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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

Page 6

by Annabel Lucas

  Lila guided the car into a spot by the front door and leaned over for a hug. “Have a wonderful time. I can’t wait to hear all about it.” Shane squeezed her back. “Thank you for today. I had so much fun.”

  “Me too. Love you, girl.”

  “Love you too. Next time is on me.” Lila waved her away.

  Shane slipped out of the car and into the summer heat. It was hot enough to make it hard to breathe. She quickened her steps, wanting to be inside the dark and cool apartment. She pulled open the door and heard Lila’s voice.

  “Text me when you’re home tonight.”

  “I will.” Shane tossed a smile over her shoulder at her friend.

  “That is, if you come home…” Lila trailed off with a smirk.

  “If I come home…” She echoed.

  Shane descended the stairs, into her apartment. She ate her salad in silence and chased it down with the pink lemonade. Satisfied and sleepy, she stumbled to her room and slid between the covers.

  Shane stretched awake two hours later. Her muscles were well rested. She was beyond comfortable, cocooned in the warm bedding. Yawning and indulging in one more full body stretch, she reached for her phone. It was 5:30. Oh. My. God. She had 30 minutes to get ready.

  She was out of bed in a flash, shedding clothes as she wrapped her hair into a messy knot on top of her head. She reached into the bathroom to turn on the shower, allowing the water to warm as she flossed, brushed, and peed. When she opened the shower door, steam billowed out, warming her skin. Stepping into the flow of the hot water, she closed her eyes, enjoying the moment just long enough to get wet and soap up. She lathered and rinsed, then shaved every unwanted hair from her armpits and legs. Shane rinsed and stepped out into the steamy bathroom. She then pumped her favorite lotion into her palm and rubbed it into her legs and arms. She retrieved matching perfume and applied it in the hollow of her throat, along her collar bone and on the inside of her thighs. The idea of him there, on his knees between her legs, pleased her.

  God, she hoped he would please her.

  Shane unwound the top knot and let her dark locks tumble down her shoulders. Naked, stepped out of the bathroom to find the pretty clothes she knew Ryan would appreciate. She pulled open her drawer and sifted through the lace and silk fabrics, selecting a black pushup bra and matching pair of cheeky thongs. Her delicate underwear; black with silver ribbons. Shane stepped into the panties and slid her arms into the bra. Her perky breasts were happy to slip into the beautiful bra. Closing the closet door, she examined herself in the mirror.

  This girl was not tired or disheveled. Her skin glowed with the spa day’s attention and afternoon nap. The lacy undies fit her curves like they were made for her. The bathroom steam had dissipated slightly, and she returned to the bathroom mirror to work on her hair.

  Her dark curls cooperated, for once. She fussed for a moment before she dusted on her blush and highlighter, carefully applying eyeliner and mascara. Satisfied, Shane retrieved the new dress from the closet, slipped it from the hanger, and filled the curves of the fabric with her own. Stepping into the new shoes, she buckled the straps. When she stood up, she was four inches taller.

  Jewelry next. She added a black velvet choker and diamond studs to her ears. Simple but stylish.

  When she checked the time, it was 5:55. She was good in a pinch.

  Shane took stock of the apartment, fluffed the pillows on the couch, loaded stray dishes into the dishwasher, and dimmed the lights to a friendly glow. Her OCD was paying off nicely today.

  Shane pulled a bottle of Riesling from the wine rack and placed it in the fridge to chill. Just in case. Her cell phone buzzed with an incoming call.

  Ryan’s smiling face lit up the screen.

  She could not hide the smile in her voice when she answered. “Hello?”

  “Hey. I’m here.”

  “Hi. Come on in. I’m just down the stairs at the end of the hall.”

  She punched the number combination into her phone that would open the controlled access door and waited.

  Breathe. Her nervousness shifted by the first few steps she took in the heels. It took all her focus not to wobble.

  She was almost to the door when she heard him knock. Quickening her pace, the last few steps, she turned the lock and opened the door.

  The man looked so damn good. His dark eyes roamed over her dress and sparkled with approval as a satisfied smile spread across his face.

