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Brides on the Run (Books 1-4)

Page 75

by Jami Albright

  Her anguish over Hank’s behavior tugged on her heart. She quickly fortified the wall that would protect that traitorous organ. She couldn’t afford to feel sorry for him, or she would let him in, and then she’d never want him to leave. But what if he left her? What if he broke her? How would she parent this child with only half a heart? Besides, if there were no Pod, then he wouldn’t be pursuing her at all.

  Another brick, a little more protection.

  “There isn’t going to be any me and Hank. I couldn’t live through him hurting me again.” She played with the bracelets on her wrist. “Maybe that makes me weak, but I don’t care.”

  Scarlett’s forehead crinkled. “But who says he’d hurt you again? He’s free now. There’d be no reason for him to leave you.”

  Before she could think too much about it, there was a knock on the door. A good-looking teenager with a Houston Rockets t-shirt stood holding a suspiciously familiar gift bag. Scarlett turned to answer the door. Charlie grabbed her wrist. “Don’t answer it.”

  “Why not? That’s Brody, he lives at Dad and Honey’s house with his mom, Joyce.” She examined the death grip Charlie had on her. “He’s harmless. I promise.”

  “No, it’s just… I know what he has, and I don’t want it. It’s from Hank,” she hissed.

  The traitor’s eyes got big as saucers. “Ooooh, a present from Hank.” She shook Charlie off and headed for the door. “Hi, Brody, come in.”

  “Hey, Scarlett.” The boy wasn’t exactly a boy, but not quite a man either. He was tall with broad shoulders, and black wavy hair with soulful eyes the color of her grandmother’s sweet tea. “Um, Charlie?”

  “Yeah, that’s me.” When he flinched at her tone, she changed it. “I’m sorry. It’s not you. It’s the thing in the bag.” She jerked her chin at his offering.

  “Oh, well…” Unsure eyes turned to Scarlett then back to Charlie. “I was at the Sheriff’s office delivering BBQ from Piggy’s, and Sheriff Odom asked if I’d bring this to you.” He held it out like it might explode, no doubt because of her reaction to it.

  “Give the kid a break, Charlie.” Scarlett threw her arm around Brody’s waist. “He’s just doing what he was asked to do.” Out of the corner of her mouth, she said to Brody, “Don’t mind her, she’s actually very nice.”

  His nervous laugh made it clear that he didn’t know if she was nice or not, but that she was definitely crazy. “Well, I better be going. I need to get back to Piggy’s before the lunch rush hits. Y’all have a great day.” The sound of his boots clipping on the hardwood floors followed him out the door.

  “Charlie, you scared him to death.”

  Her shoulders slumped. “I know. I’m sorry. I’ll make it up to him. It’s just…” She motioned at the bag.

  “You might as well open it and get it over with.” Scarlett was practically vibrating with anticipation.

  The trembling in her fingers was ridiculous. She knew that, but it turned out that damn wall she’d built around her heart wasn’t as strong as she’d hoped. It shuddered and swayed when she pulled out a skeleton key with a red bow wrapped around it.

  “An old key?” The confusion in her meddling friend’s tone made her chuckle.

  The silk ribbon slipped through her fingers as she played with it. “I told him the door to a relationship between us was locked. He took me out and gave me a key the other night.”

  “And now he’s given you another one. That’s so romantic,” Scarlett said with a sigh.

  A smile snuck onto Charlie’s face, unbidden. She quickly wiped it away, but she couldn’t do anything about the part of her that agreed with Scarlett, except deny it. “He’s only doing it because I’m pregnant.” It wasn’t romantic. It was manipulative. He was trying to wear her down to clear his conscience. But she wasn’t anyone’s absolution. And she wouldn’t be with a man who only wanted her for what he could get from her.

  “Why do you say that?”

  “Because he didn’t want one thing to do with me until he found out I was pregnant.”

  “Are you—”

  “Let’s finish.” She dropped the key back in the bag and picked up her pad and pencil. “We both have places to be.” Scarlett needed to get back to her family, and she needed to go someplace and fall apart.

