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To War with Wellington

Page 40

by Peter Snow

  ‘The brave men who have survived’: Llewellyn, p. 67, Ney

  ‘bareheaded, his face blackened’: Houssaye, p. 236

  ‘We were both on horseback’: Stanhope, p. 245

  ‘By God, Sir, I have lost my leg’: Anglesey, p. 149

  ‘Nothing except a battle lost’: Shelley, vol. 1, p. 102

  ‘looking piteously for relief’: Morris, Sergeant Morris, p. 181

  He offered his help: Tomkinson, p. 315

  ‘whether it is the dead body’: Farmer, p. 149

  ‘The bones were sticking up’: Gronow, Reminiscences and Recollections, vol. 1, p. 193

  ‘Let’s have dinner directly’: Thornton, pp. 101–2

  ‘If it is to be taken off’: Anglesey, p. 150 (quoting Uxbridge’s ADC, Captain Wildman)

  ‘I thought, as he had only lost a leg’: Kaye, vol. 2, p. 121

  ‘extreme grief: WD, vol. 12, p. 488, W letter to Aberdeen 19/6/1815

  ‘without betraying the slightest emotion’: Costello, p. 217

  ‘I thought all was over’: Shulbrede archive, Ponsonby’s red notebook

  ‘In my agony of woe’: Smith, pp. 286–8 (quoting his wife’s account)

  Chapter Twenty: See the Conquering Hero Comes

  ‘the successful result’: WD, vol. 12, p. 484, Waterloo despatch

  ‘the greatest satisfaction’: ibid., p. 483

  ‘with the greatest gravity’: Creevey, pp. 236–7

  ‘It was the most desperate business’: Raglan papers, W letter to W. Wellesley-Pole 19/6/1815

  he later remarked that it was strange: Longford, Pillar of State, p. 267

  ‘Oh yes, plenty of that!’: Fraser, p. 73

  ‘The lance pierced the lungs’: Bessborough, p. 244, Lady Caroline Lamb letter to Lord Duncannon 7/7/1815

  He was delighted to discover: Gronow, Reminiscences and Recollections, vol. 1, p. 205

  ‘riddled body held together’: Kincaid, p. 285

  ‘Ere many years’: Leach, p. 246

  ‘like an old warhorse’: Morris, Sergeant Morris, p. 232

  ‘If England should ever require’: Wheeler, p. 196

  ‘Yes, I should have’: Montgomery, p. 23


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  Anglesey, Marquess of, One Leg: The Life and Letters of Henry William Paget, London, Jonathan Cape, 1961

  Anton, James, Royal Highlander, York, Leonaur, 2007 (orig. published as Retrospect of a Military Life, 1841)

  Arbuthnot, Journal of Mrs Arbuthnot 1820–1832, ed. Francis Bamford, 2 vols, London, Macmillan, 1950

  Bainville, Jacques, Napoleon, London, Jonathan Cape, 1932

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  Bessborough, Earl of, Lady Bessborough and her Family Circle, London, John Murray, 1940

  Bingham, D. A., A Selection of the Letters and Despatches of the First Napoleon, 3 vols, London, Chapman & Hall, 1884

  Blakeney, Robert, Light Bob, York, Leonaur, 2006 (orig. published as A Boy in the Peninsular War, 1899)

  Blanch, Lesley, ed., The Game of Hearts: Harriette Wilson and her Memoirs, London, Gryphon Books, 1957

  Brett-James, Eliot, The Hundred Days, London, Macmillan, 1964

  Brett-James, Eliot, Wellington at War, London, Macmillan, 1961

  Broughton, Lord John, Recollections of a Long Life, London, John Murray, 1909

  Browne, Thomas, The Napoleonic War Journal of Captain Thomas Henry Browne 1807–16, London, Bodley Head, 1987

  Buckingham, Duke of, Memoirs of the Court and Cabinets of George III, 2 vols, London, Hurst & Blackett, 1855

