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Alpha Bloodlines

Page 9

by Kirsty Moseley

  "Ok?" he asked curiously, I nodded and plastered on a fake smile so they couldn't see how hard this was for me.

  "I'm great, Mel wants to go shopping again, woo hoo!" I said sarcastically rolling my eyes.

  He laughed "I honestly have never met another girl that didn't like shopping, something else that would have been on the list" he said winking at me. I sighed and leant against him, leaning forward when he wanted to move his arm and put it around me, he just sat there with his arm around me while we watched TV.

  My phone buzzed and I grabbed it opening a new message from Trey, my heart was beating out of my chest as if he would somehow be able to tell I had cheated by me reading a text.

  'Hey baby, I'm back early, I'll be over in half an hour' he wrote.

  I jumped out of the seat "Shit!" I cried before I could stop myself, Scott jumped up and pulled me behind him protectively looking towards the door. I couldn't help but laugh, bless him what the hell was he expecting? I grabbed his hand laughing my ass off at him, he looked at me shocked.

  "What? What's wrong?" he asked his body relaxing slightly.

  "Trey's home that's all" I said still giggling, he blew out a big breath and ran his hand through his hair.

  "You scared the shit out of me!" he said shaking his head laughing now too.

  I went to the kitchen to see Mel, "Mel babe I gotta go, Trey's home a day early, he wants to see me, he just text me and said he'll be round in half an hour, I'm sorry hon, I'll make it up to you I promise, come stay tomorrow instead" I said apologetically.

  She smiled "It's ok, I got bucket loads of homework to do tonight anyway so I wouldn't have been much fun, I'll see you tomorrow at school, be cool, there's no way he'd know ok?" she said hugging me tightly. I nodded but I felt so scared, if he found out this was gonna hurt, bad! I grabbed my bags from the front door and headed out to my car feeling the dread settle in.

  Chapter 10

  I pulled up outside my house, his car wasn't in the drive so I breathed a sigh of relief as I ran to the house quickly wanting to hide the dress that I wore to the party in case Trey saw it, he would fucking kill me if he knew I went out looking like that! I screwed the dress up and threw it to the back of my wardrobe putting all of my shoes on top of it. I should have just chucked the damn thing out of the window on the way home!

  I went back downstairs, my Mom wasn't home, god I wished she was here, I was so scared. There was no way he could know, no possibility at all, I kept repeating this to myself as I made a coffee with shaky hands. After about twenty minutes I heard his car pull up and I squeezed my eyes shut, oh god please help me get through this! He let himself in as usual and I held my breath, please be in a good mood!

  He smiled and I let the breath out, "Hey baby" he said happily as he came into the kitchen.

  "Hey boyfriend" I said smiling and trying not to flinch as he wrapped his arms around me and crashed his lips to mine. He kissed me hungrily running his hands down my body to grip my ass.

  When he pulled away we were both a little breathless. "I missed you" I said trying to keep him sweet. He grinned happily, wow he is in a really good mood today, the deal he went for must have gone well!

  "Well I missed you too baby" he said pulling me towards the lounge, he plopped down on the sofa and pulled me into his lap stroking my back slowly as he looked at me lovingly. I actually liked this Trey, he could be really sweet when he wanted to, when we first started going out he was thoughtful and kind and I fell hard for him, but after about a year he started getting angry with me and possessive and finally he started hitting me.

  "So why are you back early Trey? Your business go ok?" I asked curiously as I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly.

  He laughed and ran a hand through his hair, "Yep, the deal was awesome baby, it got wrapped up pretty quick so I came home to see my girl" he said kissing me again. I kissed him back but I felt a little sick, like I really shouldn't be doing this. I hadn't felt attracted to Trey for a long time but this was something else, I felt guilty, I felt like I was cheating and I hated it.

  He pulled out of the kiss and slipped his hand into his jacket pocket bringing out a small rectangular leather box and offered it to me. Oh god he bought me something! I smiled sweetly as I took it,

  "What's this for hon?" I asked curiously.

