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Tamed: A Curvy Girl and Dragon Shifter Romance (Black Dragon Brotherhood Book 1)

Page 4

by Aidy Award

  Ooh. Maybe he was a shapeshifter and his true form was a lizard man and he was assimilating to look more like a human. Neat. Who knew what alien bodies did? He wasn’t of this world. She couldn’t assume. But what she did know, just from the feel of him between her legs when they’d kissed, there was only one alien peen and… he was effing huge.

  She pushed against his chest and muscles on top of muscles, trying to get away from all that deliciousness. He didn’t budge. “Put me down.”

  “I enjoy having you in my arms. I have no intention of letting you go anytime soon.” His voice was all husky and hot as hell.

  “Dammit. I don’t know where you’re from, Mister, but here on Earth no means no. You set me down right now or I’ll scream bloody murder and bring the men in black back here to dissect you like an insect in a second.”

  He tilted his head to the side. “Why?”

  “Why what?”

  “Why do you want me to stop kissing you and put you down? You brought me to your bath, you are turned on by the look of your erect nipples. I promise to give you many orgasms, as I know mates like, and we are safe now. Let me claim you now and take you as my mate. Would you prefer to be on the top or the bottom?”

  Kady gulped. Many orgasms? Yes, please. Wait, no no no. “Because I don’t sleep with men or aliens I’ve just met.”

  He searched her face, looking genuinely confused. “Aliens?”

  His blatant sexual interest in her was overwhelming. Her plan to avoid whatever alphabet agency had worked better than expected. Kissing a fugitive to hide from the bad guys was the oldest ploy in the movies. Obviously, it had convinced this sexy beast too. He’d probably never seen a movie. “Yes, you, beings from outer space. We call you aliens. Sorry. If you tell me the name of your people, I will refer to you as that. I'm human but the good kind, not the racist, xenophobic kind. That still doesn't mean were having nookie.”

  He nodded. “Ah. I see. I will explain better who and what I am later. First, I believe mating customs require me to seduce you. My bad. If you lie on your back, I can use my tongue to bring you to the first orgasm of our joining.”

  Kady wriggled out of her giant sex-on-the-brain alien’s grasp, his chest hair sliding deliciously over her nipples. She splashed down into the warm water and wrapped her arms around herself, hiding at least part of her exposed boobs. “You and your tongue need to stay away from me.”

  “Do you not enjoy oral pleasures? In all the books I've read, the hero always licks his heroine until she is well satisfied. I promise, you will like it.”

  Books? Did his race study up on humans before they came down to Earth?

  “I enjoy it just fine. I just don’t want it from you.” That was a big fat lie. If it weren’t for the water, he would be able to see exactly how much her body was begging to let his tongue play with every single part of her. Bad nipples. Bad, bad, nipples.

  He took a step closer to her. “Do you not find me attractive? Is my male rod not to your liking? It is bigger than that asshole’s and his lackeys that were just here.” Neo grabbed his penis and pointed it at her.

  She glanced down. She planned to take only a peek, but her gaze lingered a whole hell of a lot longer than she meant it to. Holy Washington Monument, Batman. He was huge, like Leaning Tower of Pisa plus Big Ben plus Ron Jeremy huge. No way that would fit inside anyone’s girly bits.

  That thing wouldn’t even fit in her tiny house.

  “I can see you like my pleasure rod.” He stroked it, and it got incredibly bigger and harder.

  “Eep.” Kady swished the water pulling herself back, away from the monster rod, uh, cock…in her hot tub. In her anxiousness to get away, she forgot her nakedness and stood up, giving Neo a full triple-D view.

  “Double eep.” She sank down into the water all the way up to her chin.

  “Ah, I see, perhaps you are a virgin. Do not worry, I won't hurt you. I want only to make you mine.”

  “Yours? Okay, look.” Kady stood again, boobage or not, and pointed her finger at the overbearing alpha-hole. She belonged to no man. Or alien.

