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The Harder They Fall

Page 15

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  Mark whistled. “No wonder no one messes with you.” His mouth dropped open in shock.

  “I had to establish myself right off the bat. Unfortunately, it took somebody getting a severe ass kicking for people to leave me alone. I’m not proud of it, but it is what it is.”

  “Damn, you’re sexy!” Mark grabbed his ass.

  “I want to dance with you, come on.” Paul grabbed Mark’s hand and pulled him out to the dance floor. He pulled him in tight.

  Mark played with the buttons on Paul’s shirt, two of them were undone and he was playing with the third. He unbuttoned it and touched the smooth flesh beneath the fabric.

  “I love how soft your skin is.”

  Paul leaned down and kissed Mark’s head. “Your hands feel good.”

  Mark looked up and Paul caught his lips. He kissed him slowly, his hands making their way into Mark’s hair. He pulled him in closer and deepened the kiss. Mark’s legs almost went out from under him.

  “You okay?” Paul asked, breaking the kiss.

  “I think so.” Mark linked his hands behind Paul’s neck and leaned his head back to lock eyes with him. The look on Paul’s face was of concern. It hit Mark hard; he was in love with Paul. As tough as Paul was, he was also sweet and caring. The man who had pushed him away repeatedly, was the one man Mark could see being with forever.

  “What is it, babe?” Paul searched Mark’s features with concern.

  Mark smiled. “Absolutely nothing. I’m fine.”

  “You sure?”

  “Never better. Let’s get a drink.”

  Greg was sitting with Jay, as usual, and Paul extended a hand to him.

  “Hey, thanks for backing up my man.” Paul shook his hand.

  “Well I figured ‘fuck it.’ Why not get my ass kicked?” Greg laughed.

  Damon and Tyler had come back from the dance floor and joined the group. Mark had excused himself to go to the bathroom. He was to the bathroom door when someone pushed him into the bathroom. He looked up to see Tanner.

  “Oh come on!” Mark balled his fists in frustration.

  “Look, I knew you wouldn’t talk to me with everyone around. I miss you, Mark. I miss you a lot.”

  “Well, you should have thought about that before you decided not to be honest with me about being bisexual. And about sleeping with Heather, Tanner.”

  “Look my feelings for you haven’t changed. I was scared, Mark. I’ve never felt that way before and I panicked.” Tanner moved closer to Mark, palming his face.

  “Well mine have, Tanner. I’m with Paul now, and we care about each other.” Mark pushed Tanner’s hand away, and turned for the door.

  “Can’t we just try again?” Tanner pushed him into the door.

  Mark yelped in pain as Tanner’s mouth covered his. He pushed at Tanner’s chest as the door to the bathroom opened revealing a very pissed off Paul Greystone.

  “What the fuck?” Paul pulled Tanner off Mark, who was bent over holding his side. “Can you not even see he’s been injured?”

  Tanner noticed Mark holding his side. “Oh shit, Mark! I’m sorry!”

  “For which part? Hurting my ribs or forcing yourself on me?” Mark snapped.

  “I had to try, Mark! I still care about you! Why can’t you give me another chance!”

  “Because I’m in love with Paul!” Mark blurted out. He slapped a hand over his mouth.

  Paul grabbed Mark’s hand and pulled him out of the bathroom. They walked by the bar and Paul waved at everyone.

  “We’ll see you tomorrow,” he called out.

  “Mark, everything okay?” Damon asked curiously.

  Mark gave them a thumbs up. He didn’t want to say anything else at that moment.

  Damon and the rest of the group looked at each other. “What the fuck was that?”

  “That was Paul dealing with the fact that Mark just said he loves him.” Tanner walked up on them.

  “Mark said what?” Tyler asked in shock.

  “Yep, Mark just told me he’s in love with Paul, and Paul was there to hear it.”

  Greg glanced at Tanner. “Well, I can’t say I’m surprised. Look at you and then look at Paul. Not much of a contest.”

  “Oh fuck off, Greg,” Tanner spat.

  Damon sipped his soda and looked directly at his friend. “Look, Tanner, you keep doing this because you can’t make up your mind — and that’s not fair to Mark. If you care about him, you’ll leave him alone.”

