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Alpha Bloodlines

Page 15

by Kirsty Moseley


  I watched him walk from the room, my Mom was looking around curiously, "This place is beautiful" she said looking around the lounge.

  I smiled "It's cute" I said casually, trying desperately to hear what was going on in the kitchen.

  Jayden's father was very intimidating, I hoped he wouldn't hurt him, I couldn't hear anything. He was telling his father about me in there, about me being a human, about Trey wanting to kill the three of us.

  How the hell could I have been so stupid as to start all of this? If I hadn't mated with Jayden then Trey wouldn't be threatening to kill my Mom and him now! But I couldn't blame the mating, I was happy I was mated to him, he was so adorable and kind and loving. I just prayed to god that I didn't get him hurt, or worse.

  "So what's all this about? What's going on with Trey?" my Mom asked dragging me out of my little internal debate.

  I sighed "Trey and I have broken up Mom, he's really angry, he wants to kill me and he's threatened to kill you too" I said grimacing slightly.

  She shook her head not believing a word of what I said, "Trey wouldn't hurt anyone Brook, he's a good guy" she said looking a little amused.

  I closed my eyes "He's not Mom, he's been hurting me since I was fourteen, I've been trying to break up with him for years but he wouldn't let me go, he said he'd kill you if I left him" I admitted not opening my eyes, I didn't want to see her reaction.

  She gasped "He's been hurting you? As in physical abuse? Did he do this to your face?" she cried horrified as she grabbed me into a hug.

  I nodded "Yeah, he's not who you think he is, the business he's in, it's not strictly legal" I said grimacing at the thought of her knowing he was a big time drug dealer.

  She started to cry just as I heard a big bang come from the kitchen, I jumped up but she grabbed my arm, "Don't go in there, let them work it out, Jayden can take care of himself, I can tell that about him" my Mom said gripping me tightly.

  I nodded and sat back down next to her, she was crying still so I wrapped my arms around her, "It's ok Mom, everything's ok, he won't hurt you, Jayden's gonna help us" I said confidently. God after seeing him fighting with Trey I had no doubt in my mind that he was a badass. I should have told him sooner, why the hell didn't I tell him?

  "I'm not worried about myself Brook! Jeez you're always worried about me!" she said shaking her head disapprovingly.

  I smiled and rolled my eyes, "So how do you know Jayden anyway?" she asked when she finally stopped crying, oh shit how the hell do I explain this?

  "Um well, we err" I started but the door opened and he came in with his father following close behind. I breathed a sigh of relief and looked him over, he wasn't hurt there was no cuts or bruises on his perfect face, I felt myself relax slightly now that he was here.

  He walked over and sat next to me taking my hand smiling his beautiful smile at me making me feel like the most important girl in the world. Jeez how the hell can he look at me like that? He could have any girl in the world! "So Jayden I think maybe you should explain to Beth what we were discussing in the kitchen then we'll be able to move on" Richard said looking at him knowingly. His father's eyes came back to me as he looked me over again with a puzzled expression making me squirm in my seat. Was he looking to see if I was good enough for his son? Oh shit what if he say's I'm not? Would Jayden leave me, what the hell would I do without him now? I could feel the bond between us getting stronger by the second I don't even think I could live without him now, I needed to be in his life like he always says he needs to be in mine.

  "Ok so Beth, try and hear us out ok? Keep an open mind, this may get a little weird for you" Jayden said looking at her reassuringly. My Mom nodded and I held my breath waiting fro him to say it, shit maybe he'd show her his wolf! The thought of him shifting again in front of me was scary but exciting at the same time, I wanted to see again, when he was fighting with Trey I was too scared to look properly, all I know is that it was huge, brown, loud and fast.

  "Ok so my family, we're not like yours, we're well, we're shape shifters" Jayden said watching her for her reaction.

  She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, "I knew there was something going on, but I didn't expect this" she said calmly. I stared at her in shock, why the hell is she not freaking out?

  "Beth, do you know what a shape shifter is?" Jayden asked curiously, she nodded and opened her eyes and looked at me.

