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Mickey's Way

Page 31

by Karen Clow

  Mickey had never been into praying, but that night he thanked God and asked him to watch over Maria and his family. Before trying to sleep he looked up at the ceiling and said, ‘Thanks Jimmy, I owe you one’.

  In his head he could hear Jimmy say, ‘Fuck off, you don’t owe me anything!’ With a grin on his face, he eventually drifted off to sleep.


  Seb had settled into living with Davy. Work had started on the studio, the builders reckoned that it would only take about eight weeks before they finished. Danny was feeling a little more comfortable around Seb, although it would be accurate to say they would never be mates. Danny simply tolerated him; but he didn’t like it when they acted like a couple in his presence. There were times when Seb would sit on the arm of Davy’s chair holding his hand and kissing him, usually at those times Danny would make some excuse to leave the room. He was aware that Davy knew he wasn’t comfortable about it, but it was just the way things were. Had they been heterosexual he wouldn’t have a problem with them, but watching two men drool over one another definitely wasn’t his scene.

  That very evening while he was watching the telly, Seb had sat with Davy rubbing his hand up and down his leg. Danny was relieved when Davy’s mobile rang and he moved away from Seb. The call was from the Turk and it was obvious from the way Davy spoke that they were arranging another meeting for the following Saturday. Danny was thankful when the call ended and Davy said they should think about going to the club; he wasn’t meeting anyone it was just a regular night, which meant he would entertain Seb. Although he wouldn’t allow any sexual advances, not in public they would simply sit together drinking, leaving Danny to chat up the girls.

  Everything ran smoothly at the club and the night passed quickly.

  When they returned home around two o’clock, Danny opted to go straight up to bed after he’d seen Seb touching Davy up in the back of the car on the drive home.

  The next morning Davy was getting ready to leave the house as he had a meeting arranged that morning with the Turk for ten o’clock at the club. Danny was to accompany him. They were dropping Seb of at his sister’s studio on the way. He had a full day of students booked which meant he wouldn’t finish until six that evening. Davy was going to pick him up and take him out for dinner before meeting Danny at the club around nine.

  Traffic was heavy that morning; it was almost ten as they pulled up at the club. They knew the Turk was already there when they recognised his BMW. After asking Danny to get the case from the boot, Davy walked towards the Turks car.

  As he opened the door to the Turks car he waited for him to get out.

  “Sorry I wasn’t here when you arrived Mehmet, but the traffic was hell this morning.”

  “In my country it is customary for business people to arrive early, so as to welcome their guests. This is the trouble with Britain there is no respect,” replied the Turk arrogantly.

  Davy found his attitude annoying, so he refrained from answering. The Turk asked if Davy had the money as they made their way into the office.

  Davy nodded and then he instructed Danny to open the case.

  Placing it on the table, he showed the Turk the contents. It was packed with wads of fifty and twenty pound notes, in all there was over two hundred grand.

  The Turk smiled at Davy and then nodded at Emir to exchange the goods. Emir placed a large briefcase on the table; it was packed with bags of cocaine. Davy picked a random bag and pierced it with a knife, then taking a small amount out on the tip of the knife he licked his finger before dipping it onto the coke and rubbed it onto his gums.

  “That’s good shit Mehmet, I’m glad we could do business.”

  Then he shut the case and told Danny to put it in the safe.

  “Can I offer you a drink Mehmet?”

  “Sadly I have more business to attend to, another time maybe?” Emir shut the money case and removed it from the table. It was as they reached the door, Davy said, he’d heard rumours about a big poker game going down and he’d heard that Mehmet was going.

  “Yes I am Davy; a business associate has invited me.”

  “How do I get a seat?”

  “I think it is a bit rich for your blood Davy, the lowest bet is ten grand.”

  “Oh I think I could live with that, business has been very good lately, who’s calling it?”

  “Tony Ramon I believe you know him, from what I hear his business is also doing well.”

  “Actually I don’t know this Tony, only by reputation. Can you get me in?”

  “I make no promises, but I will ask my friend to ask for you. I will call and let you know.”

  “I’d appreciate that.”

  The Turks left.

  Davy looked at Danny.

  “That should be an interesting game Danny; I wonder who else will be there.”

  “Maybe better to leave this one alone boss, it sounds heavy, ten grand is a lot of money. It sounds like this Tony knows some big money.”

  “My granddad would have shit the likes of Tony Ramon and this could be my chance to make some real money. I wonder if his friend Mickey Mann will be there.”

  Danny had a bad feeling about it, but he knew that nothing he could say would change Davy’s mind.


  After a restless night, Mickey was the first one up the next day. By half six he had made the tea while waiting for the others. George appeared around quarter to seven with Georgie. The two friends talked and George asked if it was ok if they stayed another day as Monica was hoping to visit Maria and see the babies. George had holiday owing, so he could call work to get the day off.

  “I would like you to stay George. I’m keeping the girls off school today in the hope that the doctor will let them visit.”

  By half seven everyone was downstairs. Mary started the breakfast while the others looked for the puppies, which had mysteriously managed to escape from the conservatory into the house. Being a detective, George was well aware that it was Harry who had planned their escape, but he never let on that he knew. Harry hadn’t been told that they could have a puppy; his little face was a picture when George told him that morning as they ate.

