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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

Page 33

by Annabel Lucas

“Yes…” She paused. “I’m sorry, did I wake you?”

  "No, no." Now it was his turn to pause, and then confess. "Well, actually, yes." He laughed. It was a cheerful infectious sound that dissipated any irritation she felt with the non-traditional car rental service.

  “I’m so sorry to wake you. My name is Shane Evans. I scheduled a rental car for this morning. It’s already been paid for…I just need to pick it up.”

  She heard him shuffling papers, “Oh yes, I have that order right here. You wanted a four-door economy car, is that right?”

  “Yes, that’s right.” That’s what she always ordered.

  “Miss Evans, we have a vehicle for you, but we had a bit of a hiccup,” The man said

  Shane bit her lip, listening.

  The man lowered his voice. "My son has been handling things, and he double-booked us on the last of those economy cars."

  "Okay." She said as she let her carryon bag slip from her shoulder to the floor. There seemed to be a story coming, and she wasn’t sure she was ready.

  "God bless that boy, he's so good-natured, but he doesn't have the business sense. You know?"

  Shane nodded. “Sure.”

  She liked this man. In her mind, she could see him, small and soft with fuzzy white hair and twinkly blue eyes that flashed with his laughter.

  “So, I would like to offer you a bit of an upgrade.” He continued.

  “I do like upgrades,” She said, the concerned frown on her face slowly softening, replaced by a smile.

  “Do you see the pretty ladies at the airline counter?”

  "I do." She said, nodding, as if he could see her.

  “If you tell them who you are, they will take care of you. They’ve got the papers for you to sign and the keys to the car.”

  “Okay, what kind of car is it?” She asked.

  “It’s a yellow one.”

  Shane laughed. “A yellow one?”

  “Yes,” he said. “A yellow one. I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.”

  Shane picked up her bag and started toward the ladies at the counter. “Keep my card. If you need anything, I’m just a phone call away.”

  “Yes, sir. I will.”

  The majority of the passengers had disbursed, and the ladies behind the counter stood chatting with no one to attend to.

  “Will that be all, Miss Evans?” the man asked.

  Shane turned the card over in her fingers, seeking contact information without success beyond the phone number.

  "I'm sorry, what was your name, sir?"

  "O'Boyle, dear, I'm Old Mr. O'Boyle. If you call back and get someone else, well then Miss Evans, you've reached our Young Mr. O'Boyle."

  Shane laughed. "Okay, thank you, Mr. O'Boyle.”

  He laughed with her. “I think you’ll be quite pleased.”

  “Thank you, sir.”

  “Thank you, Miss Evans.”

  Shane ended the call and slipped the card into her purse. Mr. O’Boyle, Mr. O’Boyle. She said to herself, committing his name to her memory as she approached the counter.

  The ladies at the counter were slightly older versions of the perfect flight attendants. The woman on the left had dark hair pulled up into a French twist at the nape of her neck. The woman on the right was blond, with a short stylish bob. They donned the same perfectly pressed airline uniforms and beautiful, polite smiles. The attendants turned away from their conversation to face her as she approached; the dark-haired woman spoke first.

  “Hello dear,” she said, putting on a smile. “What can we do for you today?”

  “Hi, my name is Shane Evans. I just spoke with Mr. O’Boyle, he said you could help me with my rental car?”

  “Oh yes, we’ve been expecting you.” The dark-haired attendant said. “Did Jerry, um, I mean, Mr. O'Boyle, tell you about the change in your reservation?"

  Nodded as she leaned into the counter. "He did, he said there was a bit of a mix-up, and the economy car wasn't available." Shane felt awkward as she relayed the rest of his instructions. "He said I would have a yellow car instead?"

  The brunette laughed. “That’s true. You will have a yellow car.”

  The blond leaned in, knowingly and explained, "He does love a good surprise." With this, she handed Shane a slim packet of papers. Shane signed obediently and was rewarded with the sound of jingling keys.

  "All yours, dear." Said the brunette with a smile, handing her the keys.

