Book Read Free

Just Like the Movies

Page 30

by Natasha Preston

  “Nope. The press have gone.”

  I get off the bed and sigh. “I won’t be long.”

  “We’ll wait downstairs for you,” Wren says, tugging Mila’s arm.

  I take a slightly longer shower than usual, letting the hot water wash away the nerves. It’s not hugely successful. I wrap a towel around myself with my stomach coiling.

  Even washing seems pointless. No one is going to get close enough to smell me.

  The girls are waiting for me when I get downstairs. My hair is blow dried, and I applied a little make-up. At least I don’t look like I’m dying inside.

  “You look so cute,” Mila says, eyeing my faded denim skirt and coral top. She’s wearing black jeans that look painted on, a white T-shirt with a yellow Nirvana logo splashed on the front, and a black jacket.

  She’s effortlessly cool and always looks like she’s having the best time. Behind her warm amber eyes is a need for more.

  “Thanks,” I reply, though I’m sure I still look sad. “Where are we eating?”

  “Mexican? We’ll go to your favourite restaurant and wear sombreros,” Mila says. “And Wren will ask Brody to pick us up so we can all enjoy some frozen cocktails.”

  I bite my lip and smile. It’s absurd to think that I really need a cocktail right now.

  “Actually, that does sound good,” I admit.

  “Yay!” Wren cheers, pulling her leather jacket on. “I’ll shoot Brody a text. We’ll come get you tomorrow to pick up your car from the restaurant, Mila.”

  I follow the girls with a heavy but hopeful heart.

  This was a good idea. I’m three mango daiquiris down at two in the afternoon and feeling a little better. There’s a lot to be said for the right company.

  I’m stuffed after a massive chicken fajita and more tortilla chips than I cared to count.

  We’ve been in the restaurant for an hour and thirty minutes, and there’s talk of getting dessert after this round of cocktails.

  The drinks aren’t particularly boozy, so I’ve not yet reached the point where I need to cut myself off. I will do it… even if I’m sure that drinking myself into oblivion would dull the pain.

  I sit back in my seat and shake my head at Mila. She’s stalking her hot neighbour’s photos on Facebook. Wren is making her show us his latest profile picture.

  “He’s not very active online,” Wren says.

  Mila shrugs. “Reid is a bit of a loner. He keeps to himself a lot.”

  I turn to her. “God, you would go crazy if you had to stay in and avoid people.”

  “I’m a people person. The right people, though. A lot of them are arseholes.”

  She means the people on social media who have nothing better to do than sit behind their screens and judge others. I’ve had a baptism of fire meeting those people, and I have no time for them. I hate them.

  They took my relationship with… Spencer. Spencer. His name is bittersweet.

  “Have you thought more about when you’re going to speak to Mr Hollywood?” Wren asks, sipping her cocktail.

  I shake my head. “We have a few things at each other’s houses, so we’ll have to speak soon.”

  Mila presses her lips together in a desperate attempt to hold back everything she’s thinking.

  Wren stirs her drink. “You both love each other. That’s not going to go away.”

  “I’ve had to accept that. Sometimes love isn’t enough.”

  “But there is no reason why you can’t be together. He’ll happily protect you from the media and prove that long-distance relationships work.”

  “Right,” Mila says, sitting taller. “I know for a fact that he would walk over fire for you, so shielding your life from the vultures is nothing. He’ll be gone for a few months here and there, and then be with you the rest of the time. You could also go and visit him.”

  “I’ll probably have to repeat my final year at uni at this rate.”

  Mila rolls her eyes. “Babe, you’ve probably completed it already. Besides, I would totally fly out for long weekends in LA with you. You know, if you want a travel buddy.”

  “Oh, yeah, you’d do that just for me?”

  She winks. “I got your back, girl.”

  “I’m not being the reason you ignore your impending future.”

  She turns her nose up. “Impending future? Okay. I start uni this year, and I know I want to work in the publishing industry… just not which part yet. I’ll figure it out.”

