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Mickey's Way

Page 11

by Karen Clow

  “Because I loved you and I wanted to be with you for the rest of my life, that’s why. I’ve tried so hard to ensure that we do have a normal life. I gave up the clubs, moved out of London, what is it you want me to say babe? That I regret us getting together and I wish I was still married to Monica or single, well I can’t say that, because it would be a lie. I love you and my girls and the life we all share, but sometimes things happen which I cannot control. Believe me babe, nothing and nobody is going to destroy this family!”

  Finally, she stopped crying and gently touched his face.

  “I know you love us, but I’m so afraid Mickey, I just don’t know what to do. I would have nothing to live for, without you and the girls and I’m terrified that someone will take you away from us. When I think about Jimmy, I sometimes try and imagine how I would have felt if that had been you in the car that night, I would just want to die.”

  “This is different babe; nothing’s going to happen to me. Jimmy was his own worst enemy; he rubbed people up the wrong way. I would never do or say anything that would jeopardise the safety of my family. Anyway, I intend staying around long enough to see my son grow up. Who else is going to teach him about girls and how tricky they can be?”

  Although she tried to smile, she remembered Jimmy saying the same thing before he was murdered.


  The rest of the week passed without any new information about Spider and his accomplices, despite Lenny going all out to find them. He had watched Beth Adamson’s flat all week, but there had been no sign of her. Tony had arranged for Billy to replace Shaun as he needed to go back to the pub for at least a few days. It was arranged that he would go back Friday afternoon. Maria knew that he couldn’t stay there indefinitely, but she felt safer with him than anyone, except Mickey. Although she really liked Billy, she was more comfortable with Shaun, but he had a wife and a business to run, Billy was single, although there was never any shortage of women wanting to be the one to make him settle down. Realistically because he had no ties, it made sense for him to be Shaun’s replacement.

  Friday lunch time approached, Shaun was ready to leave but he had to promise the twins he would be back and that he would stay and have lunch with them before he left. Billy arrived around half twelve, the twins were quite shy around him at first; although they had met him before, they didn’t really know him but within no time they were getting along just fine.

  Tony’s friend Adrian had called earlier in the week about the security fence and the work was going to start the coming Monday. Adrian was driving down to Kent that afternoon to discuss business. Mickey wanted the work done as quickly as possible; he was prepared to pay extra if Adrian’s blokes were prepared to work weekends.

  Everyone waved Shaun off. As he pulled away Maria felt a little insecure with his departure, but he’d hugged and assured her earlier that he was only a phone call away. Walking back into the house, Mickey put his arm around her and told her not to worry, Billy was a good bloke.

  “I know it’s just that I’ll miss Shaun.”

  Billy had promised to watch the twins ride later that afternoon, so when Adrian turned up around twenty past three, Den suggested taking the twins over to the stables with him. That way Mickey could talk in peace without any interruptions from the girls, although Den did say that they would have to wait until Sarah arrived around four, before they could actually ride.

  Adrian was just leaving as the others returned from the stables. Mickey shook his hand and then Adrian left, calling out from his car that he would see them at half seven Monday morning.

  Maria noticed that Melanie was holding Billy’s hand as they came back from the ponies. She was pleased that in just a short time the twins obviously felt comfortable with him, especially Melanie, as she was technically thought of as the shy quieter one.

  Whilst eating the evening meal of chicken casserole and fresh vegetables, it became obvious to everyone that Billy wasn’t used to good home cooked meals, after he had second helpings of everything, especially Maria’s home made apple pie and custard. He looked as though he would burst when he finally put down his knife and fork.

  “You look like you enjoyed that Billy; she’s quite a cook isn’t she” said Mickey.

  “That’s a fact Mickey, although I think I’ve over done it, I can hardly move,” Mickey winked at Maria and then looked back at Billy, asked if he was going to be alright walking the dog?

  Billy raised his eyebrows as Mickey kept a straight face and continued.

