Book Read Free

Mickey's Way

Page 42

by Karen Clow

  “Of course if you want me to. I had intended to go over a few things with the dancers as the grand opening is only a few days away now, but if it’s important that I come, I can put my plans on hold till tomorrow.”

  “It’s fine why don’t you invite them over here, that way you won’t get any interruptions? You’ll have the house to yourself.”

  Seb couldn’t believe it; Davy was being far too nice. Normally he would insist on him going to the club with him. Seb wasn’t going to let the opportunity pass and said he would call them to invite them over.

  “Good for you,” said Davy “although I will expect you to thank me when I get home. So just make sure they’re gone by two.”

  Going over the list of students, two names were very interesting to Davy. One was of a very wealthy family. The kid’s father was a mega rich man who had no known connection with the mob; most of his wealth had been inherited. The other was a wealthy business man, with a chain of prestigious stores throughout the world. Stores where the rich and famous shopped, he was ranked among the twenty richest men in the world. Fortunately, his wife had chosen to live in England with their daughter after their divorce. Once Davy was at the club that evening, he could start making calls to find out more about his potential kidnap victims.


  Mickey had just arrived at Sweet Cheeks. He spotted Tony talking to a couple of the staff who were there preparing for that evening. Tony walked towards him and couldn’t help but think he looked unwell, he was very pale. They shook hands and Tony asked him if he wanted a drink. He nodded. Tony took a bottle from behind the bar before they made their way to the office.

  Mickey sat down as Tony shut the office door. Pouring him a drink Tony asked what was going on.

  “I’m taking Davy out tonight,” he replied with conviction “don’t try and talk me out of it.”

  Tony had never seen him so adamant. He had always been the level headed one, never known to make rash decisions. Whatever had happened, Tony knew he wasn’t going to talk him out of killing Davy. He needed to be tactful.

  “Do you think tonight is the best time to do it then Mick?”

  “I should have done it months ago Tony. I’m only sorry I didn’t.”

  “Just think about it Mickey, these things have to be planned. You don’t want any come back, there’s also your family to consider.”

  “What fucking family, thanks to fucking Davy Sheridan, I don’t have a family anymore!”

  “Bollocks, you’re a better family man than I’ll ever be. Everyone knows you and Maria are made for each other. Don’t go throwing everything away because of fucking Davy Sheridan, he’s not worth it!”

  “It’s over Tony I can’t hack it anymore, things are better for everyone without me.”

  “That’s another load of old bollocks and you know it! You fucking love being a family man and Maria and those girls worship the fucking ground you walk on.”

  “Whatever Tony, I just can’t do it anymore. If I get through tonight, I’m going back to being a bachelor, it’s better for everyone that way. Since the kidnapping everything’s changed. On reflection I should never have married her. She would have met someone, no doubt about it. No, after tonight I’m moving back to London and giving up my practice in Kent. I’m going back into the club business. If I need a woman, I’ll just fuck one of the dancers, no strings attached. Don’t worry; I won’t be any competition for you.”

  “Anytime you want back in Mickey, you only have to say. Good partners are hard to find, but I know deep down you’ll miss family life. It breaks my heart to say this, but it suited you being a country gent.”

  They both laughed.

  “What about your kids Mick, everyone knows you’re crazy about them. I can’t imagine you being happy about Maria letting another man raise them?”

  Mickey paused before answering.

  “Well as she keeps telling me only the triplets are mine, so I’ll only have them to worry about. I keep thinking about Charlie and how well she’s turned out. As long as I have rights to the kids I’ll be ok, but if any bloke who was with Maria ever stepped out of line with them, he’d fucking live to regret it!”

  “I’m not convinced that you want to be single, but it’s not my place to give an opinion. Fuck knows I’m not exactly the best of husbands am I?”

  “She’s a good woman your Isabella, she’s stuck by you through thick and thin and it works for you, but it’s not the same for me Tony. I just want out now. Since the day Sheridan took the kids there’s not a minute I haven’t thought about it. I can’t describe how it felt not knowing if they were dead or alive. Now I just want to be able to forget about it. Get on with living and the only way I can do that is by taking him out.”

