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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

Page 37

by Annabel Lucas

  “Tess,” she said gently. “Tessa?”

  Tess opened sleepy eyes; a smile formed on her face as she saw Shane. “Hey.”

  Shane laughed, her soft voice emanating the growing tenderness she felt for this golden goddess. "Hey, yourself."

  A raindrop dropped onto Shane’s face. Followed by others, as giant raindrops began to fall.

  Shane looked up. “I think it’s going to rain.”

  Tess laughed. “Think so?”

  “Ummm, yes.”

  The girls dressed quickly, retrieving their swimsuits from the sand as they wrapped themselves in the warm towels. Shane slid her feet into her flip flops and eyed the hill they’d come over on the horses.

  “Back the same way we came?” She asked.

  Tess nodded. “The same.”

  Tess cocked her head, listening. Shane imitated her and heard nothing but the crashing waves. Thunder clapped overhead, and the warm raindrops that seemed harmless moments earlier, fell cold and hard. The stormy waters now pounded the beach, and Shane watched lightning strike the sea. In her mind, she counted, like she'd done so many weeks ago in Ryan's bed. One- one thousand, two – one thousand- three – one thousand. Thunder boomed.

  Tess grabbed her hand, and pulled her under the trees, seeking any kind of cover. Shane bent down to retrieve the towels and empty beach bag. Something moved in the distance, and then Shane saw what Tess had heard. A small ATV was moving toward them, faster than any horse could have traveled. Ali flashed the headlights at them and waved out the window. Tess pulled Shane backwards, further into the trees as he slowed to a stop.

  “Get in!” Ali commanded over the sound of the rain and they scrambled inside.

  The wind picked up as Ali speed away from the beach. When she felt the little vehicle shift from sand and begin to climb the grassy slope, Shane reached for the grab bar. Tess slid her hand into Shane’s, and her voice tickled at Shane’s ear each word, countering the cool winds.

  “Don’t worry. He does this all the time.”

  Shane laughed. Who was worried?

  They'd reached the top of the hill when lightning lit the sky, and the next crack of thunder boomed around them. The sky overhead turned black and opened up in a downpour. Raindrops thundered on the roof of the little vehicle as Ali maneuvered through the trees, back to the valley where the barn and the house lay. As they approached the barn, Shane could hear the horses disturbed whinnies.

  Ali stopped in the clearing, and Tess pulled her from the front seat.

  “Come on,” she said to Shane. “Ali, secure the barn, and come to the house. You stay here tonight.” She paused. “You and the others.”

  He nodded, and then they were moving, feet pounding over the path to the driveway. They ran past the sunny yellow car, poor little baby, at the mercy of the sky. The dogs cowered against the house and followed as the girls ran under the trellis into the grand sitting room.

  Soaked and shivering, Shane watched the storm, taking in her surroundings. The pool water had come alive with the rain, now pummeled by an army of raindrops. The house was warmer but not warm, but the heat of the day, banished by the storm.

  Tess ushered the dogs in and waited for a moment, before turning her attention to the house.

  “We need to close the shutters,” Tess said.

  “Shutters?” Shane sputtered.

  “Yes, the hurricane shutters.”

  Hurricane shutters? Tess was already moving. There was no time for questions. Shane followed as Tess ran to the first window and watched as she closed the metal shutters, latching them securely against the descending storm. She turned to see if Shane understood and Shane nodded.

  They worked their way down the length of the house, until they met the young gardeners. The men had secured their side of the house. Shane followed Tess, running for cover as lighting lit the sky. Thunder boomed as the light died. The foursome slipped through the French doors into the sitting room. Tess closed the doors. Watching. Waiting for Ali. She did not relax until she saw him moving quickly through the heavy rain to join them. Tess's hands said what her words did not, as she reached for him assessing any damage the storm may have caused him.

  He stood just inside the door. Soaked and apologizing. He showed no concern for himself. “I’m so sorry, should have come sooner. It came up so fast…”

  “Ali.” Her voice was low and gentle as she shook her head. “I’m so glad you came when you did.”

  “We’d fallen asleep,” Shane said. Able to laugh at them caught unaware at the beach.