  Bunbury, Thomas, Reminiscences of a Veteran, London, Charles Skeet, 1861

  Campbell, Neil, Napoleon at Fontainebleau and Elba, London, John Murray, 1869

  Cavendish, Lady Harriet, Harryo: Letters of Lady Harriet Cavendish 1796–1809, London, John Murray, 1940

  Chandler, David, The Campaigns of Napoleon, London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1967

  Chaptal, Jean Antoine, Mes souvenirs de Bonaparte, Paris, Plon, 1893

  Cocks, Edward Charles, Intelligence Officer in the Peninsula: Letters and Diaries of Major the Hon. Edward Charles Cocks, ed. Julia Page, Tunbridge Wells, Spellmount, 1986

  Colborne, John, A Singular Talent for War, York, Leonaur, 2007 (orig. published as The Life of John Colborne, Field-Marshal Lord Seaton, 1903)

  Cole, Maud and Gwyn, Stephen, Memoirs of Sir Lowry Cole, London, Macmillan, 1934

  Combermere, Mary, Viscountess, Memoirs and Correspondence of Field Marshal Viscount Combermere, 2 vols, London, Hurst & Blackett, 1866

  Cooke, John, With the Light Division, York, Leonaur, 2007 (orig. published in 3 vols as Memoirs of the Late War and a narrative of events in the South of France and of the attack on New Orleans in 1814 and 1815, 1831–5)

  Cooper, John, Fusilier Cooper, York, Leonaur, 2007 (orig. published as Rough Notes of Seven Campaigns, 1869)

  Costello, Edward, Rifleman Costello, York, Leonaur, 2005 (orig. published as Adventures of a Soldier, 1841)

  Craufurd, Alexander, General Craufurd and his Light Division, Uckfield, Sussex, Naval and Military Press, undated facsimile of orig. published in London by Griffith Farrar Okeden & Welsh, 1891

  Creasy, Sir Edward, Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World, London, Richard Bentley, 1879

  Creevey, Thomas, A Selection from the Correspondence of the Late Thomas Creevey, ed. Herbert Maxwell, London, John Murray, 1904

  Croker, John Wilson, The Croker Papers 1808–57, 3 vols, London, John Murray, 1885

  Crumplin, Michael, Men of Steel: Surgery in the Napoleonic Wars, Shrewsbury, Quiller Press, 2007

  Delaforce, Patrick, Wellington the Beau, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, Windrush Press, 1990

  Dobbs, John, Gentlemen in Red: Recollections of an Old 52nd Man, York, Leonaur, 2008 (orig. published 1863)

  Donaldson, Joseph, Donaldson of the 94th Scots Brigade, York, Leonaur, 2008 (orig. published as Recollections of the Eventful Life of a Soldier, 1838)

  Douglas, John, Douglas’s Tale of the Peninsula and Waterloo, ed. Stanley Monick, Barnsley, Leo Cooper, 1997

  Eaton, Charlotte, Waterloo Days: The Narrative of an English Woman Resident at Brussels in June 1815, London, George Bell, 1888

  Edwards, Peter, Talavera: Wellington’s Early Peninsula Victories 1808–9, Swindon, Crowood Press, 2005

  Esdaile, Charles, Peninsular Eyewitness, Barnsley, Pen and Sword, 2008

  Esdaile, Charles, The Peninsular War, London, Penguin, 2003

  Farmer, George, Adventures of a Light Dragoon in the Napoleonic Wars, York, Leonaur, 2006 (orig. published 1844)

  Fortescue, J. W., A History of the British Army, vols 4–10, London, Macmillan, 1906–20

  Foulkes, Nick, Dancing into Battle, London, Phoenix, 2007

  Fraser, Sir William, Words on Wellington, London, George Routledge, 1902 (

  Frazer, Sir Augustus Simon, Letters, London, Longman, Brown, Green, Longmans & Roberts, 1859

