Book Read Free

Mickey's Way

Page 19

by Karen Clow

  “It sounds good,” said Mickey “but what if he doesn’t go for it?”

  “Oh that won’t be a problem, but I brought these along just in case I needed to convince you, as well as him.”

  He handed Mickey some photos of a man who’d been badly beaten.

  “Fuck me,” said Mickey “this looks like Jimmy’s handy work!”

  “Those are the pictures I’ll show Big Willy, on the pretext that this is what her husband did the last time she played around. Believe me he will sing like a fucking canary once I show him these!”

  “Works every time hey Len, what about the girl, is she reliable?”

  “Totally, I’ve used her before, she’s not local, so there’s no chance anyone will know her. She’ll want travelling expenses then two grand for the job, she’ll ask for a grand up front. So unless some ones got a better idea, I would recommend running with this one.”

  Mickey asked Billy to pour everyone another drink while they discussed it. They talked for thirty minutes then took a vote on it. The show of hands was unanimous; they would go with Lenny’s plan. Mickey asked when it would happen.

  “As soon as one of you spends an evening at Fat Benny’s to find out exactly what nights Big Willy is working and where he goes on his night off. Maybe you could use the ruse that you’re looking to hire some private muscle, or maybe Benny will just tell you what you need to know.”

  “I’ll go,” said Tony “I’ll take one of the lads with me. Benny does some very hot Scandinavian pussy. I quite fancy a little blonde goer.”

  “If you’re looking for someone to go with you,” said Shane “I’d be more than happy to volunteer.”

  “Yeah I bet you would you dirty bastard,” laughed Billy.

  “So you don’t want the night off to go with him then?”

  “Well you would think that Mick, because you have the mind of a sewer rat, but purely out of loyalty to you, of course I would offer to go although being quiet and bashful, I’d simply wait at the bar, while Tony got his rocks off.”

  They all burst out laughing.

  “So you wouldn’t want to partake in any sexual practices with a young Swedish party then?”

  Billy pulled a face of sheer disbelief and trying to keep a straight face replied, “Good God no, if she saw the size of my cock, she’d be on the first plane back to Sweden! The poor girl would never recover. So as I said Mickey, I’ll go if you want me too, just to watch Tony’s back.”

  The women could hear them laughing in the kitchen.

  “I bet that’s Billy saying something,” said Mary “he ought to be on the stage, he’s so funny. You can see why the women like him.”

  The others agreed.

  It was half four by the time the meeting finished, as the men turned out of the dining room Rosie made a bee line for Reggie. It was as he was stroking her, he noticed a tiny spot of blood on the kitchen floor. Looking at Maria he asked if they’d realised Rosie was in season. Before she could reply, Mary looked at Den and said, “Oops.”

  Maria asked her what she meant.

  “Well this morning when we took the girls to see the ponies, there was a dog running about in the grounds. It was a collie I think, like the ones that round up sheep. Anyway Rosie ran off to play with it. I meant to tell you when we came back, but I forgot. Den tried to catch it, in case it was lost, because it looked healthy and in good condition, but they ran off together. Then after about half an hour, Rosie came back and the dog had gone.”

  “You brazen hussy,” said Reggie patting the dog “what you been up to? Well, we’ll find out in a few weeks if he got to her, with any luck it won’t come to anything, it’s her first season and usually dogs are put together two or three times before they successfully mate.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed Reggie the women in this family are very fertile!” laughed Mickey “How would we know?”

  “In my opinion just wait and see what happens, chances are you’ll get away with it this time. Just keep your eye on her, if she starts putting on weight or she starts nesting and her teats get bigger then she’s pregnant.”

  When the men started to leave, they shook hands with Mickey and kissed the ladies. Reggie was the last one out due to the fact that he was petting Rosie. Just as he reached the door, Maria opened the fridge and took out a large plastic food container and then a cake tin from the cupboard. Putting both into a carrier bag she made her way over to Reggie.

  “There you are Reggie, just a few bits I made for you to take home. Inside the tin is a chocolate fudge cake.”

  “Thanks very much babe, I didn’t expect all this.”

  “I know, but just consider it my way of saying thank you for letting us keep Rosie.”

  Before he left he kissed her on the cheek. In all the years Mickey had known him, he had never seen him just kiss someone without being prompted.

  Back in the kitchen, Ann appeared with the twins, they had been in the playroom for ages.

  Shaun and Ann had to leave too. They hugged and kissed the twins and Shaun told the girls to be good for their mum and they’d see them before Christmas. Max and Shane left with them, after Max told Maria she would call to make a time for the following week.

  Mickey had opened the gates from inside the house. Everyone waved as they pulled away.

  Back in the house, Mary made a start on clearing up the plates from the dining room. Mickey said they’d eat dinner at the pub. He’d ring to book a table.

  It was almost quarter to ten when they got home from the pub; the twins had fallen asleep in the car. Mickey and Billy carried them upstairs, followed by Maria and Mary who put them in their pyjamas.