  His concerns were not easily dismissed. Shane watched as Tess stroked his arm in an effort to comfort him. It reminded Shane of the way she’d talked to Midnight. “You saved us today. Perfect timing. Don’t worry.” He met her eyes, and an understanding passed between them. “Are the horses okay?”

  “Oh, yes. I'll go back out to check them in a little while." He glanced around for the dogs, and she answered before he spoke.

  “Sammie and Ty are fine. Just a little wet.” Her hand moved gently up and down his arm, and Shane watched him relax visibly when Tessa caught his eye. “Really, don’t worry.”

  “You’re soaked,” He said to Shane, finally smiling a little. “We may lose power tonight.” He turned to the men, “Shane, this is Sergio, and this is Max.

  Shane smiled at the men.

  “Hello.” She said feeling suddenly shy.

  “Did you let them know you’d be staying tonight?” Tess asked.

  Ali nodded as he turned to the other men, speaking in Spanish. She was rewarded with smiles and thank you’s.

  Tess nodded. “Of course. Let's get everyone settled." The lights dimmed with the next boom of thunder, and Shane glanced outside.

  “Shanie go clean up honey, get a hot shower while you can.” Shane nodded and slipped away as Tess ushered their guests through the house and down the left wing to Michael and Drew’s rooms.

  Shane closed the bedroom door behind her and shimmied out of her suit. She moved through the dark, naked on wet wrinkled toes as the storm raged outside. Shane found the light switch and turned on the shower. While she waited for the water to warm, she unwound her hair from the top of her head and let it fall in a sandy, wet tangle to her shoulders. Shane slipped into the steam and let it wash away the chill, and the storm and the sand.

  Shane emerged from the bathroom twenty minutes later, wrapped in a thick white towel, warm and sand free. On the bed lay a light pair of sweatpants and hoodie. A gift from Tess. Shane slipped into the sweatpants, then into the hoodie; grateful Tess had thought of her. She hadn’t brought anything so comfortable. Like her travel outfit, this one utilized no under things. Going without seemed to be a new habit.

  Shane opened the door to the hallway, and the lights flickered again as thunder boomed. Pushing the idea of lost power away, she turned toward the kitchen following the wonderful aroma. A woman stood at the stove, her back to Shane. Tess and the men, nowhere in sight.

  “Hello,” ventured Shane softly.

  The woman turned to greet her. “Hello! You must be Shane.” She said. She had a beautiful smile, and kind eyes. Her thick black hair hung in a braid over her shoulder.

  “I am,” Shane said, returning the smile, and moved across the kitchen to greet her, hand outstretched.

  “Hello,” said the woman. “I’m Marie.” Marie moved past the handshake and folded her into a hug. Shane hugged back, enjoying the soft embrace. She remembered Ryan had told her once that they had a staff that worked around the house, and on the weekend, the staff went home. Maybe Tess had changed things.

  “Shanie, I see you’ve met Marie.” Shane turned toward Tess’s voice. Tess had also showered and now wore her own version of comfie clothes.

  “Yes” she said, “Just now. We were just getting acquainted.”

  “That’s good,” Tess said. “Marie is wonderful. She’s been with our family for years, and she takes care of all my creature comforts." Marie laughed as Tess mov
ed to give the woman a side hug. Marie was even shorter than Tess, soft and round, with a beautiful face and an infectious laugh.

  “Are you girls hungry?” Marie asked.

  “God, yes.” Tess said nodding. “I think we all are. Are they are still getting cleaned up?”

  “Yes,” Marie replied. “I haven’t seen them since they went to get settled.”

  Tess moved to the stove to peer into the bubbling pot. “What smells so good?”

  "We have soup, and fresh bread." Tess opened the oven to peer inside, as Marie waved her away. "It will be ready in about twenty minutes." The smell of baking bread filled the kitchen. “Make yourselves comfortable girls, it will be ready soon.”

  Tess laughed. “I think I’ll help tonight.”

  Tess retrieved soup bowls and handed Shane silverware for each setting. They moved around the kitchen table in tandem. The kitchen was, without a doubt, the heart of this home. Dinner passed with easy conversation and laughter. With a belly full of the hearty stew and warm bread, the storm raging outside felt more distant. When Marie began to pull the dinner dishes from the table, Shane felt her eyes grow heavy.

