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Alpha Bloodlines

Page 5

by Kirsty Moseley

  "Where the hell have you been? I've been looking for you for like two hours!" she cried hugging me fiercely. I opened my mouth to speak but she but me off, looking at me confused, "You smell different" she said shaking her head confused. I smiled she was always crazy.

  "I smell different? Are you drunk?" I asked laughing as I took her cup and downed the contents.

  Scott was looking at me a little weird too, "You do smell different, where have you been?" he asked looking at my hand that I held my shoes in.

  I blushed and dropped my eyes to the floor, "Nowhere, I was dancing, look Mel can we go?" I asked embarrassed as to why everyone was staring at me again.

  She frowned "Go? It's only just after twelve" she said pouting.

  I looked at her pleadingly, "Please? I need to go, please" I said.

  She sighed and nodded "Yeah ok, but you'll tell me what this is about right?" she asked curiously. I nodded and looked around at the boys who were all staring at me looking me over but all looked slightly bewildered for some reason. "I'll come too" Scott said wrapping his arm around my shoulders, his hand brushed my neck and I shuddered, it felt so wrong, I shrugged his arm off quickly feeling a little sick.

  He looked at me strangely but didn't say anything as we walked to his car, I slipped into the back and gulped knowing the interrogation was about to start. "So why did we have to leave? What happened?" Mel asked taking my hand as she slipped into the back next to me. I glanced at Scott who was driving, not paying attention, or pretending not to be paying attention anyway. I took a deep breath and looked at my best friend tin the world.

  "I cheated on Trey" I said wincing at how bad that sounded, she gasped and gripped my hand tighter.

  "You're shitting me! With who?" she cried looking slightly excited, I smiled and shook my head.

  "I don't even know his name, I didn't ask! Can you believe that? Damn it I'm such a slut!" I said shaking my head disapprovingly.

  She laughed "You don't know his name? Oh my god Brook!" she said laughing her ass off.

  I giggled "It's not really funny, if Trey finds out he'll go crazy" I said my laughter stopping immediately thinking off all the pain he would cause to me, or worse, to my Mom or even the beautiful boy I had just had the most amazing sex ever with.

  "He won't find out, how can he? He's in Denver and he wouldn't know anyone here anyway" she said reassuringly, I nodded she was right. There shouldn't be anything tying me to this at all. "So what did he look like?" she asked excitedly.

  I sighed and closed my eyes picturing his perfect face, "He's got brown hair, kinda messy, and dark green eyes, my god he is so hot it's unreal, and his voice, shit his voice is the sexiest thing I have ever heard in my life" I said a slight shiver running through me.

  She frowned "What was he wearing?" she asked curiously.

  "Um, jeans and a t-shirt, a white t-shirt" I said nodding, she shrugged "I didn't see him" she said.

  "Was he good?" she whispered, I giggled and nodded biting my lip trying not to think about just how good he was.

  "Oh god Mel, it was unbelievable, seriously fucking mind blowing" I admitted.

  She looked at me jealously and smiled "I told you that dress was made for you" she said raising an eyebrow.

  "I still don't like the dress" I said pulling it down slightly trying to cover my legs more.

  She laughed "But it got you mind blowing sex, you so owe me" she said laughing her ass off again.

  I nodded "Yeah ok, I'll give you that one" I said grinning wickedly at her.

  "So I can't believe you didn't even ask his name! What the hell happened?" she asked as we pulled up outside her house. I climbed out and waited for her to walk around to my side.

  "God I have no idea, I went to use the bathroom and he was in there, when he opened the door it was like bam and that was it, he must have felt it too because he looked like he was having trouble speaking" I said smiling remembering how he opened his mouth and closed it struggling to get his words out.

  She smiled "That's so romantic, are you seeing him again?" she asked happily as she skipped over to the freezer pulling out a carton of ice cream and two spoons.

  I shook my head "No, I'm with Trey" I said sternly as I dug into the chocolate ice cream hungrily.

  "He was ok with that?" she asked curiously.

  I shrugged "I have no idea, I didn't tell him I had a boyfriend, we fell asleep after, when I woke up he was still asleep so I snuck out and came to find you" I admitted a little sheepishly.

