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Page 14

by Alexander, S. B.

  I allowed my gaze to wander over him, drinking in his features—strong jaw, lips that were made for kissing, patrician nose, long lashes that framed gray eyes swirling with sorrow, lust, and mischief.

  I got the feeling he was ready to combust, ready to do things to me that I might regret or want more of.

  I gnawed on my lip, debating my next move. Then a laugh broke out in my head. The only move I had was to get on his bed, open my legs, and beg for him to do things that would live up to his nickname.

  “Problem, Heaven?”

  I was beginning to like the name Heaven. I had no doubt he could take me there.

  “I need to go,” I said in a weak voice. I had nowhere to be, but I couldn’t stay there.

  He grabbed strands of my hair and twirled them around his finger.

  Get out now.

  Nothing good could come from a wild night with Ryker, except complete and utter bliss from an experience that would stay with me forever. And that was the problem. One night with him, and I would want more, especially if he lived up to his nickname of Foreplay King. Then again, his reputation of sleeping around soured me, and I didn’t want to be discarded like a dirty condom.

  No, thank you.

  He inched closer until our bodies were almost touching. Without thinking, I grabbed hold of his belt buckle to anchor myself. Otherwise, I would’ve fallen back onto the bed, or my knees would’ve given out.

  He angled his head. Those gray eyes grew darker, like the clouds in a summer storm, as he studied me. He let go of my hair and traced his finger down the swell of one breast then the another.

  Goose bumps spread out over my entire body as the pulsing need between my legs intensified. Hell, since I’d met the man, I’d become one horny female.

  I was tempted to unbutton my shorts and rip off my blouse, but I was a lady and had been taught to act like one. A lady didn’t strip naked for a man she didn’t know.

  Bull. Of course they did in the heat of the moment.

  His finger kept tracing my breasts as though he were coloring in the lines.

  “I have to go.” My tone was breathy.

  “So you keep saying.” His voice was husky, and oh boy, that elicited more goose bumps. “Do you want me to stop?”

  I shook my head ever so slightly as my nipples went from hard to stone.

  As if he knew, his finger started in that direction. “You’re incredibly sexy.”

  My head jerked up, and I widened my eyes. “You’re drunk.”

  “Far from it, Heaven.”


  He lowered his head until his lips were on my ear. “I like calling you Heaven.”

  I stuck out my breasts. And I like you touching me.

  “I bet, Heaven, that you’re soaked right now.”

  Asshat. “Maybe you should find out,” I said a little too boldly.

  “You would like that.”

  Fucking love it. “Not at all. I don’t believe you’re the Foreplay King.” I was saying stupid shit.

  In a flash, his hand went around to my lower back, and he hauled me to him, pressing my body into his enormous dick. Then he was nibbling on my earlobe. “I don’t think you can handle me.”

  “It’s you who couldn’t handle me, big guy.”

  Bold much, girl?

  His tongue dipped into my ear as he continued to make sure I felt every hard inch of him. “Are you a betting woman, Heaven?”

  “I know how to play poker.”

  He chuckled as he guided my hand until it was seated on his crotch. “Remember how this felt in your hand that night? Well, imagine how it would feel inside you.”

  I whimpered as I squeezed his erection.

  “I will break you,” he said as sure as my eyes were droopy with lust.

  He would break me in more ways than one. “Stop your bullshit talking and bragging and do something. Or else I’m walking out of here.” Or rather stumbling out because my legs were weak and shaky.

  He belted out a laugh. “I’m afraid your old man wouldn’t like that.”

  Screw the bastard.

  “Do you really want to ruin the moment by bringing my father into this room filled with so much heat between us?”

  He flattened his palms against my cheeks, looked me in the eye, and studied me.

  I was tempted to fire the first kiss or unbuckle his belt. But I wanted him to make the first move. I’d given him all the signs. Not that I was shy, but if he wanted me, then he needed to show me.

