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Alaskan Christmas Redemption

Page 9

by Belle Calhoune

  But it hadn’t felt like nothing. Her cheek felt scorched by Braden’s lips. She raised a hand to caress the spot where his lips had been. It still tingled. Everyone streamed out of the diner, and Piper stood in the doorway and waved goodbye as they headed into the night. Once she was alone, she allowed herself the luxury of sinking down onto a chair and putting her feet up. Letting out a sigh, she sat back and rested her head on the table. She was tired. Mentally exhausted in fact. She reckoned her strange feelings about the mistletoe were merely a result of being pushed past her limits. There was nothing more than friendship between her and Braden. And that’s exactly how it should be. Her life was already complicated enough. Her relationship with Braden was so full of tension and uncertainty.

  Piper didn’t have any interest in muddying the waters any further between them. It would be a surefire way to mess up their friendship for good.

  * * *

  On the ride to Otis’s house, Braden turned the radio up and played holiday music. He desperately needed to stop thinking about the kiss he’d just placed on his best friend’s cheek. Otis tapped his feet and fingers along to the rhythmic beats. The older man reminded him a little bit of his own grandfather. Although Otis was a bit more of an extrovert, the two men shared similar qualities. It was probably the reason why he liked Otis so much.

  “There’s nothing like Christmas music, is there? I remember the first time I laid eyes on my June it was at a holiday party in Fairbanks. I was stationed at Ladd Air Force Base, and there was a dance there. I looked across the room and there she was, decked out in a red-and-green dress. Once I clapped eyes on her, I saw my entire future flash before my eyes.” Otis sounded wonderstruck.

  “I can’t imagine,” Braden said. “I don’t really believe in love at first sight, but who am I to disagree? Sounds like the two of you were a true match.”

  “She was my North Star, Braden. I hope someday you find a woman who’ll always lead you in the right direction the way she did. I can’t tell you how much I miss her.”

  “I’m not looking to settle down anytime soon, Otis, but I appreciate the sentiment.”

  “That Piper is something else, isn’t she?” Otis let out a throaty laugh. “She reminds me a little bit of my June. They both have pluck and grit. And incredibly big hearts.”

  Braden nodded. “I won’t argue with you on that. She’s been like that ever since she was a kid. She has a heart as big as the great outdoors. You’ll never meet a more loyal person.” His voice softened. “Or a better friend.”

  Braden turned off the main road and began driving down the lane leading to Otis’s log cabin. Once he stopped the car and put it in Park, he turned toward the older man.

  “She sounds like a keeper,” Otis said, his eyes twinkling.

  “She is,” he responded before seeing Otis’s knowing smile. “No.” He quickly cut Otis off at the pass. “It’s not like that. We’ve been best friends since the cradle.”

  Otis held up his hands. “Like what? I get the picture. You’re just friends. Piper already told me so.”

  Just friends. It sounded so inconsequential. What he and Piper shared was epic. From the first days of preschool to the triumphant moments of high school graduation, they had been practically inseparable. And unlike some of his other friends, their relationship hadn’t faltered after graduation. She had consoled him over his first painful breakup while he had encouraged her to be more confident about her abilities. She was truly one of the only people in the world he completely trusted to be himself with. For so long he’d been feeling unworthy as a member of the North family. Growing up in the aftermath of his sister’s abduction had left scars and a heavy dose of survivor’s guilt. He’d always been plagued by the question of why Lily had been taken and not him or Connor. Why had he been so blessed? Piper had been the one he’d always leaned on during the tough moments where he had questioned why his family had been forced to go through such an ordeal. Piper had been his rock. Their friendship had been perfect until he’d ruined it.

  “Night, Braden,” Otis said, reaching for the door handle. “Thanks for going out of your way to bring me home. You’re a fine young man. Make sure to tell your parents I said so.” With a tip of his hat, Otis exited the truck.

