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Mickey's Way

Page 24

by Karen Clow

  “Well I must admit, as far as a good stuffing goes Mick that’s the best I’ve ever had!”

  Everyone laughed, even the kids, although in truth they had no idea that he was making a reference to sex.

  By eight o’clock all the kids were tucked up in bed fast asleep. Monica and Mary had insisted on clearing up from dinner so Maria could have a break.

  With the adults sitting in the lounge, Mickey looked at Maria she looked exhausted. He asked if she was ok and concerned when she said she had another headache, a real pounder. Worried that she kept getting them, he said after Christmas he was taking her to see the doctor.

  She simply nodded.

  The adults spent the evening drinking and talking. Monica surprised everyone when she said she wouldn’t mind moving to Kent, it would be much better for the boys. George looked shocked and asked if she was serious.

  “Well once I’m a full time mum, it would be nice to be here darling. London is getting worse by the week. Some areas don’t have any white families in at all, not that I’m prejudice, but I would like the boys to go to a school with some other white children. I want them to have school assemblies and nativity plays. Unfortunately they’re slowly being ousted in many schools because we’re the minority.”

  “Yeah it takes the piss,” said Billy “it really gets my back up when another British tradition is scrapped because it offends the ethnic cultures. This is our fucking country, next thing they’ll be changing the national anthem to Swannee fucking river! I reckon in years to come there’ll be a fucking war here. Trouble is the way our fucking governments treat the real British people, the fucking so called ethnic minorities will fucking out number us! Mark my words; we’ll end up with a Muslim Prime Minister!”

  “Do we take it then Billy that you’re not in favour of living in a multicultural society?” said George humorously.

  “Britain is finished George. It’s no wonder so many people are emigrating, who can blame them?”

  George looked serious as he asked Monica if she would really want to leave London. She nodded.

  “Well it wouldn’t be impossible, I could drive to work from here.”

  “We’re seriously thinking of moving down here too George,” said Den.

  “Tell you the truth Den I don’t blame you, even the force is not the same now, everything has to be so politically correct. Still it’s the only career I’ve known, it would be hard for me to do something else at my age.”

  “Bollocks,” said Mickey “you’re not too old to change, plus you’d get a good pension. If all else fails we could always go into the club business, in fact there’s a club coming up for sale in Maidstone next year, the bloke who has it is moving abroad. When his lease runs out in the summer, he’s not renewing it; he’s buying a bar in Spain.”

  Billy quickly said he’d come and work for them; he’d also taken to living in Kent. Maria laughed and asked how the girls in Maidstone would cope with him.

  “They’d love me, just like the girls back home and look on the bright side, the place would be packed with totty every night just so they could see me!”

  Despite the fact that everything had been said light heartedly, George was thinking about it and surprised everyone when he asked Mickey how much would something like that cost.

  “I’d have to look into it George, but it would depend on how many people were in on it.”

  “If me and your mother move down here, I wouldn’t mind putting some money in.”

  “Oh God” laughed Mary “can you imagine it; they’d be like the musketeers!”

  They all laughed, although Maria had a bad feeling that George was serious. The last thing she wanted was Mickey getting involved in another club, but she decided not to say anything. She would wait and see if it was mentioned again. Although she did like the idea of Monica living nearer and she had already told Mickey that she would welcome having an annexe built for his parents.


  Christmas week seemed to fly by, before they knew it was New Years Eve. They had decided to stay home and celebrate with their friends. They had invited Father Benico over who was due to arrive around nine, after the evening mass.

  Monica had already packed ready to leave early New Years day, because George was working from midday and the boy’s foster mum was expecting them back around lunch time.

  They all had a really nice evening and everyone noticed that Billy seemed to hit it off with the priest. It was around two in the morning when Father Benico left after thanking them for their hospitality. As soon as he had gone Maria went to bed, she’d had a thumping headache all evening.

