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Welcome to the Dark Side (The Fallen Men Book 2)

Page 23

by Giana Darling

  “I’m in your little girl’s room, you think that’s not a fuckin’ turn on?” I asked her as I slid into the bed and hauled her against my body.

  She settled warm and womanly against me and laughed. “You think I wasn’t wet the second I saw you in here like some dark demon come to use me?”

  I snarled quietly and rolled her to her back, pressing my cock into the hot apex of her sweet thighs.

  “You got any of those lollipops around?” I asked as I ran my hands over her silky skin under her sleep shirt and pulled it up over her head.

  The second her gorgeous tits were exposed, I took one of the peaks in my mouth and bit down hard.

  Her thighs squeezed my body as she thrashed. “Fuck, yes. Why?”

  “Get one out,” I ordered, plumpin’ her other tit in my hand.

  Loved the contrast of my dark, calloused hands against all her creamy flesh, her deep curves so fuckin’ ripe I wanted to bite into each and every one of them, feel her cherry tang on my tongue. I could barely fit one of her perfect tits in my big hand but I could fit the other from little finger to thumb across the entire span of her little waist.

  In the dark, sneaking into her house like I had, I felt like a filthy fuckin’ intruder ’bout to take the virgin girl in her bed.

  I felt the strain in her body as she reached for somethin’ on the bedside table. Reverently because she was better than any fantasy I’d ever had, I traced the long lines of strong muscle dancin’ had given her, rubbin’ my thumbs through the divots on either side of her belly and down to her shapely thighs and sweet plump calves. She was beautifully constructed and the mechanic in me got off on seein’ how her body worked, how it moved. Loved bendin’ her just to see how flexible she could be, touchin’ her just to see how high her engine would rev.

  The crinkle of a wrapper had my eyes jerkin’ away from her body and up to her face. Her lids were low as she placed the head of a round red lollipop in her mouth and swirled it over her tongue.

  Fuck, she was gonna put me in an early grave.

  I reared up took her mouth, the cherry flavored candy still between her lips. We sucked it together, our tongues racin’ over the sweet sugar then over each other. She rolled her hips against my groin and moaned.

  My girl liked the games we played in bed.

  As if she wasn’t fuckin’ perfect enough already.

  I pulled back and took the sucker with me, tucked into one side of my mouth as I braced on one arm over her and looked down the long hourglass shape of her below me.

  “Hold still,” I ordered. “And be quiet. Don’t want Mum and Dad hearin’ their little girl cryin’ out now, do we?”

  Her skin erupted in goosebumps.

  I grinned around the candy then pulled it from my mouth and drew a lazy circle with the wet red tip over her wet red nipple. Her breath was shaky, her eyes glued to my hand as I moved over one tit and then the other.

  When I was done, I studied her pretty strainin’ tips, the way they heaved and jiggled with her heavy breaths. Then I dipped down to take one of those candy-coated treats in my mouth and hummed.

  “Fuck,” she rasped, her hands flyin’ to my hair to hold on tight.

  I sucked hard at her flesh then raked it with my teeth, pulling it away from her body and lettin’ it go with a wet pop.

  “Fuckin’ delicious,” I told her as I flicked the damp nipple with my fingers.

  Her hips were wriggling against my thigh, her wet sex slidin’ up and down, searchin’ for more friction than my leg could give her. I grinned wickedly at the sight of her wanton and depraved, golden like a fuckin’ angel but fallen to this bed so I could have my fuckin’ way with her.

  I attacked the other nipple with my tongue and teeth, listenin’ to her mewl and feelin’ her scratch my shoulders like a fuckin’ cat.

  I brought the cherry lollipop to my mouth, got it wet again then trailed it between her breasts and swirled it over her belly button. She stiffened then writhed when she figured out where I was goin’ with it.

  I let her tit go with a harsh bite that had her shakin’ then lowered my shoulders between her thighs, tossin’ her legs over my shoulders so I had complete access to her bare golden cunt.

  She watched me roll the candy in my mouth, pantin’ hard, her eyes all black with arousal.

