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Wolf in the Woods

Page 15

by N. J. Walters

  Not yet. There was something she wanted to do first.

  Lowering her head, she ran her tongue over his shaft from root to tip. A bead of salty, warm liquid seeped from the top. She made a humming sound and closed her mouth over the broad head of his cock. And like he’d done to her breasts, she sucked.

  Material ripped. His fingers were buried in the comforter. His eyes were glowing. And if his jaw was any tighter it would probably shatter.

  When their eyes met, he broke and surged upward. He rolled her onto her back and pulled her up so she was lying in the center of the bed with him between her legs. “My turn.” His voice was so low she almost didn’t hear it.

  Then he delved between her legs and thinking was beyond her. His tongue rasped over the sensitive folds. She tangled her fingers in his hair, wanting to make sure he wouldn’t stop this wonderful sensual torture. She bucked upward, wanting more.

  He growled and the vibration sent a pulse of pleasure rocketing through her.

  But he was only getting started. Time slipped away and she lost herself to the sheer eroticism of his touch. He sucked on her clit, pushing her close to the edge before backing away. He eased a finger and then another into her, always pulling back before she came.

  Pleasure soon became frustration. She tugged on his hair. “Billy,” she cried. She planted her feet on the mattress and pushed upward, needing more than he was giving her.

  “What do you want?”

  “You.” She tugged on him. “I want you.”

  He surged upward and captured her mouth as he forged inward, his shaft stretching her in the most delicious way. But she’d been on the edge of fulfillment too long. Her entire body convulsed, her inner muscles clamping down hard.

  He thrust several times and then came, chanting her name over and over as his big body shuddered and shook. She clung to him, not wanting to lose contact.

  His full weight pressed down on her like a human blanket. She didn’t mind in the least, but he turned onto his side and took her with him since they were still joined. With one of her legs draped over his, he rocked gently, sending an aftershock of pleasure through her.

  “Thank you.” He brushed the sweat-dampened hair away from her face. “That was amazing. You’re amazing.”

  Her heart seemed to swell until she feared it might burst. It should be impossible, but she loved him. As much as she wasn’t sure she should trust her newfound emotions, she hugged them to her, a secret she wasn’t willing to share.

  “What are you thinking?” He rubbed the space between her eyebrows. “It looks serious, whatever it is.”

  She shook her head and linked her arms around his neck. “That was pretty special.”

  He took the change of subject in stride and rubbed his nose against hers in a playful caress. “Yes, it was.” Then he turned serious again. “Talk to me. I know there must be a million things running around your mind.”


  Billy loved having her in his arms. His heart was still hammering a little too fast, but his breathing had returned to normal. Sex with Addie was better than anything he’d ever experienced.

  Because he was making love to her.

  He ran one hand over her back and hip and down the thigh draped over his. One of the perks of being a werewolf was that he was still hard, still locked inside her. He’d stay like this forever if he could.

  She’d been lost in the pleasure as much as he had, at least until they’d stopped. Then she’d drifted away, lost in thought.

  When she remained silent, he found patience he didn’t know he possessed. “That’s okay. I understand.” He didn’t want to push too hard and drive her away. “When you’re ready or want to talk, I’m here.”

  “It’s not that I don’t trust you or don’t want to share. There’s just so much to consider. It’s a little overwhelming.”

  He got that. He did. “Maybe if you talk it out, share what’s worrying you, it won’t seem quite so insurmountable.” As he continued to pet and stroke her, she snuggled against him and played with the ends of his hair. He wasn’t sure she realized she was doing it.

  “I just don’t know what’s going to happen with Simon, my pack, my parents.” She hesitated. “With your pack. With us.”

  “I want you with me.” That was the one thing he was dead sure of. “I want you to live here with me and my pack.” He didn’t add that he wanted to mate with her. She already knew that.

  He was asking her to give up a lot for a man she’d known only a matter of days. “This isn’t a whim or a game for me.” The wolf inside him was as agitated as he was.

