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Alpha Bloodlines

Page 20

by Kirsty Moseley

  Rules? God I don't even know the rules! "What kind of rules?" I asked snuggling closer to his chest.

  God he is so warm!

  "Well there aren't many rules really, humans can't find out about us, we're not allowed to encroach on another packs territory, we're not allowed to use our extra abilities to gain anything from the humans, so we can't enter the worlds strongest man competitions, that kind of thing" he said laughing slightly.

  I smiled, ok that didn't sound too bad, "Didn't you already break the rules by telling me though?" I asked teasingly.

  "Hmm yeah you're right, maybe I should banish myself" he said smiling cockily at me.

  "You like the power" I said nodding.

  He laughed and shook his head, "No not really, I didn't want this, not yet, but I guess in a way I knew I would be Alpha one day, my body wants to be Alpha, it's the bloodline, it makes me more dominant even if I don't want to be, I don't respond well to authority I never have" he said a little sadly.

  "Jay if you really don't want to be Alpha then why did you take it?" I asked curiously, I was glad he took it, what he did for Dom was incredible and I would always be grateful to him for looking out for my father.

  "I don't want Trey getting it and turning the pack like he has with the Tridents" he said simply, I frowned at the thought of Trey.

  "Are you really going after Trey?" I asked quietly feeling the tears welling up in my eyes.

  He looked at me curiously, a sad expression on his face, "You don't want me to hurt him? Do you still love him shortie?" he asked his voice rough and tight. Love him? God did he think I was in love with Trey? Stupid Brook, of course he does, you told him you were.

  I pressed myself to him tighter and felt the tear escape down my face, "No I don't love him Jayden, I haven't loved him for over three years" I said honestly.

  He looked at me confused "Then why are you crying shortie?" he whispered brushing my tears away.

  "I don't want you to get hurt Jayden, I know Trey's boys, they're not like you, they're mean and ruthless, I don't want you anywhere near them, I don't want anyone near them" I said my voice breaking slightly at the thought of him, Scott, his father, and my father all fighting.

  He sighed "It needs to be done, you won't be safe until he's dead, your mother won't be safe" he said quietly looking slightly pained. I know it needed to be done, Trey wouldn't stop, once he set his mind to something he didn't stop until he got it, if he wanted us all dead, we'd die.

  "Are you sure you can do it without getting hurt?" I asked trying not to imagine him injured or worse.

  He smiled confidently, "I'm sure shortie, don't start worrying" he said kissing my nose, but I couldn't help it. He looked at me and sighed, "Brook honestly stop worrying, we'll have the element of surprise on our side, he won't have time to group or anything, most likely he'll be asleep and I'll be back within the hour" he said confidently as he brushed my hair away from my face gently.

  I nodded, he looked so confident it was hard to doubt him, "Can I come with you? I could show you his house" I said hopefully, his teeth snapped together his face hard.

  "No way, you're not going anywhere near him ever again" he growled angrily.

  I frowned "But I could help you, I know where his boys live, I know the way in" I said quietly.

  "We're not talking about this" he said sternly, ok wow conversation over then!

  I sighed and nodded deciding to change the subject, he still looked murderously angry and I would imagine he was thinking about killing Trey again. His face got hard like that whenever Trey was mentioned. "What happens when you go back to college? How can you be so far away and still be Alpha?" I asked running my fingers down his chest.

  He smiled "I'll have to transfer here somewhere, I was going to do that anyway" he said kissing my forehead his body relaxing now he wasn't thinking about Trey.

  "You were? How come?" I asked barely able to contain my excitement that he wasn't leaving me to go back to college, I didn't want to be away from him now.

  He laughed and rolled his eyes at me, "We're mated silly girl, as if I could be that far away from you" he said gripping my ass tightly biting my ear lobe and making me giggle.

  "Well then Alpha Philips of Banes Creak I'm very glad you'll be sticking around" I said honestly.

  He groaned "I really hate that you know" he whined making me laugh, he was a badass Alpha wolf but he could still whine like a little girl.

  "Hate what? Being called Alpha Philips?" I asked curiously.

