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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

Page 29

by Annabel Lucas

  Tess had settled back into her spot leaning over the console. Looking slightly more mussed but scrumptious just the same; her body still pressed against their driver. What is that guy thinking?

  “Ryan, I see that you’ve taken this information well. I thought you would. She’s delicious by the way. I like her very much and would love to play tonight.”

  Ryan’s steady eyes moved to Tess’s searching for the truth and her end game.


  “Yes. Remember?”

  He laughed but it came out hard like his voice. “Yes, I remember.”

  He guarded against her. There was desire. Shane had seen it, but he would not allow her in. He would not allow himself to want her. “I won’t be the one deciding tonight. That would be up to Shane.”

  Shane’s heart lurched in her chest. She looked up into his eyes for the answer. The real answer and she found acceptance. Yes baby. Up to you, His eyes seem to say to her.

  Shane attempted to find the middle ground. “We can do whatever you like tonight.”

  In the rear-view mirror, Shane watched Joey’s eyes widen but this time, they did not leave the road. Ryan glanced out the window taking in their surroundings.

  “Here, bud. Right here.” Joey’s hazy eyes cleared as they approached the end of the strip. “Next turn,” Ryan directed him into the stream of traffic that curved in front of the high-rise hotel. Joey coasted into the stream of cars and waited for their turn at the front of the line. Tess turned back into her seat and was primping in the mirror on the back of the visor. Her perfect fingers adjusting her golden locks, somehow enhancing what appeared to be already divine. Shane drank in the vision as Tess applied lip-gloss to her pouty lips before she turned back to Ryan.

  “We’ll do whatever you want.” He kissed her and his tongue slipped into her mouth, his gaze not breaking from hers. She felt her body warm to him and then Tess was out of the car and calling to them.

  “Come on, we’re here.” She leaned into the front seat, “Joey, doll, we’ll call you when we’re ready to go home, okay?”

  He nodded. “Okay.” His eyes were hungry and feasted freely on Tess’s body. He was reluctant to go- not wanting to be left out on the night’s events.

  Tessa slipped her hand into Shane’s, fingers intertwined, leading her into the crowd. Shane glanced over her shoulder to see Ryan follow. Sexy as fuck.

  Shane let her fingers interlock with Tess’s enjoying the feeling of Tess’s little hand in hers.

  Tess bypassed the line that started six feet from the front doors. She moved to the front and made eye contact with the giant man at the front.

  “Hey, Gus.”

  “Hey, Tess.” The bouncer’s eyes slid over Tess. He nodded to Ryan without making eye contact. “Hi Ryan. Nice to see you. It’s been a while.”

  “It has been a while.” Ryan answered.

  “Who’s your friend?” The bouncer asked nodding towards Shane.

  Tess spoke up, “This is Shane. Shane, Augustus.”

  “Hi, Agu-” Shane started.

  “Gus.” He interrupted her as he turned his steely eyes on her.

  “Gus.” She corrected.

  “Come on in. It’s packed tonight, even for a Monday.” He said as he let them in. “Have fun.”

  Shane smiled. “Thank you.”

  As they stepped into the double set of doors, the atmosphere shifted, leaving any hint of the desert sunset behind. The club was dark, its décor black with purple lights. Thick plush black carpet with purple swirls covered the floors and climbed he walls. Beyond the carpeted walls, the beat pulsed its way through her pores and into her skin. The music was deafening. Shane followed Tess as she led them down the curved hallway that wrapped around the center of the club. Large wooden double doors opened into the heart of the After Party, giving her a view of the dance floor. Small bar tables peppered the other side of the hallway. Tess sought out a table for the three of them. Gus was right- it was packed. And Shane could not help but think, My god. This must be where the beautiful people come.


  After Party

  T hey passed several sets of doors looking for a table before Tess spotted a vacant one. She glanced over Shane’s shoulder and caught Ryan’s eye then nodded at the table.

  Tess leaned into Ryan and said something Shane couldn’t hear. Then, she disappeared into the crowd. She glanced at Ryan and nodded in Tess’s direction, questioning.

  “She went to get drinks. You hungry?” He asked.

  “A little.” Truth be told she was much too excited to eat, even though her belly rumbled from the delay of dinner.

  “She’ll be right back. Then we can go upstairs where it’s little quieter.”