  “You change your mind daily.”

  “It’s more like monthly, and I don’t need to decide yet. Everyone is being very crazy, trying to force me into adulthood. I’ve heard what it’s like and, frankly, it sounds horrible.”

  “Your parents are way too lenient on you,” Wren tells her. “They would actually let you live with them until you’re thirty.”

  “Mum is an awesome cook. That sounds just fine to me.”

  For someone who is actually quite independent, who would think nothing of travelling alone, she’s very dependent on her family. They’re super close. I have no idea what that feels like, but it looks nice.

  “What has Liam said? You’re together at the minute, right?”

  She glares. “We’re on. He’s said absolutely nothing about our future, you know this. He won’t even plan a week away with me.”

  She still doesn’t see how wrong they are for each other.

  “Oh my God, look at this smouldering picture of Reid!” Wren holds Mila’s phone up to us.

  He’s sitting at his desk with papers and books everywhere. His natural face looks half like he knows your every secret, and half like he’s picturing you naked.

  “Have you spoken to him about the publishing industry?” Wren asks.

  Mila shrugs. “Not really.”

  “He’s in it, Mila, and he lives across the road from you. Why not talk to him?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. Anyway, how’s Brody?”

  Wren cuts her a look but takes pity on her by rolling with the subject change. We both know it’s because she can feel the sexual tension between them and is petrified of it. “He’s good. I finally got him to agree to rescue a dog.”

  My mouth drops. “You guys are moving?”

  She nods. “We’re putting the apartment on the market and looking for a house with a garden. He thinks we’re only getting one dog, but I was very careful with my words. I said we need a big garden for any dogs we may rescue in the future. I clearly used plural, which means it’s not really my fault if he didn’t pick up on that.”

  Mila laughs. “I can’t wait to see him get moody every time you turn up with a new one.”’

  “We have a lot of old dogs that will probably never be rehomed. The shelter is an awesome, loving place, but they deserve a family.”

  “You can’t have all of them, Wren.”

  A slow grin stretches across her face. “Not all at once. He’d definitely notice that. Now we’ve covered Brody, let’s move back to Spencer,” Wren says.

  I narrow my eyes at her. “No.”

  She arches her eyebrow. “Shame, because he’s just walked in.”



  The second I walked into the bar, I spotted her. Everyone else faded away until there was just shiny, chocolate hair creating waves down her back, almost bringing me to my knees.

  I’ve missed her more than I thought it was possible. I stayed away when all I wanted was to run to her and make her see fucking sense. It’s been hell. I’ve had a lot of time to think and plan.

  That’s where Wren and Mila came in.

  The plan wouldn’t have worked instantly. Indie was too dead set on her stupid idea that we won’t work. I had to let her take a minute—let her miss me and really think about what it would be like, rather than thinking the worst.

  Mila text me when they arrived. I gave it enough time for them to eat. No point in making this more difficult with a hangry Indie. Now I can’t wait any longer.

It’s been long enough.

  I’m here to get my girl back.

  She whips her head around and searches for me. One of the girls just told her I’m here.

  Her eyes settle on me, and I see the breath she takes.

  A shudder rips through my body. My God, she’s stunning.

  I keep walking, unsure of the reception I’m going to get. Her face is pale, but her eyes are bright. I’m willing to put a lot of money on the fact that I look similar.

  I thought I was exhausted when filming. That doesn’t even come close to spending every second of every day wishing I could just fall asleep so it wouldn’t hurt so bad.

  I step closer until I can smell her hair. Fuck, I’m a creep.

  “What are you doing here?” she whispers.

  “I’ve come for you.”

  Indie shakes her head. “We talked about this, Spence.”

  “No, you talked, and frankly, Indie, it was bullshit.” Her frown is adorable. “This isn’t working for either of us. Being together might not be plain sailing but we’ll figure it out. Mila told me you’re a wreck. I am, too.”