  “Marie, this was delicious, thank you” She said.

  “You’re very welcome.” Marie said and smiled at her and as she continued clearing the table. Shane pushed back her chair and stood with a stretch, before she joined Marie’s efforts to clear the table.

  "Tess, even with the storm, it was a wonderful day.” Shane said. “But I’m absolutely exhausted. I think it’s bedtime.” Shane leaned down and pressed her face into Tess’s hair.

  Tess pulled her into a quick hug. "Have a good sleep," she said softly. "I'll check on you after a while," and even in her tired state, Shane felt her body respond. Yes please. Shane rounded the table, saying her goodnights.

  “So nice to meet you today,” She squeezed Ali’s shoulder. He smiled, nodding as his hand covered hers.

  Outside, the storm thundered on, lighting up the dark sky in intervals. The thunder rumbles more distant as the rain fell on the roof and tin shutters.

  As she made her way to her bedroom, Shane could hear the gentle murmur of conversations and laughter. It was a comforting sound, a stark contrast the cold dark hallway. She crawled into her bed and let the chatter lull her to sleep along with the sound of the falling rain.


  Midnight Snack

  S he came as if in a dream, Tess and her golden spill of hair. “Shane, honey, can you wake up?”

  Shane tried to open her eyes, but she was so tired. She lifted her heavy lids briefly, unable to keep them open. She felt the whisper of a kiss and then another on her mouth. Tess. She could smell Tess. Taste her. It was almost enough to draw Shane out of her slumber, but not quite. A soft snore escaped Shane’s lips.

  Tess smiled, and whispered, “Sleep well, sweet girl.” Then Tess retreated into the darkness, and she was gone.

  A loud thunderclap startled Shane awake, her eyes wide-open as lighting lit the sky. Her sleep had been so deep and restful that it took her a minute to remember where she was. Not home. The darkness didn’t help. Shane glanced around the room taking in the details; and then she remembered. She was at Tess’s house. Shane sank back into the pillow and turned her head into its downy comfort. She remembered now; Tessa had tried to rouse her. She remembered Tess gently shaking her, placing soft kisses on her lips and stroking her hair.

  God. She’d missed it. Slept right through their first night together. Well, I’m awake now. She listened into the darkness and heard the soft sound of raindrops. Still raining. She slid out of bed, searching for her phone.

  The day had been so eventful she hadn’t check in with Ryan. Now in the dark and apparent aftermath of the storm, she wanted him. She wanted to tell him about the day and the beach, the horseback ride, and the storm. All of it.

  Her search came up empty. She could not remember the last time she’d had her fingers wrapped around the phone. Shane slipped out of the bedroom into the hallway, being careful to be quiet. She didn’t want her midnight search to disturb the other guests.

  Shane let her eyes adjust as she slipped down the hallway and into the kitchen, it was brighter there where the windows were without the shutters. Shane was able to see the light patter of rain as it fell, the drops of water sliding down the glass window. Strange storm. Somewhere behind thin storm clouds, the moon fought through. It cast a hazy surreal glow over all it touched and allowed Shane a measure of sight in the dark.

  The raindrops fell, soaking everything they touched. Shane watched transfixed. That was when she heard it.

  It was a sound like the rain, something so close to the heartbeat of the house she’d missed it. It was background noise low and rhythmic, but as she listened the sound shifted.

  Her body recognized it before her mind did. She padded toward the noise; lead by the sound. Lighting lit the sky and thunder rumbled in the distance. The rain outside began to pick up. She’d thought it was winding down.

  The house’s foundation was laid on stone, and the floor did not creak as she moved. Shane realized later; they never knew she was there.

  As she stood in the darkness, taking in the details of the room, her senses came alive, pulling in details. The moved together in the darkness, then lighting lit the room. Clearly outlining the couple before they were cast into darkness once more.

  Shane felt her body flush with desire. They were on the couch; Tess on top of Ali as she rode him. Lighting cracked again, and this time, Shane could see his face. His eyes were closed, his body relaxed as she pleased him.

