him. It was just that lately, she was always so exhausted. Too tired for dinners out alone, too tired for her to cook his favorite meals, and too tired for sex… and that wasn’t like her… or them. Not at all. From the minute they’d met, the sexual attraction had been off the charts and he’d never hesitated to tell her exactly how much he wanted her, how he intended to take her, and follow through on every word. Those days felt like a long, long time ago not a few short years.

  “Don’t worry. I’m almost finished for the day,” she said. Though her list was extensive and long, she’d been working her way through it. But she was dragging more with each step and she didn’t want him overly concerned. She’d just have to make a final shopping trip another time.

  “I’m leaving the office now. I’ll meet you at home,” he said. He was the owner of the Miami Thunder football team and his work never ended, but this was early for him to take off for the day.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked.

  “It’ll be better soon.”

  She frowned at the cryptic answer. “Ian –”

  “Love you, baby. See you in a few.” He disconnected the call before she could reply. “I love you too,” she mutt

  She gathered her bags up in her arms and decided she’d head home and meet her husband. She’d have to pick up Rainey and Jack from her mother in law’s, but she wanted to see Ian first.

  A little while later, she walked into the house, having noticed his car parked in the garage. She dropped the bags on the mudroom floor and strode out through the kitchen.

  “Ian?” she called out.

  “Right here.” He stood in the center of the family room, a red scarf in his hand.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, a spark of excitement shooting through her at the obvious silk garment he’d used on her before.

  “Come here,” he said in a commanding voice she hadn’t heard in too long.

  A full body tremor took hold. Her nipples puckered, as if even they remembered the times he’d use that voice right before pinning her to the wall, her hands above her head, his lips on hers, his hard cock pressing into the softness of her sex.

  She stepped towards him. “Why is that out now?” she asked, pointing to the scarf, her physical awareness of what was obviously to come a tangible, exciting thing.

  “Turn around.”

  She swallowed and did as he asked. He wrapped the scarf around her eyes and tied it behind her head. “Now you’re mine.”

  Her heat pounded hard in her chest. “I’ve always been yours,” she murmured. “What is going on?”

  “You’ll see,” he said and before he could argue, he lifted her up and into his arms.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck and held on as he carried her through the house and outside into the warmer air. He placed her in a car, then settled in beside her.

  So he was in the back too, she mused. They were obviously in a limousine, Ian’s favorite form of travel.

  “I have to pick up the kids,” she reminded him.

  “All taken care of.” He slid her skirt up her thigh and placed his hand on her bare skin. She shivered at his masculine touch.

  With her sight gone, all she could do was focus on the things going on around her. The movement of the vehicle, headed heaven knew where, and her husband’s fingers moving upward, those talented fingers trailing their way north, until his roughened fingertip slid over her sex.

  She sucked in a shuddering breath. “What are you doing?”

  “What does it feel like?” he asked, chuckling, a low, pleased sound.

  She swallowed hard. “Arousing me,” she whispered, hoping that the sound proof divider was up separating them from the driver of the limo. She trusted Ian enough to assume it was.

  “You are definitely wet, baby. It’s been too long since you’ve come for me.” His fingers danced over her clit and she exhaled a low moan.

  “Keep it up and we’ll be rectifying that very soon.” She wiggled her hips in an attempt to get him to continue.

  But instead of increasing pressure, he slapped her lightly on her sex. “Gotta build up the tension first.”

  She shivered in arousal and frustration as he removed his hand.

  Throughout the remainder of the drive, his palm clamped hard on her thigh, a reminder of what she wanted… needed… and couldn’t have.


  * * *

  Ian Dare was a man of action. When he desired something, he took control and made it happen. So how had he let his personal life get so off track?

  One little tyrannical mini-Riley and a baby, that’s how. His children occupied their every thought, action and plan they made. He adored his munchkins but he missed his wife.

  Which was why he now led her, blindfolded, out of the limo and carefully up the stairs to his private jet. He kept one hand wrapped securely around her waist.

  “Step,” he instructed her. “Step again.” He continued the process until she entered the main cabin.

  Thank fuck this plane had a bedroom because after sliding his fingers over her damp pussy, he couldn’t wait to taste her, devour her, and make love to the woman he adored.

  Once he had her onboard, he pulled off the blindfold. “Welcome. We’re going on vacation,” he told her. He’d managed to pull this together in the span of thirty minutes, calling in friends and favors.

  She blinked as she focused on her surroundings, her pretty brown eyes opening wide. “Ian! What about the kids?” she asked.

  “With my mother for the weekend.”

  Concern etched her features. “But… the night terrors.”