  Stupid keys.

  Chapter 46

  The sweat coating Hank’s palms made his hand slip from the top of the steering wheel. He tried to wipe them on his pants leg discreetly, but he noticed Charlie watching him. She, on the other hand, appeared cool as a cucumber. Of course, she’d had longer to get used to the whole baby thing than him.

  Once again, it’d been a silent ride from Zachsville to Charlie’s doctor in Austin. Sadness and a little desperation hung around his neck. The woman next to him wasn’t that lovestruck girl he’d been able to charm and coerce into doing pretty much anything he’d wanted her to do. This fiery lady stood up for herself, had given up everything to live the life she wanted for her child. She didn’t need him. And it appeared she didn’t want him either.

  Maybe he should leave her alone, and just concentrate on his relationship with the baby. But he didn’t think that was possible. He’d tried to for six weeks and just couldn’t. “So you like your doctor?”

  He adored that small, secret smile she used when she really loved something. “Yes. She’s fantastic and discreet. I’m so lucky Scarlett told me about her.”

  He pulled into a parking spot in front of the building that was by the hospital. That made him feel better. “Good. I just want you to be comfortable.”

  The genuine smile turned into something not so authentic. She nodded and exited the truck before he could get out of the vehicle.

  Damn it, what had he said now? It seemed like everything he did was wrong with her. It didn’t used to be that way. He missed their easy rapport. Of course, that had been years ago. She may be right. They might not be compatible anymore. Flashes of her willing body crashed into his mind, and he knew that wasn’t the case. That night had filled the missing part of his life. The moments before Karen had shown up had been the happiest he’d had since Charlie left town.

  “This is it.” She pointed to a door that looked like it was the back door of the office. It was unmarked and blended into the wall. She knocked, and it opened, revealing a pretty middle-aged woman with happy eyes.

  “Charlie. Good to see you.” She caught sight of Hank, and her smile grew wider. She looked him up and down. “You brought the law?”

  “I tried to run, but he insisted on coming along. Hank Odom. This is Beth. She’s Dr. Shelton’s nurse. Beth, Hank’s Pod’s father.” It was all said with zero inflection. She really could care less that he was here.

  “Nice to meet you, Hank.” If Beth noticed Charlie’s apathy, she didn’t let on. The nurse pushed a button on a scale. “You know the drill, Charlie.”

  “Unfortunately, I do.” She started to step onto the scale then turned to him. “Do you mind turning around?”

  “Oh, sure.” He stuck his hands in his pocket and rotated his body away from her. It was stupid to be irritated at her request. What woman wanted to broadcast her weight, but it felt like one more way she was keeping him out of her life.

  “You can step off now. Have a seat and I’ll get your blood pressure.” She led them to an examination room. “Here we go. Dr. Shelton will be here in a few minutes,” she said as she shut the door, leaving them alone.

  He glanced around the room, and the bottom dropped out of his stomach when he saw a cross-section illustration of a pregnant woman with a baby in her womb. The infant looked full term, and its head was fully engaged in the mother’s pelvis. All of a sudden shit got real. His hand traced over the picture, and he stared in awe.

  “It’s crazy isn’t it?” Charlie sat on an exam table with her ankles crossed.

  He glanced over his shoulder and couldn’t contain his grin. “Yeah. Can you believe you’re going to get this big?”

  “Ha! You real
ly know how to sweet talk a girl. You might want to take some lessons from Jack on that.”

  “Oh, wow, sorry. You’re right, that wasn’t very comforting, but still…” He pointed back to the photo on the wall.

  He was saved from the scathing retort that he could see was on her lips when Dr. Shelton came into the room. The woman was breathtaking. If he didn’t belong to Charlie, body and soul, then she would’ve definitely turned his head.

  “How is everyone?” Dr. Shelton asked.

  Charlie’s hand went to her belly. “We’re just fine.”

  “Excellent. And who do we have here?” She extended her hand. “Bree Shelton. I’m the doctor.”

  “Hank Odom. I’m the father.”

