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Mickey's Way

Page 33

by Karen Clow

  “But I want to touch you,” said Davy as he began stimulating him by hand. Seb just laid there. Finally, he began to respond; at that point Davy rolled over with his back to him and pressed his buttocks against his erection. Waiting for Seb to enter him, he kept rubbing himself against his lover. After several minutes, Seb tried to penetrate him, but he was unable to sustain his erection.

  Davy rolled over to face him, he was sympathetic as he kissed him and said it didn’t matter. Desperate for Seb to respond, even if it was only verbal, he tried to coax him into saying something. Unable to take the silence a moment longer, he looked at him.

  “Just talk to me Seb; I can’t leave it like this. You’ve got no idea what my business is like and now with someone sending me that DVD, I just lost it. I’m constantly watching my back, but one thing’s for sure; I need you here with me. You’re the most important thing in my life. I never thought I would feel like this again, so please try and understand.”

  “I love you, but when you said that envelope could have been a bomb, I realised how dangerous your world is and then when you attacked me, I was so scared. I wanted to defend myself but I couldn’t. I’m not sure if I can handle being with you Davy.”

  “In all the time we’ve been together, have I ever hurt you? I’ve treated you well. I’ve bought you nice things and I’ve allowed myself to fall in love again, surely Seb that must count for something?”

  “Yes, but you haven’t been honest with me. You’re obviously into more than just being a club owner. When you received that DVD through the post, it made me realise just how little I really know about you. So tell me the truth about what you do, or it’s over between us.”

  “To answer your question, you’re right. I’m not just a club boss. I deal in organised crime; it’s not a career I would have chosen. You could say it was handed down to me, but it’s all I’ve ever known.”

  “Why didn’t you get out of the business then?”

  “Don’t you think I would have if I could? It’s a long story, one which I’ll tell you about sometime, but now you know the truth, I need to know where we stand.”

  “I don’t know what the future holds for us Davy, but I’m glad you’ve been honest with me. Let’s just try and forget about what happened. I can’t make any promises; let’s just take it one day at a time. There’s just one last thing I want you to know, I will not tolerate violence.”

  They cuddled each other.

  “You won’t regret it Seb.”

  Davy began touching him again, only this time Seb responded. Within minutes he was fucking Davy.

  Davy knew he would have to be on his best behaviour at least for the next couple of weeks. When they eventually settled down to sleep, all Davy could think about was the DVD. He was in no doubt that whoever sent it would contact him soon.


  Over breakfast all Mary talked about was her visit to the hospital the previous evening, the triplets being the main topic.

  Mary asked Mickey if he would be taking the twins to see their mum and the babies that day as they kept asking about them. The girls virtually begged him to take them.

  “Ok girls,” said Mickey “when you get back from school and we’ve had lunch, I’ll take you.”

  After taking them to school that morning, he made his way to the hospital. Walking into Maria’s room, he noticed Jess sitting down holding Melissa, Maria was feeding Michael.

  “Hello, Jess isn’t it, how’s your baby doing?”

  Before she had time to reply, he leaned over and kissed Maria. Jess was obviously shy and barely looked at him when she said her baby was doing quite well. Then she stood up and put the baby back in her crib.

  “I’ll go now your husband’s here Maria; perhaps I’ll see you later?”

  “Call me Mickey and don’t feel you have to go on my account Jess.”

  “It’s ok, I need to go and check on my baby, I’ll see you later.”

  After she’d gone, they talked about her for almost an hour. Mickey felt quite sorry for her, especially when Maria said she’d had no visitors since coming into hospital and she was a really sweet girl.

  “Hasn’t anyone bought her anything in for the baby?”

  “No darling they haven’t. I was thinking, maybe next week once I’m back home I could pop back over and visit her, if you and mum don’t mind watching the babies? I think she said she’ll be here for at least another couple of weeks. From what she said I think the hospital would rather she went home, but she won’t go without the baby. I expect she’d rather be here anyway, although it must be horrible for her not having any visitors.”

  “Oh I think between everyone at the house, we could manage to watch the trio so you can visit babe, just as long as you feed them before you leave!”

  Mickey left just before lunch telling her that he would be back later with the twins.

  Just as he arrived back at the house, the twins were eating their lunch. Mary told him that there were some sandwiches in the fridge for him.

  The twins were excited about seeing the babies and their mum. When they asked if Billy could go with them, their dad grinned and said he was sure Billy didn’t want to spend his afternoon at the hospital.

  “I don’t mind Mick,” said Billy “I’ve got nothing planned, so if you want some company?”

  “That would be great Billy, if you’re sure.”

  Less than an hour later they were driving back to the hospital. Maria was thrilled to see them all. When she let the girls hold each of the babies, Billy asked if he could hold one? Laughing Maria nodded and told him to take his pick. He picked Melissa up and held her and they watched as he placed his finger in her tiny hand.

  “Suits you,” said Mickey and if she’s anything like her sisters here, she’ll have you wrapped round those little fingers in no time.”