  "Yeah, Brook's Dad's a shape shifter" she said smiling at me sadly. I felt Jayden stiffen next to me, my Dad? I looked at her too shocked to speak, how? When? Who? Questions were buzzing through my head so fast I could barely even focus on each one.

  "Her father's a shifter?" Jayden asked his hand tightening on mine, I felt tears stinging my eyes, how could she not tell me? All this time?

  My Mom nodded and looked at me apologetically, "I'm sorry honey, I should have told you, I was afraid you'd think I was crazy, that I'd made it up, hell sometimes I even think I made it up" she said shaking her head sadly.

  "How is this possible? Are you human?" Jayden asked looking like he was struggling to speak.

  My Mom nodded "Yeah I'm human, he was my boyfriend, we dated for about three years then one day he told me he'd mated with someone else, his parents forced him into a mating that he didn't want" she said looking really upset. She loved him, she still loved him I could tell.

  "But how the hell did you get pregnant? He would have been infertile, shifter's can't produce children until they mate" Jayden said shaking his head in confusion.

  "I know, when we dated he told me I couldn't get pregnant, then he mated with this girl, when he came to tell me it was over between us, we ended up sleeping together and I got pregnant, obviously he could have children with me after he mated with her" she said crying again now.

  I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "No, that's not possible, if he was mated he wouldn't have had sex with you, he couldn't, he couldn't be untrue to his mate!" Richard said sternly.

  My Mom looked at him and smiled sadly, "Well he managed, he was devastated after about it though, I can still see the look on his face when he told me how much he loved his mate and how he would do anything not to hurt her and how she could never find out, it almost killed him I think, it broke my heart seeing him like that" my Mom said struggling to stop crying.

  "Oh god, Mom I'm sorry" I said honestly.

  She hugged me tight, "It's ok honey, I got the best daughter in the world from that man, I'll always love him for that" she said tucking my hair behind my ear.

  "So Brook's a half shifter, that's why I could mate her!" Jayden said as if this was the answer to some really exciting question.

  My Mom looked between the two of us, "You two mated? Your together like how your father was with his mate?" she asked shocked, Jayden nodded looking at me lovingly, his eyes sparkling with joy making my heart speed up uncontrollably.

  "This is just too much to take in" she said putting her head in her hands, "You never showed any signs, he came back and tested you a few times to see if you were a shifter but he said you weren't, he said you were human" my Mom said.

  I looked at her in shock "My father? You're talking about my father? I've met him? Who is he?" I asked confused, I don't remember ever meeting him.

  "I told you he was a friend of mine, you know him quite well actually, it's Dominic Logan" she said.

  I gasped and jumped up from the chair "Holy shit! Dom's my Dad? No! He can't be!" I cried, I knew him. He was a nice guy, he was a friend of my Mom's and probably came over about once a month to hang out with us. He taught me to swim, he bought me my favourite teddy, he taught me to add up for christ sake. And all the time he was my father? Shit I even had his name, Logan was my middle name!

  "He is honey, I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I couldn't, it would have ruined everything for him, then as time went on I couldn't tell you after I had lied to you for so long" she said quietly.

  "Dominic Logan? As in Alpha Logan of Bane's Creak?" Rich
ard asked, I looked at him confused, he was deep in thought. My Mom nodded and Richard's eyes snapped to Jayden.

  "You mated with an Alpha's daughter Jayden" he said looking at him proudly, I looked at Jayden who just looked shocked.

  "What difference does that make?" I asked confused.

  "It means Jayden now has the right to challenge for Alpha of Bane's Creak too, bring the pack's together, Dominic Logan has no other children, his mate died before they could conceive" Richard said looking at him in awe.

  "I don't want Alpha of either pack, I just need my mate safe, will you help us or not father?" Jayden asked sounding truly menacing.

  Richard nodded frowning, "Yes, under the circumstances, knowing who she is, I don't see how we can't help you" he said nodding. Jayden relaxed next to me. "This is a great mating, you should be very proud" Richard said.

  Jayden laughed, "I am proud, I was proud when she was just human father, I don't care in the slightest who her father is" he said smiling at me tenderly.