  He laughed "I saw it and I thought you'd like it" he said pulling me closer to his chest watching me excitedly. I opened the box wondering what the hell it would be, to see a diamond bracelet nestled against the cream silk. I gasped, it was so beautiful, this must have cost him a fortune!

  "Shit Trey, this is beautiful" I said honestly.

  He chuckled "Thought you'd like it" he said taking the box out of my hands and pulling the bracelet out of the box, holding it out to put it on me. I held my hand out watching as he snapped the beautiful thing to my wrist.

  "God Trey thank you so much, I love it, thank you" I said running my finger over the diamonds.

  He lifted my chin and pressed his lips to mine again, shit ok now I need to pay for it I guess! He moaned in the back of his throat and laid me down on the couch climbing on top of me his hands roaming over my body lustfully. Suddenly he pulled away a little confused, "Did you change your perfume or something?" he asked curiously. My perfume?

  "No, why?" I asked confused.

  He bent his head and inhaled, "You smell a little different" he said frowning.

  I laughed "I slept at Mel's last night hon, I used her shampoo and body wash" I said shaking my head.

  His eyes hardened slightly, "You slept out while I wasn't here?" he asked looking slightly pissed off.

  I nodded "Only at Mel's, we watched a movie and painted our toenails" I said starting to get scared.

  Any little thing like this could set him off, he was still frowning, shit come on Brook think of something! "We waxed our legs too if you're interested in checking them out" I said trying to sound sexy, his face softened and a small smile tugged at his lips.

  "Yeah? Now that I'm interested in" he said waggling his eyebrows at me as he kissed me again.

  Wow that was close!

  I closed my eyes and tried to pretend that I loved him and as he pulled at my clothes, all I could think of was Jayden and what he would say if he could see me right now. My phone started to ring from the table but Trey didn't even break stride as he used my body, at least he was being gentle today, he had obviously missed me. Just as I thought he didn't take my top off, he never did anymore, but did push it right up so he could see me anyway so I might as well have taken it off.

  Thank God he didn't see the bite mark on my neck with my top bunched up there.

  I wrapped my legs around his waist as he continued to thrust into me, kissing all over my face. He was nearly done, I could tell by his face, I pulled his face to mine and kissed him hard, digging my fingers into his back just how he liked, and that made him finish. He grunted and collapsed on top of me almost crushing me, I trailed my fingers down his back as I pretended to be catching my breath and calming down.

  He pulled back to smile at me after a minute or so, "I really missed you Brook, how about you come and stay with me tonight?" he asked as he kissed across my cheek. I groaned internally, I hated staying at Trey's, he always wanted to stay up late and I had school tomorrow! Plus I hated the guys he hung around with, they were complete assholes and treated me like shit, expecting me to clean up after them and stuff.

  "Um I can't, I have a lot of homework to do tonight hon, I didn't know you'd be home today so I didn't do any yesterday as I was planning on doing it tonight" I said biting my lip, if he insists and worse comes to worse I'll just have to ask for an extension.

  He rolled his eyes and nodded, ok wow if he's letting it go he really is in a good mood today! "You think I can stay here then?" he asked hopefully.

  I laughed, "I'll ask, but you know my Mom won't let you" I said shrugging.

  He groaned and laid his head on my shoulder, "She has to let me sur
ely, she knows we have sex! I don't see what the problem is" he said grumpily.

  I smiled "She just doesn't like to know it goes on under her roof that's all" I said chuckling. My Mom knew we had sex as she had got me on the pill when I was thirteen, she let me stay at Trey's occasionally, but she still wouldn't let him sleep here.

  He pressed his face into my neck inhaling, "I don't like this body wash baby, it smell's wrong on you" he said turning his nose up slightly, I gripped my hands on the back of his head and smiled.

  "Ok, I'll be sure not to buy that one then" I said laughing. He chuckled and pulled himself off of me pulling me up to sitting, I instantly pulled my top down to cover myself embarrassed. My phone was still going crazy on the table and he grabbed rejecting the call without even looking at it.

  "Let's go eat, I'm hungry" he said standing up and pulling on his clothes quickly, I nodded grabbing my jeans and panties pulling them while he was getting dressed so he wouldn't be watching me.