  Garrety, Thomas, Soldiering with the Division, York, Leonaur, 2007 (orig. published as Memoirs of a Late Sergeant in the 43rd, 1835)

  Girod de L’Ain, Maurice, Vie militaire de Général Foy, Paris, Plon, 1900

  Gleason, Janet, An Aristocratic Affair, London, Bantam Press, 2006

  Gleig, G. R., The Hussar: The Story of Sergeant Norbert Landsheit, Philadelphia, G. B. Ziegler, 1845 (

  Gleig, G. R., Life of Wellington, London, Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, 1862 (

  Gleig, G. R., The Subaltern, Edinburgh, William Blackwood, 2nd edn, 1826
/>   Glover, Michael, The Peninsular War, London, Penguin, 2001

  Gordon, Alexander, At Wellington’s Right Hand: Letters of Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Alexander Gordon 1808–15, ed. Rory Muir, Stroud, Sutton Publishing for the Army Records Society, 2003

  Grattan, William, Adventures with the Connaught Rangers 1809–14, London, Greenhill Books, 2003

  Green, William, Bugler and Officer of the 95th Rifles, York, Leonaur, 2005

  Greville, Charles, The Greville Memoirs: A Journal of the Reigns of King George IV and William IV, 3 vols, London, Longmans Green, 1875

  Griffiths, Major Arthur, Wellington Memorial, London, George Allen, 1897

  Gronow, Rees, Reminiscences, London, Smith Elder, 1862

  Gronow, Rees, Reminiscences and Recollections, 2 vols, London, John Nimmo, 1900 (

  Hale, James, Journal of a Late Sergeant of the 9th Regiment of Foot, London, Longman, 1826

  Harris, Benjamin, Recollections of Rifleman Harris, London, Cassell, 2006

  Hay, Captain William, Reminiscences 1808–15, ed. S. Wood, London, Simpkin, Marshall, 1901

  Headlam, John, Six Centuries of RA History, Woolwich, RA Institution, 1944

  Henegan, Richard, Campaigns with the Field Train, York, Leonaur, 2007 (orig. published as Seven years campaigning in the Peninsula and the Netherlands, 1846)

  Hennell, George, A Gentleman Volunteer: Letters of George Hennell from the Peninsular War, ed. Michael Glover, London, Heinemann, 1979

  Hibbert, Christopher, Wellington: A Personal History, London, HarperCollins, 1997

  Holmes, Richard, Redcoat, London, HarperCollins, 2001

  Holmes, Richard, Wellington: The Iron Duke, London, HarperCollins, 2002

  Houssaye, Henri, 1815 Waterloo, London, A&C Black, 1900

  Howarth, David, Waterloo: A Near Run Thing, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, Windrush Press, 2003

  James, Colonel W. H., The Campaign of 1815, London, Blackwood, 1908

  Kaye, J. W., The Life and Correspondence of Major-General Sir John Malcolm, London, Smith Elder, 1856

  Keegan, John, The Face of Battle, London, Pimlico, 2004

  Keegan, John, The Mask of Command, London, Jonathan Cape, 1987

  Kincaid, John, Tales from the Rifle Brigade, Barnsley, Pen and Sword, 2005 (orig. published as Adventures in the Rifle Brigade, 1830, and Random Shots from a Rifleman, 1835)

  Knowles, Robert, The War in the Peninsula: Letters of Robert Knowles, London, Bolton Journal and Guardian, 1909

  Lamare, Jean-Baptiste-Hippolyte, An Account of the Second Defence of the Fortress of Badajoz, by the French, in 1812, London, T. Egerton, 1824

  Landmann, George, Recollections of my Military Life, 2 vols, London, Hurst & Blackett, 1854

  Larpent, F. Seymour, The Journal of F. Seymour Larpent, 3 vols, London, Richard Bentley, 1853

  Las Cases, Emmanuel de, Memorial of St Helena, 4 vols, London, Henry Colburn, 1823