  “You look incredible.” The words slipped out as if he always talked to her like this, picked her up like this, as this wasn’t their first date. He leaned in to kiss her cheek. Her pulse jumped when his white dress shirt crisp and fresh brushed against the bare skin; well-muscled arms and his broad chest lay underneath. Her hands itched to touch, but she could wait just a little longer. She felt the color rise to her cheeks with the idea. Ryan interrupted her thoughts as he presented her with a bouquet of wildflowers. Shane smiled, delighted at the burst of color and fragrance. He knew she loved flowers.

  “Ohhhh, I love them!” Her lips curled into a smile. “They’re beautiful. Thank you.” She laughed realizing they still stood in the entry way. “Come in, come in,” her free hand fluttered about his, finally settling on his wrist, which she grasped and pulled him inside. “I guess I’m a little nervous.”

  “Don’t be.” He ran his fingers lightly down her right arm ending at the hand which held the flowers. Gently taking the flowers from her, he laid them on the counter and took her hand in his. Shane smiled up at him, suddenly feeling even shy. Glancing down, then back up into his eyes, she bit her lower lip to hold back her lovestruck smile.

  This man made her feel things she had never felt before.

  She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath to settle herself before returning his gaze.

  “Want a glass of wine before dinner?”

  She was nodding before the words were out of his mouth. “Yes, please."

  “I’ll get it.” He squeezed her hand before letting her go.

  Shane slid onto a stool at the kitchen bar to take in the view. He moved in her home easily, checking one drawer then the next as he looked for the corkscrew. He got lucky and found the wine glasses on the first try. Shane watched as he popped the cork and poured them each a healthy glass then offered one to her.

  Shane reached for it and clinked it with his when he held his glass up. Shane took a sip of the sweet wine and let it flow down her throat to her belly, where the buzz would relax the jitters away. She glanced up to see him watching her before he turned his attention to her space. “I love your condo. Show me around?”

  “Of course.” She took another sip before she slid off the chair.

  He downed his drink in one long gulp and deposited the empty wine glass on the counter.

  “This is my kitchen,” Shane gestured around the space with a sweep of her arm and a cheeky grin.

  He laughed at the gesture and made a show of looking around. The kitchenette was small, just off the living room.

  “And my living room as well,” Shane continued, motioning towards the attached room.

  He nodded. “Love the view.”

  The setting sun hung large and low as it sunk into the horizon. It left a blaze of color over the trees as vibrant shades of orange and pinkish red melted into a breathtaking sunset.

  “My bedroom is right through there.” Shane pointed towards the small hallway that led to her room. “It’s a little more,” she paused. “lived in.”

  “Do you have neighbors yet?” He asked.

  “Not yet. It’s pretty quiet.” She nodded to the golf course beyond the door. “I hardly see golfers. Just birds and sometimes deer.”

  “Sounds nice.” He reached for her, and his fingers grazed her arm. “You hungry?”

  “I am.”

  “We should get going, then. Want to finish your wine?”

  She nodded and giggled as he topped off her glass and poured himself another. Shane sipped as he swallowed the sw
eet liquid in one smooth motion. Shane felt a slight buzz take hold. Her glass now empty as well. Ryan snapped off the kitchen light and Shane reached for her purse.

  The dim apartment now lit only by the colors of the setting sun.

  Suddenly bold, Shane closed the space between them. His hands found her hips, and he pulled her into him. His lips met hers, warm and wanting. The buzz in her brain no longer driven only by the wine. She was smiling as he led her out of the apartment up the stairs.

  Ryan drove a black shiny Chevy 250 4x4. It looked like he just drove it off the lot. He held the door open for her and offered a hand. She took it and swung up into the cab with ease and quiet confidence while her little black dress hem rode high on her thighs. Her face flushed, satisfied that he’d gotten a glimpse of her lacy panties. She felt his fingers graze her bare thigh before he closed the door. She settled into the seat and adjusted her dress while he went around.