  “Always wondered if you tasted like cherries down here,” I told her in a voice so low and rough I barely recognized it. Dippin’ the tip of the sucker in her honey, I said, “Now, I know for sure you do.”

  I locked a forearm over her canting hips to still her while I traced the folds of her glistenin’ pussy with the red candy, turnin’ her cunt into a red flower I wanted to bury my face in.

  So I did.

  I replaced the sucker with my tongue and went to town lickin’ up every single scrap of sugar laid down in those juicy folds. I was noisy and messy as I ate her, her wetness in my beard and nose, my tongue up her grasping cunt and my fingers glidin’ in a tease on either side of her clit.

  “Zeus, please,” she cried out. “Finish me off, please.”

  “Such a pretty cunt,” I praised her. “Even pretty smeared with my cum.”

  “Jesus,” she cursed, her legs shakin’ violently on my shoulders.

  “Zeus,” I corrected her before bitin’ into the tender junction of her groin and thigh. “There’s no God but this devil in your bed.”

  “Ohmigawd,” she cried out as I twisted three fingers deep inside her.

  It was too much too soon but just that side of pain and it triggered an orgasm so massive, her entire body thrummed with it, like a live wire in my hands and against my mouth. I kept my lips sealed to her floodin’ sex as she thrashed through it and licked up every single delicious drop of cum before I was done with her.

  Her eyes were closed as she recovered but she opened her mouth obediently when I pressed the cum slicked head of the lollipop at her lips. She hummed as she sucked it, her eyes openin’ so she could see how much she turned me the fuck on.

  My cock bobbed in the air, so heavy it felt like a fuckin’ steel pipe attached to my groin.

  “I want another one,” she panted.

  It took me a second to figure out what my foxy girl wanted. I wrapped my hand around the base of my dick and worked it tight toward the head. “You want a taste of this?”

  She licked her lips and nodded. “Please.”

  I moved up, straddlin’ her chest so that my ruddy dick was pressed between the still slick valley of her breasts. Her eyes were round as I told her, “Press ’em together for me and I’ll give you something else to suck.”

  We both moaned when she wrapped an arm around her breasts and tightened the pressure around my cock. I spit down on the flesh to lube it and got another moan for my efforts from my dirty girl.

  “Gonna fuck these pretty cherry-tipped tits and cum on your cherry-red lips,” I growled.

  “Such a fucking poet,” she sassed because only she would sass me while I titty fucked ’er.

  “You complainin’?” I asked, thrusting deep so the crown of my cock hit her chin.

  She ducked her chin in so on the next thrust I hit her open mouth. “Not at all,” she purred, then swallowed the head of me.

  I tipped my head back and groaned.

  “Magnificent like a fucking god,” she breathed as she looked up at me, a strand of drool connecting her mouth and the cock wedged between her breasts.

  “A goddess,” I told her back then leaned forward to press a hand to the wall and warned her, “Gonna fuck you hard and cum all over these tits.”

  She hummed her approval and opened her mouth wide, showin’ me how ready she was to receive each thrust.

  Fuck yeah, but I had a dirty girl.

  I went to town, fuckin’ her soft, slick globes until my balls tingled and the base of my spine went hot. Loved fuckin’ her like this in her pretty princess bed in her pretty fuckin’ mansion owned by a man who hated my fuckin’ guts.

  The tho
ught tipped me over the edge and I started comin’ with a low snarl. I fisted my dick in my hand and directed my hot seed all over my girl’s tits and open mouth, her pink tongue stickin’ out to catch as much as she could.

  I squeezed out the last dribble of cum onto her skin then looked down at my handy work, breathin’ hard. She was covered in me and smilin’ like I’d bought her a real damn pearl necklace. Then as I watched, her tongue between her teeth, she smeared my cum into her skin until her tits glowed white from me and red from the lollipop in the bright moonlight comin’ in through the curtains.

  “Fuuuuck,” I groaned as my spent dick twitched at the sight. “Musta been a saint in another life to deserve this.”

  She giggled as I ducked down to kiss her forehead then swung outta bed. “You were a saint, I don’t think you’d fuck a teenage girl under her father’s roof.”