  “Ah she’s lovely Mick and no doubt going to be a little cracker, just like her sisters. I wouldn’t mind having girls if I do have any kids, there’s just something about them ain’t there?”

  “Oh yeah, there’s something about them alright,” he replied looking at Maria “they melt your heart Billy that’s what happens.”

  There was a knock on the door. “Come in,” called Maria.

  The door opened, it was Jess, who instantly looked embarrassed because the others were there.

  “Oh sorry Maria, but I thought your husband had gone home.”

  “If you keep referring to me as her husband I’ll get an inferiority complex, its Mickey ok? And you’re right, I did leave, but now I’m back.”

  “Come in Jess; meet Billy and the twins.”

  Gingerly she entered the room. Immediately Madeline started asking her questions and just as quickly was told off by Maria. Jess smiled at the twins.

  “Aren’t they lovely your new brothers and sister,” said Jess to the twins “I expect everyone at school is jealous because there are three of them.”

  They noticed that she looked at Billy a couple of times. Maria interrupted and apologised for not introducing her properly.

  “This is our friend Billy and this is Jess.”

  They noticed that Jess blushed as Billy winked at her and said, “Alright babe.” She looked uncomfortable as she stood there. Mickey offered to get her a chair but Maria told her to sit on the bed.

  “No it’s ok thank you, but I won’t stay, I’ll leave you with your family. I only came to ask you something Maria.”

  “What is it Jess?”

  “I’m thinking of calling the baby Rebecca after my Nan, I just wondered what you thought.”

  “I think it’s a lovely name, I’m sure your nan will like that.”

  “My Nan died two years ago, we were very close and she was really kind to me.”

  “In that case you should definitely call her Rebecca.”

  The two men agreed, it was a good name. After she thanked them she left.

  When Billy asked about her, Mickey grinned and said Maria had taken her un
der her wing.

  “Well I don’t know anything about her,” said Billy “but she looks like she could do with a friend and we all know Maria is the patron saint of lost souls!”

  Despite their eagerness to visit, it was clear after a couple of hours the twins were bored and wanted to go home. They all kissed Maria and the babies. Billy waited outside with the twins so Mickey could say goodbye.

  The two men talked about Jess on the way home from the hospital. Mickey joked that if he knew Maria, they would probably be seeing more of young Jessie.


  Davy and Seb had spent the day at home together. When Danny had been at the house earlier, he’d had noticed the black eye and bruises that Seb was sporting, but he never asked how he got them. He also sensed that things between Seb and Davy were a bit strained. He was actually quite relieved that he was working that night, which meant he probably wouldn’t get back ‘til half three, by which time they would hopefully be in bed.

  Alone that evening, Davy and Seb ate dinner together. Not surprisingly, Davy was being very attentive to Seb. Reaching across and taking Seb’s hand.

  “Once I’ve sorted out this trouble with the film Seb, we’ll take a holiday, ok?”

  Seb nodded as he tried hard to block out the events of the previous night. He wanted to stay with Davy, but not if there was ever to be another incident, like that one. There was also the fact that he was uncomfortable with Davy being big into organised crime, which could be potentially dangerous for him as his lover. Despite telling Davy he would wait a few days before committing himself to staying, he had actually decided that he would try and work things out.

  “I think we should have an early night Seb, we’re both tired after last night. We could watch a film if you like?”

  “Yes that would be ok.”

  Just as Davy stood up his mobile rang. It was Mehmet the Turk. Davy asked what he could do for him.

  “Well you can thank me Davy. For getting you in the poker game, it’s arranged for the second Saturday in April, but there are conditions.”

  “Cheers Mehmet, I’ll be there, now what are these conditions?”

  “Firstly everyone will be searched, so no weapons and no devices. Before you’re in, you must show that you have at least two hundred grand in cash. Finally, each player can only bring one bodyguard. Those are the terms and they are not negotiable, so if you have a problem with any of that best you say now. Tony Ramon is keeping things tight to avoid any trouble, he is very shrewd.”

  “I don’t have a problem with any of that. How many players will be there?”

  “Eight with you I think, but I’m not sure. I have to go now, see you at the club next week.”

  Seb watched as Davy said goodbye, he hadn’t heard all that had been said, but it was obvious from the grin on his lover’s face that he was happy about something. Seb never asked him; instead he waited for Davy to tell him.

  After telling him about the game, Seb was relieved when he was sorry but he wouldn’t be able to take him along. Unfortunately places were limited each player was only allowed a bodyguard.”

  “It’s no problem Davy; I don’t even play poker. I’ll be happy to stay home.”

  “This game is big, I could win a packet. Who knows if the game goes well, I might even buy us a yacht, would you like that?”

  Seb just smiled as he nodded his head.

  It was just before eleven when they retired for the night, although Davy had no intentions of sleeping; he was going to pleasure Seb. The same way a husband who’d been caught cheating would pleasure his wife, in the hope of convincing her to give their marriage another try.


  The next morning the twins were still arguing over what to name their puppy.