  “I know.” Those two simple words helped settle him. “It’s no game to me either.”

  “I know,” he echoed. She wasn’t the kind of woman who would give herself so readily if her heart weren’t involved. But he understood her caution. “You’ll still be able to visit your folks. Kentucky isn’t that far away.”

  “Maybe they’ll want you to come and live with us.” She nibbled on her bottom lip, her uncertainty practically killing him.

  “If that’s what it takes to have you in my life, I’ll pack my bags tomorrow.” He meant it, too. He could visit his family, but he didn’t think he’d survive without Addie, at least not happily. She’d quickly become everything to him.

  “You’d really do that? For me?”

  He rolled so she was beneath him once again, supporting his weight on his forearms so he didn’t crush her. “Yes.” He kissed her, not wanting to think about leaving his family, which wasn’t fair considering that’s what he was asking her to do.

  Billy had a newfound respect for his mother. She’d left everything behind when she’d married his dad—job, home, friends. At least he’d be able to visit them. His mother had left her outside friends behind and committed herself to Elias and the pack.

  “And then there’s Simon.” Addie gripped his biceps. “Don’t underestimate him. He doesn’t like to lose.”

  And Addie was the prize he’d lost. Billy understood that. “I’ll protect you,” he promised. The uncertainty that flickered in her eyes gutted him. Unless he could shift to full wolf, he might fail in any bid to keep her safe. “I’ll protect you,” he repeated. “I’d die for you.” He’d been willing to do it when he hadn’t even known her. There was nothing he wouldn’t do to make sure she was taken care of. She was his heart.

  “That’s what I’m afraid of,” she blurted.

  A new fear arose. That she might leave in order to keep him from such a challenge, leave him because she cared. Maybe even loved him.

  “Let’s take it one day at a time, okay?” He began to rock his hips. Last time had been all about overwhelming passion. This time was about connection that went beyond the physical.

  “Okay.” She wrapped her legs around him, totally in sync, at least in this aspect of their relationship.

  He pressed his lips to hers, tasting her, consuming her, imprinting himself on her. He liked the idea of her wearing his scent. Even more, he wanted her to carry his mating mark.

  His teeth ached, and he wondered for a second if they might grow into fangs, but the pain receded. Her core squeezed his shaft and he let go of all thoughts of shifting, at least for tonight, and concentrated on loving Addie.

  Because he did.

  He wanted to tell her, but she wasn’t ready to hear it. Most people wouldn’t believe you could fall in love with someone so quickly, but he’d witnessed it with his mother and Elias. And he was no longer fully human, not anymore. His instincts went deeper, were keener. There was a bond between him and Addie, a connection that would not be denied. He was attuned to her, could sense when she was worried, happy, sad, aroused.

  This time there was no rush. Only a gentle loving until they both found release. He loved her sweet cries, the warmth of her breath on his face, the way her body squeezed him tight before bathing him in her wet heat.

  With her still locked in his arms, he rolled over onto his back and kissed her forehead
. When he knew she’d finally drifted off to sleep, he whispered, “Sleep well. I love you.”


  Simon crouched high on a hill and stared down at the darkened houses. His stomach growled with hunger. It had taken him all day, but he’d finally found the Salvation Pack land. The pack had been clever, hiding some of their land purchases under the names of corporations, but that had eventually tipped him off.

  Most land in the area was family held. It didn’t take him long to discover the LaForge family didn’t have deep roots in the area but were transplants from down south. The waitress at the diner had been open and talkative, but even she didn’t know much. Seemed that the people living up here kept to themselves.

  After that, it had been easy. Being smart, he’d parked his truck a couple miles away on the edge of bordering property. Then he’d taken his time, walking through the woods, nothing more than a hiker out for a stroll if he met someone. Of course, other wolves would know what he was, but he could easily fool any humans.