  “Well I’m not getting anywhere with Mark now. The look on Paul’s face told me everything I need to know,” Tanner sighed and sat at the bar.

  “You just got that?” Greg laughed. “It’s so obvious Paul loves Mark. Hell, we can all see it, even little Jay-Jay here.”

  Jay smiled. “Yep, he’s in love with Mark.”

  Tanner smacked the bar and ordered a drink. “Whatever. I’ll leave him alone now, I promise.”

  “Yeah, you will. I don’t think Paul will be so nice next time, Tanner.” Greg took Jay’s hand. “Let’s dance, Munchkin.”

  Damon and Tyler laughed at Jay’s face. He really was like a little lap dog, and they meant it in a loving way, not a demeaning one. They turned back to Tanner. He was sitting at the bar, his chin propped on his hand.

  “Come on, Tanner, you’ll find someone.” Damon smacked his back.

  “Yeah, well. I can’t believe you guys still talk to me after everything I’ve been doing.”

  “Well, I have to give you props, dude, taking on Paul with the whole jacket thing.” Tyler laughed at him.

  “Yeah well, I don’t think he’ll let me slide forever. He’s really protective of Mark.”

  “You just noticed?” Damon looked at Tyler. “Let’s dance.”

  They left Tanner at the bar alone; he sat back and sighed. He watched the group dancing and thought about what Mark had said. He cared for Mark, but love? No, he didn’t love Mark. But Paul did. He scanned the club and caught a guy staring at him. He smiled and got up.

  “Onwards and upwards.”


  Mark sat in the car in silence. He was too afraid to say anything, and Paul hadn’t said a word since they left the club. He thought for sure Paul was taking him home, so he was surprised when they pulled into the apartment complex. Paul held his hand the entire way up the stairs. Paul took his jacket off as soon as they got inside. He threw it on the couch and went to get a beer. He drank the whole thing at once.

  He grabbed a soda for Mark and grabbed two pain pills out of Mark’s prescription bottle. He handed them to Mark and sat down.

  Mark took the pills and swallowed. He studied Paul; he seemed deep in thought. Mark was getting nervous. Paul still wasn’t talking and Mark was sure he was about to break up with him.

  “Well I should get going.” Mark stood up and grabbed his keys.

  “You can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “You just took pain meds.”

  “They won’t kick in for a little bit, I’m good.” Mark walked to the door. He felt Paul right behind him. He opened the door and Paul shut it, blocking Mark from leaving. Mark put his head on the door.


  Mark turned slowly and leaned against the front door, eyes closed. “Yes?”

  “Look at me.”

  Mark opened his eyes and looked up into Paul’s eyes.

  “Did you mean it?” Paul asked softly.

  Mark searched Paul’s eyes. What if this was too much for Paul? What if he couldn’t handle some high school kid being in love with him? His mind raced through different responses he could make, and for once, he decided to go with his gut.

  He always preached trust, now he was going to have to follow his own advice.

  “Yes. I’m in love with you.” Mark closed his eyes and waited.

  Paul’s lips met his softly before his tongue parted Mark’s lips. Paul pulled him in and the kiss intensified. Mark could barely stand; Paul was devouring him. Arms tightened around him, picked him
up off the floor and carried him to the bed. Paul hovered over him, unbuttoning his pants. His shirt was next. A smooth hand ran up his chest; Paul’s mouth was still on his, probing, exploring, gently nibbling. Mark moaned and the kiss intensified again. His head was swimming and his back arched into Paul, as he moaned. Suddenly, Paul’s lips were gone and Mark’s eyes flew open to find Paul hovering above him, smiling.


  “You’re going to leave me now aren’t you?”


  “I’m in high school, Paul, you’re in college. You have a job. What the hell do you want with me, some eighteen-year-old kid?”

  “Pain meds again?”

  “Huh?” Mark asked in confusion.

  “I’m not leaving you, Mark.” Paul leaned down and kissed him slowly. He pulled away. Mark’s eyes were closed. “Look at me, Mark.”

  Mark opened his eyes. Paul was smiling down at him.

  He cupped Mark’s face. He came within inches of Mark’s lips and looked into his eyes. “I love you, too.”