  But when he brushed his lips over mine, I lost all thought, and my hands started unbuckling his jeans.

  Screw foreplay.

  If he didn’t get inside me right that instant, I would climax standing there.

  That one move was all he needed to rip off my clothes. The good news was that I didn’t have much to rip off.

  When I was completely naked, he edged back, or maybe stumbled, and his mouth hung open.

  The light on his nightstand cast a glow, showing a primitive wildness in his eyes as he drank me in. “No panties? Fuck me.” He grabbed his dick.

  I pouted. I wanted to be his hand. But if he could play, so could I. I pinched my nipples, not taking my eyes off him.

  He watched in lustful fascination, sucking in his bottom lip.

  Then I let one of my hands travel down my stomach, slow and sure, keeping my gaze on his.

  His breathing increased as he continued to squeeze his dick.

  I opened my legs slightly and dipped my fingers into a place I wanted his mouth and tongue.

  A look of pain so blissful washed over him. “Play with yourself.” His tone was strained and raspy.

  So I did, my eyes rolling back in my head as I continued to roll my nipple between my fingers and circle my clit with the other hand. At any second, I would be diving off that cliff, but I didn’t want to come yet. I wanted to play with him, not myself.

  I removed my hand before I caved. “Your turn.”

  A grin emerged as he unzipped his pants. “Come here.”

  I closed the short distance between us.

  He tore off his shirt, showing off dips and valleys and that happy trail.

  Oh my!

  I inhaled a huge breath as I planted my hands on his abs, ready to explore.

  His fingers circled my wrists before he guided them down to his zipper. Then he lowered his head and sucked in one nipple while pinching the other.

  I squealed then moaned, opening my legs wider.

  He dragged his lips over to the other breast and gave that one equal attention.

  My hands dove into his thick hair, pulling him to me. “Bite.”

  He chuckled but bit down on my nipple.

  I moaned loudly.

  “Fuck, Haven.” He bit down on the other nipple.

  “Harder,” I whispered.

  “Say my name.”

  I pinched my eyebrows as he lifted his head.

  “I want to hear my name on your lips.”

  “Not until you make me come,” I fired back.

  His lips curled on one side.

  “And I want you naked,” I said in a pained voice.

  He opened his arms. “I’m all yours. Strip me.”

  I unzipped his jeans and found that he was commando too. That was enough to send my pulse soaring.

  He shucked his jeans and stood there naked and godly. He was downright sex on a stick.

  I swallowed the dryness in my throat. My gaze was glued to his enormous dick. Before he could move, I dropped to my knees and captured his dick in between my lips.

  He tensed.

  I swirled my tongue around the tip.

  He moaned.

  So I sucked harder.

  He grunted.

  I sucked more.

  “Fuck,” he almost shouted.

  I let go of his dick with a pop. “Say my name.”

  “You’re fucking heaven, Haven.”

  I rewarded him by playing with his balls then latched on to his e
rection, sucking and licking, trying to watch every emotion cross his face—pain, pleasure, lust, and euphoria.

  I grabbed the backs of his legs for leverage and took him deep.

  His body tensed as he groaned and said my name over and over.

  Then before I knew what was happening, I was in his arms, and he was throwing me on the bed. The box that was near me bounced, along with my breasts.

  I giggled.

  He didn’t. He placed the box on his nightstand then straddled me, his erection barely touching my stomach. “You’re beautiful, bold, and fucking off the charts.”

  My cheeks flushed. I’d never had a guy tell me as much, at least not in the heat of the moment. I had a feeling Ryker didn’t say that to many women he brought to bed, and that made me want him more.

  “My turn to play,” he said. “Arms over your head, and no touching your body or mine unless I tell you to.” He crawled off me, pulled my legs down until my butt was close to the edge of the bed. “Knees up.”

  I obeyed him like a well-trained puppy. At the moment, I would do anything for him as long as the end game was a climax—a long, drawn-out climax.