  “Oh yes Billy, every night after we’d eaten Shaun used to walk Rosie for at least an hour.”

  “Yeah, that’ll be fine, but can she wait a while?”

  Everyone burst out laughing.

  “Fuck me the look on your face was priceless!” said Mickey.

  After Maria had told him off for using foul language in front of the girls, she reassured Billy that walking the dog was not something they expected him to do, and then she giggled and said Mickey was right about his face, he’d looked mortified.

  “Walk the dog,” sighed Billy with sheer relief “I don’t think I could walk from here to the lounge, but I would have shown willing and probably collapsed ten minutes from the house!”

  Everyone laughed. Maria knew then that he would fit right in with the family, especially when both girls readily kissed him on the cheek that night before they went to bed; even Rosie seemed to have taken a shine to him.

  The weekend went well; everyone went on a shopping trip to Ashford. Billy was a big hit with the girls, especially when he lifted them both into a shopping trolley and made the noise of a racing car as he pushed them round the supermarket.

  On Saturday night Mickey took everyone out for dinner to give the ladies a night off from cooking. Later that evening, after the twins had gone to bed, Maria spent an hour on the phone chatting to Monica. They hadn’t had the boys that weekend because she was working, but she told Maria she was having them after school a couple of evenings. Maria had suggested about them coming down for Christmas. Monica loved the idea, but said she would have to speak to George before committing to anything.

  Sunday morning Maria and the others went to church, Billy wasn’t a catholic and he looked as bored as Mickey throughout the service.

  When they opened the front door on their return to the house, Rosie greeted them as though they had been away for a month.

  Mickey’s mobile rang, it was Monica.

  “I’m outside Mickey it’s my lunch break, but needed to tell you something’s happened to Spider and Beth. I found out purely by chance that Spider and Beth were found dead from a drug overdose in a public toilet last night. I’ll try and look at the autopsy results, they should be done by tomorrow. One thing that bothered me though was when I looked at Joe Webb’s criminal record last week; I don’t remember seeing anything about heroin. Beth was an addict, but not him. Drugs yes, but not needles, yet it said on the police report cause of death, suspected heroin overdose. I’ll look into it. Call you tomorrow, love to Maria and the girls. I’ve got to go.”

  Mickey asked the twins to go and play, so he could tell the others what Monica had said. Knowing that if he didn’t tell Maria, her friend would, he told them everything before calling Lenny and Tony to tell them.

  Both of them thought that it was suspicious, which was making Lenny’s theory of someone big behind the kidnapping more likely. Lenny had said he’d go round to Beth’s place later that night to see if he could find anything out. Mickey ended the call by telling him to be careful. Maria looked worried.

  “Don’t worry babe” said Billy “these things have a way of working themselves out. Mickey will sort it, I can guarantee that.”

  Knowing he was trying to make her feel better, she thanked him, but in her mind she was petrified of what may happen. Even in bed that night she never slept; all she kept thinking about was the kidnapping and the car bomb that killed Jimmy.


  Monday morning the hou
se was busy; everyone was up and dressed by seven because the workmen were due at half past. The twins watched out of the window as the workmen arrived; there were six of them and Adrian. A large lorry pulled in first, carrying two small earth diggers and a cement mixer. It was followed by another truck which was loaded with the fencing. Mickey went out to meet them while Maria made a tray of tea and biscuits.

  Mickey watched as she chatted to them, it was obvious that they found her attractive, he had never been like Jimmy where jealousy and mistrust were concerned, but he found himself walking over to her and putting his arm around her.

  “Yeah anything you need, just knock on the door. Anything except her, because then I’d have no choice but to kill you and bury you in the grounds!”

  Everyone laughed even Maria, although she did think it was out of character for him to say something like that, but they were good looking rugged types and truth was she felt flattered that he was jealous.

  The family were just about to sit down for dinner that evening, when Mickey’s phone rang. It was Monica.

