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Alpha Bloodlines

Page 27

by Kirsty Moseley

  "Really? You really think I could be an Alpha?" he asked quietly.

  I laughed, "Scott, you could be Alpha with both hands tied behind your back, I know you were born to be second, but I have no doubt in my mind that you could do this, but only if you want to" I said firmly. He frowned looking deep in thought, "It'd be a big responsibility, you'd have to change colleges and move back here, and you've got no mate so you'd be running it on your own" I said throwing in the negatives of running a pack.

  "If I took Alpha you'd help me though right? I mean I know you're new to this too but we could kind of help each other right?" he asked hopefully.

  Holy shit he's gonna say yes! "Absolutely, you know I would, but you need to think this through properly, do you want to be Alpha of the Tridents?" I asked.

  He swallowed loudly and nodded "Yeah ok" he said confidently. I laughed with relief, thank God for that!

  "Awesome, well you'd better get yourself healed then because we're meeting them again on Saturday, I'll run it until you're of age officially but we'll start phasing you in before that, you'll need to set up a whole new high ranker system as there's literally no one so I'll let you chose all of them"

  I said grinning, he could basically run the pack for a month unofficially and I'll just be spokesperson.

  "When are they letting you out?" I asked happily.

  "Tomorrow, I just need to keep shifting in small bursts but I feel fine now" he said grinning proudly.

  "Ok well I need to take my girl home, I'll come and see you tomorrow at yours and we can sort out everything Alpha Porter" I said nodded respectfully.

  He grinned "That sounds fucking weird" he said laughing.

  I nodded "You'll get used to it, we both will eventually, thanks for this Scott, you know you really are the best friend a guy could ask for and the Trident pack are lucky to have you" I said honestly.

  He smiled "Thanks Jay" he said looking at me gratefully.

  "I'll see you tomorrow, no hitting on the hot nurses while your in here" I joked as I made my way out of the door to find Brook.

  I found her and Mel sitting in the corridor reading a magazine laughing about some article in there.

  "Hey, we're all done" I said sitting next to Brook and wrapping my arm around her shoulder.

  "What was that about Jay?" she asked snuggling closer to me.

  "I'll tell you leter, wanna go shortie?" I asked hopefully. I really just needed to hold her, I hadn't seen enough of her, we'd only been mated for a week and in that time so many things had happened.

  I just needed to spend the day with her glued to my side, I hadn't spent enough time with her yet, mind you even if I spent every minute of everyday with this amazing beautiful girl it still wouldn't be enough. "I'm gonna go back in and see Scott, I'll see you guys tomorrow" Mel said winking at Brook as she left obviously catching on that we needed some private time.

  Brook smiled at me and wrapped her arms around my neck gripping her hands into the back of my hair. "I love you so much Jayden" she said making my heart skip a beat.

  "I love you too shortie, more than anything" I said honestly as I bent my head and kissed the most perfect girl in the world.

  Everything was working out perfectly. I had one pack for now, my best friend was getting better every second and he was going to be Alpha which would be awesome as that means the packs would be closer and run in harmony. And I had the girl of my dreams wrapped tightly in my arms, well that's not strictly true because I don't even think I could dream up a girl as perfect as my mate.

  "Let's go home shortie" I whispered.

  "Absolutely Alpha Philips" she murmured flirtily making me groan as a thousand lustful thoughts ran through my brain, this girl really was gonna kill me one day.



  Jayden and I had been mated for three perfect years today. Jay had finally qualified as a lawyer even though he hated doing it, he hasn't done one case since he qualified. At the same time as qualifying as a lawyer he qualified as a mechanic and has set up a little business for himself which he loves.

  He buys run down old classic cars and fixes them up and sells them on, he does quite well for himself too, but to be honest even if he didn't earn any money at all, the smile on his face when he's talking about buying a car or something that he's done would make everything worth it.

