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Mistaken Hero (Retribution Games Book 1)

Page 16

by Ella Miles

  My father starts to walk back out of the club.

  “Rialta,” he says in a low, commanding voice.

  This is it, the moment I’ve been dreading. Am I strong enough to just walk away with my father, to sacrifice myself for someone I don’t even know?

  But then I feel Beckett’s heart beating against my back. He’ll never survive without her. Odette may not love him, but she’s his everything. When he gets her back, how could she not fall madly in love with him? I may hate him most of the time, but dammit, one of us deserves a happily ever after. It won’t be me, but he can get one.

  I start to move, but Beckett’s grip on me tightens. The guys block me from Corsi.

  How stupid are they? You don’t stand up to my father and live to talk about it.

  “Beckett, thank you for ensuring my daughter’s safe return. The information you need is waiting for you at the Retribution Kings’ headquarters.” My father’s gray eyebrow raises, and his lips move in a sinister curl, while he waits to see what Beckett is going to do.

  “Of course. You can count on us to bring her back to you anytime,” Beckett says, and then he releases me. He doesn’t exactly shove me into my father’s waiting arms, but he doesn’t protect me either.

  The rest of the guys stare at me with various states of concern. But I nod at Caius, and he slowly takes a step back. The rest follow suit until they’ve parted a path for me directly to my father. I don’t look at any of them as I walk to my father’s side.

  I can’t count on them anymore. They can’t save me. There is nothing any of them can do. But I can’t blame them either; I’m the one who agreed to this. They aren’t forcing me. The only thing I can be upset with is that Beckett apparently already talked to my father. He knew he was coming. He could have warned me.

  My father places his hand on the small of my back when I reach him, and then he starts walking. I keep pace next to him as we walk toward the back of the club with his security guards protecting us. When we reach the door, I consider looking back, but I don’t. I have to forget about them, even though they’re my everything. Literally, because I can’t remember any time before them.

  I walk through the door. They’re my past now.

  My father guides me into the back of a car, and the driver in the front seat starts driving.

  I don’t bother to put my seatbelt on. I’d rather be dead than face what comes next.

  No, Beckett showed me that I can feel. I want to live.

  I put my seatbelt on.

  My father doesn’t speak as we drive. I try to remember anything about him, but it doesn’t take much to know that he’s a cruel man who is used to getting his way. I don’t open my mouth to ask questions.

  I just hope that Beckett has what he needs to get Odette back. Later tonight, he’ll be driving to pick her up, and they’ll share a happy reunion. That’s what I focus on with every block we drive down.

  My father pulls his phone out of his pocket. He pulls something up and then places the phone on the seat between us.

  I stare wide-eyed at a video.

  He presses play, but I already know what the video is.

  It’s the middle of the video with all four men holding onto me. Gage is kissing me. Hayes is fondling my breasts. Lennox is spreading my legs. And Caius is driving inside me. It’s fucking hot and would bring back happy memories of that night if it wasn’t for the fact that my sick father is watching.

  I press pause and look away.

  He takes the phone and puts it back in his jacket pocket as we drive through the city streets. There isn’t much traffic, so wherever we are going, we are making record time.

  “Don’t think I don’t know it was your idea.”

  “Looks like I was being forced. They were holding my arms and legs, and I was blindfolded.” Inside, I do a victory lap, happy to have pissed my father off.

  “You’ll be punished for your indiscretion, as will your friends.”

  I swallow. He has no idea who the guys are. The video is edited to make it even grainier and darker. Between that, the lighting, and the masks, it’s almost impossible to tell who the men are. I can barely make out the different guys. If my father suspected it was the Retribution Kings, he would have killed them all back there.

  His face shifts into sadistic anger that festers the entire ride. Whatever my punishment will be, it was worth it.

  The driver pulls into an underground garage right in front of an elevator. I’m nervous that something is going to be expected of me that I can’t remember. That my father will realize I don’t have any memories and use that to his advantage. I don’t want him to know, at least until I figure why I’ve forgotten and if he has anything to do with it.

  My father steps out of the car, as do I, and then we walk into the elevator. He presses a button for the top floor, and the elevator rises.

  The doors open into a penthouse suite, and we both step out.

  I open my mouth to speak, but my father beats me to it. “Sleep, Rialta. I’ll deal with you in the morning.”

  He walks off before I can say anything.

  That’s it?

  He’s just going to leave me unguarded? Could it be this easy to escape?

  But then I notice guards filing around me.

  “This way, Miss Corsi,” one of the guards says, like I’m not a prisoner in my father’s home.

  I follow him up the stairs to a large bedroom with a corner view of the city. It’s incredible, but it doesn’t spark any memories. How many nights have I slept in this room?

  “If you need anything, I’ll be right outside your door,” he says.

  I nod, and he leaves me alone.

  I walk around the room, my hand trailing over the stark white fabrics of the bed and dresser. The single frame of me with my parents on the nightstand. The light gray walls. None of it sparks anything, but when I head into the bathroom and see the toiletries and closet full of clothes my size, I know that I’ve stayed here plenty before.