  The blond chimed in now, gesturing toward the big double doors opposite the check-in counter. “If you go out those doors over there, then to your right, you’ll see it. You can’t miss it, Mr. O’Boyle left it for you yesterday.”

  "Thank you," Shane said uncertainly as she hoisted her carry on onto her shoulder and set off toward the double doors, her suitcase in trailing behind her.

  “Can’t miss it?” Shane called over her shoulder, just to be sure.

  “Can’t miss it.” one of the pretty attendants reassured her.

  Shane reached the double doors and pushed hard against the big wooden slab that stood between her and the parking lot. Don’t make them like they used to. The door gave way, and Shane stepped into the parking lot, blinded her momentarily by the bright California sun. When her eyes had adjusted, she scanned the lot for the car. “Yellow… yellow… yellow car.” Shane clicked the key fab in her hand and was rewarded with a responding beep. They were right, she could not miss it.

  It. Was. Beautiful. Shane let her eyes slid over the stunning car as she approached. She looked down at her paperwork to confirm what she was seeing. Mr. O'Boyle had upgraded her to a yellow car, that's for sure. Before her, sat a 2020 canary yellow Dodge Charger. It was someone's toy; she was sure of it. The color was edgy, and impulsive, not your every-day vehicle. A car made for play, and certainly the sexiest toy car she had been privileged to drive. Shane snapped a quick picture for Ryan and texted “Guess who got an upgrade?”

  When reached the car and double-clicked the fob again to unlock the vehicle. Shane popped the trunk and deposited her luggage dying to get into the driver's seat. The interior was buttery soft leather, the color of melted caramel. Mr. O'Boyle. This is a good upgrade.

  She slid into the driver’s seat and began making the car hers; she adjusted the rear and side-view mirrors as well as the seat, getting familiar with the gadgets. Shane was pleased to discover a sunroof as she took in the car's interior. Shane pressed a button, and the sunroof opened to let in the warm California sun. She turned on the GPS and scrolled through her phone until she found the address. The map spread out on the dashboard screen, revealing her drive as a whole, on a two-lane highway that mirrored the coast. Shane laughed. Oh, this was going to be a good day.

  As a last thought before she headed out, Shane dropped a text to Tess. “Got my rental, headed to you.” As she pulled away from the airport, Shane was delighted to find the town retained the same lost in time feel as the airport. The street was lined with small, well-tended houses and a lovely town square. She made a mental note to spend a little time here before her flight home.

  Shane turned onto the highway. The car seemed to glide under her, shifting without sound, picking up speed until she was flying down the highway toward Tess. Waves crashed in the distance.

  The anticipation in the pit of her belly grew as the miles ticked by, the distance between Shane and her destination melting away. She embraced it, eager to shed the glare of the city, the bright lights, and fast pace. Shane adjusted her sunglasses and licked her lips, tasting the sea salt in the wind.

  If Shane had liked the Vegas lights, she was in love with the California coast. She let her mind wander, taking in the scenery. The highway was interrupted by the occasional service station and fruit stands. The service stations were not gas station like she was used to, with unlimited pumps and one twenty-two-year-old to tend it. The service stations she saw now had style to match the fisher price airport. By the time she’d passed the third fruit stand, her mouth was watering.

nbsp; Next one. She promised herself.

  As she followed the bend in the highway, she had the opportunity to keep her promise. Shane slowed down and turned off the highway pulling onto the grass beside the fruit stand.

  The fruit stand was piled with oranges, each one probably bigger than her fist. Two little girls manned the fruit stand. Shane looked up taking in the scenery. Where the narrow gravel parking-lot left off, a carpet of green grass began. Shane realized she was looking not at a field, but at a yard. Behind the stand stood a little house. It was whitewashed and wonderfully worn with a bright red door that stood out just as much as her yellow car. Outside, a woman was hanging sheets.

  She shook her head. Really?

  “Hello!” a small voice greeted her.

  Shane turned her attention from the house to the fruit stand and the two little girls that manned it.

  "Well, hello there!" Shane smiled.

  The girls were dressed in matching sundresses, with dark wind-blown hair and sun-kissed skin. They looked like they had a little more than a year between them. The oldest maybe eight.

