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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

Page 44

by Annabel Lucas

  “I’ve been following your work. I am so excited to see what you’ll come up with today.”

  Penny nodded and looked around, taking stock of the building’s layout. “It is certainly beautiful here, amazing backdrops.”

  “Absolutely.” Shane said smiling.

  “Shane,” Ryan continued. “This is Dan.”

  "Oh, I'm sorry. She laughed nervously, holding out her hand to greet him. Shane hadn't even realized he'd been there. And he was standing so close." She'd seen him from the kitchen, but he wasn't there when she’d come out to the pool.

  He nodded and took her hand. His grip was damp and soft, his voice low. "Hello." He said. When she tried to meet his eyes with a smile, his gaze skittered away. She shifted backwards, closer to Ryan, making a conscious effort not to wipe her hand on her pants.

  “Shanie, Dan is Penny’s partner. They don’t typically travel together, but we just got lucky. Both of them will be working on our shoot for the festival.”

  The photoshoot was vital. Penny was the one to do it. Her work was known and coveted. Dan added a different element. Shane heard his message in words. Tread carefully. They needed Tess to be comfortable; to be the so over the top Tessa. Penny was precisely the right one to capture her essence. They couldn't afford any errors.

  “So,” Shane said, in an attempt to keep it light. “How was the flight?” She nodded to Dan. “Did you come in together?”

  He looked to Penny who answered for him.

  “The flight was great. Easy connections. We just came from a destination wedding in Juneau, Alaska.”

  "She loves shoots like that." Dan chimed in. While they talked, he'd backed up and stood a bit outside the conversation circle.

  Penny laughed. “I do. They are intimate and keep me on my toes. We were on quite a trek this time just to get the setting for the beautiful couple.”

  Shane laughed. “Sounds great.”

  Penny smiled. “It was.”

  Ryan touched Shane's arm, drawing her attention. "Shane," I'm going to take Penny, Dan, and their assistant Jessica" he nodded his head in the direction of a fresh-faced blond circling the pool. "…on a quick tour of the grounds and come back to the house. We'll do the shots at the pool first, but I'd like to let Penny get a feel of the property."

  Penny nodded as he spoke. She’d begun to slip into work mode and was taking test shots.

  "Sound good, Penny?" he asked.

  "Sounds perfect." She said, glancing up at him with a smile.

  “Shane, would you check in on Tess? Seems like she should be about ready.”

  Shane nodded. “Of course. Meet you back here…” Shane paused to look at her watch, “in twenty minutes?”

  Ryan nodded, “Yes, that’s perfect.”

  Shane looked to Dan with a tentative smile. Instead, she caught his eyes roaming over her breasts and hips before he met her gaze. She offered a smile that went unreturned. Conscious that he was still watching her, she dropped her eyes and turned away from him, heading towards the house.

  EWWWWW. She trotted up the drive and across the terrace. Before Shane closed the door behind her, she cast a backward glance. Ryan and Penny were talking animatedly about the house and the pool. Shane smiled. He could draw anyone in, and Penny was a match for his energy. This would be fun today. Her smile faltered as she took in the image of Dan as he trailed a few steps behind them; as long as he stayed out of the mix, watching his interaction or lack of it may not be a problem.

  Shane headed down the hall in search of her friend. "Tess?" Always a game of hiding and seek with this house. Shane paused in the kitchen, drawn by the heavenly smell and spread on the table. Marie had outdone herself again. The table was covered with an assortment of appetizers to complement the vineyard's wines. Who would know a better way to make that happen?

  "Marie," Shane said her name as the woman came out from the corner. She'd been checking on Tess too.

  “Yes, Mija,” Marie answered.

  Shane smiled, touched at the use of Tess’s nickname in referring to her. “This is beautiful.”

  "Oh," Marie waved her hand then winked and laughed. "It's pretty good, huh?"

  "So good." Shane laughed. "Can I steal a bite? All of a sudden, I'm starving."

  Marie nodded as she dried her hands on her apron. “Of course, please, help yourself.”

  Shane reached for a little plate and began to make her snack choices. She settled for two meatballs and a tiny quiche.

  “Shane,” Marie said.

