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Mickey's Way

Page 6

by Karen Clow

  As they ate, Mickey said they should go home the following day. Maria answered before they could and said maybe it would be best if they stayed with Mary, just until the girls came to terms with what had happened. He could tell from her face that she was apprehensive about returning. Smiling, he thought they should go home and try and get back to normal. The girls had their ponies and their friends from Sunday school; it would help take their minds off things. Maria really didn’t want to go back. Had it not have been for his parents agreeing with him, she would have insisted that they stayed there. She did like the idea of his parents staying with them when they went home though. She also looked relieved to know that Tony was going to send one of the lads down.

  Everyone was shocked when Madeline said the nice man had asked her about Lucy.

  “Did he sweetheart?” asked Mickey “Did you tell him you had ponies then?”

  Shaking her head she said no, he just knew. Maria gave him a look to say leave it, because she knew he would see this as an opportunity to find out more about the kidnappers. She was right; looking at Madeline he asked if he was the man with the prickly hair. She nodded. When he asked if she could remember what colour it was, she nodded, it was like Harry’s.

  They knew she was referring to Monica’s boy. He confirmed she meant blonde. Readily she nodded; the man had given her some chocolate buttons. Then she looked angry as she told him the other two were nasty to her. Mickey could feel the anger surging through his body as he listened to her telling him. The man with the picture and the nasty lady frightened her. He looked confused and Melanie started to cry.

  “Stop it Mickey” said Maria “you’re upsetting them.”

  Not about to let the opportunity pass, he asked her to take Melanie into the other room. Maria knew he was not about to leave anything, he needed to know who these people were and Madeline seemed comfortable telling him.

  Maria left the room with Melanie. Mary joined her in the lounge. Putting her arm round Maria’s shoulders, she asked her not to be too hard on Mickey, he just wanted to know who those people were. He was only thinking about her and the kids.

  “I know Mum,” said Maria close to tears “but Melanie’s not handling it very well and I don’t want her getting too upset.”

  Mary knew that and looking at Melanie asked if she would like to do some drawing and colouring. Melanie nodded. Maria suggested doing a picture for Father Thomas as she’d like to visit him before they left London.

  In the kitchen, Mickey was still trying to coax information out of Madeline. He asked what she’d meant when she’d said the man with the picture. When she replied a picture like the ones Uncle Shaun had on his arms, Mickey knew straight away that she was referring to tattoos.

  “What was the picture of sweetheart, has uncle Shaun got one?”

  Shaking her head, she tried to explain as she told him it was where spiders lived. When he said a spider’s web, she nodded. He asked where the man had the picture. Madeline pointed to his neck, just below his ear. Noticing that she appeared comfortable talking, he continued and telling her she was such a brave girl, clever girl he asked if she could remember anything else?

  He hadn’t expected her to ask if he was her real daddy.

  “Of course I am sweetheart, why did you ask that?”

  Wrinkling her nose and looking angry, she told him the nasty lady had said Jimmy Nixon was her real daddy!

  Despite her mistake with his name, she was obviously referring to Jimmy.

  Remaining calm despite what she said, he smiled and explained that Jimmy Dixon had been his best friend and when she was grown up he would tell her all about him.

  “What’s a whore Daddy?”

  Taken aback by her words, he asked where she’d heard that as it was a very bad word. Looking tearful she said the horrible lady said her mummy was one. Despite his anger, he remained calm as he replied, “She was just being nasty sweetheart, but don’t tell mummy because you’ll upset her.”

  Throughout the barrage of questions, Den had just sat quietly listening to what had been said, but he could sense his son becoming angrier the more Madeline told him. Mickey quickly changed back to asking about the people and asked if any of the people had hurt her. When she said the lady had, Den saw his son’s expression change and noticed his fist was clenched. Like any decent parent, he couldn’t bear the thought that someone had hurt his little girl. Taking her hand, he called her sweetie and asked what the lady had done to her. At that point she was looking scared and started crying.

  “She hit me round the face and kicked me really hard Daddy.”

  Trying not to show his anger he asked why she’d hit her. She was crying quite loud as she recollected the dreadful account of why she had been hit. He could see her trembling, holding her hand tightly he said they didn’t have to talk about it anymore. Madeline nodded. He suggested going to see what mummy and Melanie were doing with nanny. Madeline wiped her eyes and smiling, nodded.

  As they entered the lounge the others were doing some pictures for Father Thomas, she didn’t hesitate to join in. Mickey sat with them and held Maria’s hand, then quietly said he would call the Doc to check her over before they left as he wanted to go home the following day. If they waited until the evening and left around half six, they could stop for fish and chips on the way. Maria asked if he’d go with them to see Father Thomas before they left. As he nodded, both girls said they wanted him to go with them. Mickey looked lovingly at them and said of course he was going with them. They both looked relieved.


  Both girls slept with them that night, although none of them slept particularly well, which was apparent as the twins kept yawning the next morning at breakfast.

  It was just after lunch when Mary said she was going upstairs to pack a few things.

