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Mickey's Way

Page 50

by Karen Clow

  “Don’t even go there!” she giggled as she pinched him.

  Mickey waited until the ladies had gone to bed that night before talking to the men. It was obvious to everyone that Danny had been taken out by someone on Davy’s payroll. Lenny had told him earlier that there were a couple of coppers who fitted the bill. Although the likelihood of anyone even looking into Danny death was slim at best. As far as the Old Bill was concerned, it was suicide because he was guilty.

  “I really don’t think Davy’s stupid enough to try anything with your family Mickey,” said Shaun.

  “I agree, but he still needs to come up with the Turks money and let’s not forget Rodney Hopper. Let’s face it; he’s fucking arrogant enough to still go ahead with the kidnapping.”

  “Aye maybe we should keep an eye on that wee lassie; the one Davy was going to snatch?”


  Oscar arrived at Davy’s house just after three that afternoon. Oscar was no fool; he knew that Danny had been murdered to silence him and give Davy a scapegoat.

  They talked for almost two hours over which way they should now present their case. Davy was arrogant about getting away with it now that Danny was out of the picture.

  “I’m sure I don’t have to remind you Davy that I had to pull out all the stops to get you released. There’s also the fact that the tape is very incriminating, along with the forensic evidence.”

  “Ok I’m listening what’s your advice?”

  “Now we’re getting somewhere. Firstly I would suggest that we enter a guilty plea on the charge of trying to hide the body.”

  “Fuck you Oscar, I don’t intend spending any time in prison.”

  Oscar felt intimidated by him, he was well aware what Davy was capable of, but evidence was evidence.

  “Obviously Davy, I’ll try to keep the tape out of court. The fact that it had been sent anonymously along with the added bonus it was probably obtained illegally, should help. A lot would depend on the judge; some could be persuaded, but not all of them.”

  “Ok then Oscar, if they won’t roll we’ll get to the jury.”

  Although Oscar had bent the law for certain clients in the past, he was not about to agree to Davy making threats to a jury.

  “I’ll have no part in any such dealings Davy, should any tampering take place I would simply turn a blind eye. From a legal standpoint, what I don’t know about couldn’t be used against me.”

  Davy simply smirked and nodded.

  “I can assume I don’t have to tell you not to speak about the case to anyone. More importantly Davy, do not leave London, under any circumstances.”

  Oscar had only been gone a few minutes when Davy was on the phone arranging for a new minder. His choice was Matt Crouch; he was young, in his thirties, built like a body builder and like most of Davy’s heavies, not too bright in the brains department. Davy asked him to come over to the house. Matt was keen, but there was a lot of speculation about Danny. They had been friends, often socialising together so Matt would want to know exactly what had happened to him.

  Just over an hour later, Matt arrived and listened as Davy tried to sound upset.

  “This thing with Danny is tragic, Matt. I believe he hung himself because he was Seb’s lover.”

  Matt may have believed him had it not have been for Davy saying that Danny and Seb were sleeping together. He knew Danny well enough to know that being gay was definitely something that would never appeal to his friend. From that moment on Matt knew that Davy was behind Danny’s death, but he decided not to say anything. For the time being he would just bide his time, but it was obvious from the way Davy spoke that he was to be Danny’s replacement. There was nothing he could do about what happened to his friend, so he would just go along with things. Unlike Danny, there was only so far that Matt was prepared to go; he certainly wouldn’t take a fall for Davy. Truth was he didn’t really like him, he’d actually preferred Dave senior, but Davy was paying the wages now and Matt knew better than to try and defend Danny, especially as Davy had asked him to move in until after the court case.

  Davy was just about to show him to his room when his mobile rang. It was Rodney Hopper. Matt could sense that whoever he was talking to, it wasn’t going to be a friendly call from the way Davy spoke.

  “Do you normally call people this late?” snapped Davy “I’m sure whatever it is could have waited until tomorrow.”