  Indie turns to glare at an unapologetic Mila.

  “Hey,” I say, taking her hand.

  When she looks back, her bottom lip is wedged between her teeth. She doesn’t pull her hand away. I’ll take that. It’s pretty much as good as she’s going to give me right this second.

  “We’re going to live together in the UK… someplace close to your friends,” I tell her. I steamroll ahead when she tries to interrupt. “You’ll work as a counsellor, just like you’ve always wanted, and I’ll be away when I’m working. When you have time off, you can come visit me wherever I am. I’ll be home every single chance I get. Us first, work second.”

  She watches me, weighing up her options. I can tell from the thudding pulse in her wrist that I’ve got her.

  I smile. “I was kind of hoping you’d contact me after my interview. Talk about leaving me hanging, babe.”

  Biting her lip again, she tries to turn away, but I catch her chin.

  “I’ll do whatever I can to protect our privacy. I’ll hire a whole team to handle that if I need to.”


  “This will work, and you know it. Stop being scared and just be happy.”

  Her jaw tightens and her eyes gloss over. Come on, baby.

  “For fuck’s sake, Indie, just fucking kiss him!”

  It would seem that Mila has exploded.

  Grinning, I whisper, “You should listen to your crazy friend.”

  Indie slides off her stool, and her chest is brushes against mine. I suck a breath through my nose while my dick swells. Lust pulses through my veins.

  “I’m scared of everything,” she tells me.

  I step closer so there’s no distance between us. There’s no hope of me keeping any kind on control. The whole damn bar would see me pitching a tent in my jeans if they looked. “Can you be scared with me? I miss you so much,” I say, resting my forehead against hers.

  Her body plastered against mine is the best feeling in the whole world. Every smooth curve of her body is perfect, and I long to run my hands over every inch. I wrap my arms around her and slide my hands down her back. She shudders under my touch, and those dark eyes turn horny.

  “I’m sorry,” she whispers.

  My fingers curl into the top of her arse. Why are we not alone?

  “No more talking,” I say, bending my head.

  She tilts hers impatiently. I have the ghost of a smile when our mouths touch. More so when her hands tangle in my hair at the first brush of our lips. I deepen the kiss instantly, having no control when it comes to making up with her.

  The little moan in the back of her throat almost makes me come.

  “Yeah!” Mila and Wren cheer somewhere in the background.

  Indie grips my hair tightly and presses herself harder into me. Someone really is horny.

  I am also someone.

  I graze her lip with my tongue, and she whimpers in response.

  Her mouth is hot, wet, and wild as she kisses me like she’s starved. I breathe her in and arch my hips into her. Jesus Christ, I’m so turned on. We need to get somewhere private right the fuck now.

  “I need to take you home,” I murmur against her mouth.

  She nods and pulls away. Turning, she snatches her bag off the table.

  “Have fun!” Wren calls as Indie waves to them.

  I shove the door open so hard, it almost slams on the wall outside.

  “Oh my God, it’s Spencer Lowe!”

  Indie laughs at a group of women walking past, now staring at me like I’m an option for lunch.

  “You got her back!” one of them screams.

  I expect Indie to duck back inside or run to the nearest car park. What I don’t expect is for her to place one hand on my chest, smile, and wave at them.

  I raise my hand. “Night, ladies.”

  We turn around to the sound of squealing behind us.

  “How many cocktails did you have?” I ask as we power walk to my car.

  “I’m embracing it, Spence. I want all of you, every part, no matter how difficult things might get. I’m over being frightened of attention. Let them talk, let them photograph, let them post whatever they want about us. As long as I have you, I’m happy.”

  I grab her hand and swing her around. She gasps when I push her against my ‘ridiculously big’ car. I’m thinking with my dick as I slam my mouth against hers. For a second, I worry I’ve been too rough, but her hands fist my hair to the edge of pain, and I know she has the same urgency.