  When she returned some forty minutes later, she was carrying a plastic bag, which Maria had put the girl’s dirty clothes in. She asked what Maria wanted her to do with them. Apologising that she’d forgotten about them, she asked Mary to throw them in the bin.

  Mary took the bag into the kitchen. Den was there making a cup of tea. Before throwing the bag in the bin, she checked the pockets of the girl’s fleeces; it was something that she always did whenever she threw old clothes out. Den grinned and told her to just chuck them away; there wouldn’t be anything they’d want to keep. Typically of Mary, she smiled and carried on checking the pockets. Then she heard something rustling as she picked up Madeline’s fleece. It was an empty sweet packet. She was just about to throw it in the bin, when Den realised it was a chocolate button bag. He remembered what Madeline had said about the man giving her some chocolate buttons.

  “I’ll have that love,” he said “Mickey may be able to find some finger prints on it. Madeline said the bloke gave her chocolate buttons.”

  Holding it by the corner she passed it to him. Den took a sandwich bag from the kitchen draw and dropped it in before calling out to Mickey.

  When his dad told him about the sweet wrapper, Mickey said he would give it to Lenny Porter, he had friends in forensics and if anyone could find out, it was him. Then he went back into the lounge and looking at Maria asked if she would mind if he didn’t visit Father Thomas with her. He could tell she was disappointed as he added; his mum and dad would go. She knew by his face that he wouldn’t have declined from going had something important not come up, so she smiled and nodded.

  Ten minutes later, Mickey was driving towards Lenny’s office; he had called him before he left to arrange a meeting. Arriving at Lenny’s office, he wasn’t surprised it was like a pig sty. They shook hands then Lenny asked how life in the country was treating him. With a serious look, Mickey told him about the kidnapping.

  “Fuck me Mickey, are the kids ok?”

  Mickey was happy to tell him they were fine and he’d paid the ransom, but now he wanted whoever was responsible found! They weren’t getting away with it!

  “Fucking serious business kidnapping,
especially kids, that’s fucking bang out of order. I’ll find them for you Mickey; tell me what you know.”

  Putting his hand in his pocket, he pulled out the sandwich bag with the sweet wrapper in it. Telling Lenny one of the bastards gave it to one of his kids so it should have he’s prints on it.

  “I’ve got a friend who can run it through the police computer for me. I’ll drop by there later, now what do you know about these people Mickey?”

  They discussed what he knew and that they were returning to Kent. Tony had sorted out some protection for the family.

  They shook hands. Lenny would find the people responsible; he just hoped Mickey would make the bastards suffer!

  “Be in no doubt about that Lenny, they’ll wish they’d never come near my family!”

  As he left the office, he called Tony and told him about the sweet wrapper and that they were going back to Kent that day. They hoped to be home by eight that evening. Tony assured him he’d have someone there by then. Then he asked a strange question, how did Maria and the kids feel about dogs? Mickey said they loved them, but didn’t push the subject because he wanted to get back to his family. Thanking Tony for everything, he said he’d be in touch soon and ended the call.

  Maria and the others had arrived at St Augustus. She embraced Father Thomas as they entered the church.

  “What a wonderful surprise and my goodness haven’t you two girls grown” said the priest as he looked at the twins. “It’s also nice to see you girls have brought nanny and granddad with you. Can I assume you’ve all been shopping, or are you just visiting?”

  He noticed that Maria looked tearful when she asked if he could give her confession. The priest nodded. Maria smiled at the twins and said she wouldn’t be long and for them to stay with nanny and granddad while she talked to Father Thomas.

  Speaking to him through the confessional, she began to break down. Hearing her distress, he asked if she was alright. She was fine and wanted to talk. He listened as she told him what had happened and that they couldn’t risk involving the police because the children’s lives would have been at risk. Father Thomas was shocked by her revelations; but he felt total empathy toward her, even telling her that he understood why she needed to speak in the confessional. After she’d told him everything, he said he would pray for the people who did this to her and ask God to help them give themselves up. She paused before asking him to pray for her too. Of course, he would ask God to help her and the family get through this terrible time.

  “That’s not why I want your prayers Father, it’s because in my heart I want those horrible people to suffer. I want Mickey to hurt them, so that no one else will ever have to go through what my family have.”

  “Those feelings are normal Maria, but in time you will understand that those people are themselves in turmoil, or why would they have done such a terrible thing? One day they will see the error of their ways and want to repent.”

  She never replied, she just thanked him for listening to her and then left the confessional.

  The twins ran over to her as she walked towards them. Father Thomas joined them a few moments later. As they chatted Thomas asked after Father Benico? Mary piped in and said he was lovely.

  “Yes, he is a nice young man and from what I hear,” said Father Thomas “apparently he’s very impressed with our Maria’s cooking? None of us could blame him for that, I know from having eaten many of her glorious meals just how wonderful a cook she is.”

  Maria blushed as she thanked him and added how the family would love for him to eat with them again soon. To her joy, he said he did have some church business down that way and he would love to come for dinner. He even suggested that perhaps Father Benico could join them. Maria thought it was a wonderful idea. She would wait for Thomas’s call confirming a date.

