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Saving Grace

Page 7

by Unknown

  "That's a good girl, now bend over for me just a little bit," Austin said, in his quiet voice again. I trembled at the thought of what he might do to me, but I knew I would rather find out than take what I had coming if I disobeyed. My rear was still stinging from where his palm had landed. Putting my hands on the examination table, I bent over. I felt Austin's fingers at the top of my back as he began fiddling with the buttons of my dress. One by one, I felt the opening, felt the cloth falling away from my body until he'd undone the last one at the small of my back. He gave the dress a tug and it fell down slightly. "Lift your arms," he said. I did and the sleeves came off as the whole thing fell to the floor.

  Fresh waves of shame and humiliation crashed through me. There I was standing in the Doc's office, the way I'd stood when I was just a little girl and my daddy had come over to play chess or smoke cigars. Except now I was a fully grown woman. And now, instead of standing in the corner and sucking on a lollipop, watching the horses go by outside the window, I was about to be examined by the Doc while my husband watched.

  As I stood staring at the wall I felt Austin's hands at the hem of my camisole. As he pulled it up, I felt my naked flesh exposed to the light of day. First the small of my back. Then, as the fabric rose, I felt it at the undercurve of my breasts. He grazed my soft mounds with a finger as he asked me to put my arms up. The touch made me wetter than I had been and as the material was pulled up and over my head, I looked back down to see the my nipples had stiffened and were now pointing straight outward. A shiver ran through me. This was not a feeling I'd ever experienced before, this confusing excitement mixed with fear.

  I was now completely stark naked, save my boots. I wondered if they would make me take those off too. Austin put a gentle hand on my arm and turned me around. As I turned slowly towards the two of them, I lifted an arm and tried to cover my chest with it, while my other hand swept down to the space between my legs. Glancing up at Austin, I saw his eyes rake over me slowly. When I looked back down towards the floor, I couldn't help but catch the bulge that had formed at his middle. I breathed a little heavier, knowing that something about that bulge was for me.

  "A fine bride you've chose, my boy," the Doc said stepping towards us and giving Austin a slap on the back. I couldn't look at either of them. My eyes just went from the floor to the wall, to the bookshelf with the Doc's medical literature, back to the floor again. But I could feel them both looking at me. "Best take her boots off as well then," the Doc said to Austin. "May as well get her up on the table first."

  "Alright beautiful," Austin said, stepping towards me again and putting his hands on my arms. I almost let out a shriek as I felt myself being lifted into the air then plopped down on the examination table behind me.

  "Once you take her boots off I'll swing the stirrups out," I heard the Doc say, though I couldn't see him anymore because Austin's massive frame was the only thing in my field of vision. I looked up and our eyes met. As his hands drifted down my body towards my legs, I let out the quietest whimper. I wanted nothing more than to feel those hands on me, but in the most private places I had. This time, not only did I feel myself getting wetter down there, I smelled the hot, sticky sweetness of it too. Austin must have as well, being so close to me. He went down on one knee and I almost whimpered again. His face was just inches from my sex and the ache had turned into a pounding, thundering need between my thighs.

  He knew it too. I knew he did. I could tell from the way he held me with his eyes as he pulled my boots off my feet. When he was done, he stood up and took a few steps back.

  "Alright Gracey," the Doc said, stepping forward and taking Austin's place, "spread those legs of yours for me so I can take a look."

  Having been too caught up in Austin, I hadn't realized that the Doc was holding some kind of shiny metal implement and I recoiled and shrank away from him at the sight of the thing.

  "Not to worry now Gracey, I've done more of these exams that you could count," the Doc said, putting a hand on my thigh. I trembled slightly at his touch but felt even more wetness come in between my legs. I looked at Austin, searching for anything, anyone that could explain to me why my body was reacting in this way. He just nodded, letting me know that what the Doc was doing was what he wanted.

  So I pushed myself back a bit further on the table and slowly brought me feet up. I put my heels on the edges of the table and just as slowly, spread my thighs open. I heard the sound of my sex opening, sticky as the folds of flesh there were with wetness. I glanced down and took in my womanhood for the first time just as the Doc brought his instrument to it.

  "Oh!" I gasped as the cold metal touched my skin.

  "Hold still now," the Doc said scowling at how I'd flinched. Slowly, carefully, he moved the heavy rod inside of me. I felt it move past the outer flesh and into my body as more liquid began to come out of me from the sensation. My face was beet red now, burning with embarrassment at the Doc seeing me this way. The room was thick with my scent and I knew both the men could smell it just as well as I could.

  When the Doc's implement came up against my maiden's head I gasped again and my fingers clutched at the edges of the table. The Doc looked up and smiled, then turned to look behind him at Austin who was observing everything carefully.

  "Perfectly intact!" the Doc said cheerfully. "She's in quite a heat too. I haven't seen a woman in this kind of state in a while."

  The Doc turned back towards my middle and pulled the device out of me. As it left I gasped again and my thighs trembled sending another strange mix of embarrassment and pleasure through me. How could I be feeling this way from the Doc touching me? It was almost as if I were enjoying what was happening. "Do you plan to breed her right away?" The Doc's words made my mouth drop open from shock. Though I knew that was what husband's did to their women, I had never heard it spoken out loud!