  White teeth flashed in her ebony face and her eyes crinkled in the corners. She glanced at Charlie and hitched her finger at Hank. “I love it when they play along.”

  The sullen woman he’d just spent the last hour with laughed like it was the funniest thing she’d ever heard.

  “Okay, let’s take a look at things. She picked up the tablet she’d brought in with her. “Mmmmm.”

  “What? Is something wrong with her?” He couldn’t control the panic in his voice.

  Dr. Shelton grinned up at him. “Everything is fine.” She turned her attention to Charlie. “Except I would like to see you gain a little more weight. Don’t go crazy, but you need more calories.”

  “I knew you were going to say that. I just haven’t had much of an appetite. I tend to not eat when I’m stressed.”

  “You’ve been stressed?” Dr. Shelton asked.

  Charlie glanced nervously at him. “Um…well, a little.”

  Well, shit, now he was causing her not to eat. The last thing he wanted was to be another source of anxiety in her life.

  “I suggest lots of foot rubs and warm baths.” The doctor made a note on the tablet then swiped her finger. “Blood pressure looks great.”

  “That’s good, right?” He couldn’t stop the question from shooting out of his mouth.

  Charlie cut him a look, and he held up his hands. “Sorry, carry on.”

  Dr. Shelton laughed and took Charlie by the hand. “Alright, lay back, Mama, and let’s take a look at this baby.”

  “What does that mean?” That didn’t seem right to his nervous brain.

  “I’m going to do a sonogram.”

  “Oh, yeah. Okay.”

  She smeared some stuff on Charlie’s belly. He was in awe because he’d never seen the place where his child lived. The doctor took a plastic thing and rubbed it over Charlie’s stomach. All he could make out was a bunch of static. Slowly things came into focus, and he nearly hit the floor. “Is that it?”

  The wand moved around and around, and she clicked some buttons on the machine. “It sure is. Say hello to your daughter, Mr. Odom.”

  And then he hit the floor.

  Chapter 47

  Charlie loved performing. She no longer wanted to do it for a living, but the excitement of the crowd, the freedom of movement in the rhythm of the songs, it all spoke to her. And tonight was no exception. The couples at Boon’s danced, and with each step fed her more and more energy. The band was spot on, and she hit every note exactly right. Pod had even gotten into the act, flipping and turning at every up-tempo song.

  The night couldn’t be better, except for the lawman sitting off to her right. She tried to ignore him, but the intensity of his stare attached to her like a laser beam. Why was he here? Didn’t he have a job to do?

  Don’t lie to yourself, Charlie. You like that he’s here.

  It was true. Especially after his adorable reaction to finding out he was going to be the father of a girl. A girl. A thrill helped her hit a particularly high note. She couldn’t wait to hold her little girl and teach her that she was enough just as she was. The picture of Hank loving on a daughter made her voice crack. It was such a perfect image. Damn it, she just wished she could trust that he wanted her and only her, and that his pursuit had nothing to do with this little girl they’d made.

  “Thank you, guys. You’ve been awesome! The band and I are going to take a break, and we’ll be back in thirty minutes.” Steve, the drummer, helped her down the steps of the stage. “Thanks.”

  “No problem, Charlie. You’re killin’ it tonight.”

  His goofy grin was one she’d seen before. She had no desire to lead him on or hurt his feelings, so she played it as neutral as possible. “Thanks, Steve. You guys are awesome too. I see someone I need to talk to. Excuse me.”

  She made her way to Thomas Chang.

  He motioned to the empty chair at his table. “Sit, Miss Charlie. Can I get your autograph?”

  With a snort, she took her seat. “Yeah, you’ll be getting my autograph plenty on all the checks I’ll be writing you and Raul.”

  He raised his beer in a toast. “And we appreciate it.” He tipped the beer toward the stage. “You sounded good up there. Why in the world are you going into the soaps and lotions business?”

  A tiny stirring of interest in his mischievous teasing flickered and died the second she spied Hank glowering at the two of them. Not because of the glower, but because there’d never been another man who could hold a candle to Hank Odom, glowering or not. She shrugged. “It’s just not what I want to do for a living anymore.” Not to mention that it wasn’t the life she wanted for her daughter. Warmth and love coursed through her and had become her new life’s blood.