  “Oh, I’m looking.”

  Directly at her naked chest. Crapballs. She sank back down in the water, mortified.

  “If my skin flushed as yours does with your arousal, I’d be as pink as a sweet sixteen birthday party. Let me take you, my love. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  “Please get out of the hot tub before I die of heat stroke.” Yeah, because that’s why she was so hot. Too long in the hot tub. It had absolutely nothing to do with her embarrassment or being so damn turned on that she could faint.

  “Only if you are taking me to your bed.”

  She wiped her brow and the ringing in her ears was back. “I’ll do no such—”

  Kady swallowed and put out a hand to grab at the side of the tub. Either she was weak in the knees from the advances of this overly sexual alien or she really was getting heat stroke.

  “Kady. You’ve lost your color. What’s wrong?”

  She wanted to tell him nothing was wrong except that he was being a dick. But instead she fainted.

  Alexa, Use the Force

  Neo caught Kady in his arms and carried her out of the tub. He laid her on a padded bench and fanned her beautiful face.

  Great job he was doing protecting his mate. So far, she’d pulled him from the wreckage of crashing in the forest, shielded him from the local law enforcement, called him an asshole, and passed out, either from his advances or the heat.

  Not the heat from her desire for him. In fact, she didn’t even seem all that attracted to him at all. Except for that kiss, she didn’t display any indication that she felt the same pull to him. His beautiful human didn’t seem to know they were bound together for all of time, that she was his fated mate, that she was his.


  His mate. Strange that the White Witch and the First Dragon would have him travel across the ocean and a whole continent to find her, and in the middle of a new threat from Hell, nonetheless. This couldn’t have come at a worse time.

  He needed to get his head in the game. The instant he saw Kady, his brain had given into every impulse his dick demanded. Time to get back in control.

  He had ninety-nine problems, but the top two priorities had to be getting to Rogue, New York and wooing his beautiful new mate.

  Normally he had no problem taking control of a fucked-up situation. It was a large part of why Jett had made him Second Wyvern in the first place, and how why Match, the alpha of all alphas, had put him in charge of the Black Dragon Brotherhood.

  Those skills had deserted him when fate had taken over his life.

  The world was depending on him and his team. Since his soul shard had decided to interfere, he’d simply have to combine his two goals.

  He’d woo Kady while hunting the shadow warriors. First, they had to get back to Rogue, and without Apollo and his air currents he had only a vague sense of which direction he needed to go. Flight and above ground terrain were never his strong points. If he could use the shadow to travel through, they'd be there in no time.

  He couldn't risk it. Especially not with a fragile human in tow. They were going to have to travel over ground because his injuries were simply not healing the way they should.

  Kady would know how to navigate the roads that humans used for their traveling. They were fairly far from the destination, so he hoped he could get her to take him all the way to New York and then talk her into staying there. That's where the wooing would be important.

  Once he was more fully healed and she was conscious again, he would tell her of his plan. The traveling part, not the wooing part. From his studies and reading he'd learned that women liked some mystery and intrigue.

  Neo poked his head out of the bathing tent flap and did some quick reconnoitering. No sign of the asshat or his goons. Kady’s plan had worked brilliantly. There was, however, activity and voices in the area he’d crashed though. The sooner they could get away from t
hat mess the better.

  Jett was going to castrate him for allowing humans who knew nothing of the paranormal to see him in dragon form. Only the select few who were mated to shifters could be trusted to keep the secrets of the battle between good and evil that raged all around them. If the whole world knew, they would freak out. Human governments couldn't be trusted not to destroy the entire planet with their weapons of mass destruction, none of which would do anything to keep the balance with Hell.

  He’d have to figure out how to deal with that later.

  Neo went back in, pulled on his tattered pants and shirt, then lifted Kady into his arms again. Her skin still seared him in a way that continued to edge up his desire for her. He only hoped they had the evening to themselves. He would begin tantalizing her as soon as she was awake.