  Despite the late night on New Years Eve, everyone was up early. Monica and her family were ready to leave by half nine. She made everyone laugh when she looked at George and said she would drive as he looked like he’d been dug up. Everyone came out to wave them off. Just as they pulled away Mickey’s mobile rang, it was Tony, so he walked back into the house while the others stayed outside waving to Monica and her family.

  “I’ve got some news for you Mickey, it’s about that Nathan, he snuffed it.”

  “Fuck me was it because of us?”

  “Sort of, you know Terry told you he was struggling after having the drug, well he never came round. Apparently after several hours of him lying outside the club, someone called the Old Bill. Turns out he took steroids and the stuff Terry gave him was lethal when used with them, according to Lenny he died on Boxing Day.”

  “Fuck me, do we need to worry?”

  “Not according to Lenny, his mate who works down the morgue said the actual cause of death was a blood clot in the lung brought on by the mix of drugs. The police are not even treating it as suspicious. It’s only a fucking shame we didn’t grab Davy, chances are he takes fucking steroids too, now that would have been something wouldn’t it? Davy fucking Sheridan found dead outside his club! Which brings me to ask, what we are going to do about the little shit?”

  “I’ve been thinking about that, I’d like to have a meeting soon. I think doing him quickly is too easy, I think he should pay my money back. I just can’t have that fucker laughing at me!”

  “Fair enough mate, I’d want the same, we’ll have to sort something out. I’ll bell you after I speak to Lenny.”

  As Mickey closed his phone, he realised that Maria was standing behind him; he didn’t know how much of the conversation she had overheard. Smiling at her, he said Tony and the family send their love.

  “Yes I heard you talking to him,” she never elaborated on what she heard, so he decided not to ask. Quickly changing the subject, he suggested they ate at the pub that evening. She’d done more than enough cooking over the last few days.

  Maria relished the idea.

  It was later that day when she was taking a nap that Tony called him.

  “Alright Mickey, I’ve been thinking about what you said. We should arrange the meeting we spoke about earlier, is this coming Thursday good for you? Only I’ve run it past the others and it’s the best day for everyone.”

  “Yeah that’ll be good Tony.”

  “Great, I’ll tell the lads, any idea how you want to handle it Mickey?”

  “I just want to make him pay; I don’t care how we do it.”

  “Fair enough, maybe Lenny can come up with a plan. Shall we say about eleven on Thursday?”

  “Sounds good Tony, I’ll see you then, thanks for getting back to me.”

  Maria had been asleep for three hours when he took her up a cup of tea; she was stirring as he entered. Sitting up she said she felt woozy and her head hurt, it was probably due to sitting up to quickly. Kissing her head, he told her to stay in bed for a while and rest. At the first opportunity he was taking her to the doctors. He told her Tony had called about a meeting while she’d been a sleep. He was coming down with Lenny on Thursday.

  “What’s the meeting about Mickey?”

  “Just an update on Davy Sheridan babe; nothing for you to worry about.”
/>   Although she knew there was more to it, she never asked him.

  The pub was quite busy; the landlord said that they had been lucky to get a table. It was only because they had asked for an early one he had been able to accommodate them because from eight o’clock they were fully booked.

  Mickey hadn’t had a chance to tell his dad or Billy about the meeting he had arranged for Thursday morning, he would discuss it with them the first opportunity he had. They left the pub just after eight. The ladies put the twins to bed as soon as they arrived home as both girls were nearly asleep in the car.

  It was almost midnight when the ladies went to bed, leaving the men downstairs talking.

  When he was confident that they were alone, he told the others about the reason for the meeting, he wasn’t surprised when Billy said.

  “Good, I’m glad you’ve changed your mind Mickey, just taking Davy out was too easy; he needs to pay for what he did!”

  “Actually son, I agree with him” said Den “I know the money wasn’t important to you, getting the kids back was the priority. Now we know for sure it was Davy, we can’t let him get away with it. Personally, I’d like to hang the little bastard by his bollocks, but it’s you who has to decide.”