  She shoves me away far too soon. “Drive, Spencer.”

  It’s only when she gets in the passenger side that I realise the group of women are taking pictures. I really hope she means what she said.

  I don’t think I’ve ever driven like such a twat in my life.

  Indie practically hyperventilates beside me, which does nothing for my concentration.

  “How do you feel about car sex?” I ask, tightening my grip on the steering wheel.

  This is fucking torture; I need to be inside her now.

  “Pull over, Hollywood.”



  Like I need telling twice. I slow the car and turn off the road onto a track in the forest. Slamming the brakes, I cut the engine and unbuckle my seatbelt.

  Indie is ahead of me. She’s out of the belt and climbing over.

  It’ll be easier in the back, but my God, I want her riding me in the driver’s seat.

  When I realise that she’s about to jump on me, I unbutton my jeans and shove them down with my boxers. I am so fucking ready. My heart thuds so hard, I can hear my pulse in my ears.

  “Indie,” I grit between my teeth.

  A smile touches her lips as she sits down on top of me. Still with far too many clothes on, although her skirt does slide up her thighs. This has made it more difficult, but we’ll work around it. All I care about is having her close.

  She’s stunning, with curls draped to her breasts, eyes wide with lust, and her lips parted.

  To stop whatever sarcastic comment is about to come out of her mouth, I reach down and slide my hand between her legs.

  “Spence,” she breathes. I run my hand down the edge of her underwear and hook my finger underneath. I feel her shudder against my body.

  Her eyes flutter shut, and she sighs my name as I push the lacy material aside and circle her clit.

  “I love your hands.”

  “I love your tight pussy.” I slip my hand lower and my finger slides inside her.

  “You feel like heaven, baby. Take your top off.”

  Without a word, she pulls her top off, throwing it on the passenger seat before she unhooks her bra. Her pink nipples are pebbled and begging. I lean forwards and take her soft bud in my mouth.

  “Fuck, Spence,” she groans.

  “Yeah, you love that.” I circle her nipple, licking and nipp

  “I love when you do that.”

  I know.

  I work my fingers harder inside her, my hand wet and dick throbbing to be there. “I’m so fucking turned on,” I murmur against the soft skin of her breasts. “You’re so wet… so ready.”

  “I was ready the second you walked into the bar,” she pants, rocking on my hand as I stroke right where I know she likes it. Her hand slams against the window as she tightens around my finger.

  “Spence, no one can do this… I’ve never wanted anyone like this before. Promise me you’ll do this every day,” she pants, riding my hand.

  She inhales sharply and slams down on my hand as I circle my fingers inside her. “Yes, there. It feels too good. Don’t stop. I’m getting close. Please, fuck me.”

  My muscles tense as I watch her losing control, knowing I’ll be right with her soon.

  “You’re so hot, Indie. Keep riding me, baby.” I curl my finger back, and she moves faster. “I need to watch you come.”

  She groans, and her face twists in ecstasy. “Spencer! Oh Yes, there. Don’t stop. I love your hand. I really, really…”

  Her palm on the window slides to the back of the seat as she arches into me, over and over.

  “My hand is going to be my cock soon.”

  “Yes,” she whimpers. “Spencer!”

  She clamps down around me, and her eyes squeeze shut.

  Fuck, yeah.

  “You’re close.”

  “Oh.” Her hips buck wildly. “I’m coming. Spencer. Yes!”

  Throwing her head back, she cries out my name again and again. Is there anything better than your girl shouting your name when she comes? No, there’s not.

  I groan, watching her eyes squeeze together and her chest expand, pushing her breasts towards me. I’m having them in a minute.

  “I love how fast you come when my fingers are inside you.”

  “Shit,” she breathes, peeking at me through her lashes. “I will never get tired of you doing that.”

  “Neither will I. Can I fuck you now?”

  She shakes her head. “No. I’m on top. I’m going to fuck you.”

  My breath catches. “You are the perfect woman.”


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