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Love Money

Page 12

by Jami Wagner

  “Nope, that’s everything,” I say and leave the room.

  Turns out my sister was right. This is what I do best. I lie.

  Chapter Fifteen


  It’s been a few days since everything was revealed, and Jett left to give Jimmy some kind of update. I don’t know what he’s going to tell him, but I hope it’s good.

  In the meantime, I’m researching.

  I know Jett asked me to not do anything, but he didn’t say I couldn’t snoop. What if I find something that could help? He should know better than anyone else I can’t just sit back and wait.

  I type in Baxter Cop into the search bar, because honestly, how do you start this kind of search and also because holy shit he’s a cop.

  Results for a police department pop up and list down the page. Some are random articles about officers killed in the line of duty and others about people with the last name of Baxter who were arrested.

  There’s an article about Drew. The small blurb you get before you click on the link lists his crimes. I click on it. Nothing useful. I go back to the page of links to choose from and finally, three articles later, I see one about Jimmy Kincaid and the cash he stole that hasn’t been found. I’m about to tap the red X and shut down my computer, exhausted from reading things I already knew, when one sentence in the article catches my attention.

  The one that reads Baxter brings in drug dealer Drew Lane. I fumble my next breath before I click on it the highlighted words that take me to another article about Drew.

  Officer Baxter has been on the force for only a short few months, but that was enough time for him to put Drew Lane behind bars. The girlfriend of the suspect, Kenzie …

  I lean back quickly and close my eyes.


  I take a deep breath and let it out before closing the article. After that, I type “Kenzie Campbell death” into the search bar.

  Multiple articles pop up about my sister’s death, but they all have one similarity.



  Not a single article reveals his first name or shows his picture, but Jett mentioned working on a case close to Jimmy before.

  This has to be it.

  I scroll down and start reading more.

  Officer Baxter had been researching the accused for three months. The girlfriend of the charged was the only victim in the case.

  That’s as far as I make it when there is a knock at my door.

  “Charlie,” Jett’s voice calls through the apartment.

  I walk out of the bedroom, closing the door slightly.

  Every part of me is shaking. I push the tears back as I meet him in the kitchen.

  “Hey beau—” He pauses and rushes to me, but I step back.

  “What’s wrong?” he asks.

  “Did you know my sister?”

  I can’t believe how steady my voice is considering my heart aches so much I think it might shut down.

  “Charlie,” he says slowly, holding his hands in front of him. “Don’t freak out.”

  “Oh my god.” I step back again, my hand covering my heart. “Oh my god.”

  My eyes flash up to meet his, and that one look answers all my questions.

  “Wh … wh …?” is all I choke out as I stumble to turn for the living room. I reach for anything to grab onto, but my hands are like jelly and I can’t find anything to grip. Jett catches me by my arms as my balance wavers, but I jerk back.

  “Don’t.” I crumple to the floor in front of the couch, and the next thing I know, Jett is next me with his hand on my back.

  “Put your head between your knees to catch your breath. Come on, Charlie. Can you even hear me?”

  He turns my face to look at him, and I can hear just fine, but everything feels fuzzy on the inside. Everything that is happening is all one big blur. He knew her. He knows more than he said he did.

  I finally do as he says, finding the words I need. “Were you there that night?”

  I’m pretty sure I know the answer. But I need him to say it.

  “Before I answer that, I think we need to get your breathing back to normal.”

  I ignore him.

  “I want to know, Jett.”

  “Charlie, slow down, and when I know you’re better, I’ll explain everything.”

  “Answer me, Jett!” I shout and push off the floor to get away from him, across the room, the kitchen, I don’t care as long as it’s anywhere that he can’t reach out and touch me. “I thought you already told me everything!”

  “I was the agent working with your sister and—”

  “And you didn’t think, after all this, I should know that?” I ask.

  I watch his throat bob as he stares at me, not saying a word.

  “Answer me,” I say.

  He just continues to look at me, and when he reaches for my hand once more, I lose it.

  “Get out,” I say, looking away from him.

  “Charlie, I didn’t know—”

  “Out!” I scream. My voice reaching a level I didn’t know existed.

  “Charlie, I can’t leave without telling you everything.”

  “I don’t care. I don’t care what you want. Or what will make you feel better. You’re a lying asshole and I want you out of my apartment.”

  “Charlie, I’m so sorry. Please, just let me explain.”

  The tears are unavoidable now.


  “Jett, please. If you really are sorry, you’ll leave.”

  There is no missing his struggle before he finally leaves, and I hate that I hurt watching him hurt. He lied to me. He’s known about me, about my past, about everything, and he kept it from me. He’s fooled me. And I still love him.



  I have no idea anymore.

  I stumble to the couch, curling up into a ball as the sobs shake through my body.

  The only thing I do know is that these tears aren’t going anywhere and my heart—I’m not sure it can be mended again.


  Holy shit. Holy shit. Holy shit.


