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Welcome to the Dark Side (The Fallen Men Book 2)

Page 19

by Giana Darling

  I’d never experienced anything transcending. My grandfather had always told me that being cured from cancer when I was a little girl was a miracle, that God had heard everyone’s prayers and that I had been saved by the grace of heaven.

  I’d never felt that, especially not after being diagnosed a second time.

  But I did feel the grace of God last night, a different kind of god, one made of thunder and motor oil and wicked deeds, held together by leather and ink.

  It was that kind of god I had transferred my religion to the night before.

  I’d always believed that Christianity wasn’t for everyone, that faith was a special and intimate kind of thing that had to occur to you naturally, and express itself through you organically.

  Now I knew what deity I’d pray to and die trying to please.

  Zeus Garro.

  I felt settled in a way that I’d never experienced before, like the last piece of me had aligned and I was finally whole with myself.

  I felt calm and sure, so wise I could burst with it.

  I knew the feeling would pass because I was seventeen and I may have been through some things but I was no Yoda, but that feeling of completeness would remain as long as I could be with Zeus.

  “No thinkin’,” Zeus growled in such a low, barely decipherable meter that I laughed.

  He pried an eyelid open to reveal his silver-as-star-shine eye. “Was fuckin’ serious.”

  “I know.” I pressed a kiss to his beard and then rubbed my fingers in it just because I could. “But I promise, they’re happy thoughts.”

  He grumbled, dragging me further under his body so that my legs were forced open so his hips could slide through. I wrapped my limbs around him and held him to me.

  “Fuckin’ better be, I gave you all my best moves last night.”

  I laughed. “You liar, I know you were gentle with me.”

  He smiled against my neck as he buried his face in my hair and kissed my pulse. “Gotta break you in slow. Don’t want any long-term damage ’cause I plan to have you regular from now on.”

  “Oh yeah?” I asked on a gasp as he adjusted his hips and the crown of his hard cock slid against my entrance.

  I hadn’t cleaned up after the last time we fucked last night because I was asleep before my orgasm had even fully faded, so a combination of our cum lubricated his way as Zeus notched his head at my cunt and slid home on a smooth, strong glide.

  “Yeah,” he rasped as he worked himself slow and lazy in and out of me. “Startin’ right fuckin’ now.”

  “Okay,” I breathed, clinging to him and wiggling because my sex ached, but in a way that only the stretch of him inside me could soothe.

  He turned my head to take my mouth, plundering it deep and thorough. I loved his tongue in my mouth, how it mimicked his cock in my cunt. When he pulled away from me, I whimpered.

  He grinned as he kneeled between my legs, leaned back on his heels so his wet dick was displayed like a trophy in his hand.

  “Such a good fuckin’ girl takin’ all’a this in that tight little cunt,” he praised me.

  My mouth went dry at the sight of him before me like that.

  He was a big man in all other respects, so I should have known he’d be a big man there, but the sight of him naked and erect, so thick and so long with a flared head the size of a plum and just as purple made my mouth water and my heart kick with pride knowing I’d had him inside me. I watched him wrap one of his massive hands around the base of his cock and squeeze before pulling forward to the tip in a smooth, tight motion that brought a pearl of liquid to the crown.

  My tongue flicked out against my lower lip as I imagined the taste of that pearl. Would it taste just as briny and smooth as one plucked straight from the sea?

  I was desperate to roll it over my tongue, to define the taste of him with my lips.

  “You want it, come get it,” he dared me, eyes bright under his dark scowl.

  I loved that he looked terrifying in his arousal, the devil that would kill you soon as fuck you. It gave an edge to the sex that made me feel wetter, dirtier, even more alive.

  I swung around lithely so that I was on my hands and knees facing him.

  “Head down, ass up. Wanna see that sweet peach as you suck me off.”


  No one had ever spoken to me like that. It was almost degrading but instead, so fucking hot because I knew this man admired me, cared for me, would kill anyone who disrespected me. His demands, his crude mouth made arousal pool between my legs and leak down my thighs.