  Den had made a pot of tea for when they came downstairs. Sitting together in the lounge, Maria asked Mickey about the meeting. He had hoped that she wouldn’t want to know, but smiling he said it went well. Not about to leave it at that, she asked him what had been decided.

  “Well we’re going to speak to Big Willy, you know the guy whose finger print was on the needle, see if he’ll help us.”

  She nodded and would have asked more, had Mary not have spoken to her about Rosie possibly being pregnant.

  She went to bed two hours before him. Thankful that she was asleep, he didn’t wake her because he knew that she would ask more about the meeting.


  Roy the electrician was the first visitor to the house on Wednesday morning, arriving just after seven. Billy had promised the twins that he would take them out somewhere that day. They had talked him into going to the Pirates play centre, but he only agreed when their nan and granddad said they would go with him.

  Mickey and Maria took a walk around the grounds with Rosie as the others left. Mickey told her he had a couple of dates coming up where he would need to go to court with his clients. Noticing she looked sad, he asked how she would feel about having him home full time. Without hesitation, she would love it, but she knew he had his offices to run.

  “I’m glad you said that babe, I’ve been seriously thinking about taking on another solicitor and then I could work from home most of the time. Especially when the babies arrive as you’ll have your work cut out. I know the girls will be at part-time school then, but let’s not kid ourselves here; it was tough with two, let alone three. Also, dad has been saying that mum quite likes the idea of moving down here to Kent, how would feel about having an annexe built onto the house? I’d understand if you didn’t want to, but perhaps you could think about it.”

  “I don’t need to think about it, I would say it’s a wonderful idea. It’s been great having Mum here to help me and the girls would love it.”

  “I’ll look into it then. There is just one more thing, Dixie’s has been doing really well the last couple of years and if I’m honest babe, I should be taking better care of our investment. Really what I’m trying to say is sometimes I need to be there. I can’t expect Billy and Kevin to deal with everything. Once a week or maybe once a fortnight, or perhaps I could tak
e on a partner. Anyway we needn’t worry about it ‘til after Christmas.”

  “I know I’ve been demanding, but I think I could live without you one night a week.”

  “It wouldn’t be all night babe, I would probably be home by three, anyway we’ll see. Now let’s go home and while you make a cuppa for us and Roy, I’ll be in the study making some calls.”

  His mobile rang. It was Tony calling to tell him he was going over to Fat Benny’s that night to check out big Willy. Shane was going with him. Mickey thanked him and told him to have fun.

  Just as Roy left for the day, the family returned. Maria asked the girls if they’d had a good time, excitedly they told her about Billy chasing them through the hoops and tunnels at Pirates. Mickey joked and said he hoped he’d saved some energy as the stable panels had been delivered. When Mickey asked him to call Hilary to ask if she could keep the ponies until ‘til Christmas week, Billy grinned and suggested it might be better if he called round to her place and told her.

  “Yeah we thought you might say that, you dirty bastard!”

  “I’ll bell her to see if I can pop round after we’ve built the stables tomorrow, unless you need me for anything here Mick?”

  “No that’s fine Billy, but you’ll need to save some of your strength if you’re going to Hilary’s. If we get done early enough, I’m taking Maria and the kids out tomorrow.”

  She looked surprised, but Melanie asked if they could go to Pirate’s.

  “We’ll have to see how much time we’ve got princess.”

  The twins were exhausted from their visit to Pirates; they had been asleep since seven. It was almost midnight by the time the adults went to bed, which was the same time that Tony and Shane were arriving at Fat Benny’s.

  Benny was pleased to see them. Tony chatted to him, stating that he fancied some Scandinavian pussy, but there was no hurry they wanted a drink first. The three men chatted.

  Tony asked if the rumour that one of his lads had been banged up was true. “Yeah, it’s true Tony, with any luck he’ll be back in a couple of weeks.”

  “Have you got someone covering for him then?”

  “Yeah, Big Willy.”

  “No, can’t say I know him Benny.”

  “Oh you’d definitely remember Willy, he’s one big mother and according to some of my girls, the name Big Willy is appropriate. Apparently he’s hung like a fucking donkey!”

  “No, can’t place him, where does he hang out, maybe I’ll know him from somewhere else.”

  “When he’s not working he’s always down the Mermaid. I think he used to shag one of the girls who works the bar there. All the blacks use it; he works the door there some Saturdays when they have a band on.”

  “Never been there, but is he working here tonight? Maybe if I saw him I’d recognise him?”

  “No, he won’t be in ‘til Saturday, I’ve given him a couple of nights off because he’s been doing six nights a week. Plus my girls need a couple of nights off from him. Half the reason he agreed to help me out was because I said he could have pussy as a bonus.”

  “Yeah we all like those perks, it goes with the job,” said Shane.

  “Tell you the truth, Willy’s a good bloke, I’d keep him on, but he prefers to freelance. I try and accommodate him in the hope that he’ll reconsider and stay on. Like tomorrow, I knew he wanted the night off because his favourite bands playing at the Mermaid, so I let him have it. As you know Tony it pays to look after your blokes.”