  “And you wouldn’t like me half as much then either, would ya?” I teased her as I went into the little bathroom off her room and wet a cloth to wipe her down with.

  When I came back she was still smilin’, her eyes half-closed and a hand playin’ idly with her left nipple.

  I raised a brow at her when I sat down and started to clean her. “Not enough for ya?”

  “Don’t worry, I get that you’re old and I have more stamina than you,” she tried to taunt me but she was laughin’ like a loon before she could even finish gettin’ the words out.

  I bit her nipple sharply and leaned down menacingly into her face. “Watch what you say, little girl or I’ll keep you up all night provin’ just how much gas I got left in the tank.”

  “Easy, stud,” she said through her laughter. “You’ve got bad guys to catch and maim and I’ve got Sammy, studying and The Lotus tomorrow. We need our rest. Honestly, not that I’m complaining, but you should have gone home to bed, Z. You look beat.”

  I scowled at her as she pulled back the covers for me to get into bed. The second I did she was plastered to my side, her left arm and leg thrown over me and her head on my chest. Her fingers played in my short chest hair and up over the ridge of my bullet scar.

  “Could probably sleep without you,” I admitted. “Just don’t want to.”

  She sighed happily into my shoulder. “You gonna sneak out before my parents wake up in the morning?”

  “Nah, thought I’d join the Lafayettes for fuckin’ porridge at breakfast.”

  She laughed. “Porridge? Ew.”

  I shrugged. “Figured that’s what borin’ folks ate for breakfast.”

  “Dad does like porridge in the winter…” She laughed softly as she traced the dips and valleys over my torso. “What does a big badass biker man eat for breakfast?”

  “Virgins,” I deadpanned.

  Her startled laugh was like fuckin’ church bells.

  It didn’t make sense but that’s what my time with Lou always reminded me of, a religious experience. I felt cowed and unworthy of her goodness, moved to the point of reverence and devoted to the point of worship. I wanted her to be my religion, the reason the sun rose and fell each day. The reason for my entire fuckin’ existence.

  “No seriously, I made you breakfast yesterday at the cabin but all you had was cereal. If I get the chance to cook for you again, I want to know what you like.”

  My girl, so fuckin’ sweet. “Meat and potatoes kinda guy, Lou. No surprise there, I hope.”

  “Nope. Any vices? Like me and my cherry lollipops?”

  I groaned. “Damn don’t remind me of those fuckin’ things ever again ’less you want me to fuck you soon as you do.”

  “Perv,” she said, pinchin’ my nipple.

  “You bet your ass,” I agreed easily which got me another one of those fuckin’ beautiful giggles. “My vices are longer than my virtues. Like Canadian whiskey, Lucky Strikes cigarettes and pussy.”

  “Zeus, I can’t make you any of those things!”

  “Sure ya can. Pour me a whiskey, pass me a smoke and spread those sweet thighs for me whenever I get a hankerin’ for somethin’ sweet.”

  “Oh my God, you are useless. I’m going to sleep, shut up.”

  I grinned into the dark, playin’ with the ends of her blond hair. It was so bright the locks shone even in the night shadows. When her breathin’ was levelin’ out into sleep, I pressed my lips into that hair and told her, “You wake up in my bed after a night of takin’ my cock, it’s me who’ll make breakfast. You want lunch or dinner, I’m good with that ’cause breakfast is the only thing I got in me to make. It was a long eighteen years of microwave dinners for my kids and makin’ fuckin’ salads and shit so they got the right nutrients. Done with that now so I eat what I want and what I want is usually meat with a small side of veg. You wanna take over cookin’ when I get you in my house permanent, like I said, I will not complain. But never breakfast. Want my girl warm, relaxed and ready for another round of cock in the mornings. You get me?”

  I felt her smile against my chest before she pressed a kiss to it.

  “Got you.”

  I lay in the dark for hours after my girl fell asleep curled up into me, strokin’ her hair like rosary beads between my fingers. It settled me, bein’ there with her, touchin’ her. There was shit stormin’ on the horizon and it was comin’ straight for us but for the first time in a long fuckin’ time, I felt at peace.

