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Brides on the Run (Books 1-4)

Page 46

by Jami Albright

  She grabbed the hem of her Charity Mart green sundress and began inching it up her legs.

  Jack stopped moving. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m getting undressed.”

  “I can see that.” He sounded downright peevish.

  She bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing. “You said we were going skinny-dipping.”

  “I…um…I didn’t think…”

  Her dress inched up a little more.

  He stilled her hand. “Stop that.”

  She smoothed down the material. “Then stop acting like an idiot and talk to me.”

  There was a long beat of silence then he exploded. “Gaaaaaaah!” He stomped away then stomped back to her. “This is so fucked up!”

  “I know.” It was all she could say until he calmed down. She held her ground as hurricane Jack whirled around her.

  “Look at my hands.” Both shook like puppies in a thunderstorm. “I don’t do this.” He hid the evidence of his freak-out by crossing his arms over his chest, the shaking appendages shoved into his armpits. “I do not lose it.”

  “I know.” It was a strain to keep her voice steady and even. It was so hard watching him suffer this way.

  He jabbed his finger in the direction of Mimi’s house. “Did you see what happened in there? Why is he here? I wasn’t ready to see him.” He laced his fingers on top of his head and took several shaky breaths.

  “I know.” The breathing seemed to be working. When he opened his lids, the wildness was gone, but the torture was still front and center. Seeing him in this much pain hurt her heart and caused a strange, powerful sensation to seep between her ribs and fill her chest.

  He stalked around for a bit more, mumbling and muttering to himself, then finally seemed to run out of steam. “What do I do, Lu?”

  “Come with me.” She took his hand and led him to the wooden structure by the pond. He followed along wordlessly, which worried her more than his ranting.

  The little shack wasn’t a shack at all, but a bird observatory. Comfy chairs and a chaise lounge filled the space. A glass wall revealed the pond’s bank, the beautiful green meadow dotted with wild flowers beyond, and an electronic bird feeder like the one Gigi had in her yard hanging in a tree. Birds of all shapes and sizes loitered around waiting for the bounty. She led Jack to the chaise. “Sit.”

  He did, then rested his elbows on his knees, clasped his hands between his legs, and dropped his head. The scrape of the chair she pulled in front of him seemed to get his attention.

  “I’m sorry.” His handsome face was drawn and flushed from his outburst.

  His leg was warm and strong under her fingers. “You have nothing to be sorry for. That was a hell of a blow. I get it. This is a lot to take in.”

  With his elbows still on his knees, one hand over his mouth, he stared out the window. She could see his emotions and his brilliant brain fighting for control. The silence almost killed her, but she waited him out.

  “Do you think I’m a shit for running out of there?”

  She pushed back a lock of hair that had fallen over his forehead. He still wasn’t looking at her. “No.”

  “I’m…hell, I don’t know what I am.”

  “You’re not wrong for being freaked out. I’d be freaked out too.”


  It leveled her to see him so unsure of himself, but she could tell he wasn’t ready or able to talk about it. She was grateful for the honest emotions he had shown her, though. Baby steps. She could wait. “No. But, let’s face it, you’re wimpier than me.”

  He snorted a laugh. “Thanks.”

  Satisfaction unfurled in her when he turned back to her and grinned. A real grin, not one of the fake, counterfeit, plastic things he gave when he was hiding from her. She shrugged. “If a friend can’t kick you when you’re down, then who can?”

  His laughter was a victory. Winning a gold medal couldn’t possibly be better than knowing she’d made things better for him. Especially when she considered how much he’d done for her. “Feel better?”

  He looked at her like he’d discovered the answer to a calculation he’d been working on his whole life. “I do.” He took her face in his hands and stroked her cheeks with his thumbs. “Thank you.”

  The drugging kiss he gave her twisted her mind until she couldn’t tell up from down, right from wrong. This man did it for her, and all he’d ever done was kiss her. She stroked the scruff on his face. “I like this.”