  I stare at her door. I can’t just leave. Not now. I need to explain myself. The situation. Us. My job. If she would just let me, I know everything will be fine.

  “Charlie!” I knock on her door.

  She doesn’t answer, but it’s not like I thought she would. Still, I rest my forehead against the door and tap.

  “Please, Charlie. Let me in.”

  I wish silence followed my pleading, but it doesn’t. I can hear the piercing sound of her cries.

  I sink to the floor outside her door, and as much as it kills me inside that I did this—that not just once, but twice I have caused her so much pain—I sit and I listen. If she comes out of this door, I don’t want her to be alone. I want her to know I will be here for her, no matter how much hate she has for me.

  “Jett, what are you doing?”

  I glance up; my sister is standing in front of me.

  I take a deep breath, shrug and hang my head.

  “Oh no,” Whit says. “Did you finally tell her?”

  I nod.

  Her eyes go wide and her hand covers her heart quickly when she hears the sound from inside Charlie’s apartment.


  “Yep. And now, I’m out here, helpless for her.”

  “Jett, I know you won’t want to hear what I have to say, but you should probably go home. Or anywhere else until she is ready to talk to you.”

  “What if she’s never ready?”

  “You just told her. Give her time.”

  “That’s just it.” I stand and pace. “I didn’t even get to explain everything. I got out the words that I worked with her sister and she freaked and I don’t blame her.”

  Another sob comes from inside.

  “I’ll check on her, okay?” Whit says.

  “No, I’m coming with you.”

  “Jett, no.”

sp; “Whit.” I barely choke out her name as my eyes well with tears. “I did this to her. I have to make it better. It’s not okay. Nothing about what I did was okay.”

  “Calm down, and for Christ’s sake, stop pulling at your hair before you go bald and stop pacing before you put a hole in the floor.”

  “I can’t leave.”

  “You don’t have a choice,” she snaps. “What happens from here on out is not your decision to make.”

  She’s right and not just about Charlie.

  After Whit disappears into Charlie’s apartment, I head down the stairs and dial the number I’ve been dreading. I’m in deep now and there’s only one person I can depend on.


  Today’s the day I lose the girl and the job.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Pulling myself together wasn’t easy, but I did it. Once I did, I decided I had three options: sit and continue feeling sorry for myself, take Jimmy down on my own, or follow Jett and find out what else he’s hiding from me.

  When your emotions are running strong, you don’t exactly make clear decisions.

  A horn honking snaps me out of my daydream. My knee smacks the steering wheel, my neck is stiff, and my back aches, but it’s worth it.

  I rub my eyes and do a mental check on the closest coffee shop. It’s only about ten minutes from here, but Jett’s truck is still in his driveway. Or what I think is his driveway. Following him last night was not easy.

  He is crazy if he thinks I won’t do anything. I can’t just sit back and wait this out. I want this to end.

  I pop my neck and yawn just as I see Jett walk outside his apartment. At least, like the driveway, I think it’s his apartment. Does he have a real apartment and a fake one for his job? I wouldn’t know since he’s never taken me there. Oh, and because he’s an undercover cop who knew my sister. Ugh! The first guy I fall for and he’s been lying to me the entire time we’ve been together. All I wanted was a good, honest relationship and instead I got a giant pile of slap-you-in-the-face shit.

  Slowly, I follow behind his truck.

  How can he act as if everything is so normal? Shouldn’t he be looking over his shoulder or in his rearview mirror every ten seconds or something? I mean, I’m sort of doing that now and already thinking of an excuse of what I’m doing driving behind him if he notices me.

  We drive maybe six miles before we reach the station.

  Should he be blatantly driving here if he’s undercover?

  He pulls up to a gate, flashing something at the guard before the gate opens and he drives through.


  How am I going to know what he does next?

  I need to get closer.

  I glance around. Downtown is busy with people just going about their day. Walking from the parking garage to their jobs, jogging on the sidewalks, or just sipping coffee on a bench nearby. They make life look so easy.

  I find a parking spot and casually lock my car, heading down the street as if I were another pedestrian doing what I do every day. Aside from my rumpled clothes, I think I pull it off.

  Once I reach the front doors, I pause. Do I really want to know more? I mean, I should be able to move past this, right? There isn’t anything worse he could tell me that I don’t already know, and if there is, maybe it’s better that I don’t know.

  “Can I help you, miss?”

  I jump at the voice and turn to meet an officer’s gaze. My eyes flash from his to his uniform, to his badge, and I wish I knew why just his presence, when I’ve done nothing wrong and don’t even know him, makes the temperature feel extra warm.

  I shake my head.


  “You look lost,” he says with a friendly smile.

  In more ways than he knows.

  “I’m fine, thank you.”

  He nods and continues through the doors. I wait till he’s out of sight before I step inside.

  As I look up and down the hallway, it’s damn clear I have no idea what I’m doing. Still, I won’t find anything by just standing here. I turn to the right and start walking.

  Here goes nothing.