  Across the small meadow, he spied what must be her abode. It wasn’t much bigger than the closet in the house he shared with the other Black Dragons. Why would she live in such a tiny space? Was it a custom for mountain-dwellers to have such sparse quarters, so as to enjoy the wide-open wilds?

  He could live with that. He was so used to the cramped caves of Hell and crowded house in Rogue that he'd longed for his own space. He wasn't entirely comfortable being so exposed, like in this field, but her home was nestled into some trees. Plenty of shade during the day. He and sunshine weren't exactly best friends. But the idea of living surrounded by nature appealed to him.

  He crossed the field, limping slightly, but moving fast. The time and the waters had more than half healed him, though there were still those lingering swaths of dragon scales covering the worst of his wounds. He'd never seen anyone's dragon do this before. A dragon’s supernatural healing was usually almost instantaneous, unless someone was close to death. Or poisoned.

  If Kady was still unconscious when they reached her home, he would become the dragon and see if the healing powers of the shift finished repairing his wounds. If they did not, he would know the shadow warriors had an unknown weapon at their disposal.

  A small ship with blades that whipped through the air, no bigger than a young dragon, passed overhead and hurried him on. The sooner they could leave the better. Technology like that meant the humans weren't ready to give up.

  Kady’s home was on wheels and was attached to a vehicle. Maybe she was a traveler. Good, because taking her back to New York would be a long trip for her.

  The doorway didn’t look big enough for him to fit through, much less given that he was carrying Kady. He tried anyway and broke some of the wood framing the door with his shoulder.

  Another bladed ship approached the field, this one with a searchlight. It used an organized search pattern and it wouldn’t be long before it reached them. He’d have to scrap the idea of shifting, or making love to Kady, much to his cock’s sorrow. They needed to get out of there, and soon.

  The back of Kady’s vehicle was open and flat. He didn't know anything about driving or the many kinds of cars and planes the humans and wolves liked so well. He should have paid better attention. He laid Kady in the back as gently as he could and approached the cockpit.

  The technology was so foreign to him that he cursed its maker. The only displays were a few dials, and the controls appeared to be a steering wheel, foot pedals and a steel rod lever. That was workable, but he saw no way to start the thing. Maybe it was voice activated like the small black box that controlled the TV? He didn't know the car's name, so he used the one he knew worked on the device at home.

  “Alex, start vehicle.”


  “Vehicle, on, Alex.”


  “Alex, turn on car.”

  Okay, so not voice activated.

  The searchlight flashed across the glass screen at the front of the car. Shit. They’d changed their search pattern and were moving in to check out this part of the field.

  If he didn’t figure out how to get the vehicle started, and damned soon, he’d have to grab Kady and make a run for it into the forest. That had a much lower probability of success since he couldn't use the his power over the element of shadow to hide.

  Neo jumped out of the car and moved to the front to see if there was some kind of starting mechanism there. He examined the lines of the metal hunk of junk and deduced the best location for a latch. He pulled on it and the casing popped open, thank the First Dragon.

  He used the dragon’s superior night vision to examine the innards. Wow. It was basically a pile of metal scraps. He studied the components and, aha, there, wiring that led to the inside of the car. Just like the plug for Alex. The starting mechanism must be there. He just needed to figure out her name.

  He ran back and jumped inside. The wires led to the steering wheel, but the only thing besides the metal was some sort of hanging decoration in the shape of a powerful warrior woman. That had to be a clue.

  “Warrior Woman, start car. Woman of the Golden Hair, start car. Warrior With the Shining Sword, start car.

  Fuck. This wasn't working. He'd once heard Apollo tell one of his brethren to try turning it off and turning it back on again. Apollo’s father ran the greatest dragon spy ring in the world and all Gold Dragons were tech savvy. He probably knew how to start a stupid car.

  Fine. Neo ripped open the panels inside the cockpit and found more wiring than he’d bargained for. He chose two wires that had the best chance of connecting and pulled them out to see if they were the right ones to try plugging back in.