  Lawrence, William, Sergeant Lawrence, York, Leonaur, 2007 (orig. published as The Autobiography of Sergeant William Lawrence, 1886)

  Leach, Jonathan Captain of the 95th Rifles, York, Leonaur 2005 (orig. published as Rough Sketches of an Old Soldier, 1831)

  Leeke, William, History of Lord Seaton’s 52nd Regiment, London, Hatchards, 1866

  Leslie, Charles, Military Journal of Colonel Leslie 1807–1832, Aberdeen, Aberdeen University Press, 1887

  Leveson Gower, Lord Granville, Private Correspondence of Lord Granville Leveson Gower, 1787 to 1821, 2 vols, London, John Murray, 1916

  Llewellyn, Frederick, ed., Waterloo Recollections, York, Leonaur, 2007

  Longford, Elizabeth, Wellington: Pillar of State, London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1969

  Longford, Elizabeth, Wellington: The Years of the Sword, London, Harper & Row, 1969

  Low, E. S., With Napoleon at Waterloo and Other Unpublished Documents of the Waterloo and Peninsula Campaigns, ed. Mackenzie Macbride, London, Francis Griffiths, 1911

  McGrigor, Sir James, The Autobiography and Services of Sir James McGrigor, Bart, Late Director General of the Army Medical Department, London, Longman, Green, Longman & Roberts, 1861

  Malmesbury, James Harris, Earl of, Letters of the First Earl of Malmesbury, 2 vols, London, Richard Bentley, 1870

  Marchand, Leslie, Byron, 2 vols, London, John Murray, 1957

  Markham, Felix, The Bonapartes, London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1975

  Maxwell, Sir Herbert, The Life of Wellington, 2 vols, London, Sampson, Low, Marston, 1899

  Mercer, Alexander Cavalié, Journal of the Campaign of 1815, York, Leonaur, 2008 (orig. published as Journal of the Waterloo Campaign, 1870)

  Montgomery, Viscount, A History of Warfare, London, Collins, 1968

  Morris, Sergeant Thomas, Recollections of Military Service, London, James Madde, 1845

  Morris, Sergeant Thomas, Sergeant Morris of the 73rd Foot, York, Leonaur, 2007

  Muir, Rory, Britain and the Defeat of Napoleon, New Haven and London, Yale University Press, 1996

  Napier, William, History of the War in the Peninsula and the South of France, 1807–14, New York, Sadlier (

  Napier, William, Life and Opinions of Charles Napier, London, John Murray, 1857

  Neale, Adam, Letters from Portugal and Spain, London, Richard Phillips, 1809

  Oman, Sir Charles, A History of the Peninsular War, London, Greenhill Books, 1996

  O’Meara, Barry, Napoleon in Exile, Philadelphia, Carey & Lea, 1822

  O’Neill, Private Charles, Private O’Neill: The Recollections of an Irish Rogue of HM 28th Regt, York, Leonaur, 2007 (orig. published 1851)

  Paget, Julian, Second to None: The Coldstream Guards 1650–2000, London, Leo Cooper, 2000

  Pitt Lawrence, Sir William, Three Years with the Duke of Wellington in Private Life, London, Saunders & Otley, 1853

  Roberts, Andrew, Napoleon and Wellington, London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2001

  Robinson, H. B., Memoirs of Sir Thomas Picton, 2 vols, London, Richard Bentley, 1836

  Schaumann, August, On the Road with Wellington: The Diary of a War Commissary, London, Greenhill Books, 1999 (orig. published 1924)

  Severn, John, Architects of Empire: The Duke of Wellington and his Brothers, Norman, University of Oklahoma Press, 2007

  Shaw Kennedy, Sir James, Notes on the Battle of Waterloo, London, John Murray, 1865

  Shelley, Lady Frances, The Diary of Frances, Lady Shelley 1767–1817, ed. Richard Edgcumbe, 2 vols, London, John Murray, 1912