  He nodded "Yeah, it's just too weird" he said shuddering slightly.

  I grinned and decided to tell him the truth, "Well personally I think it's super sexy, and the sound of it actually turns me on" I whispered.

  He moaned and pulled me closer to him, "Oh it does huh?" he asked, I nodded and bit my lip, oh hell yeah it did. "Well would it turn you on even more if I told you I'm technically Alpha of two packs now?" he asked smirking at me. Two packs? What the hell does that mean?

  "Two?" I asked confused.

  He nodded, "Technically I'm Alpha of Willow Creak now too, but I haven't actually claimed it" he said grimacing slightly.

  "You are? How come?" I asked confused.

  He sighed sadly, "Well, when I went to talk to my father in his kitchen today, he said something I didn't like and I accidentally got mad and threatened him, he backed away so technically he's handed me the pack, he was going to make the announcement at the meeting tonight but I've told him I don't want it yet, he's going to run the pack until I'm ready for it" he said shrugging.

  "Holy shit Jayden, can you run two packs?" I asked shocked.

  He smiled sadly, "Yeah, maybe in a couple of years, but I'm thinking that once I've taken care of that asshole Trey, I'll step down as Alpha of Bane's Creak and let them have a competition for it" he said shrugging. I frowned, I didn't want him to step down, this was my fathers pack, he asked him to take it personally to hand down through the family, but it wasn't my choice I guess.

  "If that's what you want to do" I said nodding.

  "We'll see how it goes, you and I can talk about it in a couple of months" he said casually, yeah ok, he's all powerful Alpha and he wants my opinion? As if he would listen to me anyway!

  He smiled his sexy little smile at me, I still couldn't quite get my head around the fact that this boy was mine, that he was looking at me as if I was the only girl on the planet, he was just so God damn perfect! How the hell could someone like him want me? I kissed his hard chest feeling his hot skin under my lips, his body was touching every inch of mine and I could feel the my desire for him building again, my body was starting to tingle.

  He ran his nose along the edge of my jaw inhaling deeply, he groaned "Shit Brook, those damn hormones of yours are attacking me again!" he whined.

  I smiled and raised an eyebrow at him, they were attacking me too. "Do something about it then Jayden" I said seductively as I pulled his mouth back to mine again.

  "You're gonna kill me shortie" he whispered against my lips, I smiled and pulled him closer ending the conversation.


  "He's on the phone" Dan said handing me his cell, I grinned and took it, finally!

  "Well?" I asked into the phone.

  "It's been arranged, they're coming for you tomorrow night around midnight" he answered his voice shaking through fear.

  "Midnight? Your sure?" I asked sternly.

  "Yes, they're meeting at the field at ten then coming over to your territory and Jayden wants to go in around midnight" he said quickly. I felt the growl trying to rip it's way out at the mention of that fuckers name, fucking asshole stole my girl and mated her! I could feel my hands were shaking so I took a deep breath willing myself to calm down, I'd already shifted three times tonight because I couldn't control my temper I didn't want to ruin another set of clothes.

  "How many of them are coming?" I asked angrily.

  "About seventeen" he answered his voice shaking again. Fuck me seventeen! "There'
s something else you should know" he said quickly.

  I sighed "What now?" I asked bored of speaking to this little shit, he was such a fucking wimp, how he ever expected to be able to protect his mate I don't know.

  "Jayden is Alpha of Bane's Creak now, he mated with the Alpha's daughter" he said.

  "NO!" I shouted my whole body shaking as I punched my hand through the table, fucking asshole stole my girl and now he's stolen my pack! They were mine, both of them!

  "Alpha calm down" Simon one of my high ranking pack members said putting his hand on my shoulder. I span round and punched him in the face as hard as I could, taking my anger for that prick Jayden out on him. He's fucking ruined everything for me! I had the perfect girl, the perfect plan, I was with her for four years trying to get that pack and that fucker could mate her and I couldn't!

  I could feel the rage building and building the more I thought about him. I loved Brook and that fucker took her away from me! She would never have mated with him willingly, he must have forced her somehow. Once he was dead she'd want me again and I could finally claim Bane's Creak.