  “Fair enough Mick it’s your call,” said Tony as he poured him another drink “let’s do it, but at least let me help. We need to think about it carefully, firstly, I need to ask where you plan on doing it?”

  “This is my problem Tony, I wouldn’t ask anyone to get involved. It’s something I’ve got to do, but don’t think I don’t appreciate the offer. There is one thing I would ask of you though. If this doesn’t work out too good for me, tell Maria everything she needs is in the office safe. I’ve left everything in order. Obviously my dad will help her with the off shore accounts and maybe you could check in on her and the kids from time to time. I’d be grateful. Also, if you could tell her that I’m sorry I wasn’t Jimmy, but I did my best.”

  Tony just looked at him; he knew he was serious.

  “Let’s not even go there Mickey, if we plan this right everyone goes home, including you. So where do you plan to hit Davy?”

  “I’ll probably do him when he leaves his club.”

  “Things could go wrong,” said Tony shaking his head “he’s always got that queer with him and let’s not forget Danny Monk. Maybe it would be safer to do it somewhere else, like his house. One thing’s for sure, he wouldn’t be expecting it there. Let me call Lenny; see if he can help out. Ideally it would be better if Danny was out at the time. Although quite frankly he wouldn’t be missed too much if we had to pop him as well.”

  “Yeah that could be something to think about. Call Lenny then, but I’m not waiting long. I came here to do it, so let’s get on with it.”

  Tony was grateful that at least he had managed to get him to consider his help. He called Lenny on his mobile and left a message for him to get back to him.

  “Where are you staying while you’re here Mick?”

  “I’ve got a key to mum and dads.”


  Back at the house, Mary was making yet another pot of tea. Billy had suggested calling Jess back downstairs, as she had been up there with the baby for almost three hours. Maria asked him to go and fetch her.

  The atmosphere between her and Mickey’s parents was frosty; she hoped Jess would bring some light relief. She also wanted her to get to know Shaun and Ann, although she wished the circumstances had been different. Her mind couldn’t seem to stop thinking about Mickey. She was desperate for any news as to where he was.

  Finally, she plucked up the courage to ask Den to call Tony and check that he was alright. Mary had barely spoken to her since she had joined them in the kitchen, but like Maria, she was also desperate for news. Just as Den picked up his mobile, Jess appeared. Ann made a fuss over the baby. Everyone noticed that Jess looked very awkward and no one was surprised when she asked Maria if she wanted her to leave.

  “No of course not Jess, when Mickey gets back we’ll sort everything out. I’m only sorry you heard us rowing.”

  At that moment, Mary looked at the wall clock and said it was almost time to collect the girls. Immediately, Shaun and Billy volunteered to pick them up. Ann opted to stay with the others to help with the babies.

  “I’m just going to call Tony,” said Den “I’ll do it in the lounge.”

  “Please Dad can I come with you,” asked Maria “I’m desperate to speak to Mickey.”
br />   Before Den had time to reply, Shaun said he thought that was a grand idea. Den knew she would be the last person his son would want to speak to, but he didn’t want to make an issue of it in front of the others. Maria followed him through into the lounge.

  “I’m so sorry Dad, this is all my fault,” said Maria tearfully “I love him more than anything. I’m so sorry, please forgive me.”

  “It’s not my forgiveness you should be asking for Maria, it’s his. You were wrong to say those things, you don’t deserve him. Still it’s not my place to condemn you; my only concern is for my boy.”

  “Please Dad, I’ll do anything to put things right, if he’ll give me the chance. Please ask him to speak to me.”

  Den just looked at her as he called Tony’s number. Seconds later Tony answered.

  “Alright Tony it’s Den, is my boy ok? His mum and me are frantic with worry.”

  “He’s fine Den, we’re just having a drink.”

  “Can I speak to him?”