  "But to mate a bloodline Alpha female, it doesn't happen very often, there aren't very many pure bloodlines left" Richard said smiling happily.

  "I'm not an Alpha female" I said confused.

  "Technically you are, Alpha Logan is your father, you have his Alpha blood, he never had any more children which means that you, illegitimate or not, would be next in line to lead his pack, but as your female that would be up to your mate, which is now Jayden" he said confidently.

  I looked at Jayden who nodded, ok this just gets more and more complicated! But what are they talking about bloodlines? "What does that mean when you said about not very many pure bloodlines left?" I asked curiously.

  Jayden gasped, "That's why Newton couldn't mate her but I could!" he cried shocked.

  His father nodded with wide eyes, "That certainly makes sense" he said. "Some Alpha females can only be mated by true Alpha's, true Alpha's have it in their blood, they pass it down through their children, Jayden's blood holds the Philips Alpha, this is why he could mate you but the Trident Alpha couldn't, because this Newton guy has taken Alpha by force not by blood" Richard said trying to explain. "This would also explain your need to mate her Jayden" Richard said smiling.

  I looked between the two of them totally lost now, "How?" Jayden asked a little confused.

  Richard smiled "Her Alpha blood, it called to you, Alpha Logan is a third generation Alpha, so he's a bloodline Alpha too, her blood would have been calling to you to mate her, I've heard of this before, a long time ago when there were more true Alpha's around it used to be more common, it ensures the survival of the packs and ties them together to make them stronger" he said confidently.

  Jayden nodded slightly taking it in, "I guess that makes sense" he said squeezing me gently. "I bet that's why Newton wanted her too, so he could challenge for Alpha of Banes Creak" Jayden said angrily, "Brook said he was twenty when they got together, that's when he was of age, I bet he was setting up to take over" he said his fists clenching slightly. Richard nodded in agreement, I just sat there not really knowing what the hell to say or do, I mean my father was a shifter? And I had known him my whole life, this was just crazy!

  I had a feeling I had a lot to learn about this whole shifter thing that I seem now to be very much a part of, Jayden hugged me tight. "None of this is important shortie, so father, you'll call a pack meeting?" he asked curiously.

  Richard nodded "I'll call it for tonight" he said standing up. Jayden stood too, Richard looked tired, he looked like he had aged ten years since I first met him at the front door. "Where will you be staying?" he asked nodding his head towards me and my Mom.

  "They're coming to stay at mine" Jayden said confidently.

  "Err, that's not really possible, I have to get back to work" my Mom said from next to me.

  "No Beth, I'm sorry, Trey Newton wants you dead, he know's I've mated with Brook, he's threatened to kill you, I've promised Brook I'll keep you safe and I won't break that promise, you'll stay at mine until this is over, no discussions" he said sternly. He said it with so much authority my Mom flinched back behind me slightly.

  Richard started to laugh "She really has Alpha blood, look at her, you just used your full force and she didn't even blink" Richard said pointing at me.

  Full force? What's that about? Jayden smiled at me proudly, "Full force of what?" I asked confused again.

  "His full Alpha command, you should have bowed to him, even just being half a shifter you should have bowed to that, even humans can feel it, right Beth?" Richard asked smiling, my Mom nodded with wide eyes. Ok Jayden just scared my Mom with some Alpha command?

  "What the hell's an Alpha command?" I asked throwing my hands up in exasperation, "God I'm getting more and more confused" I cried.

  Jayden grabbed my hand and pulled me up against his body, "It's just a tone of the voice or sometimes even a look that people respond to, you didn't respond to mine because you have Alpha blood too, that's all" he said shrugging, god that's just stupid!

  "I didn't get scared of you because I know you wouldn't hurt me Jayden, not because of some Alpha blood" I said dismissively.

  "Actually I've used the Alpha on you a couple of times and you didn't bat an eyelid" Richard said grinning sheepishly.

  Jayden's face snapped in his direction, "That had better be a joke old man, you WILL respect my mate" he growled angrily.

  Richard flinched slightly but tried not to show it, "Go, I'll arrange the meeting" he said changing the subject.