  “Tell you the truth Dad, when we got the girls back safe I didn’t care about anything, especially with Maria pregnant. I’m enjoying a good life down here with my family. I suppose I just thought I could carry on and forget about it, but I can’t. The more I think about it, the more I want to fucking kill him, but I don’t want to jeopardise the safety of my family. I know if Jimmy was alive Davy would be dead by now and probably one of us, but I want it done right, so we walk away. You’re right Dad, the money wasn’t important. Jimmy left Maria very comfortable and having you as our accountant has proved very lucrative for us over the years, which I’m very grateful for, but what worries me is if I don’t retaliate, Davy will think he’s got away with it and who knows, he’s fucking stupid enough to try it again! My biggest problem is Maria, she doesn’t understand that it’s a matter of standing up for my family; it would be the end of us if she found out, she believes I’m simply going to have Davy taken out by someone else. I had a hard enough time convincing her that was the only thing to do.”

  “Well son, sometimes you have to do the right thing, even if you have to tell a few porkies to the people that you love. Truth is your mum and me were never really happy about you going into the club business in the first place. She’s never really forgiven me for introducing you and Jimmy to the boss, but it was better to have someone like me behind you. Regarding Jimmy, let’s face it we all knew he was heading that way anyway. It’s a fucking dangerous game, it’s a wonder he didn’t end up getting us all killed. You’re different son, you’ve always kept a level head and you’ve done very nicely from it, but there comes a time when you have to stand up and be counted and that time is now. Davy has got too cocky for his own good, he needs to be bought down, but there is more than one way to skin a cat. Have you still got that dodgy old judge on your books?”

  “You mean Aubrey? Yeah we still own him and I must say he does come in very handy from time to time, why do you want to know?”

  “Well let’s just say, you have options son, why kill the little fucker when you can put him away?”

  “I did think about that Dad, I even thought about mentioning it before, but the truth is, I want him dead, I can’t let it go!”

  They were just about to continue, when they heard someone coming downstairs, it was Maria.

  “Sorry I’ve disturbed you,” she said “but I woke up with this terrible headache and I couldn’t get back to sleep. I only came down for a drink.”

  “Come and sit down babe, I’ll make you a cup of tea.”

  “You didn’t interrupt anything,” said Billy “we were just talking about a couple of my ex girlfriends, that was all.”

  “Once I’ve drunk my tea, I’ll leave you to it, although regarding you and girlfriends Billy, I think you should settle down and have a family; you’re wonderful with the girls.”

  “Yeah one day babe I’d like to have kids of my own, but not yet. I’d like to maybe buy a club or something first, you know get myself established.”

  Mickey walked in with her tea. Five minutes later she was heading back up the stairs to their bedroom.

  They didn’t speak anymore about Davy, just in case she overheard. They talked about Billy wanting to own a club.

  “This club that’s for sale in Maidstone Mick, how much would I need to really consider it? Only I’ve got a few grand tucked away; my hope is one day I can buy into a club.”

  “I’d have to look into it for you,” said Mickey.

  They talked until the early hours, finally turning in around half two.

  At nine o’clock the following morning Mickey was on the phone to the surgery, he managed to get her an appointment for half ten. Despite it being a small country practise it was busy.

  The receptionist apologised that the doctor was running late when they arrived. It was turned eleven when their name was called.

  When Maria explained to the doctor about the terrible headaches she had been having, the first thing he did was take her blood pressure. They could tell from the look on his face that all was not well long before he said her blood pressure was very high. He asked if she was doing too much, or worrying about anything.

  “Not that I know of” said Maria, “although the twins are starting school in a few days, which is a bit scary.”

  “I expect they’ll be just fine. I’m concerned over you, high blood pressure can be very dangerous in pregnancy; it can cause a condition called preeclampsia.” Mickey looked concerned and asked how dangerous.