  His sharp smile told me he knew his effect on me.

  “Do it, little girl.”

  I groaned, loving the dirtiness. Loving our age difference only like this, between the two of us in bed where he was the big, bad experienced man and I was his eager little girl, so willing to please.

  So, please him I fucking well would.

  I dipped my head to lick that pearly drop of precum from his tip and moaned at the sensational taste of him.

  “Better than a cherry lollipop,” I told him, looking up at him with my mouth hovering over his dick.

  His hands lashed out to tangle in my hair. “Let’s see if you can fit it all in your mouth like you can one’a those suckers.”

  I knew how to give head. It wasn’t a skill I was going to tell Zeus how or when or with whom I’d acquired it, but it was definitely one I was going to use on him.

  First, I used my tongue on him. Just the wet length of it on the tip of him, dipping into the well of his precum, swirling over the defined head and lashing across the sensitive underside. His strong thighs quivered slightly when I opened wide and sunk my mouth down over as much of him as I could fit in my mouth.

  I couldn’t take all of him. Nowhere close and I knew it would take practice but for now, I used one hand to jack the base of him and the other to tug lightly at his balls.

  When he tipped his head back and groaned long and low, I thanked God for Cosmo magazine.

  My mouth watered at the taste of him and I loved the sounds I made over his cock as I tried to fit more and more of him in my mouth, down my throat. I was so into it, I knew if I reached down into the puddle between my legs, I’d come just from tapping my clit.

  Before I could do so, Zeus had me tumbling backward, sprawled unlady like on the bed. He was on me in a second, his rough hands gripping my ankles and raising them into the air before spreading them wide into a deep split.

  “So fuckin’ flexible,” he groaned as he held me lewdly open for him.

  We watched together as he sank his dick deep inside me then slowly took it all the way out again before repeating it over and over. It was slow, deep and so fucking hot my legs shook in his grasp.

  “Watch me fuck your cunt,” he demanded, his hair a crazy gorgeous mess around his frowning face, his muscled chest gleaming with sweat.

  I tried to strain against him, get him to fuck me harder but he held me still and instead of moving faster, he ended each stroke on a grinding motion that rubbed his rough pubic hair against my sensitive clit.

  “That’s it, little girl. Come for Daddy,” he growled.

  Immediately, I was gone. The bottom fell out of my mind and I went free-falling into hot, sparkling oblivion. Vaguely, I was aware that I was sobbing with pleasure and Zeus had closed my legs together to create a tighter vice around his now-pounding cock.

  I came to slightly just in time to see him come.

  His bronze skin shone in the morning light, highlighting the contorted plane of his forehead, contrasting the deep red of his mouth as it open to let loose a low roar of completion as he shot off warm and deep inside my still grasping cunt.

  He dropped to his forearms on either side of me, his face achingly handsome as he smiled lazily at me. He dropped a kiss to my breastbone then ran his fingers lightly across my forehead and into my hair as he stared down at me.

  “Mornin’, little warrior.”

  My heart stopped, tried to restart an
d failed. I took a deep painful breath before it kicked back into gear.

  “Morning, monster,” I said, smiling back at him.

  “Pickin’ you up tonight again. Don’t care what time it’s gotta be, want you in my bed tonight.”

  Warmth flooded me. “Yeah, okay. Will we come here again?”

  He rubbed at his mouth like I’d noticed he did when he was worried about something. “Yeah, gotta get you introduced proper to my other girl before I take you home to her.”

  “Oh, God. I totally forgot about Harleigh Rose,” I told him, my eyes bugging out of my head. “God, how the hell are you going to tell her you’re banging a girl her age?”

  He scowled. “First off, I’m not bangin’ you. I’m fuckin’ you regular and I plan to do it for a long fuckin’ time to come. I also plan to take you out for sustenance between fucks and teach you to party like I said I would ’fore we fucked ’cause I’m a man of my word. I know it’s gonna be fuckin’ complicated but I was serious last night, Lou. You’re my woman now. Maybe you don’t understand that.”