  I slip on a pair of my old pajama bottoms but leave Beckett’s T-shirt on. I brush my teeth and climb into bed. I want to fight, but I’m far too tired. I grab the collar of the shirt and take a deep breath, inhaling Beckett’s musk.

  I smile. My future may be fucked, but any minute now, he’ll be reuniting with his love, and I can’t pretend that doesn’t make me happy.

  Even if my heart does ache that he’ll never be mine.



  The next day, I’m confined to my room. A guard brings me a couple of bottles of water and celery throughout the day, but that’s all I get.

  No real food.

  No TV.

  No cell phone.

  No internet.

  No books.

  Nothing to entertain me.

  Apparently, this is the first part of my punishment—lock me up like I’m Rapunzel.

  I lie on my bed with my stomach growling as I toss a scrunchie up and down. I’m still wearing Beckett’s shirt, and my daydreams have been flooded with nothing but Beckett and Odette’s reuniting.

  My latest daydream is of Beckett riding in on a horse, slaying the dragon that was holding her hostage, and they immediately ride off into the sunset together. Okay, I know it’s not realistic, but the realistic dreams are too emotional. I feel nothing but heart stabbing pain when I think of them living happily ever after for real.

  Beckett and Odette—their names practically rhyme. It’s like fate brought them together. They were made for each other. I can just imagine how adorably cute they are strolling down a beach hand in hand.

  I sit up. I have to stop thinking about them. I did my part. Now I have to start figuring out how to survive long enough to escape.

  My door opens suddenly, and a man holds a large black garment bag.

  “You have two hours to get ready.” The guard walks in and hangs the bag in my closet. “If you’re late, Mr. Corsi says he’ll take it out on your friends.”

  I sigh. “An
d does Mr. Corsi expect me to get ready and attend whatever party tonight without passing out? Because if so, I’m going to need more than a couple of pieces of celery.”

  The guard smirks. He steps out and returns with a covered plate and another large bottle of water.

  Thank god.

  He sets my plate on my nightstand and then leaves.

  I rush to uncover the plate and frown. There are four pieces of celery and a couple of raisins. I grab a piece of celery and fling it at the door.


  I immediately realize my mistake and pick up the piece of celery off the floor. I eat it quickly, along with every morsel of food on the plate. I need every ounce of energy I can afford. My father’s trying to keep me weak, so I can’t fight back.

  I walk to the closet to check out my dictated outfit. I unzip the garment bag and find a black dress with thin straps at the top, cutouts around the middle, and it seems to swirl in a long train at the back. There’s some jewelry included—a bracelet, earrings, and a tiara.

  I sigh. What is it with grown men thinking a twenty-year-old woman needs a tiara?

  As much as I want to refuse it all, I won’t. I have to pick my battles. I’ll play the dutiful daughter who does everything her father tells her, then strike when he least expects it.

  And I won’t put my friends, as my father said, at risk. I owe them that for a little longer. So I spend the next two hours turning myself into a sleek princess.

  I feel lightheaded as I take the chauffeur’s hand and climb out of the back of the limo. I understand now why my father didn’t let me eat today. This dress is tiny around my waist. I was barely able to squeeze into it as it is.

  My father steps up next to me as we walk into the building. “I’m glad you remember your place, Rialta.”

  I don’t respond but just walk obediently next to him.

  “Right this way, sir,” a man in a tux says as soon as we enter.

  I notice that several guards instantly fall in line behind us and in front of us as we walk through the building, so much so that I can’t tell where we are going. I have no idea what this event tonight is about, only that I’m in a very formal dress and my father is in a tux. Maybe if I had memories from before, I’d know what type of events my father usually requires me to attend this dressed up.

  Double doors are opened in front of us, and we all march into a grand ballroom. There are large chandeliers hanging and lighting all the faces of the men and women waiting. It doesn’t take much for me to realize who are sitting at all the tables. I recognize a few members of Mayhem and Phantom Brotherhood as we walk by. This a gathering of the gangs, crews, and dangerous monsters.

  I expect us to stop at a table, but we don’t. We keep walking straight onto a stage. The guards part to either side of the stage, showing their presence but not holding anyone’s attention. No, that honor goes to my father and me as we walk together toward the center of the stage.

  The lights dim in the room, and a bright spotlight is shone on us, so I can barely make out the faces of the crowd. I have no idea what is going on, but I stand tall with my shoulders back. I won’t show fear no matter what happens.

  “Thank you all for gathering. As you know, we have several important things to discuss. First, I’d like you to celebrate the safe return of my daughter, Rialta Corsi.”

  The crowd breaks out into applause and cheers at my father’s words.

  On the other hand, my father shows no signs of happiness at my safe return. When the cheering dies down, he continues. “Now, for the less than happy news. As you all know, Rialta was set to be married to Nicolo Ricci on her twenty-first birthday.”

  The room falls into pin-drop silence, and I’m terrified they can all hear my heart beating in panic. Is my father going to move up the wedding?

  When is my twenty-first birthday? Is it today?

