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In Sickness & in Health (Vegas Vow)

Page 5

by K. L. Humphreys

"This about Drew?" I nod at his question and he leans forward and places his elbows on his knees. "Look, Vi, ultimately you're the one that's going to have to decide if you and Drew move on or not. What happened five years ago, happened, and I know if Drew could, he'd do it again differently. "

  I sigh, "I know that, I really do, but I can't just get over the pain or the feeling that he disregarded me so quickly."

  I think that's the main thing that's holding me back. It was so easy for him to get rid of me the last time and when he did, I was devastated. If he were to do that to me again I'm not sure I'd survive it. The love I feel for him now is stronger than ever before.

  "He may be my best friend, but you come first. So trust me when I tell you this, Drew loves you. I'm not excusing what he did but you have to understand how his life was back then. His parents are cunts."

  I gasp at his words; I've never heard Cam use such a vulgar term.

  "They are," he snarls. "They were the worst parents. Neglectful, evil, and fucking abusive. Drew doesn't talk about it. Ever. But it fucked with his head."

  My blood runs cold at Cam's words, Drew alluded to the fact that his parents weren't great, but I never realized just how bad. "That's why he was always at our house."

  Cam nods, "Yeah. It doesn't excuse what he did, but it may help you understand a little more as to why he did it." He puts his arm around me, his hand gripping a hold of my shoulder and he pulls me into him. "He viewed us as his family. Knowing Drew, he probably thought that we'd kick him out, that he wouldn't be allowed back in our house if we'd found out what happened between the two of you. But that wouldn't have happened. Mom and Dad view him as a son, always have and always will. But Drew didn’t realize that."

  My heart breaks for him. He's so confident and self-assured. You'd never think that about him. "I hate that for him."

  "Don't cry, Vi," Cam says softly and I look up at him in confusion. "He's okay."

  I reach up and wipe at my eyes and the wetness shocks me; I had no idea I was crying. "I want to try, God, I really do." I sincerely mean that, "I love Drew, I just can't stop the dread that hits me in the pit of my stomach every time he leaves."

  "Ah, Violet," Cam whispers.

  "Cam, do you mind if Vi and I have a moment?"

  At the sound of Drew's voice my heart stutters and I turn around and see him standing in the doorway, his arms crossed as he stares at Cam and I. The look on his face is something that I can't quite describe. He looks pissed, but he also looks as though he's devastated. It hurts to look at him and I turn my gaze back to Cam.

  "Sure," Cam says getting to his feet, he leans down and presses a kiss against my cheek. "Listen to him, Vi. Trust your heart," he whispers so that only I can hear him.

  I nod, "Thank you for listening."

  He winks at me, "Always."

  I watch as Cam walks away because I'm unable to look at Drew, I have no doubt that he heard every word I said. My heart races as my legs start to shake, my nerves are starting to get to me and I can't help but wring my hands together. The sound of Drew's footsteps hit me and yet I'm unable to look up at him. I don't want to see the look in his eyes.

  "Vi, sweetheart..." Drew murmurs as he crouches down in front of me. "Please can you look at me?"

  I can't ignore the plea, I lift my gaze and collide with his tortured expression. "Drew..." I whisper as pain slashes through me as I look at him.

  "I hate that I've hurt you. I wish I could take it back, that I could change it. But I can't and I don't want to..."

  I bite my lip. What the hell?

  "If I hadn't done what I did, you'd never have Rhea and, sweetheart, that little girl has stolen my heart just as you have."

  My heart melts at his words and I lean in closer to him. Needing to touch him but too scared to actually reach out.

  "I heard what you said to Cam, I'm so sorry that I walked away from you but I can promise you, Vi, that's never going to happen again. You're it for me. No one comes close to what I feel for you. I can't promise to never hurt you again, I am an asshole most of the time, but I can promise that I'll never intentionally hurt you."

  I purse my lips together, loving every word he's saying but still too frightened to say anything.

  "Get out of your head, Vi, feel what we have. Listen to your feelings." He frames my face with his hands and I lean further into him. Loving having him touch me. "What are they telling you?"