  Tony passed him the phone. Mickey was reluctant to say much, but he had heard his dad say how worried they were.

  “Alright Dad?” said Mickey.

  “No son we’re not alright, your mum’s worried sick. Don’t go doing anything stupid. Why don’t you come home so we can talk about it and sort things out?”

  “I’m not coming home Dad.”

  “What do you mean you’re not coming home?”

  “I mean, I’m not coming back Dad. Tell Billy I’ll sort something out so he can come back up here.”

  “I’m not interested in Billy; I want you to come home so we can sort this mess out!”

  “There’s nothing to sort out Dad, you know what I’m going to do and once it’s done everyone can get on with their lives, including me. If things work out ok, I’ll send someone down to collect my things. Until then I’ll crash at yours, if that’s ok?”

  “You’re talking as though you’re never coming home.”

  “I’m not Dad, there’s nothing for me there. I belong here, I realise that now.” Maria had listened to what had been said, before Den could answer him, she grabbed the phone. Mickey was surprised to hear her voice.

  “Please Mickey come home, I’m so sorry, I love you.”

  Unable to bring himself to reply, he hung up and passed the phone back to Tony.

  Maria was devastated; she sat on the sofa and sobbed. Den never said a word he just walked back into the kitchen. Billy and Shaun had left to pick the girls up. Jess could hear Maria crying and looking at Den asked if Maria was ok. Den just nodded his head. Jess made her way to the lounge while Den told Mary what had been said.

  “Mickey’s too intelligent to do anything stupid,” said Ann “he’ll be back, you’ll see.”

  Neither of them was convinced they knew he wasn’t the type to say one thing and do another. Mary’s main concern was for his safety. At that moment, she couldn’t care less about his marriage or Maria; she just wanted her son home.

  In the lounge, Jess sat with Maria and tried to console her, but Maria was becoming hysterical. Jess noticed that her breathing was heavy and she was barely able to speak. Jess asked if she could get her a glass of water or something. She didn’t even ask what had happened; she simply offered to go and ask Ann to come in. She would have normally said Mary, but she had sensed the atmosphere between them when she’d come downstairs. Maria nodded her head.

  Jess went and asked Ann if she could talk to Maria. She stayed in the kitchen as Ann left.

  At the club Tony’s phone rang again. Mickey said if was Maria to tell her he wasn’t there; he didn’t want to speak to her. Tony nodded and then looking at the caller ID told him it was Lenny. Tony thanked Lenny for getting back to him and asked if there was any chance of him popping round to the club. Knowing Lenny was busy, he said he wouldn’t ask if it wasn’t important. Lenny said he would be there in fifteen minutes.

  Lenny was aware what happened at the poker game and his instincts told him the reason Tony wanted to see him could have something to do with it.

  When Lenny arrived at the club, the barmen told him Tony had said to go straight to the office. After he knocked and entered he could tell by their faces that something was very wrong.

  “Thanks for coming Lenny,” said Tony as he poured him a drink.

  “What’s so urgent then lads?”

  “I’m taking Davy Sheridan out Len. Tony seems to think his house would be easier than at his club.”

  “Fuck me Mickey, are you sure about this?” Mickey looked determined as he nodded his head.

  “I think Tony’s right about the house,” said Lenny “there’s always people about at the club, plus there’s video surveillance. Why don’t you wait ‘til I can do a bit of digging, find out when he’ll be at the house alone? Then it can be done quickly and clean. There’s no surveillance system at the house, unless he’s sorted some out since I bugged the place.”

  “Listen to him Mickey,” said Tony “it makes sense to wait.”

  Mickey didn’t look convinced. Although he knew that they were right, he had come to London to do it and there was nothing anyone could do or say to change his mind, not even them.

  “I know you two are only trying to help and I appreciate it,” said Micky “but I want it done. There’s no changing my mind on this one.”

  Both men knew with his words he was not going to be talked round. The best they could hope for was a compromise. Lenny was confident he could find out enough in twenty four hours to know when the safest time to hit Davy would be. His biggest problem was going to be convincing Mickey to wait.