  “When it comes to money there’s no time like the present” replied Rodney sarcastically, “I’m surprised you managed to get bail, did you do offer to shag the judge?”

  “It’s got fuck all to do with you Rodney! For your information, no jury is going to convict me, Danny was the guilty one!”

  “Yeah and I’m the fucking Pope! I don’t give a fuck whether you’re fucking guilty or not; I’m only protecting my investment. Just in case you do go down for this, I want you to know that I will still expect my money.”

  “You’ll get your fucking money, I told you that. It may just take a while longer that’s all.”

  “I was hoping you wouldn’t say that, in fact in view of what’s happened I think it’s best if you pay me within the next seven days.”

  “I don’t think I can,” snapped Davy “you’ll just have to wait.”

  “One week and don’t ever make the mistake of telling me I’ll have to wait! I’m not a very patient man, especially when it comes to money!”

  Davy was scared; he knew Rodney was a tough old bastard that was how he’d stayed at the top for so long. Davy knew that without kidnapping a kid there was no way he could get the money. Finally, out of desperation, Davy said he’d get the money.

  “Don’t even think about trying to screw me over Davy or you’ll be meeting up with your grandad and Danny Monk!”

  Matt just sat there as Davy slammed the phone down; he never said anything but it was obvious from the look on Davy’s face that he was seething.

  “I don’t know who he thinks he fucking is!” shouted Davy looking at Matt.

  “Someone giving you grief boss?” asked Matt, not really caring but feeling he had to say something.

  “Rodney fucking Hopper, well, if he thinks he can scare me, he’s got another thing coming!”

  “Be careful boss he’s a dangerous man; best not go making an enemy of him.”

  “Fuck Rodney Hopper, I’m a dangerous man which he’s about to find out!”

  “It’s nothing to do with me boss, but might be best to let things calm down, especially with all this going on with Danny and Seb. The Old Bill will be watching every move you make.”

  “Yeah maybe you’re right Matt, maybe now wouldn’t be the best time to take on Rodney fucking Hopper. Maybe I’ll just lull him into a false sense of security then when he least expects it, I’ll have the fucker!”

  Matt just smiled and nodded, there was no way he was going to take on Rodney Hopper, not for Davy Sheridan or anyone else. He knew people who worked for Rodney, they were hard evil bastards. Even Dave senior had a healthy respect for the man, possibly because they were as ruthless as each other. Davy suggested them turning in for the night. Matt agreed. Davy said he needed to go to the club in the morning and for Matt to call Pinky and Jake to meet him there.


  Friday morning George was talking to Jeff Black. Neither of them was happy with the fact that Oscar Gelding had managed to get Davy bail, or that Danny had supposedly committed suicide. Jeff’s feelings on the matter were simple. Danny had been murdered, but knowing it and proving it was another matter. The big fish was Davy and what had seemed like an airtight case was now looking flimsy. He knew that without the tape evidence, Davy could possibly get away with it. If Oscar could convince a jury that Danny had killed Seb, Davy would literally get away with murder. Jeff knew that whoever sent George the tape trusted him, maybe there was something else they could give them that would help secure a conviction. He asked George again if he had any idea who had sent it. George told him he didn’t k
now, although in his mind he knew Mickey had some part in it, but he never said anything to Jeff. He decided he would talk about the case with Mickey. Although he knew it was unethical, he was prepared to risk it to see Davy go down.

  Playing things close to his chest, he asked if Jeff needed him to work the weekend as he was technically off duty. He was relieved when Jeff said no, until the case came to court there was nothing they could do.

  George called Monica at lunch time to tell her he’d got the weekend off. She was a bit surprised when he suggested calling Maria to say if they travelled down that evening could they stay for the weekend? Knowing they already had a full house, she suggested leaving it. Using the ruse, he wanted to discuss the club in Maidstone and he may not get another weekend off for a while. Monica understood and she would call Maria.