  But he hadn’t come across anyone, which had surprised him. He shouldn’t have expected any better from a pack that took in half-breeds and humans. He didn’t believe the almost mythical stories about Cole Blanchard that he’d heard growing up. Any group that took in full humans had to be weak. They were a small pack—rejects, weak wolves that no one else wanted.

  It had taken all his self-control not to grab Addie when he’d seen her enjoying an evening meal with the pack like she didn’t have a care in the world. He’d been too far away to hear what was being said. He was still checking out the situation, and it didn’t pay to get careless. They were still wolves.

  But watching her snuggle up close to the human had made him want to howl, to spill blood. He promised himself he would taste Gallagher’s blood if it was the last thing he did. This time he’d make sure he finished the job.

  He caught the slightest movement off in the distance and narrowed his eyes. Shit, it was a sentry. He began to silently retreat, even though the urge to just race down and take Addie was almost overwhelming.

  She was his and he would have her.

  Tomorrow he’d watch and wait for a chance. And it would come. He was confident of it.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When Addie opened her eyes, it was morning and she was alone. If the sunshine streaming in through the slight break in the curtains was any indication, it was late. For the first time in days, she was hopeful about the future.

  Her parents knew where she was and were okay with it, at least for now. She rolled out of bed, eager to face the day and find Billy.

  After a quick shower, she dressed in another pair of black leggings. This pair had howling wolf heads on them. They were whimsical and made her smile. She matched them with a gray sweater that fell to mid-thigh.

  Half hoping Billy would show, she made the bed and tidied the room. When there was no sign of him, she shored up her courage and went in search of him. She could face his family on her own. They’d been nothing but kind to her since she’d arrived.

  There was no sign of Sue, but Elias was sitting at the table with his laptop open. He looked up and closed the cover the second she stepped into the room. “Good morning.”

  “Good morning.” She ran her fingers through her damp hair, feeling self-conscious under his scrutiny. “I slept later than usual.” She didn’t want him to think she was lazy.

  “Not surprising. You’ve been through a lot in the past few days. There’s coffee.” He indicated the pot on the counter.

  Addie was grateful. She might be a wolf, and alcohol and caffeine might burn through her system faster than it would a normal human’s, but that didn’t seem to matter. She needed her coffee in the mornings.

  She also appreciated that he wasn’t treating her like a guest. There was a clean mug laid out next to the pot, so she helped herself. “You want more?”


  She took the pot over to the table and filled his mug, knowing he wasn’t here by chance. After returning the pot to the warmer, she carried her mug to the table and joined him. “What do you want to know?” Best to take the initiative.

  One corner of Elias’s mouth quirked upward. “Don’t pull any punches, do you?”

  “You’re his father. Maybe not his biological one, but you’re the one he calls Dad. I figure you’ve got questions and concerns.” She’d be shocked if he didn’t. “Where is Billy?” It was odd he wasn’t here.

  “Down in the workshop. Things have gotten a bit behind since the attack. We’ve all been putting in extra hours patrolling as well. He wanted to give them a hand. I told him I’d call when you woke. His mother was still here when he left.”

  That explained things. He would have felt okay leaving her if his parents were watching over her. But it also begged the question, “Workshop?”

  Elias’s eyes widened in surprise. “You don’t know?

  She shrugged and sipped her coffee. “There hasn’t been a whole lot of time for normal conversation.”

  “No, I imagine there hasn’t.” He leaned back in his chair, appearing relaxed, but he didn’t fool her for one second. “He’s a furniture maker. Specializes in live-edge furniture and reclaimed wood.”

  That explained his rough hands and the muscles in his arms and shoulders. “Just him?” She was eager to know as much about Billy’s life as possible.

  “Nope. It’s a group of us. Started with Cole, but there’s a bunch of us who do it now.” He sat forward and rested his hands on the top of the table, a frown making him look forbidding. It seemed the exchange of pleasantries was over. “I don’t want my son hurt.”