  “Hey. Are you seriously trying to hotwire Herbie? After I saved your ass?” His lovely mate stepped up next to him. She had her glasses on her face, and the towel he was sure he’d left in the bathing house was wrapped tightly around her. Strange. But she also had a fire in her eyes.

  He’d have to remember to push that fire as often as he could. She was gorgeous and while his body might still need to heal, his cock was raring and ready to go again.

  He would do plenty of that as soon as they got to safety, or Rogue. Whichever came first.

  “Kady. Thank the First Dragon. How do you start your vehicle? We have to go now.”

  The bladed ship, with only the symbol of an owl printed boldly on the side, bore down on them and pointed its search light directly on them. A voice came from the sky. “Don’t move. You are being detained for further questioning. Remain where you are.”

  Kady held her arm aloft and extended only the middle finger toward the ship. Her gesture did not appear to be one of surrender. “Screw you, you big bullies.”

  The metal warrior woman decoration in the vehicle must be Kady’s totem.

  “Push down on that pedal, right there.” She indicated the pedal to his far left and he depressed it.

  Nothing happened. She reached across him, twisted the totem, and the engine sputtered to life.

  Noted. Pedal, then totem twist. “Get in.”

  Kady bolted across the front of the vehicle.

  “Halt, or we’ll shoot.” The owl people didn’t wait and fired a weapon that bounced off the corner of the engine housing with a loud clang.

  Kady ducked down and crawled on her hands and knees to the side door. No way was Neo allowing these humans to use weapons against his mate. He roared, letting his dragon rise to the surface.

  His canines and incisors elongated into fangs, and his claws burst forth, weapons he would use on anyone who harmed Kady.

  “Whoa. That explains the scales.” Kady peered at him from a crouched position by the side of the open door. She tried to stand, but another volley of shots from the weapon rained down on them, puncturing the vehicle’s metal.

  “Shit, Herbie.” She patted the side of her car like it was a living being.

  Shouts came from behind them and they both turned to see a whole squad of owl men moving toward them at a rapid clip. They had maybe three minutes before they were swarmed. Neo could not allow them to capture him or touch Kady.

  The second bladed ship flew in over the trees and hovered just above them, its lights illu
minating the car. They were sitting wyrms. “Kady, we have to move.”

  She shook her head and tapped her temple. “I have a plan. Can you distract them? Maybe with more of that lizard man thing you got going on?”

  “I must protect you. It is my duty as your mate.” He admired her bravery and warrior woman spirit, but he would die if anything happened to her now that he'd just found her. He hadn't even marked and claimed her yet.

  “Protect me later, first, cover me.” Kady bolted, running for the tiny home. Fucking hell.

  Screw keeping his dragon form a secret. Neo shifted fully, his dragon pouring forth from his soul faster than it ever had before. His one wing was still shredded and broken, so he couldn't fly, but he could scare the shit out of these humans. He rolled from the hiding spot behind the Herbie and stood up to his full height and roared so loud it echoed off the mountains.

  That drew the owl men's fire. Shots of metal bit into his shoulder and still he snarled, smoke billowing from his mouth. Fear poured from the men on the ground and he would use that to drive them away. Fire was his last resort. He was sworn to protect humans, not harm them. Even that oath would not keep him from destroying any who tried to hurt his mate.

  He charged toward the closest men, bullets raining down on him, but pushed them to retreat. The first few rounds went clean through him and those wounds healed easily. Another squad emerged and flanked him, shooting at his back.

  He turned on the closest of the men and spewed fire in their path, blocking the lines from advancing any further. More men fired and this time the projectiles lodged in his scales. The dragon’s healing powers pushed some of the metal bits out, but there were more hitting him at once than his body could deal with.

  He’d have to either turn and run, leading them away, or charge and hope he could last against the barrage for as long as it took Kady to escape. Neo roared again, and his muscles bunched in preparation to take out the line of men firing at him. He would kill them all to save her.


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