  He’d worried about the same thing. “Mom assured me she’s raised enough children to be able to handle them and the baby.” He folded his arms across his chest, not willing to give in on this argument. They needed time together and they needed it now.

  “Okay,” she said, still obviously worried about her children. He was too but he trusted his mother.

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “I debated not telling you until we landed but you don’t look thrilled about this trip yet so I’ll fill you in. Turks and Caicos,” he said, naming the Caribbean island. “I rented a house from Lola Corbin and Rep Grissom,” he said of the famous singer and her Miami Thunder player husband.

  Pleasure finally lit up Riley’s expressive face. “Ian!” She jumped into his arms and he caught her, falling back into the plush seats.

  “I guess this means you’re happy?” He brushed her hair off her face, the tight grip on his chest easing.

  She wrapped her arms around his neck, wriggling her sweet pussy against his hard erection. “It means I’ve missed you.” She pressed a kiss against his lips, warm and delicious and everything Riley. “I’ve missed us,” she whispered.

  “Me too. And We’re going to spend this weekend catching up with each other and then we’re going to plan on alone times so we don’t lose one another ever again.” He rubbed his nose against hers and she sighed, obviously pleased.

  That’s all he wanted. To keep this woman happy for the rest of her life.

  “Excuse me, Mr. Dare? It’s time to take off,” the flight attendant said, interrupting them.

  Ian kissed Riley once more before urging her up and off him, placing her in her own seat. “Seatbelts, baby. But once we’re in the air, that bedroom has our name on it.”

  She grinned and buckled in. He did the same and soon the plane was taxiing down the runway.

  He kept his hand on her thigh and waited until they were at a steady, safe altitude before he unhooked her seatbelt and carried her to the bedroom in the back of the plane.

  “Get ready,” he instructed her, placing her down on the bed. “I’m going to let them know we don’t want to be disturbed, but then I’m all yours.” He stared at her flushed, eager face. “Or should I say you’re all mine?” He couldn’t wait to get his hands on her sweet curves.

  Except when he returned from assuring their privacy, his wife was fast asleep. He sat by her side and stroked her cheek, for the first time, really seeing how exhausted she was. He frowned, knowing something had to change. She was stubborn and wanted to raise her family the old-fashioned way but he didn’t work so hard just so she could run herself ragged.

  A plan formed in his mind as he let her rest, watching over her.

  He’d let her rest for now. They’d have complete privacy and time to enjoy one another soon enough.

  * * *

  Riley didn’t have a chance to explore the rental house, which was completely gorgeous, from what she could see at a glance. The entire back wall showed off the infinity pool out back and the spectacular turquoise ocean beyond.

  No sooner had they walked into the house than Ian pointed to the carry-on bag he’d put together for her. “Bikini. Now.”

  And there was the bossy man she’d missed while they were busy living life.

  “Yes, sir!” Riley gave him a sassy retort, feeling refreshed courtesy of her nap on board.

  He swatted her ass with a nearby towel.

  She jumped, squeaked, felt the sting of arousal travel through her and ran for the bedroom, rolling her carry on along with her
. She had a hunch Ian had packed her very few pairs of panties and clothes. Which was just fine with her. She wouldn’t be needing them.

  She opened her suitcase and pulled out a red bikini, Ian’s favorite that she wore when she sat out at the pool behind the house… or had before her second child. With her even more well developed curves, she hoped it fit now.

  As she put it on, her breasts plumping out of the cups and her hips visible, she realized Ian wouldn’t care. And wasn’t she a lucky girl?

  She strode into the other room, strutting a little because she knew he was waiting. She stopped short when she caught sight of him. Wearing a pair of boarding shorts, his tanned muscular body on display, her body perked up at the sight.

  “See something you like?” he asked.

  “That and something I haven’t seen… or paid attention to in too long.” She strode over to him and hooked her finger into the waistband of his shorts, running her fingers over his taut stomach. “I missed you,” she murmured.

  A seductive grin lifted his sexy mouth. “I missed you too. And you look good enough to eat.”

  Ignoring her hands in his pants, hands that wanted to travel downward so she could wrap her hands around his cock, he picked her up like she weighed nothing. She immediately wrapped her legs around his waist, causing his hard erection to press against her core. A delicious wave rocked through her and she sighed with pleasure.

  “Oh, Ian. Thank you for this. We needed it.”

  “Anything for you, baby.” He grasped the back of her head, sealed his lips over hers and nothing else mattered.

  He kissed her hard, pushing her up to the nearest wall. She moaned, hooking her heels behind his back and rubbing herself against him. With a low, throaty groan, he thrust his tongue into her mouth at the same time he rocked his hips against hers. Dizzying swells of desire took hold and immediately brought her close to a fast climax. One she desperately wanted and needed.


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