  Everyone laughed when Harry asked if they could call the pup Scooby Doo

  “I think that’s a good name for him,” replied George.

  Mickey was eager to phone the hospital. When he finally got through he spoke to a nurse, who said that Maria had a good night and that she was eating a light breakfast. Then she gave him a phone number for the phone in Maria’s room. He couldn’t wait to end the call so he could speak to her. It was clear to everyone just how happy he was to hear her voice and surprised at how well she sounded. She asked how soon he could get to the hospital.

  “I can leave now babe, why is everything ok?”

  “Everything’s fine Mickey, but I’m waiting to see our babies and I want you with me.”

  “I’m leaving now, I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  Hurriedly he put the phone down. Mary asked him if everything was okay.

  “Everything’s great, she wants us to see the babies, has anyone seen my jacket?”

  “Calm down son, your shoes and jacket are in the hall. Give Maria our love and tell her we’ll see her later, drive carefully!”

  They heard the front door close. Madeline asked her nan if they could see the babies’.

  “Maybe we’ll be able to go later sweetie. We’ll have to wait until daddy lets us know. In fact, I think perhaps we could go shopping this morning and buy mummy and the babies some presents.”

  “Now that sounds like a good idea,” piped Monica.

  George looked at the others and joked, “I knew I should have gone to work today!”

  At the hospital, Maria was sitting up in bed smiling as Mickey entered. Walking straight over to her he gave her a long lingering kiss. He couldn’t believe how well she appeared.

  “I don’t want us to have any more kids,” he stated as he l
ooked lovingly at her “I can’t go through that again babe. I’ve never been so scared in my life; I thought I’d lost you.”

  “You just need a little more faith darling, although perhaps you’re right, maybe five is enough?”

  “Talking of faith, you’ll be happy to know I actually prayed to God to help you.”

  “Well he obviously heard you, anyway Jimmy told me that God doesn’t want me yet.”

  Looking shocked he asked what she meant.

  “I’m not sure exactly when, it could have been last night or when I was in theatre, but I had a vivid dream that I went to heaven. My friend Melanie was there waiting for me. I wanted to stay with her, but then Jimmy came. He took my hand and led me somewhere else; I’m not sure where it was. Then he kissed me and said, ‘I love you Maria, but you’ve got to go back, Mickey and the kids are waiting. Say hello to him for me, tell him I’m still watching his back,’ then he kissed me goodbye and left. Next thing I knew I woke up this morning.”

  Mickey tried to smile, but something told him that it wasn’t a dream and that Jimmy had brought her back.

  “Well whether it was a dream or not, Jimmy was right, we need you here with us, because we love you too.”

  “Of course it was a dream, what else could it have been?”

  Before he could answer, a nurse appeared with a wheelchair and asked if they were ready to see their babies.

  Mickey pushed her along the corridor to the premature unit where a young male nurse was on duty. Mickey noticed another incubator with a baby girl in it, she was so tiny. He glimpsed at the file hanging from the crib it read, weight 3lb 1oz. The nurse passed them a baby each, both boys. Maria cried as she asked Mickey which baby she had, he looked at the wrist band and read the weight and told her it was Michael.

  The nurse asked if they’d like her to write their names on the bands. Maria smiled and nodded.

  “Are you hoping to breast feed Maria?”

  “I’d like too if I can.”

  “Well we’ll try shall we? They’re all hungry they’ve only had fluids. Did your midwife explain that with triplets we suggest using formula along with breast milk?” Maria nodded her head.

  Maria undid her nightie the nurse held the baby’s head and placed his mouth around her nipple, after three attempts he latched on, the nurse was right, he was hungry. After fifteen minutes he swapped the boys over, Martin latched on at the first attempt. Mickey watched as she gently nursed the baby and he felt an overwhelming sense of pride. When the baby finished, the nurse handed him to Mickey, he held both his boys in his arms while she fed Melissa.

  They stayed with the babies for almost two hours and then said they would return to her room, because the doctor would be doing his rounds after midday. They thanked the nurse as he helped them put the babies back. After kissing each baby, they left.

  Monica and the others were in Ashford. Monica had to keep asking Mary what Maria had already bought, because she knew they had ordered several items on line which were being delivered the following Monday. Even Billy wanted to buy them something, especially as he’d told the twins that if they were good, he would also buy them a present, which of course included Monica’s two boys. Den’s mobile rang; he walked out of the shop into the precinct so he could hear. It was Mickey calling to ask what time they’d finish shopping.

  “Well son, between your mum and Monica, I think there’s a good chance we could be back by Friday!”

  “That bad hey Dad?” laughed Mickey “anyway the reason I called was to say if you drive to the hospital around three this afternoon, you can see Maria and the babies. I thought mum would like it and I dare say the girls will be keen?”

  “Oh I can guarantee they will, so we’ll see you about three.”

  As soon as Den told the others about the call, everyone said they wanted to see the babies. Even Billy asked if it would be ok if he tagged along, only he’d like to see them.