  Paul kissed him. He poured everything he had into that kiss, hoping to convey how he felt. Mark’s arms wrapped around him and pulled him in closer. Paul broke the kiss and looked at Mark. His lips were slightly bruised and he was panting.

  “Hey, let’s get you undressed and in bed.” Paul helped Mark out of his clothes.

  He took off his own clothing, leaving his boxers on, and crawled in bed with Mark. He pulled him in close and Mark snuggled into him.



  “You love me?”

  “Yes, Mark. I’m in love with you.”


  Paul laughed quietly. “Yes, Mark. I’m stupid in love.”

  “Like stupid stupid, or just stupid?” Mark giggled.

  “Oh, the pain meds have kicked in.”

  “I feel funny.”

  “I know, baby. Get some sleep, okay? We’ll talk in the morning.”

  “K.” Mark snuggled closer.

  Paul heard his breathing even out and then slight snoring. He smiled and looked at Mark’s face. He kissed his forehead.

  “Night, Mark.” He turned off the light and closed his eyes. Having Mark next to him was becoming habit, and that scared him to death. He had voiced his feelings and heard them back. They had a lot to discuss.

  Chapter 13

  Heath was buck-naked on the living room floor. He had a blanket down and a log in the fireplace. He knew Caleb was on his way home from work and he wanted to surprise him. When he heard the key in the door, he propped on his side and smiled.

  Caleb tossed his keys in the bowl, picked up his mail and sorted through it absent-mindedly. Then he turned to see Heath naked.

  “Wow.” Caleb’s jaw dropped.

  “You’re wearing too many clothes, Mr. Vaughn.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  Caleb shrugged off his jacket and draped it on a chair. He unfastened his tie and took off his shirt, never breaking eye contact. He stepped out of his pants and moved to stand in front of Heath.

  “Is this better?”


  Heath got up on his knees. He ran his hands up Caleb’s thighs and continued to his ass, coming around to stroke Caleb’s cock. Heath looked up at Caleb and took his cock in his mouth, maintaining eye contact.

  Caleb looked down into his lover’s face. He watched as Heath trailed his tongue around the head of his cock, and then ran his teeth lightly over it. Watching Heath suck his cock — while Heath watched him watch — was fucking erotic as hell.

  Heath’s tongue slid through the slit and Caleb moaned. He grabbed a fistful of Heath’s hair and moaned again, louder. Heath rubbed his hands up Caleb’s ass and squeezed.

  “You want me, baby?”

  “Every fucking day.”

  “Come here,” Heath whispered.

  He settled on his stomach and spread his legs out. Caleb grabbed a condom and Heath pushed it away.

  “You owe me.”

  Caleb smiled and lubed up his cock. He spread Heath’s legs out further and lifted his hips up. He slid in slowly and groaned.

  “Oh shit, Heath!”

  To feel Heath bare — Jesus, it felt so fucking good! He watched his cock disappear slowly into Heath’s ass. He stopped and waited, taking deep breaths as he tried not to come right away.

  He withdrew slowly and watched Heath’s ass swallow his cock again. Heath moaned and slapped one hand against the floor. Caleb adjusted his position. He gripped Heath’s hips more firmly and rammed in hard. Heath gasped and Caleb stopped.

  “You all right, baby?”

  “Ohhh, yeah! Keep going!”

  Caleb slammed into him again, and again the feel of Heath’s tight ass made him want to come right then. He pulled out and shoved back in immediately. Caleb picked up the pace and began pounding Heath’s ass. Heath was jacking himself off and Caleb knew he wasn’t going to last much longer. The loud moans and grunts coming from Heath, combined with the sight of his cock punishing the beautiful ass excited him even more. He sunk his fingers in Heath’s hips and gave one last hard shove. Caleb exploded with a loud groan and heard Heath cry out, too.

  Caleb withdrew slowly and flopped down next to Heath on the blanket.

  “Holy shit,” Caleb panted.

  “I know. God, that felt fucking great!” Heath leaned over and kissed him. “Can we please do it that way all the time?” He batted his eyes for good measure.

  “I don’t see why not. We’re in a committed relationship.”

  “Oh, thank God. I’m so tired of buying condoms from that old lady at the quick mart.”

  Caleb busted out laughing. “You, too?”