  He licked the side of her bottom lip. “I want to make you feel good, Luanne. Will you let me?”

  “Yes.” She’d been craving his body for far too long with no relief. Her fingers grasped his shoulders as his hands slid to her butt.

  “Hold on.” It was a command not a request. He picked her up and carried her out of the shelter.

  She had no intention of letting go. “Where are we going?”

  “I think I still want to go skinny-dipping.”

  She laughed. “Jack, that water’s going to be cold.”

  “I don’t care. I want you wet and naked.”

  The flash of white teeth in his wicked smile convinced her that naked and wet was a spectacular idea. Somewhere along the way, she’d lost her flip-flops, and the grass tickled her feet when he lowered her to the ground. Faster than she could blink, he pulled her sundress over her head and her thong down her legs.

  He stood back, his hungry gaze devouring her. “Beautiful.”

  The softly spoken word knocked the breath from her body. It was the craziest thing. Bared to the world, the most exposed she’d ever been in her life, and yet she’d never felt more powerful under his worshipful stare.

  She moved to the water’s edge, and kept walking until she was waist-deep in the pond, taking short breaths to try to adjust to the cold temperature. But even the chilly water couldn’t tame the inferno burning inside when she turned to face him.

  Holy hell.

  The only thing more edible than Jack Avery in a custom-tailored suit was Jack Avery in nothing at all. He was spectacular, all long bones, muscle and sinew. A craving to roam every inch of his body with her eyes, fingers, and mouth gripped her and refused to let go. Her hands skimmed along the top of the pond. “Come on in, Jack. The water’s fine.”

  He barely made a ripple as he sliced through the water, eating up the distance with long, purposeful steps to get to her. His wet hands cupped her cheeks and he tilted her face to his. “Luanne.” The whisper blew across her face.


  He took her mouth in a kiss that burned away the memory of every other kiss in her life. He may not have been able to open up and share his feelings, but he more than made up for it with his body. His kisses grew wild and out of control. He plundered her mouth, stealing any thoughts other than how much she needed him inside her.

  She couldn’t hold back the moan when he slid his hands to her bottom and picked her up again. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and she felt the hard heat of him there pressing, insisting, promising.

  He adjusted her weight so that he held her with one arm. With his free hand, he traced each vertebra of her spine, banding her flesh with his wet fingers. Pleasure seeped through her skin at every point of contact. “The things I want to do to you…” His voice was hoarse and guttural.

  “Jack.” She tilted her head to the side as he skimmed the tip of his tongue along her neck.

  He chuckled. “Do you like that?”

  “Yes.” It was desperate and needy and she didn’t give a damn.

  He nipped her earlobe, then licked and kissed the sting away. “Mmm, you taste good.” He cupped one breast, his thumb circling the nipple until she cried out in frustration.

  “I wonder if you taste as sweet here?” Without any warning, he yanked her higher and latched his mouth onto the stiff peak.

  She wove her fingers through this thick hair and held him in place. His tongue swirled across the tip, then he sucked it in deeper. The fire obliter
ated her will to think and consumed her body with a desperate hunger.

  Unable to take the building fire another moment, she lowered her head and kissed him hard. Her pelvis ground against him. Her mouth, her hips were both imitating what she wanted the rest of her body to do. “Make love to me, Jack.”

  “Hang on, baby, I’ve got you.”

  His panted words were dry and gritty. They clawed their way through her body, increasing the desperate need building at her core. Without warning, he slid two fingers between her legs and pushed into her. “Jack.” She rocked against his hand. He withdrew far enough to rub the sensitive nub until she bucked in his arms. This time he pushed his fingers deep into her, sending showers of light cascading behind her closed lids. “It’s too much. It’s too—”

  “Let go. Trust me.”

  For one brief moment, her rational brain understood that his plea meant so much more than what they were doing in the lake. Her mouth opened to answer, but his fingers filled her again and again and again until she couldn’t hold on anymore. Pleasure spiraled through her body and she threw her head back and cried out his name.

