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The Harder They Fall

Page 11

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “Whatever. I’m calling Bethany.” Stefan laughed again and picked up the phone.

  Bethany rushed over and fawned all over Isabelle. They talked about water retention and Stefan and Jordan looked like they were going to fall asleep.

  “Okay, you two, I’m taking Isabelle home with me.” Bethany placed her hands on her hips. “You are not equipped to deal with a pregnant lady.”

  “What? Says who?” Jordan protested.

  “Says me. Come on, honey.” Bethany took her by the hand and they left.

  Stefan and Jordan fell onto the couch. They were prone, facing each other, and Jordan was palming Stefan’s face. Stefan moved in and kissed him, letting his tongue roam lazily. Jordan moaned and pulled him in closer. Their hips moved together and Jordan snuck his hand into Stefan’s pants. Stefan whimpered and his hips moved with Jordan’s strokes.

  “We’re in the living room, Jordan!”

  “I am aware, Stefan.” Jordan tightened his grip, moving faster.

  “Kids...” Stefan moaned.

  “Are not here.” Jordan kissed him again and nibbled his tongue.


  Jordan increased his speed on Stefan’s shaft. He licked Stefan’s neck and sucked hard on the soft flesh, thrilled at the sound of Stefan’s moans. Seconds later, Stefan came all over his hand.

  “Why, Dr. Youngblood,” Stefan rasped. “That was…”

  “Fantastic! I love getting you off. The look on your face is so worth it.” Jordan grinned and kissed his husband.

  The phone rang and Jordan crawled over Stefan to reach it. Jordan smiled at the caller ID: Charlie Youngblood.

  “Hey, Dr. Youngblood!” Jordan laughed into the phone. He listened intently to Charlie and turned his troubled gaze to Stefan. “Okay, honey. I’ll come pick you up tomorrow. I know; I love you, too.”

  “What is it?” Stefan tilted his head in question.

  “Charlie’s coming home to visit. I guess she and Steve are taking a break from each other.”

  “What? Why?”

  “They never get to see each other with Charlie’s schedule and Steve’s classes. It was a mutual agreement, but I think Charlie is a little hurt.”

  “Shit. Well, we’ll make her feel better.” Stefan smiled.

  “Yes we will. Now come on…let’s get you cleaned up before your mommy and daddy catch us,” Jordan laughed at the wet spot in Stefan’s pants.


  Charlie was busy doing rounds. She and Steve had split weeks ago but she hadn’t told anyone until now. After getting off the phone with her dad, she was more than ready to spend some quality time at home. When she and Steve had decided to take a break, it had been mutual. They decided they needed to see other people. With Charlie at the hospital all the time, they never saw each other anymore.

  She got her fourth cup of espresso of the day. She had been on for almost twenty-eight hours, sneaking in a catnap here and there. An authoritative voice broke into her thoughts.

  “Dr. Youngblood, I have a patient in Room 12 I’d like you to look at.”

  Charlie turned to speak with the hospital’s chief neurologist. She had seen him around, but he always left her alone to deal with the patients, as a learning experience.

  Now he was looking directly at her.

  “I’m on it.” She nodded.

  She made her way to the room and picked up the chart. She looked carefully over the CAT scans and figured out what was wrong. She made her notes and turned to leave.

  “How do you know what it is?”

  “Well, Dr. Thomas...” Charlie explained how she had come to her conclusion.

  Dr. Thomas was impressed. He knew she was the brilliant Jordan Youngblood’s daughter, but her knowledge took even him by surprise. In addition, she was beautiful; her long, auburn hair was tied neatly back and she had crystal blue eyes. She had an innocent look and spoke quietly. She had such delicate hands — definitely surgeon’s hands.

  “I want you to assist me when we go into the operating room, Dr. Youngblood.”

  “Really? Charlie smiled.

  “Yes. I think it’s time you got some hands-on experience.”

  “I’m all yours!” Charlie almost kicked herself. Shit.

  “Well, let’s get ready then.”

  They were in surgery for four hours. Charlie had never been so excited. Working alongside Dr. Thomas was a rush. When he told her to take over, she nearly pissed herself.

  They finished and washed up.