  “I’m sure it would be fine love” said Mary, “anyway the twins will probably insist on you going.”

  They decided to stop for lunch around midday and then they would have a little time left for the twins to buy some small gifts to take to the hospital with them, which would include a bouquet for their mum.

  Back at the hospital, Mickey was sitting on the bed with his arm round her as the doctor came in. He asked to examine her.

  “Everything seems fine Maria; if the babies continue to feed well I’d be happy to send you all home on Friday. Obviously, we’ll keep a close eye on them.”

  Mickey squeezed Maria’s hand and said that was great news.

  After lunch they went back to see the babies, just in time for their feed. The same nurse as before was looking after them. Martin was crying because he was hungry, the nurse had made some formula ready, because he wasn’t sure if they’d be back in time to feed them all. Just as the nurse passed the baby to her, the phone rang. Leaving them to carry on, he went to answer it.

  “Perhaps we should call this one Michael,” whispered Maria “because he’s just like you when it comes to breasts!”

  “Judging by the way he’s going at it, I don’t think I’ll be getting much between these three babe.”

  Maria pinched his leg. At that moment Melissa woke. Mickey picked her up and gave her one of the bottles the nurse had left.

  The consultant arrived as they were feeding the babies, he seemed quite impressed with the way they were feeding, especially when Martin finished and Maria put him back and picked Michael up as he had just started crying. Then he asked them how they were coping.

  “Fine thank you,” said Maria “fortunately they all seem easy to feed.”

  “If they continue to thrive, I think they can go home with you on Friday. I don’t see any reason why they shouldn’t. We’ll transfer them to mum’s room; see how you get on with the feeding. Although watching you I don’t envisage too many problems Maria.”

  While they were feeding the babies another young mum came in to feed hers, she was the mother of the little girl. They both noticed how young she was, she only looked about sixteen. The nurse helped her with the baby until he had to go to answer the phone again. When Maria finished feeding Michael, she noticed that the young girl seemed tearful and worried that the nurse had left her.

  Handing Mickey the baby she walked over to her.

  “Hi, are you ok, do you need any help?”

  The girl was crying as she nodded and struggled to get the baby to latch on. Maria took the baby’s head and helped her find the nipple, within minutes the baby was suckling.

  Mickey watched as they talked, he could tell from the clothes the girl was wearing that her baby would not have the same luxuries as their children, but she seemed loving towards the baby. He thought that she seemed alone, but he knew Maria would treat her with kindness and compassion. He was watching them when he heard the door buzzer sound. He listened as the nurse spoke into it. Immediately recognising his mum’s voice, he called to Maria that the family were there.

  Smiling at the young girl, Maria asked if she was ok now.

  “Yes, thank you for helping me.”

  “You’re welcome; I know how daunting it can be the first time round. Our family are here, so I’ll see you later.”

  “Ok thanks again.”

  Maria headed back towards Mickey.

  The nurse carried Martin while they carried the other two to a large glass window to the side of the unit, everyone was there. Mickey looked proud as he showed off his trio of tiny terrors. His mum and Monica started crying. After five minutes, he indicated for them to wait there, as they were coming out. They placed the babies back into their cribs. Then Maria went over to the girl and calling her Jess, said she’d see her at the five o’clock feed. The girl smiled at her as she nodded her head. She waved to Maria as they left.

  With Mickey pushing her in the wheelchair, Maria told everyone that she was fine walking, but the doctor had insisted on the chair just for that day. After she hugged a
nd kissed the twins, she asked what they thought of their new brothers and sister.

  Madeline wrinkled her nose and said, “I prefer the puppies.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “Oh, well I can understand that princess, but I’m sure that once we take the babies home, you’ll grow to love them as much as the puppies.”

  Everyone else was doing their best not to burst into laughter, when Madeline replied she’d try.

  When they reached Maria’s room; the twins went in first with Mickey’s parents and Billy, while the others went to the cafeteria. It was almost five by the time they left, they would have stayed longer had it not have been time for the babies’ feed. Maria’s room was filled with flowers and gifts that everyone had brought.

  As they entered the baby unit, she noticed Jess sitting holding her baby. Because the triplets were asleep, she told Mickey she was going over to sit with Jess until the babies woke up.

  “Ok Mother Theresa,” he said jokingly.

  Watching them, he could tell that they liked each other and something inside told him they would probably stay friends.

  Mickey left the hospital around eight that evening. By the time he drove home Monica and her family had left Kent.

  At the house the twins were both asleep. He was happy just to eat a cooked meal, which his mum had saved for him. He had just finished eating when his mobile rang. It was Tony.

  “Congratulations mate, I hear you’ve got two boys and a girl. I’ve got some more good news for you. I had a call an hour ago from Colin Brett and guess what? His boss has been asked by Mehmet the Turk, if none other than Davy the arsehole Sheridan, can get in on the poker game.”

  “Does he know the sort of money we’re looking at?”

  “Apparently so, but he says he’s up for it. I told Colin to tell his boss that it was ok. I think the plan is coming together; ironic when you think you’ll be playing with Davy’s money after he coughs up for the film. Which incidentally brings me to say; I watched it, to say it made my fucking eyes water would be an understatement!”


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