  Ten minutes later as they left the church they passed some people going in. Maria noticed that as they approached, Melanie held her hand tighter and seemed to hide behind her mum’s arm.

  Mickey’s car was in the drive as they pulled in. They called out to him as they entered the house. He answered from the kitchen and the twins ran to meet him. After hugging them, he asked Maria how Father Thomas was. He was happy when she told him about Thomas coming for dinner; he wanted things to return to normal and for her to feel comfortable back at their house. Inviting Father Thomas for a meal was, in his mind, one step nearer to achieving that. Then he asked the twins if Father Thomas liked the pictures they’d drawn for him.

  “Oh he was thrilled daddy” said Maria “he said they were the nicest pictures he’d had for a long time.”

  “I don’t doubt that for a moment, our girls are very talented. In fact I think they should do a drawing each for Father Benico, after all we don’t want him being jealous when Thomas tells him about his, do we?”

  Both girls nodded.

  Mary suggested her and granddad taking the girls into the lounge to start the pictures, while their mummy helped daddy make a cup of tea. Holding the twins’ hands they headed for the lounge.

  Once the twins were out of ear shot and they were alone, Maria told him Doc Daniels had called round before they went to church. He gave Madeline a check over and was happy with her physical condition, but like her sister he felt she might need some counselling. Maria would sort something out once they’d settled back home. He hugged her that was great. Confident the girls would be fine he knew they were a lot tougher than anyone thought. She hugged him when he said once they got home he was going to take a few weeks off so they could go out and have fun before the girls started school.

  Although she seemed genuinely happy with what had just been said, he could tell that she was thinking something different. Holding her close he asked what was wrong. As she looked up at him, the tears were running down her face as she asked if their lives would ever go back to normal. Or would she always feel terrified when the doorbell rang.

  “Of course our lives will be normal babe; things like this are extremely rare. The chances of it ever happening again are millions to one. I know it will take time, but it will get easier babe I promise.”

  “I hope you’re right Mickey, because I’m not sure that I can take the chance of it ever happening again. I keep thinking what if we hadn’t got them back? I don’t know if I can live like that.”

  Pulling her closer to him, he kissed the top of her head as he remembered a conversation he’d had with Jimmy about her never wanting a family because of his involvement in crime. His stomach knotted as he thought about his life without her and the twins, he asked himself if the love she had for him would be enough to make her stay.

  Kissing her head again, he gave his word that no one was going to tear their family apart. He would find those people and they’d never be a threat to anyone again.

  “I hope you’re right, but what about the next people who you owe money to, what then Mickey?”

  Gently lifting her head with his hand, he looked lovingly at her, there wouldn’t be a next time this had been a mistake. He didn’t owe anyone anything. Although she believed him, she asked how many mistakes they could survive before someone died. Concerned, he promised her he’d never let anyone hurt her or the girls, he loved them too much. She felt sorry for him because she knew that the love he had for them was real, she also knew that he would give his life for them, but would knowing that be enough for their marriage to survive? As he tried to reassure her, he could sense that she was terrified about returning to the house.

  They joined his parents and the girls back in the lounge; Maria was carrying a tray of tea and biscuits. When Mickey said they would be leaving London in about two hours, he noticed both she and the twins took on a worried look.

  The girls showed them the pictures they had drawn for Father Benico.

  “Wow I’m sure he will love them,” said their dad.

  He was just about to say something else, when his mobile rang; he walked through into the hallway so he could hear. It was Shane.

nbsp; “Alright Mickey, sorry about what happened, but we’re just happy everything turned out ok. Tony said the girls are doing ok under the circumstances, it’s hard on them. Tony told me what the doc said, anyway to get to the point, Max asked me to call you. She qualified as a child counsellor about four months ago. She asked me to tell you she would be only too happy to talk to the twins. Tell you the truth Mick, she’s fucking good at it, she works from home and at client’s houses. Some of the kids she works with are seriously screwed up. Anyway, talk to Maria about it and give me a bell.”

  Mickey thanked him and said he was grateful to Max. He’d call him soon.

  As he walked back into the lounge, Maria asked who had called. Telling her it was Shane, but he’d talk about it later. She smiled and nodded. They sat talking when Madeline said, when they went home would those people come back?

  Mickey felt his heart race as he replied “No sweetheart, they won’t be back.”

  Mary backed him up by telling the twins it was all over now, so they could stop worrying about it. Maria just sat there, she never said anything. Reaching over he held her hand. She smiled at him.

  Madeline brought tears to everyone’s eyes when she said she wasn’t frightened, but if they did come back, she would look after Melanie. Then she walked over and sat on his lap; quickly followed by her sister. Maria left the room, obviously unable to cope with what had just been said. Mary looked at Mickey and shaking her head to indicate to him that she would go and talk to her.

  She found her sitting at the kitchen table with her head in her hands. His mum could see that it had all become too much for her. Putting her arm around her shoulder Mary said, “She gets it from you.”


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