  I finally open up and talk to him. "To be with you," I whisper but it feels right to say those words. I want him and the only way that can happen is to be honest and push myself past my discomfort and fears.

  The grin he has is triumphant. "Fuck, I love you, Vi."

  "I love you too," I confess and I do, so very much.

  He gets to his feet and pulls me into his arms, I can't help but giggle like a schoolgirl as I wrap my legs around his waist. I grip hold of his shoulder, holding on for dear life.

  His hands drift down to my ass and he squeezes, grinding his cock against me. I can't help the moan that escapes me. "Drew..." I whisper, needing him. He captures my lips in a harsh kiss, his tongue sweeping into my mouth and I'm lost in the lust. I grind down against his cock, needing him to be inside of me.

  He walks us to the bedroom, his lips never leaving mine, his tongue thrusting into my mouth like a starved man. He skims my thighs with his fingers and I arch back at the motion.

  He throws me down onto the bed and I watch as he strips down, his eyes dark with lust and want. Within seconds, he's on top of me, his fingers looping through the band of my panties and he pulls them off.

  "Fuck, be ready," he begs in a whisper.

  "So ready. Please, Drew, please fuck me."

  He thrusts into me, hard and fast. I gasp at the pain and pleasure that rolls through me. My fingers claw at his skin as he pounds into me harder than ever. I can't help the moans and mewls that come out of my mouth. I'm so close, I can hardly breathe. I need to get there. I start fucking him back, meeting him thrust for thrust and I see the satisfaction in his eyes.

  This is beyond anything I have ever felt, have ever experienced. It's painful yet extremely pleasurable. It's utterly amazing.

  "Fuck," he growls as his hands tighten on my hips as he thrusts deeper into my pussy. I'm so close, my thighs are shaking as I try and reach for my orgasm. "Vi," he pants. "Get there."

  I throw my head back as he brings his hand down to my clit and pinches it. I detonate. His name a strangled cry as my orgasm unleashes from me. I'm clinging onto him as he continues to fuck me as he seeks his release.

  He thrusts into me, once—twice—three times before burying himself to the hilt inside of me. His cum spilling from his cock as he growls my name.

  He collapses beside me and pulls me into his arms. "I love you, Vi, never doubt that, sweetheart. You are it for me. I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that you never feel as though I don't want you."

  Tears form in my eyes. He knows just what to say to elevate my fears. "I love you too, Drew. So much."




  "Hey, sweetheart, how's the princess doing?" Drew asks as he comes to stand behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.

  I sigh, I'm emotionally and physically drained. "She's still in there." Rhea was supposed to have her surgery last week but it was postponed until today.

  It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do; watch as the hospital staff wheeled my baby away on the bed. The feeling that I had failed her as she got further and further away from me. Not being able to be with her is the toughest of it all. I just want to hold her hand and keep her safe. Yet, I'm here waiting for the doctors to come out and tell me that she's okay.

  "She's tough, just like her mom," Drew whispers, his hands tightening around me. "Don't worry about work, I've got it covered. Just focus on Rhea."

  I spin in his arms, "Drew..."

  He shakes his head before I can get any further. "No argume
nts, Vi. The only thing that matters right now is Rhea. So you'll take as long as it takes, until you're happy that she's perfectly healthy and that you're okay with leaving her with your mom."

  I draw in a sharp breath. God, this man. It's hard to believe that just over a month ago I was doing everything in my power to ignore him and pretend that he didn't exist. When the truth was, I was hurt, humiliated, and in denial. I've been in love with Drew Jacobs since I was a pimply, nerdy teenager and those feelings never died, instead, over the past month they have grown and morphed into a love that's all consuming.

  He's on my mind constantly. He snuck under my radar and wormed his way back into my heart. But nothing would have gotten him there quicker than watching him interact with my daughter. God, I swear every time he holds her and looks at her with so much awe and love, my ovaries explode. He's gentle, attentive, and downright protective of her.

  It's fun to watch whenever he's in a room with Cam. Those two practically growl at each other to see who gets to hold her. I love that Drew's so good with her, but sometimes I wonder if we're rushing things. I never thought I'd introduce my daughter to someone this quick, but with Drew, he just molds into our life seamlessly.