  We made our way to the kitchen and I grabbed stuff to make a sandwich with, he sat on the counter watching me not even offering to help as usual. The doorbell rang, I kissed his lips as I walked past to get it, he slapped my ass chuckling to himself. I wrenched the door open and my heart stopped as I saw Jayden standing there looking like a fucking Greek god on my doorstep, my body went crazy with need for him, he smiled and I felt my heart skip a beat. Oh Jesus he is so damn hot! I wanted to jump on him and have him rub his hands down my body. I couldn't take my eyes from his, he was the only thing I could think about. "Who is it baby?" Trey called, I instantly snapped out of my own little world, oh shit! Trey!

  Chapter 11


  I rang again but she still wasn't answering her damn phone! My wolf was going crazy, he wanted out, right now. He wanted to go in there and rip this Trey's head off for touching my girl, I waited another five minutes before calling her again, the call went to voice mail for the hundredth time.

  Right I can't stand this anymore I need to see her!

  I got out of the car and made my way to her house, taking deep breaths willing myself to be calm, obviously she wouldn't want him to know we had slept together so I'd have to be cool. But I just needed to see she was ok and ask her to call me later, I couldn't go a whole day without speaking to her. I rang the doorbell and heard her footsteps, a guy laughed and I clenched my fists tight digging my nails into my palms concentrating on the small sting to keep myself from bursting through the door and killing him.

  She answered the door looking so beautiful it was unreal, her beautiful hazel eyes met mine and I couldn't help but smile at her. Her face went from shock to happiness as she smiled back at me and I felt my stomach clench up tight that she was pleased to see me. Neither of us spoke, I just looked over her beautiful face, happiness bubbling up inside me that she looked almost as pleased to see me as I did her.

  "Who is it baby?" her guy called from inside, her smile faded immediately a look of horror crossed her face.

  "Um no one Trey" she called as she stepped out of the door and closed it behind her. "Shit, what the hell are you doing here? You need to go Jayden!" she whisper yelled at me, ok yeah great she thinks I'm a fucking stalker!

  "I'm sorry, I needed to see you, I thought you'd call me, you didn't even leave me your number, I had to get your address from Mel" I said trying not to show her how much she was hurting me.

  She glanced back at the door, "Go please!" she begged looking like she was scared or something.

  My wolf jumped needing to touch her and I stepped forward putting my hand on her cheek, she pressed her face into my hand and closed her eyes, I could feel my body yearning for hers. "Please Jayden, go" she begged again.

  "Ok, I'm sorry, will you please call me later, just so I know your ok? You should have about ten missed calls on your phone with my number on" I asked quietly, chuckling at how obsessive that actually made me sound. Damn it, oh well I can't take it back now! The door opened and I stepped back quickly dropping my hand as a he walked out of the house. Damn I wanted to kill him so bad, I'd never wanted to kill anyone before but this guy had my girl! He was about my height but was built a little bigger than me, with short brown hair and angry looking brown eyes.

  Ok think Jay, don't get her in trouble she won't forgive you! "Hey, you don't know an Emma Thompson do you? I was just telling, err sorry I don't know your name" I said turning to Brook.

  She swallowed looking at me shocked and confused, "Brook" she said quietly.

  I smiled "Right, I was just telling Brook, I'm supposed to pick this girl up for a date today but I can't find her house and I've lost the damn address she gave me!" I said looking up and down the street.

  The guy laughed and wrapped his arm around Brook pulling her to his side, "No idea, we're busy though so run along and tell your life story to someone else" he said looking me over slowly. Holy fucking shit my wolf was so close, I couldn't look away from him, my wolf refused to back down, he glared at me for a few seconds before turning to Brook "Go finish making lunch baby" he said kissing the side of her head. She nodded and turned to walk off instantly, I dug my heels down as my wolf was trying to make me follow her, she turned at the door and mouthed 'I'm sorry' looking at me apologetically before disappearing through the door.

  As soon as the door shut he stepped up to me, "You hitting on my girl you little shit?" he asked angrily. I couldn't help but laugh, his girl yeah fucking right!