  I flinch when Captain’s fist hits the top of his desk.

  “And you fucking thought your plan would make all of this go away!” he snaps and picks up his phone, his finger punching in numbers hard enough to break the device.

  I jump up and hit the button to cancel the call. He steps back, jerking the phone away from his ear as the look in his eyes sears into my own.

  I’d have rather done this over the phone yesterday, but he was unavailable. Right now, I’m wishing I’d just kept him in the loop from the start.

  “We have to do this discreetly or Jimmy will do a lot more than scare her and threaten her to give up the money.”

  So I assume. I still don’t know the plan, just that I’ll be there when it all goes down.

  “You should have told me. Everything would be right on schedule as it was planned, Baxter.” He only calls me by my last name when he’s furious with me.

  “I know. I messed up, and we can focus on that later, but right now we need a plan and we need one fast.”

  He grabs his coat from the back of his chair, ready to leave his office. I jump in front of him and slam his door. I’m not letting him out of this station till he hears me out.

  “Baxter, I have a mess to fix. Move.”

  “I already have a plan.”

  “A plan like your last one, huh? Look where that landed you.”

  “I’ve had a plan the entire time. Now it’s just time to put some things in motion.”

  “No, I’m not listening to any more of your plans.”

  “It’s one that will get you both Clint and Jimmy, and I know you don’t want to hear it, but I also know it’s a whole lot more than whatever idea you’ve thought up in the time we’ve been standing here.”

  Without looking at me, he shakes his head. “I’m so sick and tired of my crew making decisions without me. You get five minutes before I walk through that door, assign a new officer to the case, all while taking your badge with me for refusing to follow orders.”

  I ignore the last part and jump right in.

  “Clint wants to make a big deal. He hasn’t come out and said it, but I know that after talking with Jimmy and the amount of money he’s about to get his hands on, Clint wants more money. We can bring in Hawley and set up a drop. We will give it a number too tempting to pass up but not so big that it’s too good to be true. We tell Clint that our contact has multiple bidders and wants someone who can get them the product right away. The first to come through has the deal. Clint will have no reason not to take it.”

  “How do you think you can get him to agree?” Captain asks, hanging his coat back up.

  “Pit him against Jimmy.”

  “Sounds like it’s been done a dozen times.”

  “Because it works.”

  “Is that the rest of your plan?” he asks.

  “Not even close.”

  At the sight of my grin, he groans. “Well, get on with it.”

  Once I’ve told him about me being Jimmy’s only option and using that to turn on him, I head out of the station. Coming here today was risky but worth it. Anything that means Charlie’s life is safe is the best option, and making sure more people know what’s happening is the right choice.

  I press the down elevator button to the parking garage. The doors ping and open. I step in, but slap my hand over threshold before they can close.

  What the fuck?

  “Charlie!” I shout. My voice echoes in the hallway.

  She gasps, turning to meet my eyes, and scurries out the front doors. I dart after her. By the time I make it outside, she’s gone.

  What in the hell is she up to?

  I pick up my cell and call her. Hopefully, she’s close enough that I’ll hear her phone ring, but I get nothing. Her voicemail picks up.

  “I sure hope
you have a good reason for following me. You are aware that …” My words trail off as what I’m about to say dawns on me. I step back inside before I finish. “People are following your every move, Charlie. Be careful.”

  And it’s the truth, not just for her but all of us.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I have no idea how I should feel right now. I want to call Jett. Tell him to meet me so I can vent this all out. Scream and cry and freak out until I felt better. But would it really make me feel better? Or would I feel worse the moment I saw his face?

  I mean, yesterday, the moment I saw Jett in that elevator, I thought a huge fight was about to break out, but luckily I hid before he could catch up to me. I need him to tell me everything. I’m sick of the lies. I don’t want any more secrets. I just want the truth so I can move on. I need to get him out of the mess he doesn’t even know he’s in and I need to do it as soon as possible. I’ve already wasted so much time and doing what? Nothing. Just hoping they’ll accept that I don’t have their money and spending all my free time thinking of Jett.

  Not anymore. Sam’s life depends on me. From this moment on, I’m not letting anything get by without knowing the whole story, and in order to do that, I need to talk to Jett.

  “Good morning,” Whit says, stepping inside my apartment with Max. “Thanks again for taking Max to school. Some days this work from home job has its downfalls. You know, when I actually have to leave the house.”

  I give her a half smile and a laugh I know she knows is fake.

  “It’s not a problem. What are neighbors for?”

  “A lot, actually. We are pretty good at talking, too.”

  I nod and head for the kitchen to make a cup of coffee.

  “Okay, well, I’m off then. I’ll see you after school when I pick the boys up?” she asks.

  Again, I nod. I’m glad she doesn’t pry, but it makes me wonder why she wouldn’t. She usually would want to know everything.

  “Did you know?” I ask when Whit gets to the doorway.

  She stops but doesn’t turn to look at me. When her head drops forward a bit, I know the answer.


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