  Braden waited until Otis was inside his cabin before turning back down the lane and heading home. He let out a sigh. Otis had been complimentary, but Braden had a hard time accepting his kind words. How would he feel if he knew the secret Braden was keeping? It was doubtful he would be offering him such praise. He was so tired of feeling like a fraud.

  He had the distinct feeling Otis had been toying with him about Piper. The grin on his face had spoken volumes. It wasn’t the first time someone had teased him about his relationship with Piper, but for some reason it was becoming more difficult to laugh it off as he’d always done in the past. There had been that tense moment earlier when he’d kissed Piper under the mistletoe. It hadn’t been anything more than a peck on her cheek, but he couldn’t deny that it had felt oddly uncomfortable. He had a feeling he knew exactly why it had been so awkward. The weight of harboring secrets was heavy on his heart, mind and soul. No matter how hard he tried, Braden still couldn’t get back to the easy rhythm between him and Piper. Guilt was a strong force, and it reared its ugly head whenever they were in the same orbit.

  He prayed the changes he was helping Piper implement at the Snowy Owl would yield great results. It would be his way of making amends for Jack’s death and moving past it. Braden wasn’t foolish enough to think he could ever repair the damage he’d wrought, but he would be doing a kindness for Piper and helping her turn a page. Losing the diner would be like losing Jack all over again. If that happened, he wasn’t certain how Piper would survive it.

  * * *

  Piper woke up the following morning to the savory scent of coffee wafting under her nose. She let out a groan and crawled back under her duvet cover. This was the problem with having flannel sheets, she realized. She felt way too warm and cozy to get up in order to open the diner. A light knock sounded on her bedroom door. “Come in,” she said before the knob began to turn, and her mother walked in carrying a tray filled with breakfast goodies.

  “Good morning, sweetheart,” Trudy called out. “I have a treat for you. You’ve been working so hard these last few days I’ve barely seen you.”

  Piper sat up in bed and propped herself against the bed frame. Trudy walked over and placed the tray on Piper’s lap. “This is so sweet, Mama,” she said, looking down at the steaming cup of coffee and a plate filled with eggs, waffles and bacon. “But I’m not going to be able to savor it. I have to get going to the Snowy Owl. It’s going to be a long day.”

  Trudy sat down on the bed beside Piper. “You’re going to be on your toes all day and evening due to the holiday stroll, but you don’t have to go in for a few hours.” Trudy’s grin stretched across her face. “Jorge is opening up the diner this morning. He wanted to do something nice for you due to all the extra hours you’ve been putting in. Isn’t he a sweetheart?”

  Piper was a bit of a control freak about the diner, but she didn’t have the energy to protest. She would love to stay in her pj’s for another hour of rest and relaxation. Plus, she trusted Jorge implicitly. He was a wonderful man and a hard worker. The Snowy Owl was in good hands with him at the helm.

  “I’m going to let you relax for a bit and eat your breakfast. I’ve got some laundry to take care of. I’ll be on hand tonight if you need my help.” She sent Piper a tender smile. “Your dad and I used to have so much fun at this event. It was always such a celebration of Christmas and our good fortune. We were blessed beyond measure to find each other. I hope one day you find someone as solid as him to spend your life with.”

  “Me too,” Piper murmured as her mother pressed a kiss against her temple and headed out the door, closing it firmly behind her.

  Piper dug in to her me
al and sipped the hazelnut-flavored coffee. It was a real treat to indulge in breakfast in bed without having to worry about the diner. Lately she’d allowed it to consume her, and she knew going forward things would have to change. Once the Snowy Owl got on its feet, she intended to implement some changes.

  The sound of footsteps echoed on the stairs. There was always a lot of hustle and bustle at the inn in the morning as guests settled in for breakfast in the dining room.

  “I have another surprise for you,” Trudy crowed, her eyes twinkling with mischief.

  Suddenly, Rachel was standing in the doorway. With her beautiful features and lovely smile, her friend was the type of person who made quite an impression. She and her husband, Gabriel, were raising her twin daughters, Faith and Lizzy. Rachel was living proof that second chances did exist. Despite having made mistakes along the way, Rachel had walked off into the sunset with her one true love.