  "I was just looking for Emma, I thought she might know her, she's about the same age" I said trying to keep the aggression out of my voice. If he started a fight I would have to finish it and I didn't really want to have to do that, for one thing Brook wanted to be with this asshole for some reason.

  "I fucking hope so, leave now" he said stepping forward again, fuck it I hated to be disrespected!

  Part of my Alpha bloodline made me react to any challenge and he was definitely pushing my buttons!

  "Don't fucking talk to me like that" I spat angrily, he frowned and we glared at each other for a couple of seconds my body was alert waiting for him to hit me.

  Brook opened the door again "Trey" she said quietly.

  His eyes snapped to her for a split second "I'm now coming" he said angrily, she didn't leave, she stood there waiting for him so he backed off and went to her side wrapping his arm possessively around her and pulling her inside.

  I stood there glaring at the door for a few seconds before I turned on my heel and went back to my car so fucking angry I wanted to smash something. He was a fucking asshole! He didn't even deserve her anyway! What the hell did she see in that guy? Because I couldn't see a single thing good about him, I mean girls probably thought he was probably good looking but I didn't think she was one to go for looks, she didn't strike me as that kind of person. But then again I only really had one conversation with her, how the hell would I know what she was like and what attracted her to him? I climbed in the car and I slammed the door with so much force that the window shattered spraying glass into my lap on onto the street. "Fuck it!" I shouted gripping my hands into my hair, this is bad, this is really bad, I can't do this!


  As soon as I shut the door I pressed my ear against it listening to them talking, I wouldn't let Trey hurt Jayden, I couldn't! "I fucking hope so, leave now" Trey said making me flinch, oh god Jayden please go before he hurts you! I knew that tone in his voice too well, he was seriously close to loosing it!

  "Don't fucking talk to me like that" Jayden said sounding so angry that I cringed, shit this was it, Trey was gonna kill him! I wrenched the door open quickly.

  They were standing about a foot away from each other glaring angrily, Trey looked like he wanted to kill him, in all honesty he was probably was thinking of HOW he wanted to kill him, by the looks on his face it would be the slowest most painful way he could think of. Jayden actually looked just as angry, shit he's gonna get himself hurt! "Trey" I said quietly trying to break the tension, his eyes snapped to min
e they were hard and angry, I tried desperately not to flinch.

  "I'm now coming" he said angrily, his tone was warning, he had told me to go inside and I came back out, he wasn't happy with me at all! His eyes flicked to the door telling me to go back inside but I just stood there waiting for him, he backed away from Jayden and wrapped his arm around me tightly clamping me to his side and led me inside. I couldn't look at Jayden again, I didn't want to see the look of hurt in his eyes that I was in here with Trey instead of out there with him.

  As soon as the door shut Trey's arm went from around my waist to my upper arm as he dragged me into the kitchen. "Who the fuck was that?" he asked shaking me roughly, his top lip was twitching like it always did when he was trying to control his temper.

  "I don't know, he just knocked he was looking for some girl called Emma" I lied wincing as his grip tightened on my arm.

  "I don't believe you" he said pulling me to him.

  "It's true! I promise, I don't know who he is! Trey please your hurting me" I begged tears filling my eyes.

  "I'll do more than fucking hurt you if I find out your lying to me" he spat as his other hand grabbed the back of my hair jerking my head back. I bit my lip hard enough to draw blood and whimpered,

  "Did you arrange for him to come here because you thought I'd be out of town still? Did my coming back early ruin your little sex session?" he asked sneering at me.

  I gasped as he pulled my head further back, "Oh god please Trey! I swear" I cried grabbing his hand in both of mine trying to lessen the pressure on my hair.

  He shoved me roughly into the kitchen counter making pain shoot through my hip as I banged it hard, my leg gave way and I sank to the floor. "Please Trey, please, I love you, please" I begged sobbing in a pile on the floor, tingles were shooting down my right leg where I had hit it so hard and my scalp was burning. Oh shit this is bad, if he finds out who Jayden is he will literally kill me. I put my arms around my head protectively as I sobbed uncontrollably, pain shooting round my whole bottom half.


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