  "Sweetheart, you're thinking awfully hard. What's going on in that beautiful mind of yours?" His voice is soft and gentle and I love that I get this side of him. At work he barks out orders and is demanding, but when we leave the office, I get the sweet, caring, loving Drew, well that is until we get into the bedroom and the man becomes even bossier.

  He's been really open and honest with me, including telling me everything about the blackmail that Edward Yellow is attempting. He and Cam spoke at length about it the day after we had our little heart to heart and the next day Drew called a meeting with Jameson Theroux and Christopher Harlan about it. When the men left they were all smiling and Drew just told me that it was sorted and not to worry.

  "I can't not work, Drew," I whisper, my heart aching.

  "Sweetheart, do you honestly feel as though you'd be any good at the office?" He lifts his hand and gently brushes the back of his hand against my face. "I'm not saying that to be an asshole, I'm just asking because I have yours and Rhea's best interests at heart."

  I bite my lip, he knows me better than I know myself. "You're doing more than enough for us, I can't take advantage of you."

  He rolls his eyes and his hand comes to rest on my cheek. "Vi, if I had my way, I'd have paid for the surgery and left it as that. But I knew that you wouldn't have ever gone for that, so I came up with the idea of you being my assistant."

  I gasp, what the hell?

  He grins, "Yeah, so listen to me when I tell you that I'd rather you be at home with Rhea and focusing on her getting better. You both mean something to me and I just want you to be healthy."

  Fuck. He completely owns me and there's nothing that I can do about it. I tried to pull back after we had sex the first time. I wanted to try and slow things down and wrap my head around everything. I hadn't wanted to jump straight into sex and a relationship, I was scared that we were moving too quickly. But Drew, being Drew, didn't let me get into my head. That's exactly what I've done and it's brought us here, two weeks later and we're closer than we've ever been and practically inseparable. It’s the little touches when we're close, kisses stolen when we're together, the way he takes care of me when I'm tired that shows me just how much he loves me, and I’m happy, happier than I have ever been.

  "Okay," I whisper, "but if you need me, I'll be there."

  He places a chaste kiss against my lips. "Sure." He grins, and I know that he'll not let me know if he does need me.

  We stand in each other's embrace as we wait for Rhea to be brought back from surgery.

  The doors whoosh open after what feels like hours and the doctor walks toward us.

  "Ms. Washington," the doctor says with a tender smile. "Rhea's surgery went extremely well. She's a strong little girl."

  Thank God Drew's holding me because my knees buckle with relief; if not for the fact that he's holding me up, I'd have hit the floor.

  "She's okay?" I breathe, my heart beating rapidly.

  He nods, "She'll be groggy until the anesthesia wears off, but yes, she's okay. The corrective surgery went as expected."

  "Thank you," I whisper, my eyes filling with tears. I'm so relieved.

  "Doc, what's Rhea's prognosis, will it come back? Will she be able to live a relatively normal life?" Drew asks and I'm so grateful that he's here and thinking clearly, because I hadn't even thought of those questions.

  "She may need additional surgeries as she gets older, there's a few instances that this may happen. But we'll cross that bridge if we come to it," the doctor tells us and Drew squeezes my hip. This is good news.

  "Will she live a relatively normal life?" Drew asks once again.

  The doctor nods, "Yes, she'll still need to see a cardiologist who specializes in congenital heart defects, just to keep an eye on her. But other than that, your daughter will live just as any other child will."

  Drew holds out his hand to the doctor, "Thank you, Doc." His words filled with sincerity and the tears that I had managed to keep at bay, begin to fall.

  "Thank you," I whisper as he shakes Drew's hand.

  He gives us a nod, "The nurse will bring you to see Rhea in a few moments. She may take a while to wake from the anesthesia."

  Drew once again turns me into his arms and holds me close. "Told you, sweetheart, strong just like her mom."

  I sob against him, the sheer relief flooding out of me and Drew doesn't once complain. He just holds me tightly, pressing light kisses against the top of my head. Offering me support and love.