  "I suppose I was just going to see what happened," Austin said matter of factly, as if this were the most everyday, usual question he had to answer all the time.

  "Well I don't know if you plan to train her," the Doc said back. Austin replied quickly.

  "Oh I've every intention to do that."

  "Well I find it's always good to give some time between having a woman trained and breeding her," the Doc said with an upturned eyebrow.

  "You're more'n likely right," Austin replied quietly. The Doc nodded at his answer, straightened up and moved towards the counter in the corner by the sink. Austin kept his eyes on me the whole time and I felt myself getting wetter just by his gaze. By the time the Doc returned to the table, I could feel how slick the table was under me, from what I'd left there. I looked down to see him holding a bulb of some sort. He squeezed the end of it and a clear liquid seeped out through a tiny hole at the tip. "With a good dose of this every other week she shouldn't take until you're ready. When you are, just stop giving it to her. With the heat she's in, I suspect she'll be carrying before you're done fucking her."

  I gasped loudly. I wasn't sure if it was hearing the Doc say the f-word or hearing the chuckle that followed it that shocked me so. He looked at me straight away. "Oh Gracey, I know you haven't heard me cuss and there's a reason for that. I told your daddy I'd take good care of you till the day you were wed. Now that you are, I feel like I can be myself around you again. You've got your husband to protect you and take care of you. The Doc you know sure is a whole lot different than the Doc the rest of Dalton does."

  I couldn't believe my ears. All these years I thought that the Doc was just some soft spoken gentleman who never cussed or drank. It was looking like there was a whole side of him I didn't know about.

  "Well, that just about does it then," the Doc said, wrapping things up. "I'll be up to the house in a day or so to see how the training's coming. I take it you haven't had a wife before?" the Doc asked with arched brows.

  "No sir. But I know well enough how to handle one. Certainly would appreciate you checking in though. Always good to have a professional opinion."
/>   "Not a problem. I'll be up as soon as I can. Probably a day or two like I said, when I can find some time between my rounds."

  The whole conversation had caught me so off guard that I couldn't believe what I was hearing. The two men, my husband and the Doc I'd known almost my whole life, were just casually talking about how he was going to come up and do another examination. For what?!? And what was all this talk of training?!? I had no idea what I'd gotten myself into. The only thing I knew was that there was no getting out.


  Chapter 8: A firm hand

  When we arrived back at the ranch we found Cole in the barn, mucking out stalls, something I'd done myself since I'd had to let the last of the ranch hands go. Somewhere in my belly a little bubble of anticipation began to grow. I knew what it was that men and women did on the day of their wedding. I didn't know what it was that two men did with one woman on the day of their wedding. Austin dismounted and handed the reins of his horse to Cole who began to untack the horse. He turned to me, looking at me from under the brim of his cowboy hat, a look that filled me with a throbbing desire. I imagined what he might say next. How he might step towards me and sweep me into his arms and take me to the house and into the bedroom...

  "Grace, go and make us some lunch please. I'll help Cole finish up here."

  For a moment I couldn't believe what I was hearing. I paused, just to make sure that he wasn't playing some kind of a joke. But Austin just stood there, eyeing me, an eyebrow raised possibly at the fact that I was still standing there and not rushing off to do his bidding like a good little girl. Ha! I grabbed the reins of the horse I still hadn't returned to Rebecca, lifted my chin up into the air and shot him my coldest smile.

  "I'll be taking a ride right now. I have a horse to return."

  Austin's face clouded over almost immediately. Cole stopped what he was doing and turned his head to look at me.

  "Now Grace, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here," Austin said as Cole turned back towards the horse, shaking his head. "I know you're not used to this, that you haven't been taught how to please a man. That it hasn't been required of you. But I want you to know that that's going to change. Starting right now."

  "Well," I said, fighting to keep the rage welling inside me from making my hands shake and scaring the poor animal I was about to ride, "I'm going to let you go ahead and make your changes, while I ride out and have a visit with Rebecca and thank her for lending me this horse!"

  Grabbing the horn on the saddle, I swung around and was about to put a foot in the stirrup and get ready to mount the animal when I felt Austin's heavy hand on my shoulder. I spun my head towards him, shooting the most menacing look I could muster. But his expression was just as calm and even as it always was. I felt the reins being taken from me and when I turned the other way, Cole had them in his hand.

  "I'll be at the house in a second," Cole said. I looked back at Austin who was staring down at me.

  "What is the meaning of this? I said I was going to visit my friend!" I snarled, furious that my two 'husbands' telling me what to do.

  "Let's go into the house Grace," Austin said quietly. "Grace you know full well what happened at the Doc's when you talked back to me like that. Now get yourself under control before I have to give you another spanking. I'm telling you nicely."

  It felt like my bottom started burning just at the mention of the word. I swore I could still feel the sting of Austin's palm on my rear from this morning's spanking. I reckoned I wasn't really in a mood to feel it again but something inside me just wouldn't quit. I wasn't used to men, or anyone for that matter, telling me what to do and even though Austin had managed to coerce me to do his bidding earlier, I wasn't about to make him think that was going to be a habit.