  I had finished college now too and was a book editor which had always been my dream. I loved my job and actually worked from home most of the time which was awesome as I got to see Jay every lunchtime when he came home. Not that we ever actually ate lunch in that hour mind you. The passion being mates hadn't subsided one little bit and to be honest I don't think it ever would.

  Scott was Alpha of the Tridents and was doing an awesome job at it too, it was hard for him at first, he encountered a lot of problems as the pack had been running wild under Trey for so long that he had trouble reining everyone back in again. Him and Jay had managed to calm things down and they were settled now thankfully. The Tridents and Jay's two packs ran in harmony and everything was great. Jay had taken Alpha of Willow Creak from his father just over two months ago, he was an awesome Alpha, very well respected, no one ever doubted anything he said and everyone looked to him for advise and guidance and I couldn't have been prouder of him.

  I stood there looking at myself in the mirror, I could feel the nerves bubbling up. There was over three hundred people out there waiting, I could hear the hum of people talking but I tried not to focus on them.

  "Hey Brook, everything ok? It's about that time you know" Paul Porter said as he held out his arm to me. I gulped and straightened my dress for the hundredth time.

  "Do I look ok?" I asked turning to face him.

  He grinned and nodded, "You look beautiful, don't be nervous everything's fine just pretend no one else is there" he said smiling at me reassuringly as he linked my arms through his holding my hand tightly. I nodded and turned towards the door of the marquee that we had put up specifically for today.

  "Oh God, is Mel out there already?" I asked feeling sick with nerves, he squeezed my hand.

  "Stop panicking, Mel's exactly where she's supposed to be" he said chuckling at me, obviously finding my nerves funny.

  "Thanks for doing this Paul, I really appreciate it, I just wish Dom were here" I said sadly, he looked at me proudly.

  "I've always thought of you as a daughter Brook, it's my pleasure honestly, I feel like a proud father right now and I know that if Dom were still alive he would be feeling just like I am right now" he said kissing my cheek. I swallowed the lump in my throat and he led me out of the little canvas door.

  As I stepped out into the field where we held our pack meetings, I noticed that it was a gorgeous warm sunny day, not too hot just perfect and seemed to match my mood. I peeked around the corner of the marquee looking up the field. All I could see was the back of people's heads sitting down on little wooden chairs in two sections with a carpet going up the middle. Each row of chairs had a bunch of red roses on leading up to the front of the field.

  "So many people" I mumbled nervously.

  "Of course there is, that's two packs worth of shifters and a lot from the tridents too" Paul said grinning. I gulped and nodded looking over at Mel. She looked beautiful in her red silk dress with her blonde hair all pinned up leaving some loose ringlets around her face. She grinned and pointed mouthing the words "You ready?" to me. I nodded and she walked to the corner of the marquee and waved, I heard the music start up and I felt a little shaky. What if I forgot my words? What if I passed out or something stupid and embarrassed myself in front of our packs?

  "Come on then Brook, let's get you married" Paul said grinning, I smiled at the thought of being married. I had been looking forward to this for so long but now it was actually here I just wanted to run, grab Jay and jump on a plane and get married on a beach somewhere on our own. I let him tug me around the corner and I tried not to pay attention to the murmurs and cooing noises pe
ople were making as I walked up the little carpeted aisle. I kept my eyes firmly on the vicar at the end willing myself not to fall over.

  I saw movement on the front row, Jayden stood up with Scott next to him and moved to stand at the front. He turned to look back at me and watch me walk to him, he was looking at me so lovingly that it made my heart ache. God I wanted to marry him so much, I started moving a little faster eager to get to him and Paul gripped my hand tighter keeping me by his side as we walked to the pace of the music. God was it this slow in rehearsals? It was taking forever to get to him!

  When I finally got to the front I couldn't keep the smile off of my face, he looked so damn handsome in his black suit that I could barely suppress my lustful moan. Wow this ceremony is going to be really hard for him because my hormones are going crazy! Paul kissed my cheek and placed my hand in Jay's.