  She burst out laughing again and shook her head "Wow you are a slut!" she teased making me laugh, I nodded eating another spoonful of icecream.

  "I know, I just pray that Trey doesn't find out" I said feeling slightly sick at the thought. Scott was watching me curiously from the doorframe looking like he was trying to work out a complicated puzzle.

  "Let's go watch a movie finish this ice cream off" Mel suggested nodding towards the lounge.

  "Ok, I'm just gonna go change first, I don't feel comfortable in this" I said waving my hand over my scantly clad body, she nodded and headed off to the lounge to choose the movie. I went upstairs pulling the dress off and grabbed a loose fitting t-shirt and sweats and pulling them on instead. As I walked past the mirror I noticed my hair was all messed up and tangled so I grabbed a brush and brushed out the snarls pulling my hair back into a loose pony tail.

  I frowned as I saw a red mark on my neck and bent closer to look at it pulling the edge of my top down so I could see. Just at the base of my neck where it meets my shoulder there was a big red bite mark. I gasped as I tilted my neck to look at it better, it looked deep but it didn't hurt, I could clearly see four perfectly round puncture holes, two on each side surrounded by normal looking teeth marks forming two crescents. It was healing and looked like it had happened a couple of weeks ago not something that happened tonight.

  I poked at it and rubbed it but it didn't fade or change, I closed my eyes thinking back to him biting me. I remembered him looking like he was in pain then he said something about not being in control and then his eyes changed from green to a almost black colour and he bent forward and bit me, no his eyes didn't change colour that's just stupid! Must have been a trick of the light or probably a trick of the alcohol more like it. It didn't hurt when he bit me, it actually felt nice, if he had bit me hard enough to leave a mark like this it would have really hurt me, wouldn't it? Maybe I had a reaction to it or something?

  I rubbed it again but it wouldn't go, the teeth marks actually felt a little raised, it was definitely a reaction, I hope he didn't give me anything. I thought back to the sex, shit we didn't use a cond0m or anything either! I grimaced, I was on the pill so I knew I wouldn't get pregnant but what if he had some sort of STI? Oh great Brook, just fucking great!

  I heard shouting from downstairs, I let my hair back down not wanting to have to explain the bite to Mel tonight and made my way downstairs. "Scott, I don't know what happened! Honestly I needed to, I couldn't help it!" a sexy voice shouted angrily, I gasped, it was him. The boy I slept with, he was here! I sat on the bottom step not wanting to go and face him, maybe he was just here to see Scott, he couldn't even know I was here, no he definitely didn't know who I was, there was no way he could.

  I wrapped my arms around myself praying he would just leave, this was just a one night stand, I had a boyfriend. A boyfriend who would kill me, my Mom and him if he ever found out. I felt sick, the thought of Trey hurting him was worse than the thought of him hurting my Mom, my heart was crashing in my chest. Oh god, Trey's gonna find out! How the hell could I have been so stupid?


  I woke up and instantly noticed she wasn't in my arms, I raised my head looking for her, maybe she'd rolled away or something. But the bed was empty. I sat up quick and looked around my room, her clothes and shoes were gone too. I jumped out of the bed pulling on my jeans and t-shirt slipping on my trainers and ran to the en-suite but I knew she wasn't there I couldn't smell her anymore, she h
ad left the room.

  I ran down the stairs, and scanned the room quickly, where the hell is she? I pushed past people into the kitchen but she wasn't there either, my wolf was growling, he wanted her near him, he didn't like the fact that she had snuck away. I turned and went to the bathroom, someone was in there and I relaxed, calm down Jayden she's in the bathroom! I waited a couple of minutes and the girl in the blue dress that I had danced with earlier came staggering out. "Shit!" I cried angrily, did she leave the house?

  Paul was walking past me so I grabbed his arm, "Paul, you seen a really sexy girl with brown hair?

  She's wearing a black dress" I asked desperately.

  He shrugged "Don't think so man, why what's up?" he asked looking at me curiously.

  "I mated" I said scanning the room again

  He gasped and grabbed me "You fucking mated? What the hell Jayden? Who?" he cried shocked.