  “Rachel. What are you doing here?” Piper felt a groundswell of emotion seeing her close friend. Due to their busy schedules they hadn’t been able to spend as much time with each other as either would have liked. Piper had been over the moon when Rachel had decided to stay in Owl Creek with her girls after a three-year absence from town.

  “I’m here making a house call. One of the guests isn’t feeling well. Her symptoms indicate she’s suffering from a stomach bug, but I’m fairly certain she’ll be feeling better in twenty-four hours. I was all too happy to swing by and check on her.” Rachel gave Piper a quick hug. “I was hoping our paths would cross.”

  “Being married looks good on you,” Piper said, giving Rachel the once-over.

  Rachel beamed. “I’m glad it shows. I never imagined coming back home would give me the life I’ve always dreamed of having.”

  “No one deserves it more than you and Gabriel,” Trudy chimed in. “And those adorable girls of yours.” Piper’s mother placed her arm around Rachel’s waist and pulled her in for a squeeze. “Excuse me, ladies. I have to go make sure there’s enough syrup on the table for the waffles.”

  “She really loves running the inn,” Piper said with a grin as she watched her mother head out of the kitchen. She hoped people saw the same enthusiasm in her regarding her management of the Snowy Owl. Despite the ongoing financial strain, she could truly say she loved her job. God willing, the diner would be around for a very long time so she could pass it down to her own children. But first she needed a little romance in her life. It would be impossible to settle down if she wasn’t even dating.

  “Gabriel and I were wondering if you needed any help with the holiday stroll? We’ll have the girls in tow, but we can still pitch in.”

  Piper clapped her hands. “Oh, that would be wonderful, Rachel. The more the merrier. Braden has been working with me to come up with some ideas to increase business and perk up our menus. He’s been really helpful.”

  Rachel wrinkled her nose. “Are those new restaurants in town still giving you trouble?”

  “Let’s just say the competition is fierce.” Excitement rushed through her. “But Braden suggested I increase my pie production. We’re going to roll them out tonight for the holiday stroll, then make some available for the diner.” She shook her head and giggled. “And he has this epic idea to create these crazy milkshakes.” She put her hands together in prayer-like fashion. “Praying it all works out.”

  “You seem so happy. I’m glad you and Braden are reconnecting. I know you were a bit confused and hurt when he appeared to be avoiding you.”

  Piper hadn’t forgotten all of those wounded feelings. They rested just beneath the surface. On occasion they still pricked at her heart. Rachel was the only one she’d confided in about how deeply Braden’s actions had affected her. “I still sense there’s something off between us. Even though we’re working together it’s as if there’s this veil over him. He’s just not the old Braden I’ve spent so much time with over the years.”

  Rachel frowned. “Do you think he’s hiding something?”

  Piper bit her lip and nodded. “Yes, I do. Although I have no idea what it could be. I can’t quite put my finger on it. What could have happened to make him want to steer clear of me for such a long time? I hope I don’t sound paranoid, but he was gone from Owl Creek for so long. It just seemed as if he was running away from something.”

  “Don’t shoot the messenger, but do you think he has romantic feelings for you? Sometimes those lines get blurred.”

  Piper scrunched up her face. “No, I really don’t. We’ve always been just friends even though—” She stumbled over her words and stopped talking. Piper wasn’t sure she should mention the harmless smooch from the other night.

  Rachel pounced on her slipup. “Even though what?”

  “We were at the diner the other night and a few of my bakers were urging us to kiss under the mistletoe. He gave me a peck on the cheek, and this really strange energy surrounded us. I think we both felt awkward and uncomfortable.”

  “Well, that’s not really odd considering you’ve been best friends since you were in diapers. Add in Braden’s disappearing act from Owl Creek and the fact that you haven’t been in sync lately. Honestly, it’s no small wonder it all feels a bit strained.”