  "Hi shortie" he whispered looking at me with the biggest most beautiful smile, his eyes shining with love and lust as he looked me over in my white silk dress.

  "Hi soon to be husband" I whispered back, he laughed and pulled us forward slightly so we were in front of the vicar.

  I tried really hard to listen to what the vicar was saying but I just couldn't concentrate. I couldn't keep my eyes off of Jayden, I watched his hair ruffle slightly in the wind, how his green eyes sparkled slightly, how the material of his suit jacket moved as he took a breath, how the proud smile on his face didn't once leave his perfect mouth. He was going to flip when I told him about my wedding gift, I couldn't wait, honestly it had been so hard keeping it secret until today, I almost couldn't do it, a few times I almost told him about it.

  Jay squeezed my hand slightly and nodded his head towards the vicar slightly, I reluctantly dragged my eyes from him for the first time since I saw him and looked at the little man standing there. He was looking at me expectantly, what is he looking at me like that for? He smiled and Jay chuckled slightly next to me, "Ok you're nervous, it's fine, this happens a lot" the Vicar said smiling looking amused. Had I missed something? "Just repeat after me" he said happily, I gulped this was the bit that I was worried about. Please don't let me stumble over my words!

  "I Brooklyn Logan Mills, take you Jayden Richard Philips, to be my lawful wedded husband, to have and to hold, for richer for poorer, for better and for worse, from this day forward as long as we both shall live" I repeated quietly. It didn't really matter how loud I spoke, all the damn shifters would be able to hear me anyway. Jay was beaming at me, when he said his lines he looked me right in the eyes and said his loud and clear with his damn Alpha confidence. I loved those words coming out of his mouth, it was the sexiest damn thing in the world.

  He pushed a beautiful gold wedding band onto my ring finger and I knew that the words he had asked to be engraved on the inside would always stay against my skin. 'All my love forever and always' had been engraved inside my ring as per his request. After we had exchanged rings the vicar said the words that made my insides dance with happiness. "I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride" he said. As soon as the words left his mouth Jayden let out a victorious little growl and grabbed me kissing me with so much force that if he wasn't holding me up I would have fallen over. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back. My husband.

  Wow I wouldn't get used to that in a hurry.

  He pulled back grinning and I realised people were clapping and cheering, but all I could see were his eyes. "I love you Mrs Philips" he whispered pulling me closer to him, I grinned, oh God I loved that.

  "I love you too Jayden" I said honestly, he kissed me again and the music started back up making him groan as he pulled away from me.

  "Come on then Mrs Philips, lets get the party over with so I can take you home and sort out those hormones for you" he whispered chuckling as he kissed my neck making me squirm at how close he was to his mark.

  I nodded and he took hold of my hand leading us back up the aisle towards the huge marquee where there was food and a little bar and music set up ready for the reception. People were congratulating us and kissing and hugging me, everyone was shaking Jay's hand looking really pleased for us.

  Scott came over and hugged me, "Hey best man" I said teasingly as I straightened his cravat for him.

  "Hey married woman" he replied making me laugh, that was seriously going to take some time getting used to.

  "Where's Jenny?" I whispered looking around slyly, he groaned and looked around too uncomfortably.

  "She's not here, Alan didn't want her to come, probably for the best I guess" he said looking relieved and slightly annoyed at the same time.

  "You need to talk to him and sort this out" I whispered.

  He nodded and closed his eyes, "I know, we can't keep putting it off" he said looking defeated and stressed.

  Jay slapped him on the shoulder, "Alpha Porter, excuse me while I take my wife for our first dance"

  he said grinning happily as he took my hand. I laughed at his enthusiasm and let him lead me to the dance floor area that they had set up. He pulled me close and wrapped his arms around me and pressed his forehead to mine making everyone else disappear. I tangled my hand into his hair and guided his mouth to mine again eager for the second kiss from my new husband, I ignored the clicks from the cameras.