  Lighting flashed again and Shane could see his hands on her hips, fingers curled into her soft flesh, squeezing as she moved. Tess looked up, golden hair streaming down her back, leaning back as he held her. Tess was arched backwards and balanced herself with his knees, her naked breasts in the air, picking up speed. Her breath came in short bursts, and that now brought murmurs of pleasure.

  Ali was silent, his jaw clenched, but now he opened his eyes and watched Tess fuck him. Shane could see his chocolate brown eyes glint in the darkness. Lighting lit the sky, exposing the couple and their watcher. Shane felt her body flush with heat. The lightning must have shone on her as well because now, Ali was staring at her, holding her gaze as Tess’s hips picked up speed, fucking him faster and harder, her moans louder. Shane watched his breath pick up the pace to match her speed, as his chest rose and fell.

  He broke as Tess’s soft moans grew, more urgent. Shane realized she was saying his name. Ali, Ali, Ali. Tess moved forward and fell on him, his gaze blocked from Shane’s view by Tess’s body. His hands moved up her back pulling her in and holding her in place as her hips moved tirelessly. His hands exploring, on her face, in her hair. And Shane heard the murmurs of pleasure muffled by kisses. Tess’s voice rose in pleasure.

  Shane could tell by the way he held her that a shift had occurred. Ali took control. He picked Tess up and put her on her back, and the rider had become the ridden. Ali was fucking her, fast and hard. Shane heard Tess’s pleasure rise, as she’d done to Shane countless times.

  She was at the mercy of the cock buried inside her, and Shane watched as Tess submitted wholly. Now it was Ali’s hips that never stopped. Tess’s pleasure no longer soft mews of contentment. Her pleasure rose with his pace, muffled only by his mouth on hers.

  Shane felt her body flush with desire. She knew enough to know the blush on her cheeks now colored her flesh down to the tops of her breasts – even hidden under the light hoodie. Shane leaned into the wall and slipped her fingers under the waist band of her sweatpants, to the slippery bundle of nerves that ached for touch. She slipped two fingers against her clit and made her own circles. Joining the fucking couple in her own way. Ali glanced up at Shane for a moment, seeing her please herself, Tess reclaimed his attention.

  Ali varied his pace, his thrusts slowing and lengthening. Shane watched him move, his brown skin pulled tight over well-muscled legs and defined arm

  She knew how warm his skin was, remembered the strength of his hands. Shane felt her own pleasure grow as she watched him move. The respite he’d given Tess fucking her slow and deep was done. He increased his speed; pounding into her without mercy. Her voice rose, until there was no sound that escaped her lips; a soundless cry. Shane felt her own climax rise; Ali stiffened, and she knew he too was close. Jesus, Shane wanted to touch them while they fucked.

  The thought jolted her, and she felt the climax explode above her furiously working fingers. She came silent, pussy clenching helplessly in the dark as her body collapsed against the wall. She held herself as the climax radiated out though her limbs.

  Shane heard him growl, a low primal sound that pleased her, and watched as he succumbed to it. He sank deep into Tess as she wrapped her knees around him and pulled him in. With a last glance, she slipped back down the hall and into her room. She closed the door, careful not to make a sound. Shane slipped between the sheets, returning her fingers to hold her satisfied pussy as she drifted back to sleep.


  Home Alone

  I n the morning, Shane woke well-rested. The house was silent. She slipped out of bed and padded down the hallway, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Searching. Searching for the others. Shane moved down the hallway to the kitchen, drawn by the smell of hot brewed coffee and hoping to find breakfast. Instead, she found an empty room and a note on the counter.

  “Good morning, beautiful girl,” the note read. “Had to take Marie, Ali and the boys to town to get some supplies, the roads are too muddy for them to get out without help. Make yourself at home. We’ll have to delay the tour of the property, it’s too wet today. More storms to come.”

  Shane poured herself a cup of coffee and reread the note. Shane couldn’t tell when they left. She looked around and found her purse hanging on the back of one of the kitchen chairs, phone tucked snuggly inside. There you are. She retrieved an orange from a bowl on the table and peeled it as she checked for signs of life outside of the valley vineyard.


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