  “You did an amazing job, Dr. Youngblood.”

  “I appreciate your letting me assist.” Charlie’s cheeks heated.

  “I have another surgery schedule for next week, if you’re interested.”

  “I’m going home for a week, but when I get back I would love to assist again.” Charlie smiled. Dr. Thomas wasn’t young, but he wasn’t old, either. He had a handsome face, dark hair and brown eyes. Honestly, she had never noticed him before. She was too busy.

  One of the other doctors leaned in the doorway. “Hey, Seth, we’re going out for drinks tonight. You in?”

  “Yeah, I’m in.” He dried off his hands and looked at Charlie. “Have a good week, Dr. Youngblood.”

  Charlie watched him leave as she finished washing and drying her hands. She looked at the clock and realized she was going to have to haul ass if she was going to make her flight. She grabbed her bag out of the locker room. On her way out of the hospital, she saw Dr. Thomas with a group of doctors. He smiled at her and she waved, and then turned not wanting him to see the red she knew was covering her face.

  As promised, her parents were at the airport waiting for her. She hugged them both hard and they filled her in on everything as they drove home. Jordan told her all about how scary pregnant Isabelle was; that Damon and Tyler were back from football camp; and Heath was back at college. Caleb was still working at Santorno, and they had added Mark’s boyfriend, Paul Greystone, to the payroll as well.

  “Wow! Mark tamed the cold and ruthless Paul Greystone?” Charlie crowed. “He reminded me a lot of you, Dad.”

  “What?” Jordan balked.

  “You know — cold, rude … cold.” Charlie laughed loud.

  “How did you know him?” Stefan asked, tactfully changing the subject.

  “Oh, I had to face him in debates; he’s tough — smart.”

  Damon and Tyler were waiting when she got to the house. Damon hugged his sister hard.

  “Hey, you!”

  “What’s up, you two?” Charlie asked.

  “Nada. Getting ready to head back to school. What about you?”

  “Just need a mini-vacation to wind down. I assisted in my first surgery!” Charlie beamed.

  “Already?” Jordan’s pride was obvious.

  “Yeah, let’s go inside.” Stefan pulled them in the house. If Jordan and Charlie started talking neurons and lobes, they’d be out here forever.

  They gathered, as usual, in the kitchen and Charlie told them all about how she’d been working at the hospital almost nonstop. The hours were killing her, but she had taken her father’s advice: she took a quick nap any chance she got. She talked about patients she had seen and some of the predicaments they had gotten into, especially the few nights she worked the emergency room.

  “You wouldn’t believe some of the stuff people do,” Charlie laughed.

  “Oh, yes I can.” Jordan grinned.

  She told them about Dr. Thomas, and how he had asked her to assist today, including asking her to finish up.

  “He’s good, not as good as me, but good.” Jordan winked.

  “Nobody’s as good as you, Daddy.” Charlie hugged Jordan.

  “Hmmm, well I think you will be, Charlie. And I’m okay with that.” Jordan brushed some loose hair back and kissed her nose.

  “I think after dinner I’m going to go visit Izzy. I haven’t seen her in so long.”

  “Well, be prepared. Isabelle is very pregnant. Bring a broom or something to hold her off.”
Jordan shivered.

  “Oh, you men; can’t even handle a little pregnant woman.”

  An hour later, Charlie gaped in shock. Isabelle was huge. She smothered a laugh when Isabelle wobbled over to her.

  “Oh you think this is funny, do you? Just wait until you get pregnant!” Isabelle hugged her.

  “Oh, I won’t be knocked up for a long time. I have a plan and my career comes first.”

  Charlie and Isabelle talked about everything: her break-up with Steve; how working at the hospital was such a rush; her surgery alongside the hospital’s neurologist and how he had let her assist and then trusted her to fly solo.

  “It was so awesome, Izzy! I had my hands in a guy’s brain!”

  “Ew, I think I might puke.” Isabelle eyed Charlie. “So the doc…is he hot?”

  “You know I never noticed him until the surgery. He’s quite handsome.”

  “Maybe you guys can get it on in the on-call room.” Isabelle waggled her eyebrows.

  “Yeah, I don’t think he thinks of me like that.”