  “How are you?” The little girl asked.

  “I’m very good. How are you?” Shane replied, her lips curling into a smile.

  “Good.” They echoed.

  It was the older girl’s turn to speak. “Would you like to buy some oranges?”

  Shane nodded. “I think I would. They all look wonderful.” She drew near and could see they had other things to for sale besides the oranges. The table was filled with oranges, mangos, and peaches. Beside the fruits were small accompanying jelly jars, sweetbreads, and that had her mouthwatering.

  “Mama made those.” The littlest girl offered.

  "She did?" Shane smiled. "Everything looks delicious," Shane said. Shane caught movement out of the corner of her eye. The woman behind had abandoned her laundry and was quickly approaching her girls and the fruit stand. Shane smiled at her as she spoke to the children.

  "Good morning!" She called out so young and cheerful. The youngest skittered to her. "Mama, she wants some oranges."

  "Good morning," Shane said, smiling at the woman, then nodding to the table. “Looks like you have some wonderful things here, I just had to stop.”

  "Well, let's get you all fixed up then,” the woman smiled, and then she looked at the children. “Girls?”

  The little girls helped her choose the best oranges and sweet bread. It would make a wonderful breakfast, or dessert with Tess. Shane smiled at the thought of Tess’s luscious lips dripping with the orange juice.

  “Thank you!” She called and waived before she made her way back to the car, the bag of goodies in hand.

  She set the oranges and breakfast rolls gently on the passenger seat and resumed her route. She had less than an hour to go when Ryan’s call came in.

  “Good morning, sleepyhead.” She said, the smile evident in her words.

  “I love the upgrade.” He said.

  “I knew you would,” Shane laughed. “Want to drive it? We’ll still have it when you get here.”

  “Do I want to drive it?”

  He laughed over the phone. “Just try and stop me.”

  Shane laughed with him. “It’s really pretty. Drives like a dream.” She accelerated so he could hear the purr of the engine.

  "Oh, god." Ryan groaned. “I’m changing my ticket. I need to come sooner.”

  “Really? Need to come sooner for the car? You know, Tess and I are still here.” Shane teased.

  Now it was his turn to laugh. “Who do you think I’m going to be driving around in that beautiful baby?”

  “Okay. So, what’s on the agenda for today?” She asked him.

  “I thought I’d go for a run and then head to the gym,” Ryan began. “I’ve been working nonstop on the Pairing campaign for Harvest and Vino. Did Tess tell you she has her eyes on another restaurant?”

  "No. That’s wonderful. I hadn't heard that part yet," Shane said. It occurred to her that she hadn’t heard much about business at all.

  "The girl has been on fire since she gave us the green light," Ryan said. “I have no doubt she’s feeling better about Micah, or maybe she's just channeling all her energy into work. She’s really focused on the next big strategy to grow Vino.”

  “That’s great. I can’t wait to see what you’ve done,” Shane said. Of all the things Ryan was good at, and he was good at many. His work was exceptional. What she had seen of the Pairing campaign had taken on a retro look, simple images, bold colors. She could see his inspiration at work as she traveled the road to the vineyard.

  “How much longer till you get there?” He asked.

  “Should be there in maybe forty, maybe forty-five minutes." She said, checking the GPS.

  “Have you heard from Tess?” He asked.

  “I texted with her last night. She's probably still sleeping this morning, so I'll just see her when I get there.”

  “I think you’ll be right. That girl loves her lazy mornings.”

  Shane laughed. She wanted a sleepy morning with Tess. “Ry, when does your flight get in?” she asked.

  Shane heard him rustling, looking for the answer. “Ummm….” He paused. Shane pictured him all rumpled and all five o’clock shadowy, his ice-blue eyes focused on the travel plans.

  "It looks like I’m flying in on Monday morning…early. Then you and I will fly out Thursday.” She heard him rustling again. “You and Tess have a few days for you to learn a bit about the business, then you and I will go over marketing strategies. The big photo shoot is scheduled for Wednesday, so if you can, try to get her to relax and rest. I know she’s been stressing over the situation with Micah. A little R & R will do her some good and let us capture her best side in that photoshoot."