  It was Mickey who answered the phone. Maria was over at the chapel. Monica told him what George had said and without hesitation told her they were welcome and Maria would love to see them. Thanking him, Monica said the boys would love it, but they’d have to bring Scooby.

  They were just about to end the call when Maria appeared. When Monica explained why she’d called, excitedly Maria said they would love to see them.

  They chatted for a few minutes and then ended the call.

  Maria smiled at Mickey, she wouldn’t mind him going to the club with George on Saturday, but she’d prefer it if Shaun and Billy stayed at the house. He knew it was because she was worried about Davy. Putting his arm round her, reassuringly he told her he had intended talking George out of going to the club. It would be nice if they all had the evening together. She knew he was just reassuring her and if Davy had still have been locked up, he would have jumped at the chance, even though the club was all but theirs.

  “So what time are they coming down babe,” he asked.

  “Early, I’ve invited them for dinner.”


  Jake and Pinky arrived at Davy’s club just before midday. Matt met them and said Davy was expecting them, he was waiting in his office. Matt stayed talking to the bar staff who were getting ready for that night when the two lads headed for the office. Davy called for them to enter as they knocked the office door. Once in the office he thanked them for coming. Pouring them a drink as they sat down, he noticed that Pinky seemed quiet. Davy passed their drinks and asked if they were still interested in the job.

  “Is everything ok Mr Sheridan” asked Pinky “only we heard that Danny topped himself?”

  “Yeah, fucking shock that lad’s, he was a good bloke, just goes to show you never really know what someone’s like.”

  Pinky didn’t look convinced; he knew Danny and he didn’t believe for one minute that he would top himself.

  “Anyway, harsh as it seems business goes on,” said Davy “so are you two still up for it or not?”

  Jake nodded his head. They waited for Pinky to speak, finally he said ok, but quickly added that like they’d said before, they were not prepared to hurt the kid.

  “Like I said before Pinky, no one is going to get hurt, you just hold her for a couple of days. Truth is with all this mess about Danny and Seb I’d rather not do it, but my friend wants me to help him out. I can’t go back on my word so I think getting it done sooner rather than later would be better for everyone. I’ve arranged it for Monday.”

  “What Monday next week Mr Sheridan?”

  “Yeah, is that ok for you? If not I’ll just get someone else to help me out if you’ve got other plans?”

  “No, Monday’s fine Mr Sheridan; we just didn’t expect it so quick.”

  “That’s understandable lads, but I don’t see any problems, so Monday it is then. I take it you haven’t spoken to anyone about it?”

  Both men shook their heads. Davy opened his desk drawer and produced a street map and placed it on his desk. He’d already marked out the route to and from the street and exactly where the abduction was to take place. He went over all the details with the two would-be kidnappers, telling them exactly what time to arrive in the street, to exactly what time to hit the car and take the kid. Reluctantly he added the driver would probably give them some resistance so he would suggest shocking him with a stun gun. They both nodded.

  After an hour of going over everything, Davy asked if they were clear on all the details.

  “Yeah we’re clear,” said Pinky “we know every road and street that we’ll take. When we stop in front of her car, I’ll zap the driver while Jake grabs the kid, then we’ll head back into the traffic before driving to the abandoned lock up where we’ll hold her until you contact us.”

  “Congratulations lad’s, within a few days you’ll be five grand richer and on the payroll. Right then, now that’s sorted I’ve got some calls to make. I’ll see you both soon.”

  The two lads left.


  While Davy planned the kidnapping in London, George was pulling into Mickey’s drive in Kent. Maria was thrilled to see them and as always Harry wanted to see his pony. Shaun suggested taking the twins and the boys over to the stables before they had dinner. Billy and Jess tagged along, leaving the others to talk.

  Monica made a bee line for the triplets and Rebecca. While the two men talked, George didn’t seem that disappointed when Mickey told him that he wouldn’t be going to the club. George was just about to say something when Maria said dinner was at seven.