  “Maybe I don’t,” I agreed, too afraid to hope or guess at what being an MC biker’s woman could mean.

  “You’ll be my old lady. You’ll stand by my side at club parties, at functions. You’ll sleep in my bed as much as possible until I can get it so you do that every damn night. You’ll meet my kids and suffer through that drama with me ’cause they’re my life and so’re you. You’ll take my cock whenever I want to give it to you and you’ll take my words whenever I need to give ’em to you. And when I’m an asshole, ’cause I’m a man and I got that in me to give, you’ll give me a piece of your mind and then forgive me.”

  “So we’re, like, dating?” God, I sounded like a kid but I didn’t know enough biker speak to translate what he was saying into English I could digest. And this was too important to misunderstand.

  His full lips twitched and he bit on the bottom one to keep himself from laughing. “Sure, kid, we’re datin’.”

  “Don’t be an asshole, Z. This is important!”

  “Not bein’ an asshole, Loulou, just enjoyin’ the fuck out you, outta this. Figure I’ll be laughin’ and smilin’ a whole helluva lot more from now on.”

  “Wow,” I whispered as I hit the wall of his sincerity and had the indignation knocked right out of me. “Sometimes you’re so sweet, I forget you’re a monster.”

  His grin turned dangerous. “Don’t got time to remind you just now how dangerous I am, and you’re probably sore as shit, but think I can work somethin’ out for tonight.”

  “I’m your girlfriend,” I told him, awed and unable to move on from it just yet.

  This was my childhood dream come true after all, so I cut myself some slack.

  “Old lady,” he corrected.

  I wrinkled my nose. “I think between the two of us, you’re the old one, Z.”

  He laughed loudly. “Fuck if that ain’t true. It’s what we call the women we got that we don’t plan to share or drop, ever. It’s good, yeah?”

  “Okay,” I agreed. “I’ve got a lot to learn about biker culture.”

  “We’ll get started on your lessons tonight. Wanna tell my kids sooner rather than later ’bout you so let’s get you up to speed quick.”

  “Scared shitless about that,” I admitted.

  “That makes two of us,” he said but he was grinning and doing it so wide, the beauty of it took my breath away. “Now, gotta get you to school, gotta get myself to the Compound and gotta do it quick ’cause we slept late. You need me to forge a note or somethin’ so you don’t get in trouble at school?”

  I laughed. “No, thanks, Dad. I won’t get in trouble.”

  I wouldn’t because Headmaster Adams was a dear family friend but also because the faculty was used to my lateness and absences. They all knew I had cancer.

  My lover though, did not.

  “Watch that mouth, little girl, or I’ll put it to better use, yeah?” He glowered at me but his grey eyes were bright with warmth.

  I rolled my eyes at him. “Whatever.”

  “Whatever, she says,” he muttered, shaking his head. “You a teenage girl or the woman who’s all woman I took to my bed last night twice and again this mornin’?”

  “Both, and you love it, you dirty old man,” I said as I leaned up to nip him on the chin. “Now get off me so I can have a shower and get ready for school.”

  He rolled off me but stayed in bed, propped up against the headboard with his bulging arms behind his head, the sheet pooled in his lap. I stopped for a minute to stare at the beauty of him like that, covered in my blood, sweat and cum and never more gorgeous.

  “Thought you were in a rush.”

  “The day I can’t take a minute to appreciate something of beauty is the day I don’t want to be alive,” I told him primly before turning on my heel and skipping into the bathroom.

  His laughter followed me.

  The air smelled like sweat and popcorn, sweet and salty on my tongue as I set my voice to the chant rising over the crowd.

  Griffins, Griffins, Griffins!

  It was the Winter Hoops tournament; the biggest sporting event at EBA and one of the biggest in the entire province so everyone and I mean everyone was there, even my absentee parents who held court in their own private section of the stands, and my so-called boyfriend, who was the star of the show.