  It was quiet in the chemotherapy room of the hospital. It was the kind of silence that penetrated my nightmares. There was a texture to it, thick and slippery against my skin so that it refused to emit noise even when I felt my body should have made some. It lent a muffled quality to the sound of nurses bringing in new patients and administering their drugs, little Dixie cups full of poison pills and IVs full of a different kind of toxins. Patients often sat with friends or families while they waited for the drugs to obliterate their blood but even their conversations had a hushed property that made my ears tingle.

  I sighed deeply and tipped my head back against the high headrest then flinched when the needle pulled painfully at the back of my hand. I had “unfavourable” stage two Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, which basically meant that I didn’t have a tumor they could nuke with radiation or cut with surgery. Instead, the cancer was an invasion of micro-ants in my system, spread above and below my diaphragm, which made it the “unfavourable” kind. I’d already had something called a Stanford V twelve-week round of chemo last spring but it hadn’t done much so now the doctors were going for a short but dramatic combo; more drugs, higher toxicity but for a shorter amount of time. I’d have three cycles of treatment, once a week for three weeks with one week off so that my body could recover. The doctors had already warned me that the third cycle would be crueler than I’d ever experienced, that I had a high likelihood of losing my hair, vomiting excessively, diarrhea, infection and loss of respiratory function.

  Something to look forward to.

  I always wished someone would sit with me during the treatments. Bea would have if she didn’t have school or extracurriculars, but my parents made sure she was always busy so she wouldn’t be underfoot.

  I knew Ruby would have, if I asked, but I felt she did enough by driving me to and from my appointments.

  Zeus would have, but he still didn’t know about the cancer and with each passing day it became harder and harder to explain to him why I hadn’t.

  Saying I wanted him to treat me like a normal woman—a whole person and not one half drowned by sickness—would not go down well with him. I knew that and still I put it off. We were having such an amazing time together despite everything going on with the Nightstalkers MC, with H.R. and my parents. I wanted to enjoy it while it lasted.

  Which would probably be that night when I went over to the Garro house for Sunday dinner. I couldn’t believe that a biker family like that had such a banal tradition but Zeus told me that he’d started it after becoming Prez to encourage brotherhood and family. It wasn’t always a full house but usually a handful of brothers and their women and family would roll up to the
Garro house on the far rocky edge of Entrance Bay Beach for beer and food.

  It sounded like the kind of family fun I’d always wanted but never had.

  Only Harleigh Rose would be there and, apparently, she hadn’t spoken to her father in the two days since our fight at EBA and most of that time, she’d been out with her boyfriend Cricket. So, even though I wanted to be excited about hanging with the brothers and seeing Zeus’s house for the first time, I didn’t have high hopes for the night.

  This was exacerbated by the fact that I’d lied to Mute.

  To say he’d become my best friend in the last few weeks seemed too trivial to define the way our friendship had developed. True to his orders, Mute was my constant shadow tracking all my daylight hours just one silent step behind me. Sometimes, I barely noticed he was there and didn’t really know the extent of his watchfulness. He took me to school and picked me up like a dad would (though not my dad) but when I asked him, he told me he usually worked at Hephaestus Auto during those hours. Whatever the case, if it was school or ballet or an appointment, he was there the second I was finished, waiting outside on the curb beside his bike like he’d never moved.

  We also hung out though. He ate breakfast with me in the mornings and surprisingly, he loved to cook, only healthy things packed with superfoods and nutrients, but each morning he made me a delicious smoothie and some nights we helped Mrs. Henry, my parents’ chef, cook in the rarely used kitchen at the back of the house. We devoured cult classic films, played cards because I wanted to learn how to play poker and there was no one with a better poker face than Mute, and sometimes, I even read to him from a book. He liked books, he told me, but he couldn’t read very well. He still didn’t like to be touched unless I gave prior notice but he loved my hair and touching it, tugging it and wrapping it around his fingers seemed to center him in a way that playing with toy blocks soothed Sammy.

  I found out a lot about Mute in the last couple of months and life before his presence in it seemed like a faint and lonely memory.


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