  "Nice panties." Shane flushed as her laughter spilled out into the cab of the truck. “I thought you’d like them. My god, could you have gotten a taller truck?”

  “I’m not sure. This may have been the biggest model.”

  She caught his side glance, and he grinned.

  “Sorry, honey. I didn't realize you'd be so scantily clad.” He reached over and slid the tips of his fingers down her thigh to caress her knee lightly. “Sexy as hell.”

  “I’ve never ridden in your big boy toy.” She teased. “Frankly, it’s sexy as hell.”

  “Yeah, it is,” he glanced at her sideways. “Sexy as hell.”

  “Right? Show me how she goes. I’m hungry.”

  And he did, hauling ass out of the parking lot and onto the highway beyond. The cab left plenty of room for its riders, and still, somehow, his fingers found time and space to shift gears and tease at the bare skin beneath her dress. With her attention focused on his roaming fingers, all other details were lost. When the truck slowed and maneuvered to a stop, she looked out, taking in the surroundings. The sign outside the little restaurant read “Giovani’s.”

  “Have you been here before?”

  “No, but I hear it’s great.” Her stomach rumbled in anticipation.

  He smiled pleased. "You've wanted to try this place for quite a while now."

  She smiled, pleased, because he remembered things like that. He was out of the cab and around the truck before she’d opened the door. He held his hand for her to place her in as she slid from the seat on to the sideboards and stepped gracefully onto the sidewalk below.

  The heat retreated with the setting of the sun, and the cool night air added to the fairytale feel of the date.

  His gaze moved slowly from her face, down her body, and to her feet. His attention pleased her as much as his touch did. He pulled her into his side, his hand rested lightly on her waist as he guided her through the front door.



  T he restaurant was dimly lit and inviting. The dark wood floors shone, leading guests to tables draped with black clothes that fell to the floor. Each table had a small golden centerpiece. The flicking candles added a soft glow to the room. Wine bottles lined the shelves of an expansive bar. This place was known for its impeccable section. Beyond where the receptionist stood, the restaurant was filled with patrons.

  The petite girl greeted them, fresh-faced and friendly. “Two for dinner?”

  “Yes, please.” Ryan returned her smile.

  “Do you have a reservation? “

  “Yes, for Jamison, Ryan Jamison.”

  “Oh, sure." She glanced down into the reservation book then up into his eyes. "Please wait here while I make sure your table is ready.”

  “Thank you.” Ryan’s hand stayed firmly pressed into the small of her back. As the receptionist walked away, he leaned in close so she could hear him. His breath was warm on her neck and tickled at her ear.

  “I don’t know if I can wait until dinner is over.” His words sent shivers down her spine, and she wasn't sure she could wait till after dinner either. Jesus, how long had he been gone? Their indiscretion in the boardroom felt like a lifetime ago. The weight of his hand never left her body, and his touch was enhanced by the slow motion of his fingers on her back. Shane shifted her weight, moving into his space to wrap her arm around his waist. Her hands were hungry to touch him.

  “We have your table ready,” the receptionist said when she returned. “Right this way, Mr. Jamison.” The girl led them to a corner table well out of the way of the others. A smile twitched at Shane’s lips. He was all about the details.

  Candlelight flickered on the tables casting a golden glow, and the smell of slow-cooked meat, paired with rosemary and sage hung in the air.

  Ryan pulled out her chair, and she slid into the cozy corner. "Mr. Jamison, did you request a secluded table?” Shane teased as she settled in.

  “I might have.” Ryan shrugged in a show of nonchalance as he took the chair beside her, and Shane smiled to herself as she opened her menu.

  “So many choices,” she commented as she flipped through the menu.

  The waiter arrived with a basket of fresh bread and a bottle of red in hand. They listened politely as he listed out the specials for the night and made suggestions to them. Ryan ordered the specials for the night and nodded when the waiter asked if they would like some wine.

  Pleased, the waiter popped the cork. "Let it breathe just a moment,” he said as he collected the menus and slipped into the flow of the restaurant. The restaurant seemed to move with a life of its own, filled with laughter and chatter, delicious smells, and clinking glasses. It was the sound of a Saturday night. Shane recognized it from her waitressing days. This restaurant had a more elevated, elegant sort of atmosphere, but it still felt like a Saturday.