  “I bet he does, Charlie. You just never noticed before. Pay more attention when you get back.”

  “Well maybe. He is kinda hot.” She winked at Isabelle.

  Charlie snickered as Isabelle got up for the fourth time to pee. She leaned back into the cushions of the couch and thought about Dr. Thomas. Maybe Izz was right, maybe he did like her a little. When she got back, she would test that theory. Charlie sighed happily. She needed this trip home. She needed to get her perspective back, and there was no one better than her family to give it to her.


  Paul was waiting for Mark to leave school; he’d gotten there with minutes to spare. The bell was about to ring and Paul sighed in frustration as Tanner exited the front doors.

  “What are you doing here, Paul?”

  “I’m waiting for Mark, dumbass.”

  “You mean he didn’t tell you? We got back together.” Tanner grinned smugly.

  “You’re lying.” Paul narrowed his eyes.

  “Really? Then why do I have his jacket?” Tanner winked, then turned and began walking toward the parking lot.

  Paul noticed Tanner was wearing Mark’s letterman’s jacket. Anger uncoiled and rose like a cobra. He curled his fingers into his palm. He should have known. Nothing ever changed. His armor returned and hardened.

  He caught sight of Mark and turned to unlock his car. Mark was behind him in an instant.

  “Hey, I didn’t expect you!”

  “I guess not. I’m leaving anyway.” Paul removed his keys from his pocket.

  “What’s wrong?” Mark stepped closer.

  “Look it was fun, but I need someone older. I can’t be dating a high school kid.”

  “What?” Mark nearly fell from shock.

  “Don’t get all teary-eyed. I had my fun and now it’s over.” Paul got in his car and left.

  Mark stood transfixed to the spot. What the fuck had just happened? As with any deep cut, the pain came seconds later and Mark clutched his chest.

  “Mark, what’s wrong?” Damon dropped his backpack and ran to help.

  “Paul just left.” Mark wiped at his eyes. He doubled over, both hands on his chest; the pain was crushing him.

  “What? What happened??” Damon bent over, helped him upright and hugged him.

  Mark shook his head, still stunned. “I don’t know. He just said it was over.”

  Tyler came running up. “Mark, I swear I can’t find your jacket anywhere. Are you sure you left it in the locker room?” He suddenly noticed Mark’s face. “Oh God, what’s wrong?”

  Damon shook his head at Tyler and pulled Mark into his chest. “Hey, we’ll figure out what went wrong, okay?”

  “No. I should have known. I’m just a high school kid.” Mark ran to his car and left.

  “That fucking asshole.” Damon’s eyes narrowed and his fists clenched.

  “Damon, what is it?” Tyler took his hand.

  “We’re going to talk to Paul — like right now. He broke things off with Mark.”


  Mark stormed through the front door of his house and slammed it. He looked around. His parents weren’t home, and that was probably a blessing. He went to his room and paced. Anger had replaced the hurt, and he was ready to explode. He just wanted to hit or break something. He picked up the nearest thing he could find and threw it at the wall. The football trophy shattered into little pieces. He felt like shit. Worse, he felt stupid.

  What had he done wrong?

  I should have let him top me. I’m just so damn stupid and scared. Maybe it was because I have seen him vulnerable.

  Mark ran his hands through his hair. The anger was dissipating, the pain was returning and oh, how it hurt. The pain in his chest was unbearable. This hurt worse than when Damon broke up with him, and ten times worse than the situation with Tanner.

  The look on Paul’s face had been … oh, God, Paul’s face. Mark could see it clearly. Mark threw himself on the bed and let the pain consume him. The tears kept wouldn’t stop.

  “What did I do wrong?”


  Damon and Tyler looked everywhere for Paul. They finally found his car parked at Suds and found Paul at the bar.

  “What the fuck did you do, Paul?” Damon demanded furiously.

  “Okay. I do a lot of things, you’ll have to be more specific,” Paul drawled.

  “To Mark, you piece of shit. What did you do to Mark?” Damon shouted.

  “I would be careful how you talk to me, Youngblood,” Paul threatened.

  “You think I’m scared of you? Bring it, asshole.” Damon hauled Paul off the barstool.