  “But it is with a heavy heart that I have to report that Nicolo has been murdered.”

  Instant murmuring breaks out around the room. I glance over at my father, who once again shows no emotion. I have no idea what he’s planning next.

  “My daughter’s safety has been at risk over this last week, but the Retribution Kings ensured her safe return. And they helped me create a plan for how to keep her safe forever.”

  Dread fills me as my father speaks. The Retribution Kings helped my father create this plan? He means Beckett. What did Beckett do?

  “My daughter is in need of a husband. One who will keep her safe.”

  I roll my eyes. A husband who will keep me safe, my ass. He only cares about keeping his power and ensuring my husband controls me.

  “With such a prize as my daughter at stake, there are bound to be fights breaking out. So to ensure the best man for the job wins, I’ve devised a game. It will keep my daughter safe and prevent fighting amongst ourselves outside of the game. The winner gets to marry my daughter.”

  My nostrils flare as my breathing hardens. My father is going to host a game, and the winner gets to marry me. And Beckett was the one who came up with the idea.

  My hands fist as I try to restrain myself. Beckett better have gotten Odette back and convinced her that she loves him. That’s the only way I won’t murder him for this.

  “I’m sure you are wondering what the rules are, but that will have to wait. For now, know this—any man here can enter, only one will win. If you enter and lose…well, I don’t recommend losing.” He smirks.

  The crowd chuckles at his morbid joke. Then, my father glares at everyone in the crowd, and the room once again falls silent.

  “Enter however many men from your crew that you dare, but you must follow my rules. If you don’t, there will be consequences.” He snaps his fingers, and an image appears on a screen behind us of Ares lying dead on the floor.

  After a moment, my father nods for the screen to turn off, and the image disappears. I’m surprised he doesn’t pull up the video of the guys fucking me, but maybe he hasn’t actually identified who’s in the video. Or he wants everyone to think I’m still the obedient virgin daughter.

  “There are cards on your table. If you would like to enter the game, sign your name in blood, and then bring your card to the stage. Place it in the bowl in my beautiful daughter’s hands.”

  A guard walks over and places a gold bowl into my shaky hands.

  I still can’t see out into the crowd as the spotlight blinds me, and the room remains mostly dark. But I can hear murmurs around the room, trying to understand what twisted game my father is playing. These men are idiots if they don’t realize Vincent is most likely enticing them into a game where he can kill off his enemies without retaliation because it’s all part of the game. They should only enter if they are on Vincent’s good side and have a legitimate shot at winning.

  The first man walks onto the stage, and the crowd cheers him on. I stand frozen, hating that I’m nothing more than a prop. My father dressed me up like a sexy princess to entice these men into playing his twisted game.

  The man winks at me as he places the first card in the bowl I’m holding. The man is young, cocky, and destined to lose. I don’t have to worry about this asshole becoming my husband.

  Once the first man places his card, the floodgates open. Men file onto the stage boasting about how they are the strongest, the handsomest, the most dangerous, and how they will win and claim me as their wife.

  I see members of Mayhem, Phantom Brotherhood, and plenty of other men of all ages enter the game. All I can think about is how stupid they are and how they’re walking into a trap.

  But I’m just as trapped as they are.

  They think I’m their princess, their property to win, an opinionless prize. They have no clue who I really am. I may have no clue who I really am either, but I’m about to find out. I’ll be their princess for now, but soon I’ll be the one bringing them all to their knees.

  My father may have created this game, but I’m going to find a way to insert my own power. I can tame
men, even the most dangerous in this room.

  No…My breath catches.

  Caius walks onto the stage with his gorgeous blonde hair, tall and proud. He walks right up to me with his card signed in blood in his hand.

  “Caius, no,” I whisper, daring not to say more. As much as Caius winning and us marrying would be the best outcome, he doesn’t have anything my father wants. He has no power, no control over a crew or region. There is nothing he can give my father. He’ll lose, and he’ll have to pay whatever price my father decides.

  “I owe you a life.”

  “No, you already gave me one.”

  His hand hovers over the bowl. I grab his wrist, trying to get him to stop, but he opens his hand, and the card drops in.


  I release his hand, trying not to draw any more attention to Caius. I don’t want my father to target him because I favor him.

  “Don’t let the others enter,” I whisper.

  Caius gives me a stiff nod and then walks off the stage.

  A stream of unknown men file on the stage and drop cards into my bowl, but now I’m in a haze.

  Caius entered.

  I won’t let my heart hope for even a minute that he’s going to win. He won’t. But it will be nice to have a friend nearby, even if I can’t rely on him to help me.

  I turn to see what asshole is entering next when I see Beckett walk up onto the stage.

  Beckett—my heart thumps his name.

  Did he come on stage to boast with my father? It was his idea after all.

  I grit my teeth and glare at him. Now I’m going to have to suffer through whatever twisted game my father has planned. I’m sure I’ll have to participate far more than I want, be traded around to the most dangerous men like a trading card, somehow survive, only to be forced into a marriage to a man who will rape me, treat me like an object, until I drown myself in drugs or alcohol.


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