  Shane nodded- no interest in fighting to be heard over the music. Tess reappeared with a pretty server in tow. The girl carried a tray laden with shot glasses above her head, skimming through the crowd. Ryan raised his arm and waved at the girl, pointing to the stairs. She nodded and moved past them, beckoning them to follow her.

  The crowd parted temporarily for the girl and then she was swallowed up, leaving only the tray balanced above her head as a means to guide them. She emerged at the top of the stairs with the three of them trailing her. While the music still pulsed through the club, the second floor was considerably quieter. The beat reverberated through the floor and up her legs in time with the beat of her heart. The server turned to them, a dark-haired girl with a little up-turned nose.

  “I’m Annie. I’ll take care of you tonight. Tess ordered up the works for you. Three rounds of body shots, and whatever you’re hungry for.”

  Shane shrugged her shoulders, “It’s my first time here. What’s good?”

  Annie cocked her head, “What’s good… Everything. The sushi’s to die for.”

  “That sounds delicious.” Shane looked to Tess and Ryan, “does that sound good?”

  Tess nodded and ordered. “Annie, will you bring us your two favorite appetizers? Whatever you’d choose and whatever you’d recommend when your friends come to town.”

  The girl smiled. “You got it.” She slid the tray on to the table, pausing before she turned to leave. “Any other drinks you desire upon my return?” She winked at Ryan.

  He laughed. “A big pitcher of ice water.”

  She crooked her hand behind her ear in mock deafness. “I’m sorry?”

  “Ice water, Annie. Bring us ice water.” The girl laughed and spun on her heel. Shane watched her disappeared down the stairs before turning to look at Tess and Ryan.

  “Body shots?” Shane asked. “Is that what they call tequila shots here?” Tess laughed as Shane continued. “I was hoping for a better tasting liquor.”

  “Trust me, body shots here are fun,” Tess leaned into her. “We do them off each other.”

  Shane’s eyes widened. “We do?”

  Ryan nodded. “We do.”

  “Three rounds?” She asked. “How does that work?”

  “Oh,” Ryan began, “It’s easier to show you.”

  “Okay.” She agreed hesitantly. Her response was drawn out and skeptical.

  “Here’s how.” He turned to Tess. “Tessa, you go first.”

  She laughed. “Love to.”

  Tessa held out her hands, one for Ryan, one for Shane. “Here goes.” He said and took Tess’s hand in his. “Shanie, just do like I do, honey.”

  Ryan lowered his mouth until it hovered just above the web between her thumb and forefinger. He licked her skin and added salt. The salt crystals glimmered in the purple haze. Shane mimicked him, glancing into Tess’s eyes before she licked the spot then added salt.

  Ryan slid a shot glass her way, “Bottom’s up.” He raised his glass and downed the shot. Again, she mimicked him. The liquid burned down her throat and caused tears to rise in her eyes. She licked the salt crystals from Tess’s skin and plunged a lemon slice into her mouth. Salty and sour. Shane laughed and coughed as tears rolled down her cheeks.

  “Tess! This is going to ruin my makeup.”

  Tess laughed. “Sorry, I’m sorry. Only two more.” She soothed. As if two more tequila shots would make it better. “Trust me,” she said. “it gets easier.” Tess was leading the way now. “Ry, you’re next. I like them this way. Follow me.”

  Tess took his hand in hers and turned it palm side up. Shane mirrored Tess’s actions. Tess looked up at Ryan while she lowered her mouth to his skin and licked the tender underside of his wrist. Shane imitated her, then shook salt on to the moistened skin. She could feel his pulse racing under her tongue. Shane and Tessa downed the shots in tandem, seeking salt and the lemon wedges to sooth the burn of the liquid fire. Tess was right. It did get easier. The liquid was warm in her belly and went straight to her head. Ryan grasped Shane’s hand.

  “Your turn.” She took a deep breath to quell the dizziness she felt. Ryan pulled her forward and licked her exposed collar bone as Tess took her wrist in her mouth. Licking and sucking the ticklish flesh as she moistened Shane’s skin.