  “It’s bad and often results in the mother having a caesarean section, although Maria still has a few months left and due to the fact that she’s carrying triplets, I would prefer her to go as near to full term as possible.”

  Maria asked if there was anything she could do.

  “You must rest; I want you doing as little as possible Maria. I would recommend you having complete bed rest for at least the next month, but I know you’re kept busy with the twins. We need to get your blood pressure down, ideally I would like you to rest at least two to three hours every morning and the same every afternoon. I’ll inform your midwife and recommend she sees you every week for the next month.”

  “I’ll make sure she rests,” said Mickey as they stood up to leave.

  They thanked him as they left.

  During the drive home, he noticed how quiet she was. Mickey tried to cheer her up.

  “It’s only for a few weeks babe and the Doc was right you should rest.”

  “I know, but it’s not fair on mum. I know they were going to go home for a few days, which they still could, but I know she won’t now because of me.”

  “I know mum would be only too happy to stay, if need be dad can go back to London on his own for a few days. I don’t want you worrying about anything.”

  “How can I possibly not worry when you tell me that you’re going to kill Davy Sheridan!”

  “I don’t have to do anything babe,” he replied shocked by her outburst, “I just thought you would feel safer if he was gone.”

  “I just want our life back Mickey!”

  “Ok babe, calm down, I’ll leave Davy alone if that’s what you want.”

  “I’m so worried that something will happen to you Mickey, he’s just not worth it!”

  “I’ll leave it then,” he said not wanting her to get more upset “I’ll tell the blokes when they come down on Thursday, ok?”

  “Honestly Mickey?”

  “Honestly, as long as he keeps away from my family, I’ll let it go.”

  “Thank you.”

  Ten minutes later they were back in their kitchen drinking tea. After he told the others what the doctor had said, Mary was quick to say Mickey was right about her staying. Den could go home for a couple of days if need be.
  “Are you sure Mum, I feel such a burden.”

  “Don’t be daft love, let’s hear no more about it, I’m staying ok?”

  “Thank you, I’m really grateful.”

  Billy put his tea mug down on the table and suggested him Den and Mary taking the girls to Maidstone for a few hours that afternoon.

  “You don’t have to do that Billy,” said Maria “I’m sure mum and dad would rather not.”

  “Speak for yourself” said Mary, “I’d love to. While they’re in Pirates, I can nip out to the shops.”

  “Ok Mum, but I’ll only agree on the condition I cook you something special tonight. I’ve got some sirloin steak defrosting in the fridge. There are also mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, peas and of course home made chips!”

  “I reckon if she gets plenty of rest this afternoon Mick,” joked Billy “she’ll be good for dinner, don’t you?”

  They all laughed. Mickey put his arm around her shoulders.

  “You could be right Billy” said Mickey, “but it’ll depend on whether or not she does as she’s told and rests.”

  “Ok, I’ll rest!” said Maria with a giggle.

  Mary called the twins and told them they were going out. They were excited, especially when Billy said if they were good he might buy them something.

  “Now don’t go spoiling them Billy,” said Maria.

  Ten minutes later they were leaving. They waved until they’d driven out of sight.

  “Right to bed with you” said Mickey, “if you’re not tired you can watch the telly, or I’ll bring your lap top upstairs so you can work on some recipes for the restaurant?”

  “Yes boss,” giggled Maria.

  “I’ll bring you a cup of tea up shortly, but first I need to check in on the office.”

  She kissed him on the cheek as she walked towards the stairs. He had lied about checking on work, he wanted to use the internet and find out more about the condition preeclampsia. After finding a site that described it, he wished he hadn’t looked. He had no idea how serious it was or that it could be fatal during pregnancy and in some cases, it could cause strokes and heart attacks. The list went on and on. He knew that she was worried over Davy Sheridan and although he had told her he would leave it, he had no intention of it. However, under the circumstances, he decided to put off taking Davy out until after the babies were born.


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