  "And I'm telling you," I began, but didn't manage to get the rest of the words out. Before I could finish, Austin had me over his shoulder and headed towards the house. My temper had flared so much by this point that I could barely control what I was doing and I felt my fists begin to hammer on his back, landing on the firm muscle there with each blow.

  Well we didn't make it into the house. Austin sat down on the steps of the porch, swung me from his back and instead put me over his knee.

  "Hey!" I cried, "You stop that right now you big bully!"

  The palm of his hand landed on the round bump of my bottom with a dull thud. The dress I was wearing was quite thick and cushioned some of the blow, nevertheless the pain of it did sting. I gasped and let out a yelp, struggling to get up off my husband's knee. But his other hand, carefully placed on the small of my back made it impossible for me to move. Blow after blow landed on my rump as I wiggled and writhed trying to free myself from Austin's grasp until I saw Cole approaching.

  "Help! Cole!" I called out, hoping that my other husband might be more merciful and free me from Austin's iron grasp. But Cole simply stood there, watching as Austin continued to whack my bottom which had now begun to feel quite sore beneath the dress. I went back to wiggling, hoping that his hand might be getting tired and that if I just tried long enough, I would be able to free myself.

  "It's not working," Cole said in his low, gravelly voice, "because of that there dress." Austin stopped, stood me up as he stood up himself and passed me to Cole.

  "Alright. Your turn," he said as Cole grabbed me by the arm. I gasped again as Cole stepped towards me, his hand wrapped tightly around my wrist. Is this what my life was going to look like now? Being passed back and forth between a couple of cowboys to be disciplined as they pleased? I didn't have much time to ponder the thought because almost immediately, I felt my dress being yanked down off my bottom. I let out a shriek and looked down to see that Cole had not only pulled off my dress but also my bloomers! There I was standing naked as the day I was born from the waist down, the warmth of the sun beaming on my somewhat rosy bottom.

  But Cole's hand was quick. Without even putting me over his knee, he wrapped his fingers around my other wrist so that I was trapped there, as if in handcuffs. Stepping to one side, he bent me over, making the round of my rump protrude upwards. Despite my cries of protest, I could quite clearly feel the faint trickle of wetness that had begun between my folds when Austin had first laid his hand on me, and that was now beginning to run down the inside of my leg. I blushed with embarrassment, hoping the two men wouldn't notice.

  The first smack of Cole's firm palm on my behind echoed through the hills and my body tensed in a way I'd never experienced before. I was still thoroughly shocked at what was being done to me, but at the same time my body was becoming so aroused that it was almost like I wanted to feel the discipline I was receiving.

  Cole continued the spanking, each swat firm and even, exactly like the last so I knew what to expect. In fact, the painful rhythm of it lulled me into a sort of trance where each moment between spankings would be spent anticipating the next. It was a very curious sort of feeling, but one which I found myself almost...enjoying, after a time. More liquid began to seep from between my legs as Cole's firm hand landed on my reddening ass over and over and over until in spite of myself, a soft moan swelled up inside me and escaped past my lips. I felt the tension in my body ease slightly. Cole stopped.

  I couldn't help but look at him as soon as he did. His face betrayed nothing. But my eye caught a motion at his middle and I couldn't help but look down there either. Well in his trousers, his manhood had arisen, holding up the fabric of them like a tent pole. The thing looked quite thick from what I saw and my mind immediately drifted to imagining him between my legs, the way Austin had been in my fantasy, and that thick thing at my entrance, pushing me apart, slick with my wetness...

  When I looked back up at him, he was watching me. He had seen me looking at him, looking at it and I blushed again with embarrassment.

  "You've not been with a man before," Austin's voice came softly from my other side. I turned my head and couldn't help but glance down at his middle, where his manhood, of similar proportions had awakene
d as well. I shook my head shyly, turning my eyes down towards the ground. Cole still had his hand firmly on my cheek, and I began to feel it drift towards my middle. The tension came back to my body as the tips of his fingers touched the flesh of my center lips. He was my husband too...they were his now as much as they were mine.

  "You enjoyed that?" Cole asked quietly. I immediately looked at him and shot him a scowl but there was no hiding the way my body had reacted to his firm discipline. When he came to my wetness, I sucked in a breath, never having felt anyone's touch but my own in that place. I looked up at Cole, the question still hanging in the air between us. I nodded slowly, holding his gaze. He glanced at Austin as did I.

  "It's traditional to wait until the evening to consummate the marriage," he said in a deep, low voice, "that's the Ironwood way. Now, will you do your husbands bidding and go into the house?" Austin brought a finger to my chin and lifted it up just until I was looking into his eyes.

  In that moment, some strange sensation rocked me. Never having followed any man's orders, the promise of his firm hand on my body once again drove me from the instinct to rebel and into my first taste of submission. I nodded again softly as my eyes fluttered. I saw a smile curl the strong corners of Austin's mouth and felt Cole's hands release me. Pulling up the dress I'd been disrobed of, I quickly mounted the steps to the house and went to the cupboards to see what there was that I could prepare for my two, new men.


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