  I shook my head "I don't know where she went, we fell asleep, I just woke up and she was gone" I said pushing past him needing to find her. I didn't even know her name for Christ sake!

  I could feel him following me close on my heels as I walked around the room, I spotted a brown head and my wolf rejoiced as I ran over pushing past people and took her hand. She turned and smiled seductively, my heart sank, it wasn't her. "Hi Jayden" the girl purred.

  I let go of her hand "Sorry, I thought you were someone else" I said turning away quickly.

  I looked back over my shoulder to see Paul had grabbed Seth and Rick and a couple of other boys from my pack who were all trailing along behind me wanting to meet my mate. She would be Alpha female when I made the challenge so they would need to show their respect to her. I walked over to them, "I can't find her, have you seen her?" I asked desperately, oh god what if she was in trouble or something? I felt my wolf ready to come out at the thought of her being in trouble and I forced him back down, I couldn't shift in front of all of these people, some of them were humans.

  "We don't even know who she is man, what's her name? We could ask around" Seth suggested.

  I shook my head "I don't know her name, she's beautiful, about five six or seven, brown hair, just above her shoulders, brown eyes, smokin body, she's wearing a little black silk dress, black shoes" I said looking at them pleadingly.

  Seth frowned "The only girl I've seen like that dude was Mel Porter's friend, she left with Mel and Scott a little while ago" Seth said shrugging.

  I breathed a sigh of relief, that was her, I smelt her last night at Scott's, oh shit that means I've mated the girl he wanted to sleep with! He was gonna be pissed. I took off at a run to my car and jumped in heading over to Scott's as quick as I could. Why the hell did she leave me? How could she leave me? I was her mate, she should have wanted to stay in the bed with me and not leave without saying goodbye. After five minutes of frantic driving I skidded to a halt outside their house. I could smell her as soon as I stepped out of the car and my wolf rejoiced inside that I was so close to her. She was safe, Scott had looked after her for me.

  I ran to the door knocking quickly, God please be awake! I looked at my watch it was just after one in the morning. The door opened and a surprised looking Scott opened the door, "Hey Jay, what are you doing here?" he asked smiling as he stepped to the side to let me in. Shit this is gonna be hard!

  "Um Scott man I need to talk to you" I said uncomfortably, it wasn't my fault, I know I said he could have her but I just couldn't help myself. He tensed immediately and looked behind me for trouble, I shook my head and closed the door.

  "Scott man, something's happened, I mated" I said swallowing my guilt, I can't believe I've done this to him! Shit what if he had actually wanted to mate her instead of just sleeping with her? My wolf growled at the thought if him wanting her so I closed my eyes calming myself.

  He gasped "Shit Jayden! You mated? I thought you said you didn't ever want a mate" he said watching me looking shocked, proud and a little jealous too.

  Most shifters wanted to be mated, it was an unbreakable bond between two shifters that was stronger than anything, most of us wanted that strength and closeness, but I had always shyed away from it. God I was so stupid, the feeling was incredible, to love someone more than anything else in the world, to be willing to give your life for them in an instant, it was overwhelming, the joy of having a mate, I can't believe I didn't want this.

  I nodded "I know, I didn't want one, it just kind of happened, I couldn't control myself, as soon as I saw her I had to have her, I just couldn't stop" I said frowning at the feeling of losing control. I would never loose control with her again, ever.

  He pulled me into a hug and slapped my back happily, "I'm so pleased for you! Who is she? What's she like?" he asked excitedly. I smiled sadly, ok shit here it goes.

  I opened my mouth to say when Mel walked into the hallway, "Hey Jayden, how's it going? Great party" she said grinning. I smiled, it was a fucking awesome party, best party ever.

  I nodded "Yeah it was" I said.

  Scott turned to her excited "Jayden's mated!" he said happily.

  She clapped her hands excited and jumped a little on the spot, "Oh god that's incredible!

  Congratulations!" she said happily.

  I nodded to the lounge "Can we go in there?" I asked uncomfortably rather than standing in the hallway, Scott nodded and we went in, he sat down on the sofa and I sat on the armchair. "Scott man, I'm really sorry, I didn't know who she was, honestly I just couldn't stop, I tried to not mark her but my wolf, he wanted her" I said grimacing waiting for him to explode at me.