  "Mm-hmm?" Shane answered, captivated by the food.

  “Can I ask you something?” Marie asked.

  "Yes," Shane said, glancing up into her eyes. "Anything." Shane popped a meatball in her mouth. "Oh, Marie, this is delicious." She was so distracted by her hunger that she missed the seriousness in the woman's tone.

  Marie laughed. "I'm glad you like them. Mr. Micah always did. Those are his favorite." Shane smiled, loving the idea of him here in this house.

  Marie started again, “Shane?”

  Shane looked up at her, smiling. Then saw the question in her eyes. “Marie,” she laughed. “What is it?”

  “Mija,” she said, resuming her use of the nickname. “I think you and Ryan make each other very happy.” Shane grinned, unable to feign ignorance. Marie had known Ryan since his youth. She had watched him grow into a man.

  Shane laughed, barely able to find words beyond her smile. “How can you tell?”

  Marie nodded and moved across the room to hug her. “I see him, and I see you. That’s enough.” A blush rose to Shane’s cheeks. Her words struck deep.

  “He’s as happy as I’ve ever seen him.” Marie continued.

  Shane felt the warmth spread through her and squeezed her back. An understanding passed between them, along with Shane's acknowledgement of his feelings. Marie let her go and smiled. "You're a good girl." She said and patted Shane's arm. "Tess is in her room, getting ready."

  “Thank you, Marie.” Shane said softly, before she headed down the hallway to see Tess emerge from her bedroom.

  Shane laughed, “I was just coming to find you. They’re ready.”

  Tess gave her a quick squeeze. “Me too!” She exclaimed and then she was gone with nothing but a hint of her perfume hanging in the air. Shane could hear Marie fawning over her as Tess ran past. Her presence on the terrace by the pool was marked by the oh’s and ah’s of the photography team.

  Jessica, the photography assistant, soon became Tess's assistant. She fussed over Tess, and Tess stepped into the attention beautifully. Shane had never been to a photoshoot, not as the subject, the observer, or the assistant. It quickly became evident she was the assistant’s assistant. She was in charge of getting whatever everyone else needed. The afternoon passed in a blur. Penny's soothing praise blending into the background until Shane barely heard her. The experience energized Tess but wore on her.

  “Beautiful, Tess, simply beautiful. Yes, yes. Lovely. Now turn, oh that’s perfect.”

  “Shane?” It was Penny’s voice, distant not registering. “Shane?” She called again. Then it was Ryan. “Shane?”

  “Yes?” She laughed. “I’m sorry.”

  "It's time for an outfit change, but I think Tess would be more comfortable with you if you could assist?" He paused, tilting his head in the direction of her bedroom.

  Shane looked at him with blank eyes, not understanding what he was asking for. "Shanie, would you go help her?"

  "Oh jeez, yes, of course." She said, coming back into herself. Tess was already halfway down the hall and spun on her heel to face Shane as she walked through the door.

  She was glowing. “What do you think?” She asked breathless and expectant. What did she think? Shane let her eyes roam over her friend in the dress, reminiscent of Marilyn, fresh face and lovely. She thought she adored this glowing golden girl. She'd looked amazing; somehow the energy of the photoshoot took her to another level. It heightened what came from inside, enhancing what made T
ess, Tess.

  “Oh Tess, I think it’s going so well.”

  Tess rushed on, "I love Penny. She's fantastic, and Jessica makes this feel so easy."

  “She does.” Shane nodded. She’d known Tess would like to work with Penny. “I’m so glad you’re having fun. It shows. The pictures are going to be amazing.”

  Tess smiled. The compliment pleased her. “So, what’s next? The horses and out to the vineyard?

  “That’s right.” Shane said, “Do you have the outfit?”

  “I do.” Tess’s eyes twinkled.

  Shane laughed. She hadn’t seen this one. “Show me! I’m dying!”

  Tess disappeared into her closet and emerged with the outfit. "Would you help me unzip?"

  "Of course," Shane said. Shane's hands went to her friend's waist. As she undid the lovely garment, it fell away from Tess's hips, revealing her golden skin and no more.