  “Good girl.” He stood erect and played with himself, raking his gaze over my body from head to toe and everywhere in between.

  I could feel a snarl forming. While it was a beautiful sight to see him play, he was tormenting me as though he wanted to make me pay for something.

  But as much as he wanted to be in control, my body needed a release. So I went to place my fingers on my clit.

  He shook his head ever so slowly. “Haven.” The warning sent delightful shivers through my body.

  Nevertheless, I was intrigued as to what he would do if I disobeyed. I raised my brows, my fingers sliding down my stomach as I spread my legs wider.

  He continued to pump himself, trying to reach his own release, all the while piercing me with his eyes as though he were considering what to do with me.

  I didn’t care if he spanked me. I didn’t care if he tied me up. My only goal was to climax.

  “R-Ryker,” I stuttered.

  He smirked. “All I want you to do is watch, beautiful. Feel the pleasurable pain as you watch me.” His tongue snaked out as he lowered his gaze to my sex. “Watch what you’re doing to me.”

  “Sixty-nine,” I said. “We can come together.”

  His hand froze. Then in a flash, we were positioned in a perfect sixty-nine with him on top. Before his tongue touched my clit, my lips were around his dick.

  I sucked him so darn hard, I swore his groan made the house shake.

  Then he dove into me, his tongue capturing my clit, and I bucked off the bed.

  I sucked him. He licked me. I licked him. He sucked me. Back and forth we went with moans, groans, and sweet noises.

  His head bobbed, as did mine.

  Nothing in the world mattered except him and me and making music that I prayed would last forever.

  But forever came to an abrupt halt when his tongue dove into me then back up to my clit in quick succession. My body tensed, and my mouth opened wide as lightning flashed behind my eyelids.

  He continued to suck through my release. Instead of screaming his name, I clamped down on his erection. When I did, his body tightened, and he pulled out as he came all over my chest.

  I relaxed into the bed, trying to catch my breath as my toes tingled.

  He crawled off me then adjusted himself until his head was near mine. We lay there, breathing heavy, as the tick, tick, tick of the fan blades above us reverberated in the room. Or maybe it was my heart pounding in my ears.

  Ryker shoved both hands through his hair. “Holy fuck.”

  “Something wrong?” If he so much as said yes, I would throat-punch him.

  “That was…”

  “Unforgettable,” I added.



  I couldn’t get my breathing under control. My body was soaked in sweat, and the ride Haven had just taken me on was… I had no words other than holy fuck.

  Her breathing was just as labored as mine as we both stared up at the fan. I was still seeing stars, bright, blissful, and so laden with adrenaline, that I didn’t think I would come down off this high for at least a month… or maybe a lifetime.

  “I need to get cleaned up,” she whispered through deep breaths.

  I popped up, quick and fast, and grabbed my T-shirt. “Don’t move.” I didn’t want her to leave just yet. I didn’t want her to leave ever. I wanted another ride, or a hundred, or a thousand more.

  I returned and proceeded to wipe my spunk off her. “Why are you in my life?” I’d asked her that before, and I knew she didn’t have the answer, but fuck.

  I swore she was an angel who’d been sent from heaven to help me because at that moment, another weight was lifted off me. At that moment, my need for air had nothing to do with sex but rather how she was seeping into my psyche, my spirit, and my soul. I sounded crazed and confused, but man, I wasn’t making shit up because of the music we’d just made together.

  Her naked body glowed in the soft light of the room. “Why do you keep asking me that?”

  Once I’d cleaned off her chest, I tossed my shirt in the corner by the window with my other dirty clothes. I was somewhat neat, but I didn’t have OCD about keeping everything in its place.

  I rested on an elbow and dragged the tips of my fingers down Haven’s breasts with my free hand. Her nipples rose to the occasion as she briefly closed her eyes.

  “Do you want to spoon?” she asked innocently.

  I chuckled. “Heck no. I want to fuck you.”