  “Hi Mickey, I’m waiting for George in the car park, so I’ll have to make it quick. Only I haven’t said anything to him about the kidnapping. I managed to see the autopsy report on Spider and Beth, the actual cause of death was drug overdose, but it looks suspicious. Beth was a known user, the tracks on her arms and feet were proof, yet there were no tracks anywhere on Spider. In fact there was nothing to indicate he was a needle user, also the sleeve of his shirt had been torn and there was bruising around his wrist. I think someone held him down with force and jabbed him. Beth probably took it willingly. I think someone wanted them dead. I’ve asked a friend in forensics if they can find any finger prints on the needles; hopefully he’ll get back to me tomorrow.”

  Mickey heard the car door open and George’s voice.

  “Ok Maria, George is here now. I’ll try and call you later, bye for now love to everyone.”

  She hung up without Mickey having to speak.

  Maria put the serving dishes on the table and asked him what Monica had said. Winking at her that he would tell her later, she knew he meant when the twins had gone to bed.

  They talked about Christmas over dinner and Maria asked Billy what he was doing.

  “Working I expect, Christmas Eve and then again the day after Boxing Day.

  Since my mum died, I haven’t really bothered. Although I did hear that Shaun and Ann were going to do a Christmas dinner for their family and regulars down the Jolly so I might take myself down there. My sister usually invites me, but I can’t stand her fat slob of a husband I always send the kids some money but that’s about it.”

  “We would really like you to come and spend Christmas with us” said Mickey, “we have a great time. Mum and dad are staying over and George and Monica with their boys, possibly Charlie and Scott, if they’re not off travelling somewhere and of course, there’s Maria’s famous Christmas dinner. You haven’t lived until you’ve had a Christmas here Billy, the whole atmosphere is wonderful.” Billy looked quite overwhelmed as he told them he’d love to.

  They had just retired to the lounge and the twins had gone off into the playroom, when Mickey’s mobile rang. It was Lenny.

  “Sorry I didn’t get back to you earlier Mickey, but there wasn’t much to tell you, but things really hotted up this afternoon. I went to check out Beth’s place last night, it was a real shit hole, didn’t really find anything except a VIP pass to Davy Sheridan’s clubs in the West End. It was made out to Joey Webb. Maybe nothing, but it would be the last place you expect to see someone like this Spider frequenting. Anyway, I expected the place to be empty, what with Spider and Beth’s exit from the living, but someone had been there, the kettle was still warm and there were fresh fag butts in the ashtray. So I’ve been watching the place and bingo, who should just happen to show up, the skinny runt who scarpered the night I took the beating. I grabbed the skinny fucker, cornered him in the flat then I had a little chat with him. Turns out his name is Gary Waterman, petty criminal and long term friend of Dudley Carville. They were in the same foster home as kids, with none other than Spider. I did have to put the frighteners on him a bit, but then he sang like a fucking canary! According to him, some big time boss asked Spider to do a job for him. Gary wanted no part of it because it involved taking a couple of kids, so they kept him in the dark for most of it, but he did know it was going down in Kent and the date. According to his mate Dudley, this big boss was going to give them twenty grand each for the job. It was after you paid the ransom money that everything went tits up, they weren’t supposed to touch it, but Spider was an opportunist and he helped himself to some cash before taking it to this boss. Obviously, he tried to talk his way out of it by saying that you’d delivered short. Not sure, how much, but obviously enough to get him killed, so now Dudley is running scared. The night I went looking for him, he sent Gary to meet me; they thought I’d been sent by this boss to collect. Apparently, Dudley was going to offer me his share of what had been taken in the hope that this boss would leave him alone. The rest is history as you know the real villains turned up and Gary legged it. Now fucking Dudley has fucked off! That’s why Gary was at the flat in the hope Dudley would show up there, but instead of Dudley he got me, so now we need to find Dudley before someone else does. I’ve told silly bollocks Gary to contact me if he hears from him on the promise that I’ll help him. I told him I’m an undercover cop, he’s as thick as shit, but he’ll be too afraid not to contact me. Anyway that’s about it. Now I’m going home for a large drink and a kip!”