  “I’m not going to pretend to understand that.” He laughed. “I don’t get how you can just walk away from fame and fortune.”

  She picked up a peanut and cracked it open. Since her second trimester, she’d been craving the things. Pregnancy was a bitch. “Fame and fortune aren’t always what they’re cut out to be, Thomas. Sometimes the price to your dignity is too high.”

  He really laughed then. “I think I’d take my chances.”

  A little wag of her finger and a lift of her brows. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

  “Duly noted. Hey, can you meet with Raul and me on Wednesday? He’ll be in town that day, and we wanted to get some delivery logistics nailed down.” His thumb and forefinger pinched his lower lip.

  Nope, still nothing.

  “Sure, text me a time. During the day is best for me.” She stood. During her set, Pod had been tap dancing on her bladder, and she needed a bathroom break before the next set.

  “Okay, yeah, for sure. Have a great night.”

  She squeezed his shoulder. “You too. Stay out of trouble.”

  He winked. “No promises, Miss Charlie.”

  That boy was trouble, and she was glad she wasn’t attracted to him. She was sure he’d be the downfall of any woman who got involved with him.

  Pod made her presence known by drop kicking Charlie’s bladder. A quick glance at her phone told her she had time to pee before the next set. Thankfully, there wasn’t a line in the bathroom. Business done, she washed her hands. The bathroom door opened and Hank walked in, a look of utter possession on his handsome face.


  His only response was to lock the door.

  She knew she shouldn’t approve of him locking them in a room together, but her traitorous body was like, Woohoo! Really? She and her hormones needed to have a serious talk. “Hailey’s going to kill you for locking that door.”

  “Hailey’s not here.” He grinned. “I just needed to talk to you for a minute in private. It’s so damn loud out there. You sound amazing, by the way.”

  She wrestled with her twitching lips and lost the fight. “Thank you.”

  He must’ve taken her grin as an invitation. In just a few steps he was in front of her. “I’m sorry again for what happened in the doctor’s office yesterday. It was just…”

  “Yeah, it was.”

  “So you’re still happy?” He searched her face like the answers to the universe were there.

  “About Pod being a girl?”

  He nodded.

Happiness vibrated through her whole body. “Absolutely. This world needs another kickass woman.”

  He looped a stray hair behind her ear and cupped her head in his hand.

  “Hank, the door…”

  “Is locked, I know.” He signaled the kiss from a mile away, giving her time to stop him. She didn’t. It was wrong, and she knew it, but that thing inside him that called to her took over, and she was helpless against it.

  Warm, soft lips brushed against hers. Once, twice, and the third time she opened for him. It seemed to be the only invitation he needed. He claimed her. His big hand went behind her head and tilted it to give him better access. Their tongues slid against each other in long, delicious strokes. Each pass and flick stole more and more of her self-control. She clung to him like his breath was the only air she’d ever need. This was what he did to her. Always had.

  The door jiggled, and someone yelled, “What the hell?”

  She shoved him back. It had very little effect, but he did break the kiss. The searching look he gave her was the most intimate thing she’d ever experienced. He reached into his pocket and withdrew another key. This one was just a regular key with a thin purple ribbon tied to it. Wordlessly, he took her hand and laid it in her palm then wrapped her fingers around it. He kissed the top of her fingers, still without a word.

  Banging on the door drew his attention. He turned, unlocked the door, and slipped past the stunned woman on the other side. She stumbled back with a holy cow look on her face.

  You and me both, sister.

  Charlie unfurled her fingers and stared at the key.

  You and me both.

  Chapter 48

  Hank drove through Zachsville singing along to the country music station. He’d followed Thomas home after the man left the club. And like an overprotective chaperone, watched to make sure he entered his house. Frankly, it was hard to believe Thomas Chang was some international drug smuggler. He was more boring than Hank, who had no life at all unless you counted chasing Charlie Klein. And he’d made that a lifelong pursuit.


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