  Tess was naked beneath. She’d known that about the top, there was no place for bra straps to hide dressed in the beautiful white dress. Shane reached up to Tess’s neckline and pushed her hair to one side.

  “You ready?”

  Tess laughed. “I’m always ready.”

  Shane nodded. “I see that.”

  She unfastened the clasp, and the weight of the dress was transferred from Tess's neck to Shane's fingers. Her grasp hadn't been strong enough, and the lovely white garment slipped from her fingers to the floor. Tess turned to face her, her perky breasts, as always, glad to see Shane.

  “Oh my god. Tess, I’m sorry.”

  Tess laughed. “Please.”

  Today she'd managed to close the windows, so Shane was the only one privileged to see her in her glory.

  “Okay, so what’s next?” Shane asked.

  Tess lifted the hanger. The outfit was simple and rustic; combined with class. Tess bent over, pointing her toes to step into her pants. They were black, tailored work pants that clung to her body like a second skin. She zipped them up and buttoned them, taking no time to add panties to the mix. She moved across the room and reached into what Shane knew was the sock drawer from her former snooping. Tess pulled out, yes, socks, and disappeared into her dreamy shoe closet. When she emerged, she wore the thigh-high leather boots Anthony bought her in Italy. Tess stood in the center of the room and turned. "How's this?" She asked.

  Shane took in the vision of her friend. Tess’s blond hair shifted, cascading over her shoulders and down her back. Her slender waist met the low-waist work pants that highlighted her slender legs. The boots were perfect for a photoshoot in the vineyard.

  Shane laughed again. "So far, so good. Do you have a top?" It was challenging to take in the lovely outfit when her perky nipples nipped out.

  Tess winked. “I do.”

  She disappeared into the closet and emerged with a silky cream top. Tess slid braless into the long-sleeved blouse. It hung open as she adjusted the fabric, allowing Shane to see the curve of her breast and the expanse of her flat belly. Tess bent her head buttoning buttons. Her hair cast a thin veil preventing Shane from seeing more skin. Tess left the top two buttons undone and tucked the blouse into her pants. The combination worked together perfectly- creating a lovely mix of working-class and a sheik. Shane could see the outline of her breasts beneath the silky fabric as she moved. Her nipples stood at attention as the silk slid over them.

  Tess pulled her hair back over her shoulder and cocked her head at Shane, “How’s this” She asked.

  "Perfect," Shane said. Tess turned in a circle for Shane to see the back as well as her front. As she turned, her fingers worked her blond hair into a thick braid that hung over her shoulder.

  Shane moved into her friend, grasping the braid in her fingers. She twisted it as she leaned in for a kiss. Tess smiled as she pulled her closer.

  "I'm glad you like it," Tess said, smiling into the kiss.

  Shane kissed her again, tugging gently at the braid. "I like it very much." She said. Her voice was throaty and deep, filled with desire—things she wanted to say. "I had fun the other night," referring to their time in Tess's playroom.

  Tess laughed and kissed her again, drawing back to meet her eyes. "I had fun the other night…" She started.

  Her words were cut off by the not so subtle clearing of someone's throat. The girls turned to face the now open door and the person who stood there. Dan.

  “Umm, sorry to interrupt.” He said, his eyes glinting with amusement. “Penny’s ready.”

  Tess spoke first. "You're sorry to interrupt?" she asked. Her anger ignited. "That's interesting since you don't seem to know how to knock."

  The spark in his eyes ignited, while his feet stood planted in her bedroom. "Listen, I didn't mean to intrude on your…" he paused, searching for the word "moment."

  Tess was angry now, "Our moment?" She asked as she spoke, she turned to face him, placing herself between the intruder and Shane. "Is none of your business. My bedroom is off-limits to you. I would remind you that what happens during this photoshoot is proprietary, as you should know since you signed a non-disclosure before you set foot on my property."

  Shane had never seen her so angry, yet he stood unmoving in the wake of her wrath.

  Humor danced in his eyes. "Yes, ma'am. Everything about you is protected." He paused. "Proprietary." He said enunciating every syllable. "but she's not." he gestured to Shane.

  Tess's gaze was scathing. "She's not what?" She asked.

  “Protected.” He said.