  “That’s enough girls,” said their dad “you’ve been debating this every morning, now eat your breakfast or we’ll be late for school.”

  “I think I can help solve the problem,” said Mary “as me and granddad are keeping a puppy which will be living here once the annexe is built, why don’t you two name our puppy for us? You could put the two chosen names in a hat and the first one I pick out would be the name for my puppy and the second name would be for your puppy. It won’t make much difference because all the dogs will be virtually living together anyway.”

  “You missed your calling Mum; you should have been a diplomat.”

  Fifteen minutes later, just as Billy was offering to put the twins in the car, the house phone rang. It was Maria, she sounded excited when Mickey answered the call, and but before he had chance to say anything other than hello, she told him she could go home that morning!

  Mickey said it was great and as soon as he’d dropped the twins off at school he would be there. Maria reminded him not to forget to bring the chocolates they’d bought for the nurses.

  “Would you mind going with me Billy,” asked Mickey “only she’s got stuff to bring home and there are three babies to carry, which means we’ve got to take three baby car seats into the hospital.”

  “Course Mick, I’d love too.”

  The twins didn’t want to go to school knowing that their mum was coming home, but Billy convinced them that by the time everything was sorted out at the hospital they would probably be back from school.

  After dropping the twins off, they drove to the hospital. Mickey joked with him.

  “Nice job earlier on the kids, you’ve definitely got this child psychology down to a fine art Billy since living with us. No doubt it will come in very handy when you have your own.”

  “Yeah, I’m learning a lot.”

  Maria and the babies were dressed and ready to leave as they arrived. After saying her goodbyes and thanking the staff, they made their way to the main reception area where there was a shop and a florist.

  Maria asked if she could pop into the hospitals florist shop. When Mickey said it was fine, she asked him for some money.

  He never asked why, he just took out his wallet and handed her two twenty pound notes. In the florists she ordered a basket of flowers in pink and white, which were to be sent to Jessica Miller. After telling the shop assistant which ward Jess was on, she wrote a card for the flowers which said, ‘To Dear Jess, see you next week, love from Maria, Mickey and family xxx’.

  When she re-joined the others, she handed Mickey back a five pound note. Raising his eyebrows and grinning he asked what he’d just bought.

  “Well hopefully, thirty five pounds worth of happiness. I’ve sent some flowers to Jess. She seemed very down when I told her that I was going home. I feel so sorry for her Mickey; she just seems so sad. I’ve given her our phone number and I’ve promised I’ll pop back and see her next week.”

  Billy interrupted telling them the trio appear to be waking up.

  “Oh no they’re going to want feeding,” said Maria “let’s get them home or I’ll end up doing it in the car!”

  Mary and Den where waiting at the door as they pulled up. They helped them in with the babies and gifts that people had given her in the hospital. Within ten minutes of being home, Maria had three bottles ready and not a moment too soon, as the babies were waking. After electing Mary and Den to feed two of them, she was just about to nominate Mickey, when Billy said he could feed one. Without hesitation Maria passed him a baby. While the babies were being fed, Mickey helped take her bags upstairs.

  Now she was home Maria quickly settled into a routine. Mickey was so impressed with the way she coped with all of the kids. Over the weekend the house was likened to Piccadilly Circus, with visitors coming and going. When Charlie and Scott had seen the babies, Maria had joked about her getting broody. Charlie had surprised her by saying she wasn’t sure about having kids. Maria laughed and said she would change her mind, probably ending up with three or four.

  The last visitor on Sunday evening had been Father Benico. He gave her a white bible for each of the babies.

  By the time she went to bed at ten o’clock that Sunday she was exhaust
ed. Fortunately Mickey had stayed downstairs talking to Billy and his dad until after half one. Just as he turned in for the night the babies woke up for a feed. With the cribs in their room next to their bed, she asked Mickey to give one of them a bottle while she breast fed the other two. Since being home she had mastered feeding two babies at once, simply because they were so small she could lay them on a pillow if she positioned herself just right on the bed. Although she was realistic about having three babies to feed, she had decided she would probably only breast feed for the first month or possibly two.


  By Thursday of the following week, she was realising just how exhausting having triplets was; despite Mickey and the others being wonderful, she felt that it was her duty as their mother to do as much as she could.

  Jess had rung at the beginning of the week from the hospital to thank her for the flowers and to ask her what day she was going to visit. At the time she had said Friday, but as the day approached she was becoming more reluctant about leaving all the kids, especially as visiting time was between two in the afternoon and eight in the evening. She would have preferred to have been able to go in the morning while the twins were at school. Her other concern was that someone would have to drive her, as the doctor had advised her not to drive for a month following her surgery.

  When Friday morning arrived, Mickey could tell that she was worried about going. Finally, he convinced her that they could manage; only because Billy could drive her and take the twins along for the ride that she agreed.

  “I’ll take the twins to the play park near the hospital for a couple of hours and then pick you up afterwards Maria, if that’s ok with you?”

  “Oh that would be lovely Billy.”

  The twins echoed from behind him could they go on the swings.


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