  "Go call your family, Vi, you know as well as I do they're all waiting anxiously by their phones. This is good news, baby, and once Rhea's out of here, we'll be celebrating."

  I nod. "Thank you," I whisper. "For being here." I swallow back the sob that's threatening to spill out of me. "You're one of the best men that I know. Thank you."

  He crashes his lips against mine. "Always, Vi. I'm always going to be here, for you, for Rhea. Never doubt it."

  God I love him.

  He grins, "Go call your family before they turn up here demanding answers."

  I reach for my cell and call Cam first, just as I promised. Mom knows that he'll be my first call but I have a feeling that both she and Dad are with Cam. When he answers, he puts me on speaker and I know that I'm right.

  I'm so lucky to be surrounded by so many loving people. Without them, I'm not sure where I'd be. I definitely wouldn't be as strong as I am. Without them I'd have crumbled when I first found out about Rhea's condition.

  Once I finish talking to my family, I turn back to Drew who's talking quietly on his cell. I wait, not wanting to interrupt his call.

  Before he's finished, the door opens and a bright smiling nurse comes through them.

  "You can follow me," she instructs, her smile not once dimming. "She's still asleep but she'll be coming round soon.”

  Drew's hand fits into mine and we walk hand in hand to Rhea.




  Bliss. That's all I ever feel when Rhea lies in my arms and sleeps. So trusting, so vulnerable, but yet she always chooses me over her uncle and grandfather. She'll never know how much that truly means to me.

  "I have an announcement…" Cam says as he glances around the table. It's the Washington's family dinner, it's the first one in over two months and I'm pretty sure it's the first one Cam's been to since he was eighteen without Sadie.

  Mindy glances at Hamilton who shrugs and then turns to glare at me yet again. It's not that the man doesn't like me, he does, he just dislikes that I'm with his daughter and that I have taken his granddaughter’s top spot.

  "Son, don't make your mother crazy," Hamilton sighs. "Spit it out."

  Cam and Vi share a smile and I know these two like to fuck with Mindy, anytime they have somethin
g to share, they drag the shit out for as long as possible. When Vi made her pregnancy announcement, I wasn't around, but Hamilton told me she got over it quickly. But knowing my girl, she was probably scared of their reaction.

  "The day before Rhea went in for surgery, I put in an offer for a house," Cam says with a smile as both Mindy and Vi gasp. "It was accepted and today I got the keys."

  Vi starts to cry and I pull her into me, she's emotional as hell. Since Rhea got out of hospital, she cries at the drop of the hat.

  Congratulations go around and everyone takes turns in giving Cam a hug. Soon, the ladies’ eyes narrow in on my direction. "You knew?" The accusation comes from Mindy.

  "Leave him alone," Cam says, rushing to my defense.

  "You knew and you never told me?" Vi asks, her voice tinged with hurt.

  I pull her into my body and lean down to whisper in her ear, making sure that I don't jostle Rhea who's sleeping soundly in my other arm. "I love you sweetheart, I'd do anything for you. But Cam's my best friend and he's proud as fuck that he's bought his own home. He wanted to be the one to tell you, it was to be a surprise. What type of best friend would I be, if I told you?"

  She nods, "You're right." She turns back to Cam, not moving out of my arms. "I'm happy for you, Cam, I can't wait to see it."

  He grins at her, "I have the spare room cleaned and furniture being delivered soon for Rhea.”

  Vi laughs, "You want to take her?"

  She's not yet let Rhea spend the night away from her; her parents have taken her for the day, but not the night.

  Cam smiles widely, "Of course."

  Vi shrugs, "Sure why not." There's no hesitation in her tone. "When do you want her?"

  I smile, this has worked out perfectly. "How about next week? I want to take Vi away for Valentine's Day."

  Vi looks up at me and I just smile, I'm not ruining the surprise. Cam nods, "Sounds good, there's no one better to spend Valentine's Day than with Rhea."

  I smirk at the man, who'd have thought that we'd be here? But there's nowhere I'd rather be. I'm with the people who mean the most to me and I have my girls in my arms. Life doesn't get better than this.


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