  “It’s not like that all the time. Sometimes it seems as if everything is back to normal between us, which is lovely.” A ragged sigh slipped past her lips. “We’ll end up laughing over a funny joke or reminiscing about something from the past. I wish those moments outweighed the ones that make me question what’s going on with him.”

  “I’ve learned with my profession that we never know what another person is going through. I know the two of you always told each other your deep dark secrets, but sometimes things shift. Don’t forget his long-lost sister returned out of the blue not too long ago. Although it’s a blessing she’s been reunited with the Norths, it probably brings back a lot of traumatic memories. Braden is the strong silent type. There’s no telling what feelings he’s been suppressing.”

  Piper felt a sinking sensation in her gut. Her problems with the diner had felt so all-consuming that she hadn’t paused to consider what Braden had been going through for the past few months. Piper knew all too well that the abduction of his baby sister had left scars he’d always attempted to hide from his family. Sage’s return had been a blessing, but it had brought to light the evil deeds committed by the woman who had stolen Sage, then raised her as her own child. There was no question in her mind he must still be grappling with the situation and trying to make sense of it all.

  She vowed to do better at supporting Braden. If he needed a shoulder to lean on, she would provide it. Although she agreed with Rachel about the stress of Sage’s return to Owl Creek, Piper still couldn’t manage to convince herself that it was related to Braden’s aloof behavior. Every instinct told her it had something to do with her. And she still worried that this secret Braden was keeping might forever alter their friendship.

  Chapter Eight

  Owl Creek’s town square was lit up in shimmering lights, twinkling stars and festive garlands. A massive Christmas tree stood in the middle of the town green. It was a tradition to turn on the tree lights at the conclusion of the holiday stroll event. Everywhere he looked, Braden spotted signs of holiday bling. Kids were riding sleighs led by Alaskan malamutes and Siberian huskies. His grandparents were dressed up as Santa and Mrs. Claus. Braden chuckled as he watched kids scrambling to sit on Santa’s lap and make their heartfelt wishes.

  He didn’t think he’d ever seen so many wreaths in his entire life. There were dozens hanging up all around Main Street. It seemed as if the whole town had shown up to support the local businesses and spread holiday cheer throughout the village. He’d been manning a table with Piper they’d set up on the town green. In a while he would head to the diner and get down to the business of making some of his supreme holiday shakes to lure customers inside the Snowy Owl after the h
oliday stroll.

  “I can’t believe how many people turned out,” Piper said. “We’re about to run out of pie samples.”

  Braden raised his hand in the air. “Yes! Leave them wanting more.” He flashed a smile at Piper. It was wonderful seeing all of their hard work come to fruition. “I have the feeling a lot of pie orders will be coming in over the next few days.”

  “That would be wonderful,” Piper said, clapping her mittened hands together.

  “The feedback has been terrific. Owl Creek has gone pie crazy,” Braden said, making a goofy face at Piper.

  She swatted at him, chuckling. “You look like you’re five years old.”

  “Aww, c’mon,” Braden said, placing his hand over his heart. “You hurt my feelings.” Piper rolled her eyes and let out a snort.

  “Brrr. It’s so cold out here I feel like my feet are turning into icicles.” Piper began jumping up and down. “If I stand still for too long, I literally cannot feel them.”

  “Why don’t we head inside? The pie is pretty much a wrap. There’s only that one little slice of apple left. Between the two of us, we could polish it off in no time.”

  Piper giggled. “How many slivers have you eaten tonight? Wait. Here comes Mrs. Crenshaw. I happen to know she loves apple pie.”

  He’d always loved the sound of her laughter and what it did to her face. It transformed her pretty features into radiant ones. Ever since his return to Owl Creek, Braden had been viewing his best friend with a whole new pair of eyes. Growing up she’d been a tomboy, running around with skinned knees and faded, ripped blue jeans. Now he imagined the men in town were tripping all over themselves to date her. His protective instincts kicked into high gear. He would run interference if he had to in order to protect Piper from anyone who didn’t have the best of intentions.


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