  After about an hour I couldn't hold it anymore, I needed to give Jay his wedding gift. I smiled over at him, he was chatting to a couple of Bane's Creak, I caught his attention and waved him over. He immediately apologised to his friends and made his way over to me wrapping his arm around my waist. "What's up shortie?" he asked catching a stray hair and winding it back into my twist for me.

  "I have a present for you and I want to give it to you now" I said flirtily.

  He grinned and pulled me closer, "Oh really? Well I'll definitely like whatever you give me" he said raising one eyebrow suggestively.

  I laughed at his train of thought, "Jay you really have a one track mind you know" I said trying to suppress my giggle at his lustful face.

  He nodded "I know, I'm not going to apologise for it" he said shrugging.

  I laughed, "Come on then let's go outside" I said taking his hand.

  He smiled and led us through the marquee dodging through the huge crowd before anyone could stop us to offer yet more congratulations. When we got outside we walked hand in hand away from the marquee towards the trees. Jay slipped off his jacket and held it out for me to put on, Damn he is so adorable!

  I stopped by a big tree and leant against it pulling him close to me, he immediately started kissing me obviously thinking I had brought him out here for some sort of outdoor early honeymoon. I giggled and pushed him back, "Jayden, stop I need to give you your gift" I said trying to sound stern.

  He groaned and pulled back slightly, "Ok shortie, sorry" he said looking at me expectantly.

  I could feel the excitement bubbling up inside, "Well I wanted to get you something you could keep and that you would love" I started, he nodded and pressed his body to mine lightly.

  "So what did you get me Mrs Philips?" he asked teasingly as he took my hand rolling my new wedding ring around my finger.

  I couldn't stop smiling, "A baby" I said watching his face, his mouth dropped open in shock as he took in what I said.

  "A.....a...b-baby? Seriously?" he asked with wide eyes. I smiled and nodded. "Oh shit" he mumbled letting go of my hand to place his hand on my stomach lightly, "Really? Like a real baby? I'm gonna be a Daddy?" he asked his face getting more and more excited with each second.

  "Yes like a real baby, I'm six weeks pregnant, I came off the pill a couple of months ago, I wanted to surprise you" I said laughing.

  He grinned "Well I'm surprised" he said as he bent his head and kissed me gently still not taking his hand off of my stomach.

  "Good surprise I hope" I whispered against his lips, he brushed his hand down the side of my face.

  "The best surprise ever, thank you shortie, I love you so much and I swear I'll be the best
husband and father in the world" he said looking at me like I had just given him a winning lottery ticket.

  My heart was thumping in my chest at how excited and pleased he was about this. Jayden had been wanting a baby since we first mated but he never once brought up the subject, waiting patiently while I finished school then went to college, but I was ready now and I loved the little baby growing in my stomach just as much as I loved it's daddy and I could tell by his face that he felt the same.

  "Oh shit, I hope it's a boy" Jay said suddenly.

  I smiled "To take over as Alpha?" I asked teasingly, he shook his head and bent down and kissed my stomach softly rubbing his hands over it lightly.

  "No that's not the reason, I was just thinking if we have a little girl that she's going to have me wrapped around her little finger just like her momma has, and my life will be ten times harder, plus if she looks anything like you I'll have to kill all the boys in my packs when they look her way" he said shrugging. I laughed at his serious face, he wasn't joking he was genuinely worried. "Boys are easier, if it's a little girl in there then I'm in real trouble" he said standing up and kissing me stealing my breath and making my heart beat faster.

  "Thank you Mrs Philips" he said looking at me gratefully.

  I smiled "You are most welcome Alpha Philips" I said kissing him again.

  Everything had worked out perfectly, it was like some sort of fairytale, like I was living someone else's life. I never thought in my wildest dreams that it was possible to be as happy as I am right now, being mated to the best man in the world and expecting our first baby. Life couldn't get any better than this.





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