  “I can’t wait to marry you, Caleb.” Heath ran his finger over Caleb’s lips.

  “I feel the same way. I’ll be Caleb Youngblood.” Caleb winked at Heath.

  “I like the sound of that.” Heath snuggled into Caleb’s side. “Let’s sleep out here.”

  Caleb grabbed the blanket and pulled it around the two of them. He kissed Heath softly and ran his tongue along his bottom lip.

  “You want to sleep?”

  “Hmmm, maybe not right away.” Heath licked Caleb’s neck, found his sensitive spot, and sucked leaving a mark.

  “Mmm, Heath….” Caleb rolled on top of him.

  “Round two, baby?”

  Caleb smiled. “Two of many, babe.”


  Halloween was upon them and the group was at the warehouse club. Damon almost died laughing when he saw Greg. He was dressed as a vampire and Jay was his meal.

  “Wow…that is so fitting for the two of you!”

  “Gee, your costume is original, Damon. A football player? Really?”

  Tyler arrived dressed as a cheerleader, equipped with a pigtail wig and pompoms.

  “Oh Christ, Tyler!” Greg about fell off the chair. “You have some very nice legs, though.”

  Tyler smiled coyly. “Don’t even think about touching me!” He hit him with his pompom.

  Mark came in dressed as a hot dog and Paul was right behind him as an evil doctor.

  “Oh my God, what a group we make.” Greg couldn’t control his laughter.

  Heather came in with her new boyfriend, Scott. She was dressed as a bride and he was a taco.

  “Wow, Heather, very nice.” Paul smiled. “You steal that dress from your mom?”

  “Very funny, Paul.” She put her hands on her hips. She looked at Damon. “Really? That’s the best you could come up with? At least Tyler had the balls to go all out.”

  “Oh yeah, thanks for letting me borrow your outfit, Heather.” Tyler smiled and smacked her ass. She just rolled her eyes.

  “What? No comment about my wiener?” Paul motioned to Mark.

  They all busted out laughing and Paul hugged Mark.

  “You’re so cute as a hot dog!” Paul kissed him and smiled.

  Mark pulled him in close. “I want you to operate on
me later,” he stage-whispered, waggling his eyebrows.

  “Oh yeah?” Paul grabbed his ass.

  Damon pulled Tyler in. “You’re so sexy. This is the one and only time I’ll ever be attracted to a girl.”

  Tyler hit him in the face with his pompom. “You dirty boy, stop touching me!” He took off running and Damon chased him around the club.

  “Well, well.” Greg pulled Jay in and kissed him. “You look good enough to eat.”

  Jay giggled and let himself be draped in Greg’s cloak.

  Greg went to the bathroom and Mark studied Jay. He was small, probably not even five-foot-five, but his eyes were absolutely captivating. They looked like brown saucers. They reminded Mark of the cat from “Shrek” when he was putting on his begging face.

  “You like him, don’t you?” Mark asked.

  “He takes care of me.” Jay ducked his head with a grin.

  “Have you two...?” Mark cocked a brow.

  “Oh no!” Jay blushed. “I keep asking, but Greg says no. He says I’m too young.”

  Once again, Mark had to laugh at the innocent look on Jay’s face.

  “What’s so funny?” Jay asked.

  “You remind me of Puss n Boots,” Mark laughed.

  “He does, doesn’t he?” Greg walked up behind Jay with a grin. “It gets harder and harder to tell him ‘no’ when he pouts and turns those big eyes on me, high beams.” Greg pulled Jay in and kissed him.

  “I keep hoping someday you’ll say yes.” Jay smiled and ran his hand up Greg’s thigh.

  “You little minx! Not until you’re eighteen, young man.”

  “Oh, come on,” Jay pouted.

  “You see?” Greg pointed at Jay’s face. “That’s what I’m talking about.”

  Greg pulled Jay up on his lap, where he promptly straddled Greg.

  “I’ll break you, Greg,” Jay whispered, kissing him softly.

  Greg pulled away and looked in Jay’s face. “What is that, Jay? You have some newfound powers of which I’m unaware?”

  Mark was laughing at the look on Greg’s face. He could tell Greg was trying hard to control himself.

  “I think Jay’s working a new angle there, Greg.”


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