  “Back off! Look, Mark made his choice, now I’m making mine.” Paul grabbed his jacket.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Damon grabbed his arm.

  Paul snatched it away with a growl. “I saw Tanner wearing Mark’s letterman’s jacket; he told me they got back together.”

  Tyler gasped eyes wide. “That fucking shithead!” He looked at Damon, stunned. “He took Mark’s jacket!”

  “Goddammit!” Damon glared at Paul. “It was Tanner. We couldn’t find Mark’s jacket in the locker room. Tanner used it to get to you.”

  “So Mark’s not back with Tanner?” Paul asked slowly.

  “No, moron, he cares about you!” Damon snapped. “And I gotta tell you this whole not trusting him thing isn’t going to go over well.”

  “Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck.” Paul ran his hands down his face.

  “Go now, Paul, and fix it.” Tyler shoved the older teen.

  “He must hate me,” Paul whispered.

  “Just go, Paul.” Damon gave him a forceful push.


  Paul drove to Mark’s house, relieved to spot his car parked in the driveway. He had no idea what he was going to say. He had fucked up, and bad. He jogged up the walk to the front door and rang the doorbell. Mark answered seconds later.

  “What do you want?” Mark snapped.

  Paul took in Mark’s appearance. It was obvious he’d been crying. “Can I come in?”

  Mark moved back and let him by. Paul stopped in the center of the room and put his hands in his pockets.

  “Look, Mark, I —”

  “No it’s okay, I get it. I’m just a high school kid and you need someone with more experience.”

  Paul looked up. “No, that’s not it. I saw Tanner today.”


  “He told me you guys were back together.”

  “You believed him?” Mark’s eyes widened.

  “He was wearing your jacket, Mark.”

  “So you automatically thought we were back together?”

  “Well, yeah.”

  “You idiot! I don’t want Tanner back. I’ve told you that plenty of times.”

  “Oh, shit.”

  Mark shook his head slowly. “So that’s where it went. You believed Tanner McKinley over me. Wait — you thought Tanner and I were
back together because he had my jacket, and that’s why you acted that way at school?”


  “So does that mean…”

  “I may have overreacted.”

  “May have? You were a major asshole.”

  “I’ve heard that.”

  Mark took Paul’s hand. “Look, for the very last time — you have to trust me, Paul. I’m not leaving you.”

  “I’m sorry, Mark.”

  Mark pulled him in and hugged him hard. Paul felt the arms around him and pulled Mark in closer. It felt so good to hold him. He ran his fingers into Mark’s hair, tilted his head back and kissed him softly.

  “I thought you didn’t want me anymore, that I was just some fling you had,” Mark whispered.

  “No, oh God, no, Mark. I want you so much.” Paul kissed him hard. God he was an ass; he should have trusted his gut. He wouldn’t make that mistake again. “I’m so sorry I hurt you.”

  “You were angry. You thought I’d left you.”

  “I was stupid.” Paul nuzzled Mark’s neck.

  “Yes, you were.” Mark smiled when Paul looked up at him. “But I forgive you.”

  Paul gazed at Mark’s face; he was so damned beautiful. “It won’t happen again.”

  “It better not. But right now, we’re going to find Tanner.”


  Mark called Damon and they all met up at the warehouse club. They were sitting at the bar talking with Greg and Jay when Heather came in alone and wandered over to them.

  “Have you guys seen Tanner?” She looked around.

  “Nope, but Tanner’s in deep shit.” Mark crossed his arms.

  “What happened?” Heather looked from Mark to Damon.

  “Well, Tyler and Paul are in the parking lot right now waiting for him. Let’s just say he has something that belongs to Mark, and he used it to pretend they were back together to piss Paul off.”

  “That’s it. I am SO done.” Heather shook her head. “Wait — you let Paul take care of this?”

  Damon laughed. “Why do you think I sent Tyler out there with him? He’ll make sure Paul doesn’t kill Tanner.”


  Tyler and Paul were sitting on the hood of Tyler’s car. Tyler eyed Paul sideways. He knew Paul and Tanner’s older brother, Jason, were friends. What he didn’t think was that Paul would forgive Tanner very easily, family friendship or not.


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