  Shane moaned, the sound escaping her lips without thought as her eyes fluttered close. The salt burned her sensitive skin and she heard the shot glasses clink. Toasting. These two. Then, Ryan’s mouth was on her skin. She could smell the tequila on his breath. His tongue flicked and sucked on her pulse. Tess’s mouth clamped on her wrist, fanning the flames of desire in her. And all too suddenly, she felt nothing. She shivered, opening her eyes. Ryan and Tess were hungrily sucking at the lemons. Shane laughed. Jesus.

  “That’s an interesting game.” What the hell.

  “I know, I know, nobody likes tequila. But the licking part is fun.”

  Shane agreed. The licking part is fun.

  Three shots remained. Shane shook her head. “I can’t do my last one right now.”

  Tess leaned in. “That’s okay, honey. Looks like the food is here anyway.”

  The food was there. Annie set two huge platters of sushi before them and provided three cold glasses of ice water and a pitcher. Shane reached for her pint glass, the smooth curve beaded in moisture, and downed her water before she joined Tess and Ryan in taste-testing bites of the food.

  The food was just enough to steady the gentle buzz that seeped from her belly into her limbs. The thump of the music pulsed on below them. By the time dinner was over, Shane was comfortably numb.

  Ryan and Tess chatted while she sat back, soaking in the ambiance. Completely content to be silent. Tess leaned into her, her words tickling against Shane’s ear. Her voice indecipherable.

  “What?” Shane asked.

  “Want to dance?” Tess asked again as she pulled Shane too her feet.

  Shane laughed. “I’d love to.” She reached for Ryan and they abandoned their table.

  Shane followed Tess, appreciating her lovely form as she descended the staircase. The beat of the music mixed with the buzz of tequila sent Shane’s senses into overdrive, but she seemed to be doing a good job walking down the stairs. She felt herself wobble. Damn heels. Shane felt Ryan’s arm slip around her waist, as he helped her through the crowd. Tess still the leader, three of four steps ahead of them, cast the doors open and led them into to the heart of the club. The music boomed full throttle; the room filled with beautiful writhing bodies. Ryan slipped around her, reaching for her hand to pull her forward. At the same time, she felt Tess’s hands on her waist slight and warm- an intentional touch. Ryan led them through the crowd this time. He worked his way into the crowd to the center of the room. Shane felt Tess press into her and rest her chin on her shoulder. Her lips tickled at Shane’s ear. A whisper.

  “Look.” It felt like a whisper but probably was not. Shane could barely hear above the bass that thumped through her chest. Tess’s lovely arm was raised up, index finger pointing to a man who sat on what appeared to be a throne high above the dance floor. The DJ.

  He was big and black and beautiful. His chest and stomach rippled with muscles that sent a thrill through her belly. He moved with the music; the sleeveless denim shirt he wore showcased his well-defined biceps. Shane licked her lips. Beautiful. She turned to Tess and nodded. Yes. Oh, yes. Tess laughed. No need for words to exchange appreciation.

  Ryan had them moving again. Deeper into the mass; Shane followed him onto the sunken dance floor. Tess was pointing up again. Shane followed her finger, taking in the details of the club only visible from the dance floor.

  On the wall opposite the DJ’s throne, lay a cage that held a white tiger. The animal stalked back and forth, occasionally coming to rest on a huge chaise lounge. It wore a purple studded collar. Amazed, she watched as it stretched out on the chaise and yawned.

  Ryan leaned down into her, his lips tickling at her ear. “That’s King.”

  She looked up and stretched on to her tiptoes to reach his ear. “The cat or the DJ?”

  He smiled. “The DJ. The DJ is King. That,” he gestured to the tiger, “is King’s cat.”

  Shane laughed. Oh Jesus. “This place is amazing.”

  His voice was warm against her face. “Vegas, Baby. I thought you would like it.”

  The music changed and the lights dimmed as a new song began. Shane moved to the beat. She closed her eyes and tipped her head back letting the music soak into her bones. She felt Ryan’s hand on her waist as he pulled her in, moving in time to the rhythm. The light beyond her closed eyes began as bright and white hot, but as she moved, it darkened and dimmed. When Shane opened her eyes, the light over the dance floor was deep purple- soothing and sultry. It matched the music and the mood. She felt the excitement flow through her body like the music. Tess was behind her, dancing with her. Shane turned to face the girl and met Tess’s kiss instead. Ohhhh. She breathed into the kiss. And now, it was Ryan’s hand on her hip, easy and in the flow. He’d have a -front-row seat to this party. Shane smiled. She loved the after party.