  Shane shook her head. All of that girl’s sides were her best.

  “This is the rebranding of the company,” Ryan went on. “It’s got to be great.”

  Shane nodded, "It will be great.” Shane no doubt the end product would exceed all expectations.

  “Okay, honey.” He said. “I got to go. Text me when you get there and give my love to Tess.”

  “I will.” She smiled.

  “Miss you." he ventured.

  “Miss you too.” She echoed, pleased.

  “Want to head to Giovanni’s when you get home?” Ryan paused. “I made a reservation for next Saturday, at our table. I know you love it there.”

  She flushed at the memory. “I do.” Her cheeks were hot. “I’d love to have dinner.”

  “Okay,” Ryan chuckled. “Me too. Talk to you soon.”

  "Bye." She said, and with a click, he was gone.

  Shane followed bend in the road, and the coast opened up to her. She'd been on the inland side of the hills listening to the waves crash against the shore, but as she made the turn, was rewarded with an ocean view.

  Beautiful. She tried to remember the last time she’d been and could only come up with a childhood memory. Playing in the sand making sandcastles with her mother, a lifetime ago. There were no summer at-the-beach or spring break memories. There had never been time for that.

  Monday they would have to get to work, but maybe tomorrow they could have a play-day, and then there was always today. Shane glanced at the GPS to see the distance between her location and the destination had grown considerably shorter. Shane pressed her foot on the gas and felt the little car respond immediately.

  According to the GPS there were thirty minutes to go. Her excitement climbed as the miles decreased.

  Her finger hovered over the call button on the car’s steering wheel. Conflicted. Wanting to call but not wanting to wake Tess. She let her finger fall away. She’d be there soon enough. Shane turned her thoughts to the house. She was beyond curious to see the famed vineyard house.

  The huge sprawling California ranch, Shane guessed complete with California king size beds in all rooms. A family house passed down for generations, nestled in the valley.

  Ryan told her a
bout the kitchen. Well, not really the kitchen itself so much as happened in the kitchen. Quite different.

  Shane imagined a sunny kitchen with a warm redbrick floor overlooking a garden. She wondered if Tess was awake now. Tess with her golden hair and soft curves. Shane breathed into the memory of being with her, wanting to go back to the first kiss in the penthouse suite in Las Vegas.

  The way her skin had been so warm, fresh out of the desert heat, and the dark of the penthouse had been so cool. Then there was Tess in the dark. Kissing her, wanting her. Except then she’d stopped what might have happened next, because of Ryan. Shane had been afraid that what might come would damage what they’d begun together. Now she knew that wouldn’t happen; he was open to this experience for her. He was coming in in a few days, and it would be the three of them again. Shane felt the emotion rise, excitement and anticipation came out in a squeal. Oh my god. How did this happen? It had been less than two months since her first kiss with Ryan, less than two months since that momentary distraction on the boardroom table where they’d changed everything, and the world had opened up to them.

  The GPS screen changed, and a picture of Tess flashed across the screen. Incoming call. Shane’s heart skipped a beat.

  "Hello?" Shane said tentative, waiting to see if she could hear her friend.

  "Hello, big traveler."

  Shane laughed. “Hi.”

  “How close are you?” Tess asked.

  She glanced at the map, “not far, maybe thirty minutes out. I didn’t want to wake you.” She said, suddenly shy.

  “Oh,” Tess laughed. "I've been way too excited to sleep. I can't wait until you get here."

  That knowledge shattered her shyness and made way for all the other emotions to come through.

  "Me too! I’ve been wanting to be here,” her voice dropped, "with you since we left Vegas."

  Tess laughed. “Me too girly. Me too. I heard you got a pretty sweet ride from the rental company.”

  “I did!” Shane said. “Did Ryan send you a picture?”

  “He did. We talked a little this morning. I’m glad we have some time before he joins us. I think we’ll probably work more when he’s here.”

  Shane laughed. “Definitely. He’s become the taskmaster lately."


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