  The corner table afforded them more privacy than the regular crowd. The secluded table had few neighbors, and the ones they did have were enjoying their intimate conversations. A blond woman and dark-haired man sat at a table near them; the couple’s heads leaned close as they exchanged whispers. Their other closest neighbor was an empty table, maybe the only one in the place.

  “Shane," Ryan said her name softly. She turned to him, and suddenly he was all she could see. His dark eyes sparkled with amusement, and she felt her chair moving under her as he pulled her closer.

  She laughed, startled.

  “What? He said. Incredulous. There was too much space between us.”

  “True.” She smiled. He shifted his chair, and then hers again. Now they were touching. His knee pressed against her thigh, and she felt his hand seeking her under the tablecloth. Her breath caught when his hand found her bare skin and rested high on her thigh. The fingers that had drawn little distracting circles on the small of her back now touched the inside of her thigh, light, and teasing.

  All at once, their place in the intimate corner felt very private and incredibly exposed. His dark eyes held hers, and she could not look away. Shane concentrated on her breathing as his fingers trailed along the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. She shifted her legs slightly apart in an invitation to touch. An invitation Ryan accepted, his fingers exploring under the privacy of the tablecloth. Shane’s pulse quickened, heart pounding in her chest. Ryan’s face revealed nothing when the waiter returned and poured the wine into their glasses. She mirrored his nonchalance, smiling sweetly.

  The waiter nodded and seemed to understand. It was time to take his leave.

  Shane felt her knees twitch as she reached for the freshly poured wine, inhaling the aromatic fragrance. The rich wine delighted her senses, reigniting the buzz she’d begun at home as it flowed down her throat to her belly.

  Ryan watched with amusement. His fingers trailed over her trembling thigh. “How is it?”

  “The wine?” Shane laughed. “Wonderful."

  “I want a taste.” The idea of him tasting it off her body made her belly flip and brought the heat to her cheeks. Ryan reached for his glass and followed her lead. He breathed i
n the scent of the wine then sipped the burgundy liquid, murmuring his approval.

  “It is good. Let’s see if we can get a bottle to go.” His eyes captured hers again, holding her in his gaze. “As a remembrance.”

  A remembrance. She liked that. His fingers were attentive and lazy. In no hurry, equally as interested in the skin just inside her knee as the tender flesh on the inside of her thighs. She liked that too.

  “How was the spa?”

  “The spa?" Her cheeks flushed, and Shane took another sip of wine. “Incredible.” She laughed. “Lila took me to The Elms.”

  He raised his eyebrows. “Nice. What made it incredible?” His hand now rested high on her thigh, squeezing, while his fingers continued with deliberate motions.

  “I had a massage and a mani-pedi.” She raised her perfectly manicured nails and fluttered her fingers. “The massage made it incredible." Shane leaned into him and spread her legs further apart. "I think I was a little hungover."

  He laughed. “You, hungover?”

  She lifted her the wine to her lips for another sip. “A little.”

  “You look amazing.” He offered. “It must have been worth it.”

  She felt the color rise to her checks again. This time she did not look away. Shane held his gaze and read the desire in his eyes. Jesus, what would dessert be like tonight.

  His fingers moved up her thigh, and she shifted the chair herself this time. She wanted to be closer. His touch was delicious.

  Shane took his unoccupied hand in hers and linked her fingers with his. With her free hand up and down his forearm, over his wrist, and fingers. Exploring him in a little less distracting fashion. “What did you do today?”

  His fingers worked their way up her leg, moving from the inside of her right thigh to the inside of her left thigh. His focus returned to the neglected inside of her knees, and all the flesh in between. The begging voice in the back of her mind had begun. Please. Please. Shane pressed her feet into the floor; her arches flexed against her strappy high heel shoes. She leaned into him; her chest pressed gently against his hard-muscled bicep before she turned her mind to mindless chatter.


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