  Addie wanted to wrap her arms around herself, but she forced herself to act more assured than she felt. Her wolf whined and growled inside her, threatened by the much older, much larger wolf.

  “I don’t want to hurt him.”

  He stared at her for what seemed like forever before he nodded. “Good enough.” He stood. “You want breakfast? If you do, help yourself. If not, I’m heading over to the shop. I can show you the way.”

  Well, that went better than she’d expected. Faster, too. She was starving, but doubted she’d be able to eat much with her stomach in knots.

  Elias’s expression softened. “Bring your coffee.” He pointed to a plate covered with a glass dome on the counter. “Help yourself to some muffins. They’re blueberry. Sue baked them fresh this morning.”

  “Thanks.” She grabbed two muffins and bit into one. “Delicious.”

  He held the door because she was juggling muffins and her coffee. “His mother and I just want Billy to be happy,” he whispered as she passed. “If you don’t plan to stay, don’t let him get too attached.”

  It was already too late for that, for both of them. She was in way over her head. They both were.

  Thankfully, he didn’t seem to need an answer, and they started down a narrow dirt trail. There were lots of pathways between the houses. They all lived fairly close to one another, which she expected. That’s just the way it was with wolves.

  And now the community, the home they’d built, could be at risk because of her. Elias had mentioned extra patrols. They were obviously security conscious here, which made sense since they were a small pack. But now they were spending more time watching the area because they were worried about Simon showing up.

  She didn’t want to think about that now. It was a beautiful morning, and Simon would have to be stupid to come here by himself. Of course, he’d already proven he was willing to do whatever it took to get what he wanted.

  Taking a deep breath, she inhaled the fresh air. There was a nip to it, but the sun warmed her face and shoulders. The trees swayed in the breeze. A jay swooped in front of them, a flash of blue, before it flew away. Some unseen song bird sang. A fox darted beneath a bush.

  The land was beautiful, but there was a sense of calm that seemed to radiate from the very earth itself. She could see why the pack had settled here.

  She lagged
behind Elias, scenting several other wolves, including the alpha and his brother. They’d passed this way not long ago.

  The sound of voices reached her before she rounded the path and the large wooden building came into view. The fragrance of fresh cut wood mingled with a more pungent smell of some kind of varnish or finish. Overlaying it all were the scents of the male wolves working inside. A smaller building sat beside it. She wondered what they used it for.

  Elias had already gone inside. Curiosity drove her to follow. Four men were hard at work, their projects in various stages of completion. There were tools of all kind, both hand and electric, and all were a mystery to her.

  Billy had his head down as he sanded a long piece of wood, but it jerked up as soon as she stepped inside, as though he sensed her presence. He was more wolf than he realized.

  He smiled and immediately came over to her. “Good morning.” Before she could answer, he lowered his head and kissed her.

  The heat, the comfort of his touch, sank into her. She couldn’t wrap her arms around him because her hands were occupied with her mug and the uneaten muffin. It didn’t stop him from wrapping his around her.

  In the background, someone whistled. Billy raised his head and grinned. “Bite me, Reece.”

  His cousin gave a snort of laughter.

  She pushed away, feeling awkward by such a blatant show of affection in front of his family, even though she liked it. “Sorry I overslept.”

  “I would have stayed with you, but we have a bunch of orders due soon and they’ve been busy the past few days.” He didn’t mention they’d been busy because of her and what had happened.

  An older wolf slapped Billy on the shoulder as he passed behind him. He carried a large beam on his shoulder as though it weighed nothing. This was Mikhail, mate to the alpha’s mother. He was also the brother of Rina, Sage’s mate. Addie was still figuring out all the connections.

  “We could have handled things,” Mikhail told him. “But we appreciate the help.”

  This pack seemed to truly work as a unit. Hers was larger and there were smaller groups, typically families, who worked together in various ways to make money for themselves and the pack.


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