  Both men worked on him. Finally, after an hour they had convinced him to wait for twenty four hours. Although Mickey had made it quite clear, he would not wait after that.

  “I’d best be making tracks” said Lenny, “looks like I’m gonna be busy tonight. I’ll get back to you tomorrow with the details.”

  “Cheers for this Lenny we owe you one,” said Tony.

  “Don’t worry you’ll be getting my bill and I don’t come cheap,” joked Lenny.

  After Lenny left, Tony said he was glad Mickey had listened to them as he poured them both a drink.

  “To the end of Davy the prick Sheridan,” said Tony raising his glass for a toast “may he soon meet up with his fucking granddad!”

  “I’ll drink to that Tony.”

  “Right, well as we’re waiting on Lenny, might I suggest us going out for something to eat and then driving over to Fat Benny’s?”

  “Why not, after all this could be my last night as a free man.”

  “Not if you listen to us about doing it right, you’ll walk away after doing Davy. I’ll supply you with an air tight alibi and Lenny will double check it can be done cleanly with no witnesses.”

  They were just about to leave when Tony’s phone rang. It was Den. Tony looked at Mickey and asked if he wanted him to let the voice mail pick it up.

  “No Tony, if I know dad he’ll drive up here if we don’t answer it.”

  Den sounded concerned as he asked Tony if he could speak to Mickey. Tony passed him the phone. Mickey said hello.

  “Are you coming home son, your mum is driving me mad. She’s told Shaun she wants to drive back with him and Ann tonight.”

  “Put Mum on the phone Dad.”

  He heard his dad call out to Mary; he had obviously sneaked off to call him.

  A few moments later his mum said, “Mickey love, come home we’re all so worried!”

  “Take it easy Mum, I’m fine. I’m just going for dinner with Tony.”

  “Promise me love; you won’t go doing anything silly. We can sort this out son.”

  “Solicitors don’t do silly things Mum, we’re boring old farts remember?”

  “Don’t joke son. I know this thing with Davy Sheridan has upset you, not to mention what Maria said about the kids, but I just want you to be safe and not go doing something in the heat of the moment. When dad said you weren’t coming back, I was sc
ared son.”

  Tony could see by his face that something was being said that was having an effect on him.

  “You’re just an old worry guts Mum, everything’s fine. Dad was right though, I’m not coming back, there’s nothing there for me now so I’m staying here. I’ll sort everything out in a couple of days so tell Maria she won’t need to take the kids anywhere. I won’t be back to bother her. They’re safer there with dad and Billy. Give them all a kiss goodnight for me.”

  He could hear her crying and it was upsetting him.

  “Mum put Dad back on the phone.”

  “In a minute love, son please come home love. I don’t want to live in Kent, if you’re in London.”

  “That’s understandable Mum, we can discuss it in a couple of days, now put dad on the phone.”

  He heard her give the Den the phone.

  “Your mum is in floods of tears son, what did you say?”

  Mickey gave him a brief account.

  “Don’t call Tony’s phone anymore Dad, we’re going out to eat. I promise I’ll call you in the morning.”

  “Would it do any good if I drove up there son, could I talk some sense into you?”

  “You’d be welcome to come with us to Fat Benny’s Dad, but I don’t think mum would be too pleased.”

  “Put Tony back on the phone son.”

  “Alright Den,” said Tony “you don’t fancy getting laid at Fat Benny’s then?”

  “I’ll leave Fat Benny’s to you and Mickey, just tell me the truth Tony, is he really going out with you? Or is he going out looking for Davy?”

  “Straight up Den, we’re going for some grub then over to Benny’s. Don’t worry I won’t let him do anything stupid.”

  Maria tugged at his arm and asked if she could speak to Tony.

  Surprised she was there and wondering how much she’d overheard, he passed her the phone.

  Mickey knew it was her as Tony said, “Alright babe, how are those babies doing?”

  Mickey was waving his arms at him to indicate he didn’t want to speak to her.


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