  King was killing it. Song after song kept her feet moving; shifting from techno to salsa. The crowd grew thicker and the space between patrons became nonexistent. Most times, she was pressed in-between Tess and Ryan. She watched as other women pulled Ryan between them, but even with the women surrounding him, his eyes never strayed from Shane and Tess.

  Suddenly, Shane felt a little too hot. Tess’s body glimmered; her golden skin covered with a thin sheen of sweat. Shane turned to find Ryan, her breathing hard from the last song. He wasn’t more than an arm’s length away. She reached for him and felt him squeeze her hand.

  Shane tipped her head back, and found the cool air, just above the crowd and felt moisture on her face. She opened her eyes to see bubbles everywhere. Thousands of bubbles raining down on the crowd. Cheers rose up to meet them. Ryan leaned down smiling. “You’ll love this.”

  The raining bubbles were just the start. Under her feet, the dance floor began to fill with suds. She squealed as they climbed up over her toes into her shoes and up her stockinged legs. Shane laughed and suddenly felt Tess’s mouth against hers, a hungry kiss. God, she was soft. The foam was up to Shane’s thighs, the wetness seeping into her pores.

  She found Tess’s hips and pulled her close, the music thumping around them. Tess’s hands found her ass and their hips moved in time with the music.

  Ryan was behind her, his solid shape hard and heavenly. He left Shane no escape from Tess’s roaming hands. She felt Tess’s arms around her and knew her hands were on Ryan. Pulling him close, kissing him, then returning to Shane in a kiss that tasted of him. The suds were on the rise; already touching her thighs. She scooped some into her hands and when she touched Tess, the bubbles left her skin slick and shiny. In the heat of the club and the lingering buzz of the alcohol, Shane felt Tess’s hands exploring her, separated only by the sheer fabric of the dress that clung to her body. Tess’s fingers roamed over the lacy corset, seeking the edge where the undergarment left off and Shane’s skin began. Tess deepened the kiss, as she reached into the hollow between Shane’s legs, where no panties existed to capture the moisture that formed there.
/>   Shane groaned into the kiss. She wanted Tess’s fingers unhindered by fabric. Tess had one hand on her face caressing and guiding the kiss, while the other dipped deeper into the hollow between her legs. Shane’s hands moved over Tess’s shimmery dress, seeking skin. The dress was not much more than a pricy scrap cloth designed to cover all the best parts. She cupped Tess’s ample breast, feeling for that knotty little nipple and felt Tess move away.

  “No, no, sweet girl,” Tess whispered. The words tickled at her ear before she felt Tess’s tongue licking the outer part of her ear. She sealed the words with a wet kiss. “Let me.”

  Her hand was on Shane’s leg, slipping into the slit that climbed up her thigh. Her fingers were smooth against Shane’s skin as they moved under the garter that held her stocking in place to grasp her bare ass. Shane groaned into the kiss, wanting more. Tess’s free hand had moved down her face and over her barely covered cleavage. The lacy underthings Shane wore were made to offer easy access. Tess toyed with Shane’s right breast- her fingers caressed and squeezed. Ryan kissed her neck and Shane turned into him to find his mouth. Unconcerned about the crowd around them that moved in time to King’s music. Shane could feel Ryan hard against the crack of her ass and wanted to set him free from the bindings that separated them.

  Shane felt Tess’s perfect fingers roam up her thigh, over her hip bone and across her belly. The corset barred her from touching skin. Shane arched back into Ryan, pressing her belly into Tess’s seeking hand.

  Tess kissed her; it was sweet and hungry but there was no need to hurry. Around them, the beat thumped on. As bodies shifted in the crowd brushing up against the threesome.

  The foam was up to her waist now, a cover for the fingers that wanted to explore what others could no longer see.

  Tess slid her fingers over the lace corset and pulled the dress aside, fingers seeking skin underneath. Her left hand was busy with Shane’s attentive little nipples, grazing, and pinching. Twisting just enough to get Shane’s pussy twitching with anticipation. The hungry kisses went on as Tess drew pleasure from her at each turn. Shane moaned and felt Ryan’s hands on her hips, holding her steady. His hands kept her from wiggling into the touch. His body unyielding; cock thick and hard pressed into the crack of her ass.


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