  It was almost half eight that night before the kids were all settled and asleep. The adults sat in the lounge chatting when Maria asked the men if they would mind if the ladies adjourned to the kitchen.

  “What’s up babe,” asked Mickey “are we that boring?”

  “Well darling, now you come to mention it. Only joking, it’s just that us girls want to talk about the cottage and some of the refurbishment plans which includes looking through sample books for curtains, wallpaper and carpets.”

  “You go ahead girls, but if you need a professional opinion just give me a shout ok.”

  “Oh God,” said Mary “my son, Kent’s answer to Lawrence Llewellyn Bowen! Come on girls, let’s leave them to it!”

  Everyone was surprised when George said he assumed Shaun was there because of Davy Sheridan. Shaun looked at Mickey as he wasn’t sure exactly how much George knew.

  “Well you can’t be too careful,” said Mickey “Davy Sheridan is a dangerous man. It’s just a precaution that’s all, everyone knows he’s into gambling and word is he’s lost heavily of late. Not that I think he would be stupid enough to come near my family again George. Shaun’s really here just to reassure Maria, that’s all.”

  Nobody expected George to talk about the case, especially as it was ongoing.

  “Yeah he’s fucking dangerous alright and from the look of things,” said George “he might just fucking walk away!”

  Mickey knew exactly what he was referring to. With Danny out of the way Oscar could lay the murder at his feet, especially as he couldn’t prove he didn’t do it. Mickey couldn’t say much because George would know that he knew about the tape and the anonymous tip off from Lenny.

  George had been a detective long enough to know that everyone in the room knew exactly what was going on with the Sheridan case and he was desperate for information. The last thing he wanted was for Davy to walk away scot free. He decided to simply talk about the case in the hope that something would trigger a response because he knew that Oscar Gelding was clever enough to get Davy off. If Mickey did know who the anonymous caller was, maybe he could ask him for more information. George was prepared to risk it.

  “I suppose you’ve all heard Danny Monk was found hanged in his cell,” said George.

  “Aye,” said Shaun “news like that travels fast.”

  “Well anyone who believes he committed suicide is either stupid or on Davy’s payroll.”

  Mickey was surprised when he talked about the case so openly, he could tell that he was hoping one of them could shed some light on things. They all listened as George continued.r />
  “Oscar Gelding will try and blame Danny for Seb’s death. Strictly between us, someone sent an anonymous tape to me, it was dropped at my house. It’s very incriminating, but the likelihood is, Oscar Gelding will try and keep it out of evidence. Even with the forensic report clearly stating that Davy was there, Oscar is confident that as they were lovers it won’t hold up in court. His ploy for the jury will be Davy tried to revive Seb, so of course there would be DNA on him. If any of you hear of anything that could help, I would be grateful. I can’t bear the thought of that bastard getting away with it. Of course the source of any information will remain anonymous.”

  “What about the evidence from your lot George, didn’t you catch him red handed with the body,” said Bill “surely that has to count for something?”

  “Yeah, ironically that’s the one thing Sheridan cannot wriggle out of, but if that’s the only thing we can make stick we all know Oscar will say he panicked because he was scared of Danny, so he helped him move the body. He’ll probably get a two year suspended sentence, if we’re lucky!”

  Mickey was just about to say something when his mobile rang. It was Lenny. Knowing the call would be about Davy, he quickly walked to the other side of the room, out of earshot of George.

  “Alright Lenny, what can I do for you mate?”

  “You’re not going to believe it Mickey, but Davy is gonna snatch that kid.”

  Before Lenny could say anymore, he heard Mickey say. “Give that wife of yours a shout George; find out where our tea and cake has got to?”

  Lenny waited before saying anything else; because what Mickey had just said let him know that George was there.

  “Okay Lenny, tell me what you know.”

  Lenny went over the conversation he’d recorded between Davy and the two would-be kidnappers, Pinky and Jake.


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