  I shook my pom-poms along with the rest of the squad when Reece knifed into the air to intercept the opposing team’s pass and sprinted down the court, the orange ball a blur of movement under his palm. When he reared up to slam-dunk in a version of athletic poetry that took my breath away with only three seconds left on the clock before halftime, the crowd erupted into ear-splitting wails and cheers of Reece, Reece, Reece!

  We sports fans weren’t a creative bunch, but we had enthusiasm.

  Reece clapped hands and backs with his teammates then turned toward the stands and I knew he was coming for me.

  My palms sweat against my pompoms.

  It had been a week since I’d lost my cherry to the Prez of The Fallen MC.

  A week of spending each night with him in his bed in a cabin he built with his own bare hands. When he’d told me that, I’d made him take off his shirt in the cold late November air and chop wood for me. I’d goaded him into it by saying I didn’t believe he’d do such a menial task himself, but really, what girl didn’t want to see her man sweaty and bare-chested chopping wood?

  The cabin was more than that though. It was a chapter in the life of Zeus that I’d never known about, one that my little girl self wouldn’t have understood no matter how precocious I’d been.

  It seemed my man had shit parents. Not shit like Benjamin and Phillipa with their neglect and superficiality. Shit parents like a dad who drank himself silly, couldn’t hold down a job and stole money from his mother who, on her bad days, beat her own son because she was so far past the end of her rope.

  The fact that someone had beat on little boy Z made my gut churn like a violent sea and if he hadn’t assured me that they were already dead, I would have used my newly acquired gun skills to hunt them down and use them for target practice.

  His uncle Crux had takin’ him in as much as a terminal bachelor VP of an outlaw motorcycle club could take a kid in. Crux, it turns out, was Eugene’s dad, which explained the similarity in size and gruff handsomeness between Zeus and the bar owner. When Zeus was old enough to move out of his parents’ house, Crux had given him the supplies and told a teenage Zeus Garro that the only way to make something out of yourself was to do it with your own bare hands.

  So, Zeus had built himself a house and then he’d prospected The Fallen MC just like his uncle.

  No one but Eugene and Zeus knew about the little cabin, so even though it was rustic in the extreme, three rooms with a bathroom that was seriously lacking in amenities, I loved spending my nights there.

  But between spending late nights and early mornings with Zeus at the cabin, my la
st week of ballet classes before I’d have to stop for chemo, hanging out with Sammy and Mute, and studying for end of term finals, I hadn’t had time to see Reece.

  Which meant that I’d been an ex-virgin for a week and my boyfriend still didn’t know it.

  “Fucking epic, right?” he asked me with a wide, boyish grin as he scooped me into his arms and pressed a self-congratulatory kiss on my lips.

  “Epic,” I breathed, because through my guilt I also felt something dangerous hit my radar.

  Surreptitiously, I looked around the crowded gym over my shoulder as shivers chased themselves across my skin.

  “Babe, be ready for a wild after-party when I bring this home for the team,” Reece panted in my ear before squeezing my hip and taking off after his team into the change rooms for a team chat.

  I watched him go but that feeling of wrongness remained and before Cassidy, my cheer captain, could rally us for the halftime show, I ducked away into the crowds of people going to the washroom and concession.

  I scanned the bleachers, trying to discern a face amid the sea of green and yellow colours supporting EBA and the red and white on Entrance Public High School’s side but nothing jumped out at me.

  What I did notice was Mr. Warren.

  He was partially concealed by the side of the stands, but I recognized him because he was the only man I knew who wore bow ties. I moved closer, rounding the corner of the benches just enough to see him talking to Talia McCutcheon, his teacher’s assistant from last year who went to the local college now, and Lily Foster, the girl in the year below me that had shown up just as I was leaving his classroom last week.

  Curiosity burned through me even as the saying curiosity killed the cat reverberated in my head.

  Still, I stalked closer.

  It was too loud in the echo filled gymnasium to hear what the three of them were saying but both girls were curved on either side of Mr. Warren like brackets, listening quietly and so attentive.


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