  That had been my plan as soon as I found out Dominic Logan had an illegitimate daughter, I found her and pursued her until she agreed to go out with me. I never expected to actually fall in love with her, but Brook was special, she's incredible, and she's mine.

  "Trey!" Dan said sternly, I snapped out of my rage and looked down at Simon's lifeless body on the floor, shit I didn't even realise I was still hitting him!

  I wiped his blood off of my hands onto my t-shirt, "If he's not dead then take him to the hospital" I said nodding at him. Dan nodded grimly and bent to check his pulse. I put the phone back to my ear to see if he was still there, watching as Dan nodded at two of my boys, they came in and carried Simon's bloody limp body out of the room. "You've done a good job David, you can come and get your wife now, your both free to go, but I suggest you leave your pack, they won't be too pleased when they find out you passed this information on to me now will they?" I asked teasingly.

  "I can come and get her?" he asked hopefully.

  I smiled stupid fucking prick as if I could really let them live and run off to tell him I knew he was coming for me. "Absolutely, she'll be where we met earlier" I said rolling my eyes at how idiotic he was.

  "Thank you Alpha Newton, oh God thank you" he cried happily.

  I snapped the phone shut and threw it to Dan. "He's coming for his mate, wait until he sees her then slit her throat, make him watch her bleed before you kill him, that will teach him not to betray his pack" I said grinning. I turned to the rest of my boys sitting in my living room, "They're coming here at midnight tomorrow, they want to take out all of the high rankers and replace them with their own, I told you they'd make the move quickly" I said looking at them individually as their faces got harder and angry. "Therefore we'll move on them before that, if we take out Jayden then they'll stop their move on us, he's the one driving this shit" I said angrily.

  I had told my pack this was a coo, and that the Willow Creak high rankers wanted our pack for themselves. If they knew they were just coming for me they might not fight for me and I needed help, that fucker Jayden was strong, too strong for me on my own.

  Some of them growled, "Tell the boys we'll go to his house at around five, I want him, I want my girl and her mother, everyone else that's there dies, understand?" I growled angrily. If he's fucked my girl I'm gonna rip his balls off first, I gritted my teeth as my wolf tried to break free again. "He's tough, the toughest I've fought so don't try and take him down alone, we need to stop him shifting, once he's shifted that's it, it's over, so drug him before he gets the chance" I said frowning at the thought of that fucker fighting me earlier. He was going to be hard to take down, especially if Brook was threatened, my shoulder and back were still aching even though I'd spent most of the day shifted so I could heal.

  "And no one touches my girl, anyone lays a finger on her and I will personally rip your fucking head off, got it?" I growled angrily.

  "Yes Alpha" the chanted.

  "Good, go get some sleep, meet here at four" I said nodding for them to leave. Dan hung around at the back of the pack, "Is Simon dead?" I asked not really bothered with the answer, he knew better than to touch me when I was angry he brought it on himself.

  Dan shook his head, "No, he should be fine if he can shift to heal" he said smiling looking amused.

  I grinned "Guess I need to work on my temper, it's just the thought of that prick makes me so fucking angry, he's stolen my life and tomorrow he's gonna pay for it" I promised.

  Chapter 20


  I woke up in the morning with Brook wrapped tightly in my arms, I grinned and pressed myself to her naked body tighter wanting her closer to me. I had been dreaming about waking up with every day since the mating. She looked so beautiful this morning, her hair was all knotty and splayed over the pillow, she was fast asleep and looked so peaceful, just like a sleeping angel. I looked over her shoulder at the clock knowing it would be 6am, I always woke at the same time.

  I pulled away from her slightly wanting to look at her, she was just perfect. I can't believe she has all those hang ups about her body, that fucker Trey would pay tonight I would make him beg before he died. Maybe I'd find out exactly how he's hurt her in the past then do that to him first see how he likes it. I could feel the anger boiling up inside me at the thought of him so I stopped thinking about him. Today was going to be a long day, I didn't need to be thinking about that asshole all day, I'd think about him when the time comes tonight.