  She shivered even more when my hand started to descend down her smooth, silky stomach.

  “But first I want to taste you again,” I said.

  She shivered again. “This is why I’m in your life. So we can have sex. Isn’t that why girls enter your room?”

  Not you. You’re one of a kind. You are the brightest star in the darkest night.

  I straddled her, and without so much as a word, her legs fell open for me.

  I raised an eyebrow. “Eager much?”

  She lifted up on her elbows, sticking out her tongue.

  I lifted my brows in a playful warning. “Careful.”

  “Pfft. I’m not afraid of you.”

  I dragged my tongue down her chest to her belly button, my gaze never leaving hers. “You should be. I’m the big, bad wolf.”

  She rolled her eyes, reminding me of rolling green hills beneath a glistening sun. “I need to go.”

  Laughing, I kissed her belly button. “Sounds like you’re trying to convince yourself. I told you I would get you in my bed and between my sheets.”

  She surveyed my bed. “I’m not between your sheets.”

  “Maybe not.” I slid down farther until my lips were on her pussy. “But I also said I would be between your legs.”

  I was just about to get comfortable when she scrambled off the bed.


  She started gathering her clothes like the room was on fire.

  Snatching her hand, I pulled her to me as I dropped onto the bed. “Come here.”

  She almost sat on my erection, which was ready to go to round two. Instead, she caught herself, swaying on her feet as fear jumped off her.

  My eyebrows dove down. “What just happened?”

  She stood in between my legs. Her tits were practically in my face, and hell, my cock was permanently hard.

  Pouting, she covered her beautiful breasts with the clothes in her hands as she managed to get away from me. “I had a great time. But we can’t do this again.”

  I usually didn’t fuck a girl more than once, although I hadn’t fucked Haven. I wanted to badly. I was thirsty for her. I wanted to feel her wrapped around me, squirming, moaning, and riding me like a cowgirl in a horse show.

  “I’m listening,” I said.

  She slipped one leg then the other into her shorts before buttoning them. “We just can’t.” He
r bra went on next.

  Her father’s words blared in my head. “My daughter is off limits.”

  “It’s your old man. Isn’t it?”

  She whipped her head up as her hands froze on the clasp of her black lace bra.

  I’d hit the nail on the head. “Seriously?”

  She threw on her shirt. “He’ll make my life and yours a living hell.”

  Grinding my teeth, I got up and found a pair of sweatpants in the pile of dirty clothes. Any urge I had to go another round died a quick death. So much for the high I’d been on. So much for having one night where I could feel something other than pain.

  I tied my sweatpants, seething. It was one thing to butt into my dad’s business, but to interfere in my personal business… No fucking way.

  She’s a senator’s daughter. It would never work out anyway. You hate her old man.

  I wasn’t planning on marrying the girl. I wasn’t even planning on dating her. All I wanted was another hour or two—or hell, the entire night—to screw my brains out.

  The guys had been right. I needed to get laid. While I hadn’t yet, the oral sex had been off-the-charts amazing, but I wanted more—more of her, more of us, more of that high that had vanished into thin air.

  Once she was fully clothed, she inched over to me. That fear she’d had seemed to have waned because now her eyes held pity.

  I didn’t want her to feel sorry for me. I was Ryker James, bold, strong, and driven. My dad had always told me that I’d been made of steel. I wasn’t so sure about that anymore, though.

  She flattened her hands against my chest, peering up at me through thick lashes. “I had a good time.”

  Follow the yellow brick road.

  I laughed. “What are you afraid of? That your old man will… what? Surely he wouldn’t find out about tonight. There are no cameras in the room.”

  She dug her nails into me. “There better not be.”

  I threaded my fingers through her hair. “Dollface, I don’t do cameras unless I’m on the field or doing an interview about football. And I might like kink, but I don’t get into filming my sexual encounters. So tell me.”

  “He doesn’t want me anywhere near you,” she said.


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