  “Fuck me Len I just don’t know how you do it. I’ll try and get back up to London in the next couple of days, I’ll bell you.”

  As he closed his phone everyone was looking at him, waiting to hear what Lenny had said.

  Mary knew Maria would want to hear, so she took the girls up and bathed them so you can talk in peace. Den could tell her later. With the twins out of earshot Maria listened, as Mickey talked she felt sick to the pit of her stomach. Mickey looked at her and suggested she made everyone a drink? She knew it was his way of getting rid of her but she was having none of it, she wanted to know regardless of how it made her feel. It was only when Mary bought the girls back downstairs because they wanted their mum to put them to bed that she left the room.

  With the time approaching eleven o’clock, Mary suggested she and Maria have an early night. Leaving the men to talk downstairs, although Maria had agreed, she was still awake when Mickey came up around half one.

  Climbing into bed he put his arm around her and told her to try and get some sleep, she didn’t reply but just held his hand. Sensing that she was upset; he tried to tell her that everything would be ok.

  Tearfully she replied, “Just make sure you find out who’s done this to us, promise me you will.”


  Over the next few days, he made endless calls to Tony and Lenny. Annoyed, that there had been no news about Dudley, despite Lenny’s efforts.

  The workmen were getting on really well, all of the metal posts were in and work was starting that day on erecting the fence, the gates would be last on the agenda.

  Monica called that morning with information about the finger print that she had asked forensics to check. She had a name, William Gates, he was well known locally as hired muscle. Usually worked clubs and bars in the West End and known to have worked for Dave Sheridan in the past. Mickey thanked her, he would pass it on to Lenny. Gates could have been one of the fuckers that jumped him. Instantly she disagreed, Lenny had said the attackers were white. William Gates was as black as granoldies old granny. Known as big Willy and she didn’t think it was in reference to his build! Maria had tried to listen to what was being said, she had always been okay with the fact that Monica had once been married to him, even grateful that they had all been able to stay best friends. There were rarely times when she had ever felt insecure about their past, yet when she heard them joking and making some obvious reference
to sex, she had momentarily felt vulnerable. Her heart told her that Mickey loved her and that Monica was in love with George, but her head was saying Monica is very attractive and I’ll soon resemble a beach ball with my big tummy and sex would be difficult, if at all. She also knew that other people thought the relationship the four of them shared was strange, there were even times when she could tell that even George had a hard time dealing with it, although he never said anything, she just knew.

  Mickey broke her train of thought as he asked if she was ok. He had been looking at her for several seconds and he could see her mind was somewhere else. Nodding, she asked about the call. Simply mentioning the fingerprint, he would tell her later when the twins weren’t there.

  The phone rang. It was the midwife, Julie Todd who’d been assigned by the GPs surgery. Apologising for the short notice she asked Maria to attend the antenatal clinic next Tuesday at three o’clock.

  Mickey noticed she looked a bit distant when she asked if he could go with her. Feeling concerned for her he put his arm round her and said of course he would, he wanted to meet the lady who would be delivering his baby.

  As the day went on he noticed that she was quieter than usual, even at dinner she seemed distant. It was the same later that evening, after the twins had gone to bed, instead of sitting and talking with the others, she busied herself in the kitchen baking. Mary had offered to help her, but she’d told her to have a rest and sit in the lounge with the others.

  His mum confided in him that she thought something wasn’t right and that Maria had looked tearful most of the day. Having thought the same, he said he would go and talk to her. He noticed as he entered the kitchen, she quickly wiped her face with a tissue; but he could see she had been crying. Putting his arms round her he asked what was wrong. It was clear something was bothering her when she said she didn’t want to talk about it then, they could talk later, now she had cakes and scones to make.


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