  Shane felt her belly drop. He continued. "She is a different story entirely. The company wouldn't like it that she's having inappropriate relations with a client." He said, issuing a not so veiled threat.

  Tess was done talking. “Leave.”

  He turned to leave and called back over his shoulder. “Don’t be long now. Penny’s waiting.”

  Tess crossed the room and slammed the door hard, locking it behind him. She was furious but held it in check. A rose-colored blush rose to her cheeks and colored her beautiful chest. She went back to the mirror to check her makeup and smoothen her top.

  “Oh Tess,” Shane began, then faltered. She tried again. “Tess, I’m so sorry.”

  Tess laughed and shook her head. Her anger was subsiding, now that he was out of her space, away from them.

  "Shane, I’m sorry. I should have thought to be more careful while we had people on the property." She turned her full attention to Shane, her hands stroking Shane's arms. "He will not be a problem for you, and he certainly will not be a problem for me. I don't want you to worry about, okay?"

  Shane nodded, comforted by Tess’s certainty, but not at all on the same playing field as her friend. Her stomach was in knots.

  "Listen," Tess said. "I'm going to take a minute, and I'll be right out. Would you tell Ryan and Penny? I'd prefer to stop dealing with…what was his name?"

  “Dan,” Shane supplied

  "Dan. Yes, Dan. I'd prefer not to deal with Dan. What's he doing here, anyway?"

  "He's Penny's partner," Shane answered, hoping her voice didn't sound as hollow as she felt.

  "Good God, how could she choose a business partner like that?" Tess asked. She'd turned to the mirror now and was smoothing away any anxiety that remained.

  Shane shook her head, the gravity of what had just happened sinking in. “I don’t know.”

  Tess turned away from the mirror to look at her. “Shane, Shane look at me.”

  Shane obeyed. “Everything will be alright.” Tess soothed.

  Shane nodded.

  "Trust me to take care of this guy, the way you trust me…with everything else." Tess said and smiled.

  Shane took a deep breath and exhaled. She felt the knots in her belly loosen slightly and smiled, letting the working girl take over. The shoot had to be the priority today.

  "I do trust you. Don't worry about me." She said, leaning in to for a quick hug.

  “Tell Ryan five minutes, okay?” Tess said.

  "Yes. I will." Shane said as
she slipped out of Tess's bedroom, pulling the door closed behind her.



  S hane made her way silently through the house. The stone floor made silence easy. She had wandered through the house before with the others unaware of her presence. Happening upon Tess and Ali had been unintentional. Shane wondered how long Dan stood there watching and listening before he spoke up. Her stomach tightened with dread at the idea.

  Shane watched through the window, outside Ryan, Penny, and Jessica chatted, patiently waiting. Dan stood away from the group, staring at his phone, unbothered with social interaction. Shane took a deep breath to steady herself and stepped out waving. “Ryan, where to next, the barn?”

  He nodded, “The barn.”

  "Give us five minutes, and we'll be right down." She called. Shane didn't want to go with the group.

  He nodded, “See you there.” Shane watched as he corralled them, and they disappeared around the bend of the house. Give us five minutes she’d said, but she needed more time even if Tess didn't.

  When Tess emerged, she was calm and refreshed. The irritation and anger Shane felt rolling off her after the encounter with Dan was gone. She would have her way, and she never gave thought to plans going any other way. It was a skill set Shane wanted desperately to acquire.

  The walk was quiet and familiar. Shane took solace in that; focusing on the wind in the trees and the waves crashing in the distance.

  Shane slowed her pace as Tess made her entrance. Another wave of compliments rolled over her as she closed in on the girls; Penny and Jessica fussed over her. Dan stayed silent; standing as he had at the pool, on the outskirts. His eyes skirted over Tess, taking her in before they found their way back to Shane. He winked and the knot in her stomach tightened. Ryan wasn’t among the photographers.

  As she drew nearer, she could see Fawn and Midnight tethered to the posts, ready for the next phase of the photo shoot. Shane had known they would be part of the day. Ali stood off to the side, near the circle. Shane watched as he turned his attention from work to Tess. Ali took her in, watchful, and proud. His eyes slipped over her-a lover’s caress.


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