  This man destroyed her. She nestled into the crook of his neck while she waited for her heart to slow down its punishing pace. She placed tiny kisses on his neck until enough strength returned to lift her head. “I do, you know. Trust you.”

  He smiled like he’d won the lottery and pulled her in for another sweet kiss.

  “That was…” She had trouble choosing the right words for what they’d just done.

  “Something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time.” His triumphant expression did something to her heart.

  “Do you have a condom?”

  “Yes, but we don’t need it. This was for you, Luanne.”


  “I’m good. Promise.”

  She searched his face and realized he was completely sincere. For some unknown reason that made tears sting the corners of her eyes. He’d given her something amazing without asking for anything in return. Her forehead rested on his. “Thank you.”

  “Thank you.”

  “For what?” She was truly baffled.

  “Being here today. Talking me down from the edge.”

  Her fingers roamed over his shoulders, his chest. She couldn’t stop touching him. “That was nothing. But this was…wow.”

  He chuckled. “Anytime, Lulu, anytime. Now hold your breath.”


  Faster than she could blink, he tossed her into the air. She screamed, then closed her mouth right before she hit the water. When she surfaced he was laughing, and it was so unguarded and genuine she didn’t have the heart to be mad at him.

  She used both hands to splash him in the face. When he sputtered and choked she laughed too.

  They spent the next hour, playing, kissing, and having fun. Their problems were a million miles away. At some point, she knew they’d have to talk about what had happened. But, for now, it was only the two of them in this beautiful, secluded place, making each other happy.

  Chapter 24

  Jack and Luanne stumbled back into Mimi’s yard, both laughing so hard they had to cling to each other to stay upright. The weight he’d worn around his neck since he’d found out about his parentage seemed lighter and more manageable since he’d spent the last hour loving and fooling around with Luanne.

  Damn, but she’d been a sight to behold when she came apart in his arms. He’d known she would be, but his many fantasies of the woman hadn’t done her justice. It’d taken all of his self-control not to bury himself inside her. When the time was right, he’d take her until they were both oblivious to the outside world, come up for air, then do it again. And then he’d tell her he’d fallen completely and utterly in love with her.

  Her grip tightened on his hand. “Jack.”


  She tilted her chin toward the house. “I think someone is waiting on you.”

  The bottom dropped out of his mood, and the carefree vibe he’d been enjoying drained away at the sight of Mitch sitting on the porch looking their direction. Crap. It wasn’t that he was angry with the guy. It was messy and awkward and he didn’t want to deal with that shit right now. Or ever.

  Luanne’s arms went around his waist. “Hey. Are you going to be okay?”

  He winked at her. “Yeah. I’m golden.”

  A flash of disappointment streaked across her face. She blew out a breath and patted his chest. “Okay, go get ’em, tiger.”

  After saying hello to Mitch, Luanne disappeared into the house. Jack followed her to the porch and took a seat next to his father. He sat forward in his chair, holding his cane below the crook. He let it slip through his fingers until it lightly tapped the porch three times, then he picked it up and did it again.



  They sat in silence for several long, uncomfortable minutes.

  Tap, tap, tap.

  Tap, tap, tap.

  Tap, tap, tap.

  Finally, Jack couldn’t take it anymore. “So, a syrup farmer, huh?”

  Mitch didn’t look at him, but smiled. “Yep.”

  Jack sat back in his chair and placed the ankle of one leg on the knee of the other. “How’d you get into that?”

  The cane kept tapping and Mitch looked out over the yard. “Kyle and I were both in the tech industry and worked for the same company. After we got together we started our own company, and five years later sold it for…well, a lot. We were sick of the city and decided to move to Vermont. It all kind of happened from there.”

  “Is there much money in syrup?” Jack cursed himself. He hadn’t meant for that to come out as snarky as it had. He did not want this man to know how badly this shit got to him.

  Mitch chuckled. “Some. Though not nearly as much as in tech.”

  Jack couldn’t trust himself to speak, so he gave a noncommittal grunt. Then they were back to silence.