  He looked at me confused, "What?" he asked giving me his 'what the fuck' face, ok did she not tell them she had mated? I heard her moving around upstairs and I wanted to go to her and wrap her in my arms.

  "Mel's friend, I don't even know her name" I said frowning.

  Scott laughed, "That's funny dude, seriously who did you mate with?" he asked laughing his ass off.

  Why the hell is that funny? "What's her name?" I asked curiously, I just couldn't remember it, I know he'd told me before but I just never paid that much attention to it, she was just Mel's friend then.

  "Who Brooklyn?" he asked still chuckling, fucking hell that was a beautiful name, Brooklyn Phillips, I smiled, that would sound awesome, maybe we could get married soon, I loved the thought of her being Mrs Phillips.

  "Is she upstairs?" I asked standing to go to her, Scott looked at he confused until understanding shot across his face. His eyes darkened and he jumped up in front of me, I clenched my fists controlling my wolf, I didn't want to hurt my best friend, but I WOULD NOT allow him to challenge me.

  "You didn't!" he shouted angrily.

  Mel gasped "You can't mate her! She's human" she said horrified.

  My eyes snapped to hers, human? She can't be a human! I had definitely mated her, she was mine, she was supposed to be mine, that's why I couldn't help but claim her. "She can't be human, I marked her" I said sternly.

  Mel shook her head "No! She's human, she is, Scott she's human, he can't have" she cried looking at him confused.

  Scott stepped forward to me "You better fucking not have Jayden, you know I like her" he growled.

  I stepped forward looking straight into his angry black eyes, "Don't you fucking dare challenge me Scott, sit the fuck down now" I ordered. He took a deep breath and stepped back and sat down, his posture still alert, his eyes still black, his wolf still wanting to kill me but he was showing me respect by backing off. "I didn't mean to, I couldn't stop, the first time I saw her my teeth extended, my wolf, he wanted her, she's mine" I said sternly.

  "But you can't mate her she's human" Mel said again sounding like she was trying not to cry.

  I shook my head, "She can't be human, I need to speak to her, she's probably from another pack and hasn't told you" I said confidently. Shifters couldn't mark humans so there had to be something else, some other explanation.

  Scott was glaring at me, "She was supposed to be with me, you know I liked her, if s
he's a shifter I would have mated her" he growled angrily.

  I stepped forward towards him, he wanted to mark my mate? My wolf wanted to show him I was in charge, he wanted to beat him senseless for even thinking of my angel in that way. "It's done, she's mine now" I growled warningly.

  He shook his head, "How could you do this to me?" he shouted looking at me angrily. Shit I didn't do this to hurt him!

  "Scott, I don't know what happened! Honestly I needed to, I couldn't help it!" I shouted angrily trying to make him understand.

  She was coming downstairs now, I could hear her, I looked at the hallway waiting for her to come around the corner. She didn't, she'd stopped on the stairs, I stepped around the chair to go to her and Scott grabbed my arm. How dare he touch me! I snapped my eyes round to his, so angry my hands were shaking, my wolf trying to force me to shift and rip his head off. He must have seen this in my eyes as he let go immediately and dropped his hand to his side, his eyes turning back to their usual blue. I took a deep breath willing mine to do the same before I walked to the bottom of the stairs.

  Chapter 6


  I sat there uncomfortable on the stairs pulling my t-shirt down over my knees, oh God just go! Why wasn't he leaving? They had stopped shouting at each other now so he should be leaving any minute. I closed my eyes and put my chin on my knees waiting for the sound of the front door.

  "Hi", I snapped my eyes open and looked up to see him standing at the bottom of the stairs looking like a damn Greek god or something. His green eyes boring into mine making me feel weightless, shit what the hell do I say?

  "Um hi" I said uncomfortably as I stood up, he smiled making my heart try to break it's way out of my chest.

  "I didn't get your name, I'm Jayden, or Jay whatever you want" he said grinning as he looked me over.

  "Um, Brooklyn, or Brook for short" I said swallowing loudly, he nodded and stepped up a step so our faces were level. I could feel the heat rising in me, god I wanted him to touch me so bad, my whole body was aching for him again.


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