  Sherer, G. Moyle, Recollections of the Peninsula, London, Longman, Rees, Orme & Green, 5th edn, 1827

  Siborne, Major General H. T., Waterloo Letters, London, Greenhill Books, 1993 (orig. published 1891)

  Simmons, George, A British Rifleman: Journals and Correspondence of Major George Simmons, London, A&C Black, 1899

  Smith, Harry, Autobiography of Lieutenant-General Sir Harry Smith, London, John Murray, 1903

  Stanhope, Philip Henry, Conversations with the Duke of Wellington, London, Prion, 1998

  Stewart, Captain P. F., History of the 12th Royal Lancers, London, Oxford University Press, 1950

  Surtees, William, Surtees of the 95th Rifles, York, Leonaur, 2006 (orig. published as Twenty-Five Years in the Rifle Brigade, 1833)

  Thornton, James, Your Obedient Servant, Exeter, Webb & Bower, 1985

  Todd, Thomas, aka Howell, Thomas, Bayonets, Bugles and Bonnets, York, Leonaur, 2005 (orig. published as Journal of a Soldier of the 71st, 1806–15, 1828)

  Tomkinson, William, With Wellington’s Light Cavalry, York, Leonaur, 2006 (orig. published as Diary of a Cavalry Officer, 1894)

  Urban, Mark, The Man who Broke Napoleon’s Codes, London, Faber & Faber, 2001

  Urban, Mark, The Rifles, London, Faber & Faber, 2004

  Wellesley, Jane, A Journey through my Family, London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2008

  Weller, Jac, Wellington at Wate
rloo, New York, Thomas Crowell, 1967

  Weller, Jac, Wellington in the Peninsula, London, Greenhill, 1962

  Wellington, Duke of, Wellington Anecdotes, London, 1852

  Wellington, Duke of, The Dispatches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington, 13 vols, ed. John Gurwood, London, John Murray, 1837–8

  Wellington, Duke of, Supplementary Despatches and Memoranda of Field Marshal Arthur, Duke of Wellington, ed. his son the Duke of Wellington, 11 vols, London, John Murray, 1858–64

  Wellington, Duke of, Selections from the Despatches and General Orders, London, John Murray, 1851

  Wheeler, Private William, The Letters of Private Wheeler, ed. B. Liddell Hart, Moreton-in-Marsh, Gloucestershire, Windrush Press, 1993

  * A penny was not to be sniffed at in those days. According to the Bank of England’s online inflation calculator goods costing one pound in 1809 would have cost around sixty pounds in 2009. See But historical comparisons of inflation can be notoriously misleading. A better guide is purchasing power: in Britain a penny in 1809 would buy you a half-pint of beer and three pence some bread and cheese. In the Peninsula prices varied greatly – depending on supply. George Simmons (pp. 183–4) complains at one stage, ‘Every article of food is enormously dear: bread is 1 shilling [12 pence] a pound, butter 4 shillings a pound …’

  * This was almost certainly true of Vitoria in 1813 – see p. 196.

  * Grapeshot differed from the more widely used canister. A handful of iron balls were assembled and packed in a canvas bag secured with string, looking rather like a bunch of grapes. When fired from the gun, they splayed out very rapidly and were effective only at very short range.

  * Cotton was always immaculately dressed in the rich uniform of a general of hussars: it earned him the nickname ‘Lion d’Or’ (Golden Lion). He always felt that the cavalry were undervalued in the Peninsula.

  * Wellington and a number of his men spelled Napoleon’s surname Buonaparte, as a mark of contempt, to emphasise his Corsican origins.

  * To find the graveyard today, you go to Bonnut near Orthez and ask for the cimetière des Anglais.

  * Wellington later admitted that at the time of Napoleon’s abdication ‘the British army could not have reached the scene of operations for two months’ (Greville, vol. 1, p. 74).


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