  Tap, tap, tap.

  Tap, tap, tap.

  Tap, tap, tap.

  This was ridiculous. Jack slapped his hands on his knees and started to rise. “Well, I better go check on Luanne.”

  “I was very sad to hear about your mother’s death.”

  He collapsed back into the chair. “Thank you.”

  Mitch picked the cane up and rested it across his lap. “I loved Robin, had loved her my whole life, and it killed me to break her heart.”

  “Yeah, Mimi told me.” Jack tried to modulate his voice to a casual tone. He had no idea if he accomplished it.

  Mitch’s Adam’s apple bobbed several times, and tears swam just beyond his lashes. “But the hardest thing I’ve ever done was let her take you away from me.” He finally looked at Jack, and the agony there nearly laid Jack out flat. “It’s just…it was a different time then, and we knew how hard it would be for you.”

  “Yeah, yeah. No, I get it.” He picked at an imaginary piece of lint on his pants leg. “You did what you thought was best. I understand.” Bullshit. He didn’t understand any of this. None of it. Sweat beaded at his temples and the thud of his heart grew harder and faster like a demented, pissed-off giant running at full speed.

  With every ounce of will he had, he held Mitch Rawlings’ stare and grinned. “You don’t have to worry. Mimi explained everything to me. I’ll admit it was a little surprising, but I totally understand your reasoning. I’m not angry and I hope we can be friends.” There, that sounded mature and reasonable. He extended his hand. “I’d also like to thank you for the help you evidently gave me in college and law school. I truly appreciate it.”

  Mitch shook his hand. Sorrow and disappointment showed in his gaze. Jack hadn’t fooled anyone. “It was my pleasure. Friends would be nice.”

  “Excellent. That’s…excellent.” Jack chuckled. “Luanne and I went swimming in the pond, so I better jump in the shower before dinner. Thanks for talking to me, Mitch.”

  “You’re welcome, Jack.” The man still had t
he same sad look and his voice was even sadder. What the hell? He’d just absolved the guy of any wrongdoing. What more did he want?

  “I guess I’ll see you inside.” Jack made his way into the house. Luanne and Kyle were sitting on the sofa looking through a photo album. He gave them a jaunty two-finger salute.

  Nothing to see here, folks. I’m just fine. See how fine I am? I’m waving in a casual manner.

  He made his way up the stairs—he was fine, damn it, just fine—to the bedroom—still fine—then into bathroom.

  Where he promptly threw up.

  The crack in the hard shell around Luanne’s heart deepened when she saw the asinine two-finger salute from Jack. She wanted to go to him, to comfort him, but she knew he wouldn’t let her.

  The funny, open, and giving man she’d been playing with an hour before was gone. She’d watched him retreat as soon as he saw Mitch sitting on the porch. It made her sad that he didn’t trust her enough to be honest with her.

  Trust is a two-way street, girl.

  She ignored that little voice. She trusted Jack…to a point, at least with her body. On any other level, she didn’t wholly trust anyone but Scarlett, and she’d known her forever. She’d known Jack about six minutes.

  “What was that all about?” Kyle opened an envelope and withdrew a handful of photos.

  “Um…Jack is working through some stuff.” She wasn’t going to share Jack’s secrets with Mitch’s partner or anyone else. They weren’t hers to tell.

  He chuckled. “Yes, Mitch is working through some stuff too.”

  “Should you check on him? I left him and Jack talking on the porch.”

  “No. Mitch is a thinker. He needs to sort things out, then he’ll talk to me about them. I’ve learned to be patient and wait him out.”

  He began organizing the pictures into piles. Luanne noticed they were of Mitch and Kyle, backdropped with lush greenery. She picked up a few and flipped through them. “Is this where you live?”

  “Yes, that’s Lillie Belle’s Sugar House Farm.” The pride in his voice loud and clear.

  “Lillie Belle?”

  Kyle’s face lit up. “My grandmother. She taught me to make syrup and everything else I know how to cook or bake.”


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