  “Yeah you’re right Benny, especially if they’re good blokes like Shane here.”

  After another drink Benny asked if they wanted to pick a couple of girls from the book. When they nodded, he handed them a catalogue. Scanning the pages, Tony picked a petite blonde and Shane picked an Italian girl. Benny told them both that they had chosen well.

  Ten minutes later they had been taken to separate rooms and joined by the girls of their choice. The blonde flattered Tony by saying she didn’t usually get such handsome men as him.

  He asked her to strip off then start by giving him a blow job. Seconds later, she was naked and kneeling in front of him, taking his cock into her mouth as he held her head. When she started sucking him, he gently pushed her head back.

  “Ooh that’s good babe, but slower.”

  She was surprised when after sucking him for almost ten minutes he suggested doing something else. Standing up and facing him she asked what he had in mind.

  “How do you feel about me arse fucking you?”

  “I’m ok with that.”

  “Well get that tight little arse on the bed then, but keep your feet on the floor.”

  Lying across the bed, she felt him take position behind her, she was expecting him to penetrate her, but to her surprise he gently entered her pussy. When she asked if he’d changed his mind, he said no, he was just getting some lubricant. Seconds later he withdrew from her and slowly entered her anus. Taking his time, he touched her intimately and fondled her breasts before increasing the pace, until he was finally deep inside her and thrusting hard as he held her hips. She groaned as he came. It was only seconds after he helped her up; he asked what toys she had. Pointing to a drawer she had a selection. He selected a six inch vibrator with clit tickler and told her to lay on the bed. Once she did as he asked he knelt between her legs and said he wanted to watch her come as he gently pushed the tip of the vibrator into her and stimulated her clit with his finger. It wasn’t long before she was writhing with the anticipation of coming. Pushing the vibrator right into her and turning on the tickler, he squeezed her breasts as he watched her face change and she grabbed his hand in order to push the vibrator harder into her.

  “That’s it baby, come on let it go, give it to me.”

  Seconds later, she moved her arms up behind her and grabbed the bed head, gripping it tighter and arching her back as she went into the full spasm of orgasm and cried out “Oh God, I’m coming”

  Lying there breathless, she couldn’t believe it when he lay on her and with his cock hard again began fucking her. Wrapping her legs around him and holding him tight he came again.

  “My God you really are a lover of women, most men just want to please themselves,” she said breathlessly.

  “Not me babe, you get the best from it when it’s a joint effort and satisfying you leaves me feeling good.”

  “You must feel good then because I feel very satisfied.”

  “That’s what I like to hear, now let’s take a shower.”

  Just over an hour later, he was back in the bar talking to Shane and Benny.

  “Were the girls okay?” asked Benny.

  “Ok,” said Tony “that’s a fucking understatement! I’ve never had a fucking blow job like it; she certainly knew how to do it!”

  “Yeah mine was a right fucking goer to, at one point I thought my fucking balls were going to fly off, she was one hell of a girl.”

  “I’m glad you enjoyed them,” said Benny “maybe you’ll come back again soon?”

  Both men nodded. They left his club around half three.

  On the drive back home Tony called Lenny, but his phone was obviously on silent because it went straight to voice mail. Tony left a message to let him know about Willy. ‘Our friend will be available tomorrow night, give us a bell in the morning Len.’


  Everyone at Mickey’s was up early because they were putting up the new stable that morning and Roy was coming early to finish off the security system. By nine o’clock the three men were starting work on the stable; although they appeared to be doing well, they were grateful when two of the workmen offered to help out. Mickey’s mobile rang. It was Lenny calling to tell him the Big Willy job was on for that night and the young woman they talked about hiring to set Willy up was already on her way to London. Mickey thanked him and asked to be kept informed.

  By midday the new stable was erected. Walking back to the house Billy grinned as he told them he’d called Hilary and she was expecting h
im around three o’clock that afternoon.

  “Yeah and we all know why she’s expecting you!” replied Mickey as he looked at his dad.

  They all laughed.

  Maria had just finished preparing lunch with Mary when the others returned. Mickey suggested him and Maria taking the kids to Pirates for a couple of hours after lunch.

  “What just us, what if something happens?” she replied looking concerned.

  “Nothing’s going to happen; I thought it would be good for us to go out as a family.”

  Both girls interrupted and pleaded with her to say yes. Despite saying okay everyone could see that she wasn’t really happy about going, especially when she asked Billy if he could go with them.

  “Sorry babe, I’ve already made other arrangements, but I could cancel them if you really need me to go?”

  “No it’s okay Billy, stick to your plans, I’m just being silly.”

  By quarter past two they were parking at Pirates. The moment they got the twins out of the car, both girls ran towards the entrance. Maria screamed at them, “Girls wait!”

  They stopped immediately and looked at her. Mickey put his arm around her and told her it was ok, the kids were just excited that was all. Looking embarrassed she apologised.


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