  Jayden nodded and took my hand, "Come on then shortie, Beth, let's go back to mine, you must be hungry" he said leading us back out to the car again.

  Chapter 16

  We pulled up outside Jayden's house, it looked different in the daytime, last time I was here it was already banging with a wild party. Now it just looked like a really cute log cabin set against a gorgeous back drop of tree's. Jayden opened the door's for us and grabbed the two extremely heavy quilt's filled with mine and my Mom's clothes. How the hell is he lifting that? I watched the muscles in his tanned arms ripple as he carried them, one in each arm and I started to feel hot. God he was so powerful, it was turning me on really bad.

  He took a deep breath and looked over his shoulder at me making my whole body tingle, he smiled a sexy little smile as if he knew what I was thinking and I wanted him so bad I could barely stand it.

  He nodded into the house and we followed him upstairs, I couldn't keep my eyes off of his ass, it was tight and pert and so hot it was unreal. He went into one of the bedrooms and put one of the quilts on the bed, "We brought you some clothes and stuff Beth, you can stay in here, hopefully it'll only be a couple of days" he said apologetically. "Bathroom's through there, make yourself at home ok?" he said smiling warmly at her.

  She nodded and immediately started untying the knot on the quilt, Jayden grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room closing the door behind us. As soon as the door shut he pushed me against the wall, his body pressing into mine, his mouth so close to mine I could barely stand it.

  "Stop getting turned on, please, I can't stand it, you're killing me" he whispered sounding so sexy I whimpered.

  "How do you know I'm turned on?" I asked breathlessly, god that was such a stupid question it must have been showing on my face!

  He rubbed his nose along my jaw inhaling deeply, "I can smell the hormones, they're coming off of you in waves, I'm surprised they haven't knocked me off of my feet they're so strong" he said running his fingers through my hair making my heart throb. My whole body was starting to ache for him, "God, it's getting worse!" he growled pressing against me tighter, I could feel he was trembling slightly. He was so aroused his rock hard erection was pressing into my stomach.

  "Stop turning me on then! This isn't helping!" I breathed as he ran his hands down my back.

  He took a deep breath and pulled away, he was looking at me hungrily, he wanted me just as much as I wanted him. As I looked into his eyes they started to relax slightly. He s
tared at me for a minute or so and I worked desperately to calm my hormones. "So I'll put you in the bedroom down the hall, next door to me" Jayden said grabbing my makeshift suitcase and started walking off quickly. Next door to him? Did he not want to sleep in the bed with me?

  "I'm not sharing a room with you?" I asked trying to hide my disappointment.

  His eyes snapped to mine. "You want to?" he asked shocked but hopeful at the same time, I bit my lip and nodded trying desperately not to think of sleeping a bed with him and how close he would be to me, his hard body in the bed next to me all night, his arms wrapped around me. "Stop please" he said closing his eyes looking like he was in pain, my hormones obviously attacking him again.

  Now that Trey was out of the way I could be with Jayden properly, if he still wanted to be with me after all the trouble I've caused him and his pack, maybe he didn't. I walked up and took his hand pulling him down the hall to the bedroom I went to last week at the party when I went to use the bathroom.

  I stopped outside the door, "Is this your room?" I asked quietly, he groaned and nodded "Don't you want me to sleep in with you?" I asked a little hurt.

  He groaned again and looked right into my eyes "I want you to sleep in my room, I want you with me every night for the rest of my life shortie, but you didn't want me" he said looking hurt. I wrapped my arms around his neck, god I had hurt him so much!

  "Jayden, that was because of Trey, I tried to break it off before, he wouldn't let me, that's why I said I didn't want to be your mate, that's the only reason, I promise" I said honestly.

  He smiled a heart stopping smile and bent his knees, picking me up with one hand under my ass, his other hand still holding all of my clothes and shoes. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he fumbled with the door handle and carried me into his bedroom kicking the door shut behind him.

  "So your saying you DO want to be my mate?" he asked as he dropped the quilt on the floor with a loud bang and wrapped his other arm around me. God that is a really silly thing to ask.


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