  Brook shivered and clutched the sheet tighter, I didn't usually bother with any covers at all, my body ran hotter being a shifter so I didn't feel the cold. I scooted closer to her again letting my body warm hers while I watched her sleep. I know I'm a freaking weirdo but I just couldn't look away from her, I could look at her forever and never get bored.

  After a couple of hours she stirred pressing her face into my chest as she sighed slightly, I ran my hands down her back savouring the feel of her skin on mine praying that she would never want to be away from me again. Now that I had woken up to her once I wanted to do it everyday, scratch that, I needed to do it everyday. Once all of this Trey stuff was over I'd ask her to move in with me, or maybe she'd rather I'd move in with her so her mother wouldn't be alone, I wasn't too sure her mother would go for that though!

  She pulled her head back and smiled sleepily, "Hey you" she mumbled rubbing her face slightly, I grinned at just how sexy she was this early in the morning, god she was turning me on so badly and all she did was smile! I really am in some deep shit with this mating.

  "Hey shortie, you sleep ok?" I asked brushing her hair away from her face, she nodded and pressed herself closer to me.

  "Yep, you?" she asked grinning happily.

  I nodded "Best nights sleep ever" I said honestly.

  She laughed "Yeah did I wear you out?" she asked teasingly, I grinned, wear me out? Yeah ok, I didn't tell her that I could have kept going all night, she really had a lot to learn about shifters!

  "Yeah shortie you wore me out" I said kissing her gently, she kissed me back wrapping her arms around my neck pulling me closer. Shit I just can't get enough of her! I really need to remember that she's half human and I needed to take it easy with her body, it was so hard to let her rest when all I wanted to do was ravage her twenty four hours a day!


  After another hour in bed we got up, I pulled on my boxers and she threw on my t-shirt and her panties, I groaned, damn she looks sexy as hell in my clothes! "I'm hungry, do you have any food in the house Jay?" she asked looking at me hopefully.

  I grabbed her hand and pulled her downstairs, "What's your favourite breakfast?" I asked curiously praying that I had whatever it was.

  She shrugged "I don't usually eat much breakfast so anything you have will be fine" she said casually.
  "Yeah you don't like to eat in the mornings?" I asked as I led her to the kitchen pulling out a stool for her to sit on.

  She laughed "You're such a damn gentleman Jay, opening car doors, pulling out chairs, what's next?

  Laying your jacket in a puddle so I don't get my feet wet?" she asked teasingly.

  I shook my head, "Why ruin a jacket? I'd just carry you over" I said shrugging making her laugh. I made French toast for breakfast and she ate three slices, so much for not eating much in the mornings!

  "So what do you think it's going to be like meeting your pack today?" she asked.

  "Our pack" I corrected.

  She laughed "Yeah ok, Alpha Phillips, I'm sure I'll have a lot to do with a pack" she said sarcastically. I frowned, she had no idea how a mating worked, part of me was glad that she didn't realise the power she had over me but the other part of me felt guilty, maybe I should explain it to her. I didn't think she was one to start demanding things or changes but whatever she asked for she'd get, in a way this was really her pack more than it was mine. I'd be the one to make the decisions and run it, but if she needed something then it would be done end of story.

  "Shortie, it's your pack too, I need your help and support to run it, your opinions matter to me" I said honestly. She smiled looking at me tenderly, my heart was starting to beat faster at the soft loving look she was giving me right now, it made me feel like the only guy in the world.

  "Well what do you think it's gonna be like meeting our pack today then?" she asked looking at me curiously cocking her head to the side, instinctively my eyes dropped to the collar of the t-shirt she was wearing and the red mark on her neck, I shivered slightly. Shit that mark was so freaking sexy!

  Shit Jay she's waiting for an answer, stop staring! "Um I have no idea, hopefully it'll be ok, I just hope that your father doesn't get too much of a hard time for not being true to his mate" I said honestly. She got up out of her chair and walked round the counter to me, I twisted in my chair to face her as she climbed up onto my lap wrapping her arms around my neck.


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